Support for Ukraine by numbers, Germany, Greece, Estonia, Portugal, Czechia, higher than UK - Politics | PoFo

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DT article that set off the convo:

DT wrote:The five EU countries whose imports from Russia have increased since the invasion
Billions of pounds have been sent to Kyiv, but not everyone has been a committed ally

Five European Union countries have seen their imports from Russia increase by more than 50 per cent since the invasion began, Telegraph analysis shows.

The value of imports to Hungary, Slovenia, Greece, Bulgaria and Spain were as much as 250 per cent higher than average in November last year.

Taking into account military and humanitarian support for Ukraine, Hungary emerges as the least committed ally across the EU.

The Telegraph’s Ukraine scorecard(attached below) assesses countries on four criteria linked to trade with Russia, financial support and supply of heavy weaponry.

The findings show that the UK and Poland have been most ardent in their support of Ukraine.

The UK has all but eradicated imports from Russia by 97 per cent, according to data from the Observatory of Economic Complexity.

Meanwhile, Poland’s substantial financial commitments place it third in the world for economic support relative to a country's wealth.

Fifteen of the 57 countries assessed scored no points on the scorecard, including India, where imports have risen eightfold.

Some countries, including France, have not added imports data in the period of the analysis so have been excluded.

Hungary's 'double talk'
Hungary’s ranking makes the country a pariah among other joint EU-Nato members.

In November 2022, its imports from the country hit 262 per cent above a three-year average.

And while it has contributed some financial support through EU packages, it has so far not donated any significant bilateral military or humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

“What I’ve seen in the past 12 years is an increasing friendship and increasing dependence on Russia,” says Dr Eszter Simon, an expert in Hungarian politics at Nottingham Trent University.

“Prime minister Viktor Orbán has made a complete U-turn with Russia since 2010 whilst keeping the benefits of Western institutions.”

Balancing its strong economic ties and a pro-Russian base with EU and Nato desires to isolate Putin has led to Hungary engaging in “double talk” to appease both sides, says Dr Simon.

For example, while Hungary publicly condemned Russia via the UN, it has since then called for Kyiv to begin peace talks; contrary to European allies.

It backed the EU’s sanction package last June, but has since dragged its heels over the details. They have since said any sanctions impacting nuclear energy should be halted due to Hungary’s links to Russia's state energy company.

But Hungary is not alone in its historical reliance on Russia.

Slovenia and Bulgaria are among the eastern European countries to have seen an increase in the value of imports since the start of the war.

The EU has made plans to drastically reduce the most lucrative import from Russia - fossil fuels - but the task is more difficult for those most reliant on it.

Many of these include eastern European countries, including the Czech Republic, Romania, Lithuania and Slovakia; all of whom imported at least half of their stock from Russia.

Unlike Hungary, almost all the other Soviet bloc countries have used the war as a catalyst in their move towards the West.

At the end of November, former Soviet states made up the top five countries in economic and military support to Ukraine, relative to GDP.

Latvia and Estonia have seen their aid contributions equate to over one per cent of GDP.

For example, the Czech Republic has committed some 130 battle tanks to Ukraine, equivalent to 20 per cent of its existing stocks, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

Europe's gas problem
Germany, which itself imported half of its gas from Russia, has managed to cut imports by a third.

Despite causing frustration over its tank policy, Germany has also committed heavy weaponry equivalent to 12 per cent of its stock to the war, including armoured vehicles, howitzers and rocket launchers.

The UK tops the ranks in Europe, having almost completely removed Russian imports from its trade mix.

Its focus on military support, equivalent to 60 per cent of all European aid sent to the country, gained the UK the honour of Volodymyr Zelensky’s first visit outside of Ukraine in 2023.

But the UK was in a unique position to sever ties with Russia so quickly.

Pre-war, just five per cent of its gas came from Russia, making diversification easier.

Across the EU, gas imports from Russia had dropped from 50 per cent of the total to just 20 per cent by November.

But the move away from Russian gas has been more difficult for others.

Last year, Spain’s trade with Algeria - one of the largest exporters of oil to the EU - collapsed over a territorial dispute in the Western Sahara. The result was the propulsion of Russia to become the country’s second-largest importer, more than doubling its imports to the country.

