How the British took over India by Trevor Noah (Very Funny and Insightful) - Politics | PoFo

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Tainari88 wrote:I laughed a lot listening to this:

This is what colonialism is about and imperialism. It was done brilliantly by his little skit.

What is your opinion about what he said? Do you agree with his take of it? Or not?

I got to a minute 29, so much bullshit. It reminds me of the going over the top scene at the end of Black Adder 4. How can Liberals get so much, so completely wrong? How can Liberals be so stupid so ignorant. How can they get so much wrong in such a short space of time. What's amazing about these Liberals is they think they're being so clever and their stupid ignorant audience think there being so clever.

I got to the line where he said "This is called India". Is this guy a retard? Does he have some sort of learning difficulties? Has he had no historical education at all? How could someone be so stupid to say something like that?
Rich wrote:I got to a minute 29, so much bullshit. It reminds me of the going over the top scene at the end of Black Adder 4. How can Liberals get so much, so completely wrong? How can Liberals be so stupid so ignorant. How can they get so much wrong in such a short space of time. What's amazing about these Liberals is they think they're being so clever and their stupid ignorant audience think there being so clever.

I got to the line where he said "This is called India". Is this guy a retard? Does he have some sort of learning difficulties? Has he had no historical education at all? How could someone be so stupid to say something like that?

Trevor Noah is a mulatto South African. His mother was a Black South African national and his father a man from Switzerland and white. He was an illegal child. Hidden from the public due to his being biracial which was a crime in South Africa.

The ridiculous fucking people are the people who love Apartheid.

It is time for Great Britain to face up to its horrific past of colonialism and imperialism. The Afrikaaners were really bad. But they were arrested by the British for competing for resources with the colonial government of the UK. It is shameful shit what the UK government of Churchill also allowed to happen in with the Mau Mau concentration camps in Kenya. MI6 had hidden documents for years of torture concentration camps in Kenya. That was directly the UK government covering up their shit in Kenya.

The British have blood all over the place. So if you think it is the liberals Rich? No, it is colonialism and imperialism which the British elite have always endorsed and backed. The working class in GB and in the UK are asleep at the fucking wheel, hoping some Tory incompetent foolish fucking elitist government is going to respond putting in some brownnoser like Sunak to have the face of the elite but with a Hindu religious face of bullshit.

They have become liberals with token minorities in charge of a political party that is really about Empire and retaining ill gotten gains from a vast group of nations who were invaded and strong armed into concessions. That is China, India, Hong Kong, Jamaica, British Guyana, ex British Belize, Kenya, Nigeria, and the list is fucking endless of the nations the British took over and then had rebellion and lost. They never fucking learn.

Then you got complainers of the immigrant communities from those ex British colonies moving in to their neighborhoods and having to share resources and going into competition with the lower white British classes. It is incredibly unfair and STUPID policy in the extreme. Brexit. You shot yourselves in the foot and in the ass and in the head. Three shot killing off of economics due to a complete lack of understanding what the cost of bad Imperial policy for generations breeds.

It breeds a lot of people moving to the UK from ex colonies. One ex colony becoming a superpower the USA and becoming the poodle of the USA internationally and then losing control of everything. Poverty and overtaxation because the British working class live off of benefits and the dole because the pay there is abysmal.

You did it to yourselves. Bad colonialism and bad imperialism.

Obama's father was from Kenya. An ex British colony. His son became prez of the ex colony of the UK the USA. It is ironic. Lol. The British keep seeing their ex colonized group in charge of their damn nation. Sunak on the Right of the political spectrum and Obama in the centrist liberal. But the supposedly inferior Africans and Hindus are running the show now. That is bad for the Empire mentality folks. With symbols of crap.

Admit the atrocities or you will never get out of the hole. Where is the money @Rich ?

Didn't the British upper class improve conditions for the working class white Anglo Saxons of Albion or is it all bullshit? :lol:
This clip perfectly captures how I feel dealing with these no nothing Liberals and Lefties.

This guy purports to describe the inception of the Great Britain's annexation of India. Three problems for starters about the beginning of the colonisation process.

1 India didn't exist at the time.
2 Great Britain didn't exist at the time.
3 There was no annexation to England / Scotland / Britain for hundreds of years after English people first started trading in what would become India.
Rich wrote:This clip perfectly captures how I feel dealing with these no nothing Liberals and Lefties.

This guy purports to describe the inception of the Great Britain's annexation of India. Three problems for starters about the beginning of the colonisation process.

1 India didn't exist at the time.
2 Great Britain didn't exist at the time.
3 There was no annexation to England / Scotland / Britain for hundreds of years after English people first started trading in what would become India.

No, Rich, the East India Company is an old company and capitalistic all the way. The reason for all this fervent need for invasions and takeover of other people's lands was that. Greed.

Do not try to come up with arguments saying that the motivation was not greed. It was greed.
Rich wrote:This clip perfectly captures how I feel dealing with these no nothing Liberals and Lefties.

This guy purports to describe the inception of the Great Britain's annexation of India. Three problems for starters about the beginning of the colonisation process.

1 India didn't exist at the time.
2 Great Britain didn't exist at the time.
3 There was no annexation to England / Scotland / Britain for hundreds of years after English people first started trading in what would become India.

Why do you get so upset about the truth eh Rich? Lol.

The imperialism is terrible. So is colonialism. It went wrong. It went bust. A failed experiment.

All you need to know is that no one was civilizing the world and the savages. The British capitalists and their elitist ruling class were truly barbaric and greedy. Barbarism is that. Torturing, killing, and displacing people in order to enslave them to take their resources of which you never had a legit claim to at all from the beginning. Just admit that Rich. it is not hard.

Just say British imperialism was based on greed. Which is morally wrong. And a mortal sin too.

They sinned and they were morally wrong. Admit that and we move on to other topics eh? :lol:
Beren wrote:I was also disappointed, I expected him to say 'Bhārat'. :(

He is a comedian. Not about historical accuracy or perfection. It is about allegory or artistic licence. Lol.

It is interesting that you are what expecting a comedian to not push your buttons?

He is very witty and funny and he has a lot of truth to his portrayal of how ridiculous colonialism is.
Rich wrote:This clip perfectly captures how I feel dealing with these no nothing Liberals and Lefties.

This guy purports to describe the inception of the Great Britain's annexation of India. Three problems for starters about the beginning of the colonisation process.

1 India didn't exist at the time.
2 Great Britain didn't exist at the time.
3 There was no annexation to England / Scotland / Britain for hundreds of years after English people first started trading in what would become India.

Was it India's fault that England was addicted to Indian goodies? Like tea, silk, porcelain, cotton and everything else? Greed.

Who died and said the English have a right to colonize everyone? it was greed.

It is simple Rich. Greed is the motivating factor for all this shit.

You would think they would administer the nation of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales well enough to lift out of poverty the white native Scottish, Welsh, English and Northern Irish, but they did not. They kept them fucked for life economically and only the elites prospered. Could not stop the rebellion though.

It was not joy joy the Anglos are nice guys who care about us like their turned out to be a lie. Greed was what they were after. Cold, unfeeling greed.

Whether liberals or conservative Rich. It was about greed. :D
Tainari88 wrote:No, Rich, the East India Company is an old company and capitalistic all the way. The reason for all this fervent need for invasions and takeover of other people's lands was that. Greed.

Do not try to come up with arguments saying that the motivation was not greed. It was greed.

He's not arguing about motivation, he is denying culpability. English, Scottish, British, the monarchy, the nobility or the up and coming investors in trading consortiums. Take your pick.

I think I made the same argument many years ago, that most modern conflicts can be traced back to the British Empire. Hyperbole with a ring of truth to it. But weren't they just more successful at playing the same game everyone was playing? We barely have any universal morality today. A few hundred years ago was a complete slaughterhouse, wrapped around ethno-supremacist and religious dogma of 'civilizing' anyone different than ourselves. Greed was absolutely the key motivation for everyone, even today.

And yes, the British people of today should absolutely release a great big exhibition of everything that was committed for Queen and country. Probably send a third of the inventory inside the British museum back to its rightful owners. Stuff like that.
MadMonk wrote:He's not arguing about motivation, he is denying culpability. English, Scottish, British, the monarchy, the nobility or the up and coming investors in trading consortiums. Take your pick.

I think I made the same argument many years ago, that most modern conflicts can be traced back to the British Empire. Hyperbole with a ring of truth to it. But weren't they just more successful at playing the same game everyone was playing? We barely have any universal morality today. A few hundred years ago was a complete slaughterhouse, wrapped around ethno-supremacist and religious dogma of 'civilizing' anyone different than ourselves. Greed was absolutely the key motivation for everyone, even today.

And yes, the British people of today should absolutely release a great big exhibition of everything that was committed for Queen and country. Probably send a third of the inventory inside the British museum back to its rightful owners. Stuff like that.

Human elites need to stop acting the innocent in many nations. They need to be held accountable and people need to stop making excuses for bullshit. It is bullshit to say that the reason for imperialism was that the nature of humanity is greed only and that it can't change. Shit, greed is self destructive. And not only that anti social. If everyone was super greedy and only selfish the entire world would have exploded long ago. Lol.

No, they do not want to be responsible for what happens in human society. Deny culpability. That never works. If you are responsible for all that shit then do something to change it. Take action to be different and be better.

Well, everyone is jumping off the cliff and since everyone is doing it (that is not true that everyone is doing the same immorality), then I will too. No, not everyone is an alcoholic or a druggy or a thief or a professional compulsive liar. No. But all of them have to be confronted with the behavior that sucks and to take responsibility and CHANGE.