India's Russian trade boom
Outside of Europe, just nine countries have made significant military contributions to Ukraine.

These include the USA, whose $24 billion worth of military aid is the largest in the world, as well as Japan, New Zealand and Australia

However, for many countries, the war in Ukraine has made little impact on how they approach their relations with Russia.

In India, for example, it has mostly been business as usual, says Dr Bhavna Davé, an expert in Eurasian geopolitics at the School of Oriental and African Studies.

“India has turned a lot to the West since the Cold War, but at the same time they remain a close partner with Russia. It has been buying a lot of arms from Russia,” she says. “And there is a mutual whereby India supports some of Russia’s resolutions in the UN and Russia supports their relationship.”

Even if India wanted to support the West’s approach to Ukraine, its reliance on Russian weapons technology and business would not be strategically viable.

Instead, while Western countries have been struggling to wean themselves off Russian oil, India has used its non-aligned position to increase imports of cheaper oil in abundance.

In September, India’s imports from Russia jumped to $1.3 billion, up eightfold from the pre-war average.

Similarly, China has seen imports increase by around 40 per cent, reaching almost $9 billion

Both these countries have indicated they have sent some humanitarian aid - barely significant next to their GDPs.

The findings show that the UK and Poland have been most ardent in their support of Ukraine.

No they don't but we can pretend they do.

Nick Matheson
France has been removed because it overtakes the UK in all significant indicators as do most EU countries including the poorer ones as does Germany of course in sending more money and weapons than Britain despite suffering a lot more.
Hence also why the article starts with the imports jump to set the tone on the one and only area where the UK has an advantage due to its prewar import share being the lowest anyway. Only clarified at the bottom end. EDITED

Dom James
Reply to Nick Matheson
Yes, it's a bit of a made up list, engineered to get the 'right' result.

Nick Matheson
Reply to Dom James
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Even with the engineering, British support compared to the EU countries can only be considered abysmal and largely hot-air.
This paper has invested so much in the "traitor Micron" narrative that it cannot afford to lose so much face. It also shows that the plan is to carry on with the nonsense. EDITED

alex neil
Reply to Nick Matheson
Are you a hot air expert?

Daniel Glynn Dennis
Reply to Nick Matheson
Not true. Until the recent announcements in January to send tanks France has provided very little military aid to Ukraine about 1bn compared to UK 4Bn (approx) ... y-country/
and If you could be bothered to download the spreadsheet from the link below you will see that our total financial commitment including military aid is 8 billion compared to France is 1.67 ... ata-17410/ EDITED

Nick Matheson
Reply to Daniel Glynn Dennis
Message Actions
Are you making stuff up mate? France is not in your link, anywhere.
Second, this statista editorial talks about "pledges", not actual support provided, which is the very definition of hot-air.
Is not even comparing by size and has no actual data or sources, just a made up infographic. EDITED

K - M - C
Reply to Nick Matheson
'French Intelligence' was still claiming no invasion was imminent a day before while we were running round the clock flights to deliver NLAW's?
Could we do more, probably. But we weren't sat at the end of Putin's 50ft table embarrassingly trying to dissuade him not to invade.
The Germans were just hoping Ukraine would fall in a week or two to keep the gas taps on and the French just want an easy life. An Anglo-Saxon lead has to spearhead Europe saving it's self once again!

Nick Matheson
Reply to K - M - C
Message Actions
Another one who is making stuff up. Keep the hot-air coming boys.
Even the DT has trashed the British exceptional claims about Ukraine.
Even Germany overtakes Britain in military and financial aid, in both absolute & relative terms.
Poland, Greece, Italy, Czech republic all overtake Britain in relative terms. EDITED

Daniel Glynn Dennis
Reply to Nick Matheson
Download the spreadsheet. Its the same source of data.

David Dingley
Reply to Dom James
The only 'right ' result for you and your fellow bitter remainers is any table that makes the UK look bad,your obsession to talk down your own country is sickening and pathetic...


Daniel Glynn Dennis
Reply to Nick Matheson
No its doesnt download the Kiel spreadsheet and stop spreading false information.