Imperialism and colonialism is terrible. It has not worked out in the long run because humans do not do well being oppressed and disrespected by some arrogant pricks. It does not matter if the pricks are Black, White, Indians, Asians, whatever. If someone is oppressing you and disrespecting you? You will eventually either plot to kill that asshole or escape the situation. Or look for freedom from the exploitation.

If you are making shit for wages and you know someone pays for the same work more money? What will the majority do? Go for the person who pays better for the same work. People flee exploitation when given an opportunity. That is why slaves had to be put in chains and watched and laws passed to prevent them from leaving and running. Because none of them really wanted that shit in their life. No one does. But? The excuses continue.

Blame the liberals, blame the lefties. No, it is about not accepting reality in history. Who the hell chooses lack of freedom, slavery and suffering? No one does. Everyone wants the same thing. Universal human rights. Men and women, and human beings living in many cultures. All of them want certain rights that are about DIGNITY and RESPECT.

That is clear.
Tainari88 wrote:He is a comedian. Not about historical accuracy or perfection. It is about allegory or artistic licence. Lol.

It is interesting that you are what expecting a comedian to not push your buttons?

He is very witty and funny and he has a lot of truth to his portrayal of how ridiculous colonialism is.

He has lie after filthy lie.

First off they would not have referred to the land as India or anything meaning something similar to India. They obviously wouldn't use the term but a lot of what is now called India would have been considered Unpakistan. Pakistan refers to the pure land of Islam after most of the Infidels have been exterminated or fled. So much of what is now India was exploited by Muslim tyranny. Britain liberated India. Britain saved India.

Great Britain does not come out of egotism this is anther filthy cultural Marxist lie. It just means the bigger Britain as opposed to the smaller Britain, the region of France.

The Christian God has a name Yahweh or Jehovah. In fact he has multiple names. Not all Hindus are Polytheists, let alone all Indians. The ignorance of this cretin just beggars belief.

When the English arrived in what would become the British Raj. All of "India" was socially inferior to England, but much of it was spiritually superior to England. The colonisation of India was one of if not the most fortuitous event in world history. We saved India from the Muslims, so the whole world could benefit from its non Islamic cultures.
Beren wrote:That's for sure. The most historically accurate part of his performance was the very end of it. He should have mentioned the East India Company (The Company) to give some depth to it.

Look at this as artistic license. That play Hamilton that is such a success on Broadway in NYC is not about exact historical accuracy. It is about a message. It is made to be entertaining and artistic. The creator is Lin Manuel Miranda a New York City based artist and composer who's parents are Puerto Rican.

He writes about Alexander Hamilton because Hamilton was the son of a prostitute from the Caribbean and clawed his way into influence and power in the New World in New England. An American story.

Most comedians, writers, artists use fiction to make social commentary. Trevor Noah is one of them.
Rich wrote:He has lie after filthy lie.

First off they would not have referred to the land as India or anything meaning something similar to India. They obviously wouldn't use the term but a lot of what is now called India would have been considered Unpakistan. Pakistan refers to the pure land of Islam after most of the Infidels have been exterminated or fled. So much of what is now India was exploited by Muslim tyranny. Britain liberated India. Britain saved India.

Great Britain does not come out of egotism this is anther filthy cultural Marxist lie. It just means the bigger Britain as opposed to the smaller Britain, the region of France.

The Christian God has a name Yahweh or Jehovah. In fact he has multiple names. Not all Hindus are Polytheists, let alone all Indians. The ignorance of this cretin just beggars belief.

When the English arrived in what would become the British Raj. All of "India" was socially inferior to England, but much of it was spiritually superior to England. The colonisation of India was one of if not the most fortuitous event in world history. We saved India from the Muslims, so the whole world could benefit from its non Islamic cultures.

Ay Rich, you have always been a very intelligent and interesting man.

But you suffer from prejudice and also cultural superiority syndrome.

You need to really live in other cultures for years and years, speak another language and really be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes.

To think greed becomes helping and civilizing is the filthy lie Rich. Not the other way around.

You do not treat people whom you care about as culturally or spiritually inferior, and not all of India or Umpakistan was Muslim. Hinduism is old. Siddharta and that story of the Prince who became Buddha and spawned an Eastern religion called Buddhism is a cultural phenomenon.

England was not making it better. It was exploiting the hell out of India. That is a reality. If the groups that opposed British rule were happy with the British they would not have been able to achieve independence in 1946. British colonialism failed. Mainly, because it was about greed and a lack of respect for the rights of other people who were different and conflicted with the English's goal of exploitation of the resources of that land.

Accept that defeat and change. Never go for colonialism and imperialism as a policy ever again. It just ends in a mess and failure and dead English people as well as dead native people of that land. That is a fact.

You are seriously denying reality with that Rich.

I wonder why you are so prejudiced eh? The liberals and the conservatives both are into bad policy for the world.

The truth is that there is nothing superior about barbaric threats of death and destruction, occupation and impositions on people who do not share your own history or culture. It is about disrespect and force and greed. All tactics based on greed, force and disrespect is not about civilizing the savages. It is about using savagery in service of elitist greed.

And lying to people who are told lies all day in order to justify not dealing with the lack of investment in their own societies because they want to spend the money on wars of conquest and oppressing people instead of caring and preserving and improving themselves and their own people. It should be universally condemned forever. Not living in denial Rich.

But, I did love your story about your father during WWII and only weighing hardly a few stone, and the conditions lived for the British in the past. Something about you speaks to me Rich. You have such talent.

But, I am not English or white. My experience is completely different than yours. My experience says that to think or believe that you and yours are superior to me and mine is really a lie. Not true. I can't accept lies as truth for me. No, that is never the best way forward in life.

For me, all humans are human first. The conditions vary. But that essence of being human does not.

What are you going to say next?

The British and the English are the best humans on planet Earth. They got the best food, art, land, civilization, culture and spirituality? I would say? That sure is debatable. :lol: :lol:
Rich wrote:I got to a minute 29, so much bullshit. It reminds me of the going over the top scene at the end of Black Adder 4. How can Liberals get so much, so completely wrong? How can Liberals be so stupid so ignorant. How can they get so much wrong in such a short space of time. What's amazing about these Liberals is they think they're being so clever and their stupid ignorant audience think there being so clever.

I got to the line where he said "This is called India". Is this guy a retard? Does he have some sort of learning difficulties? Has he had no historical education at all? How could someone be so stupid to say something like that?

I agree that this sketch is ahistorical and thus, silly and possibly damaging.

The sketch - unable to touch subjects like scientific racism and colonial terrorism, instead has its giggling audience thinking about how the most unsavory things about colonialism were 1. An obesssion with how perfect the queen was, and 2. The right to name places.

So the laughs are really saying, "the queen wasn't really perfect, and the locals should get to name places themselves."

What soft political satire. Marshmallow at 1000 degrees C soft.
QatzelOk wrote:I agree that this sketch is ahistorical and thus, silly and possibly damaging.

The sketch - unable to touch subjects like scientific racism and colonial terrorism, instead has its giggling audience thinking about how the most unsavory things about colonialism were 1. An obesssion with how perfect the queen was, and 2. The right to name places.

So the laughs are really saying, "the queen wasn't really perfect, and the locals should get to name places themselves."

What soft political satire. Marshmallow at 1000 degrees C soft.

That is why you need to do your own series and write your own scripts and your own stuff.

Because I think it would be a big hit.

Trevor Noah is South African and has his own show on TV.

He does his trip.

With his own point of view.

I would love to see yours on mass media or at least as an independent production.

You have a lot to say and it would be very important to say.

Please consider writing some scripts for your message I would love to submit it for production someday. It it never gets produced? It sure would be a great project for production.
Tainari88 wrote:...Trevor Noah is South African and has his own show on TV. ...

This is exactly why he can't really express any kind of real opinion. He wants to keep "his show on TV," so he has to do what TV owners (billionaires) want him to do.

With his own point of view.

It's impossible to express any point of view that doesn't impress the billionaire owners.

Whoppie Goldberg expresses "her opinions" on the View, in the same way that Trevor expresses "his" opinions in this sketch. The entire time they speak, they are looking at the owners to see if they approve.

This is why I don't watch the View, and this sketch is like a slightly funnier version of that crappy show.

"The queen isn't perfect, you know." (nervous laughter follows)
I like this thread.

Rich keeps telling us he doesn't know much, and understands even less.

Qatz is grinding away, the way he always does..

And Tainari, my sweet, is doing what you do.

India was a great choice. If you want to say imperialism is bad, no one (worth talking to) is going to disagree. That's the history.

But there is more to the story. India is a democracy largely due to the institutions the Brits built. You mentioned tea. I love tea, and know the history pretty well. The Brits brought Chinese tea to India, researched it, started plantations, and designed an industrial production system that vastly increased the global production of tea. That's a big deal, and they still use the machines the Brits designed and built a very long time ago. They also use the market system the Brits developed.

History is complex, and resists simplification. It's something historians struggle with.

India is on the cusp of becoming one of major players. They have too many people, to be sure, but their demographics are such that they have a massive work force. The underlying institutions that allow capitalism to thrive are there.

And it all hinges on things the Brits brought to India.

Edit: I like Trevor Noah, he's funny and intelligent.

I hesitate at bringing coal to Newcastle (they used to mine coal there); but you'll like this. The guy is intelligent, funny and Left wing.

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