Nick Matheson
Reply to Daniel Glynn Dennis
Message Actions
I did dowload the Kiel spreadsheet despite your ninja edit, please stop lying and spreading false information mate.
It's not cool at all:
The data you linked have different numbers:
Total bilateral and via EU
France 7.66 to UK 8.31
Germany 13.33 to UK 8.31
As a % of GDP:
France 0.31%
UK: 0.32%
Germany 0.36%
Greece: 0.38%
Hungary 0.30%
Hardly the difference in currency exchange rate.
Why the lying? Or are you not reading your own figures properly?



Nick Matheson
Reply to David Dingley
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Brexiteers are allergic to facts and reality and prefer lala fantasy.

Total support provided as % of GDP from top to bottom:

    Estonia 1.30
    Latvia 1.19
    Poland 0.88
    Lithuania 0.86
    Bulgaria 0.67
    Slovakia 0.53
    Denmark 0.47
    Netherlands 0.47
    Czech Republic 0.46
    Portugal 0.44
    Austria 0.40
    Sweden 0.39
    Greece 0.38
    United States 0.37
    Slovenia 0.36
    Germany 0.36
    Finland 0.36
    Spain 0.36
    Norway 0.36
    United Kingdom 0.32
    Croatia 0.32
    France 0.31
    Hungary 0.30
    Italy 0.30
    Belgium 0.30
    Luxembourg 0.27
    Canada 0.26
    Cyprus 0.24
    Romania 0.24
    Malta 0.22
    EU (Commission and Council) 0.21
    Ireland 0.19
    Switzerland 0.03
    Australia 0.03
    Japan 0.02
    Taiwan 0.01
    New Zealand 0.01
    Turkey 0.01
    South Korea 0.01
    India 0.00
    China 0.00
Screenshot 2023-02-21 at 16.24.10.png
Massaged DT infographic
You can't really make this up:

Jeremy Havard
Never mind Russia, I have all but eradicated imports from the EU.

Nick Matheson
Reply to Jeremy Havard
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There is no fruit and veg for you to buy anyway.

Jeremy Havard
Reply to Nick Matheson
Braeburn apples from Kent, blueberries from Morocco, oranges from Israel, plenty of green veg from UK. Check out Tesco.

Nick Matheson
Reply to Jeremy Havard
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No tomatoes, cucumbers...
Brexit is the gift that keeps on giving.
Noone else has this issue neither in Europe or the world, except for Africa perhaps and Cuba maybe? EDITED

Jeremy Havard
Reply to Nick Matheson
Aha! A remoaner. I cannot digest cucumber and grow my own (organic) tomatoes. Life is good without EU rules, as the DUP will attest.


Nick Matheson
Reply to Jeremy Havard
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Because in the EU, you cannot grow [organic] tomatoes in the UK clearly!
DUP lost to nationalist parties for the first time ever, is living a life without government, top stuff.
Inflation is the highest in Europe, taxes higher than the EU average.
Rees Mogg's fund has moved to Ireland, along with Astrazeneca.
Car production is less than half it was before Brexit. Paris Stock Exchange overtook London in market capitalization, only a few trillion. No biggie.
Life is amazing.
And it's definitely not your fault either.
We can eat pictures of red buses, pretend its tomatoes while moaning at remoaners! EDITED


Budgie Smuggler
Reply to Nick Matheson
Been too heavily into the pre-Brexit sherry?

Nick Matheson
Reply to Budgie Smuggler
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Been on the Brexit opium too much?

Jeremy Havard
Reply to Nick Matheson
I am not the one who is moaning!!

Nick Matheson
Reply to Jeremy Havard - view message
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Your OP is still moaning about the EU.

DT commenters are looking for a new country/entity to hate.

The author has made an effort with a clickbait title, a made-up infograpic based on DT feelings point system and by omitting France to keep the show going but the data is just overwhelming.

EU countries have totally ridiculed the UK who is among the lowest in Europe in providing aid to Ukraine and actually closer to Hungary with 0.32% of GDP for UK to Hungary's 0.30%.
So no luck there.

Meanwhile, British supermarkets are rationing fruit & veg, while the rest of Europe is paying less than half of prices for the same and has no issue whatsoever.

They want to go for India as the next best scapegoat, but they know it was Britain who alienated India by supporting Pakistan, India's partition and pushing it to Russia for weapons. So little luck with that too.
Who's left dear ERG?

Ireland maybe?

I mean it definitely cannot be them guys.
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