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Confirmation bias

When you say science is on your side it's no more scientific than me pointing at a third nipple or an extra digit and announcing I've found a scientific way to recognise witches.

Everybody knows witches have six toes and three nipples.
Last edited by ingliz on 15 Apr 2024 12:22, edited 1 time in total.
Potemkin wrote:And no, humans are not a ring species. Not even close.

I never said we were, but now you've brought it up, do you know that,or are you just guessing? Have all inter racial combinations been thoroughly tested or observed for fertility problems? Do you know that there are no problems between pygmies and Australian Aborigines interbreeding either way or between Pygmies and Mauris? Of course if for example there were significant problems in fertility or the health of the offspring or the mothers, would anyone really care. Even if humans were close to becoming a ring species, which is itself a a major step on the path to becoming multiple species, that's not going to happen now. As i said race looks doomed over the long term, but its not going away during our life times.

I'm sorry but I just don't believe people are engaged in good faith scientific debate. They have per-conceived ideological agendas. Race exists, but that doesn't mean that every racial characterisation scheme is valid. And clarifying people in terms of Whiteness or lack of Whiteness is particularly dumb. Now the maybe correlations between skin colour and other characteristics such as height, but they are pretty weak. But these really dumb systems of racial classfications, based on Whiteness or Blackness or Colouredness, what ever that mean, are the ones the liberals, the left and the western establishment have chosen to double, quadruple and octuple down on.

So now they have to pretend that there's no scientific basis to race, just because there's no scientific basis for their own idiotic racial classification schemes.
Rich wrote:Hang on, hang on. You really think you're going to get away with pulling a stunt like that. You have constantly attacked White people. You and others like you have relentless attacked the character of White people. Quite some time ago I asked you what your definition of whiteness was and you told me that I had to go and look at Neo Nazi web sites to find out how Whiteness is defined. In Britain there's often forms handed out with a "White British" category.

Look maybe I'm some kind of weirdo, maybe I'm strange and unusual, but I actually spend vanishingly little time on Neo Nazi web sites. I've tried to look them up once or twice, but I've spent no where near enough time on them to find out what their definition of Whiteness is. So how in God's name am i meant to know if I'm White or not?

I never come across racial categories in Latin American forms. Ever. When I was in Puerto Rico I hardly ever ran across any form that forced you to check a box that said things like Latino or Hispanic White or Latino Hispanic Not White, Asian and Pacific Islander, Native American, Australian or Aboriginal, etc. White, African etc. It is pretty limited to North American forms of governance. And it has to do with the allocation of funds for specific communities. It is that big Data computer bank in Washington DC that calculates how many people of each race that is arbitrary category are they going to deal with.

No one asks about race in a paper form or digital form in Latin America. We have in PR, DR and in Cuba a huge percentage of people who are multiracial. HUGE. The majority of people have a grandmother that is physically looking African, a mother that is a blondish African, a father that is a light skinned typical looking Spanish man, then some long ago Indian Taino ancestor and it goes on and on for centuries.

The man who was a Puerto Rican Nacionalista who in other words was a Nationalist person who defined Puerto Rican culture, and thought process and represented us in many ways was from a Spanish origin Basque region father who was mixed with other European origin, and a mother who was African and Indigenous. All of them mixed together. That is who we are. MIXED for a very very long time. NO separation of race.

The average Puerto Rican is not White British. it is MIXED race. The vast majority are mixed race. My father had brothers who had kids with black women, white looking women, whatever. My husband looks kind of white but he is adopted and does not really know his genetic background. He was raised his whole life by an African looking Puerto Rican mother that was not his bio mother but he did not know that till he was in his mid twenties. No one questioned him because EVERYONE is living with people from different looking races.

It is the majority. So what does this mean to me?

That is it is stupid. The racism is stupid.

Do you know I had to arrive in the USA for people to tell me I did not look Mexican or Hispanic. You look like a white person they would tell me. They are dumb in the extreme. In the extreme about race.

They had issues in the state of Florida. They recruited in the 50s Puerto Rican workers to pick the crops in Florida. Whole families. Back then the buses were segregated and most water fountains were also segregated. The Puerto Rican crop picking families would board the bus. The bus driver would tell the ones who looked white to sit somewhere and the Black looking ones to sit somewhere else. There would be angry outbursts, and the bus drivers would say, you need to sit where the law says. They were brothers and sisters from the same family. The kids are coming out every damn color there is. All with the same two parents. So they would get offended since that shit never happened in Puerto Rico and they would get into fights and the bus driver would get sliced with a knife. It happened so consistently that they decided to make exceptions for the Puerto Ricans. they ENDED the fucking ridiculous segregation in the Florida bus routes for our group. Fast.

Fear. Of being stabbed by a white-looking Puerto Rican with blue eyes who is the brother of the Black-looking one. It freaked them out. Idiotic race categories are for people who want things SIMPLE in this world.

Genes are not simple. They never have been. They exist to protect us all. Not for us to give some arbitrary value to some racial or socioeconomic hierarchy that is about some capitalist wanting to exploit someone and when they need them to cooperate they remove the device. It is ridiculous.

Oh you look white. White to who? Some one drop racist in some nation with a hard past of slavery and exclusion in order to make MONEY?

Look at the DNA. Oh shit that person is part Kenyan and looks European. How come I did not know that? because you are an asshole that is why. ;)
But you see @Tainari88 thst people feel kinship to those who they share DNA with not people of different skin col… wait um I mean.

We feel a kinship to people of the same race! We all just know whose white because we can look at their European DNA when we see them… I mean we see their physical traits that correspond to their Europeaness. Like my niece who is pale and looks like her mom but whose dad black American but is also half white but not really because of the American one drop rule and because I can see his Jamaican DNA from his father by his skin and hair! I just know those correspond to the Carriebean, I mean Africa. Forget his white mother. But also his daughter is black even though she looks white.

And this kinship for race doesn’t imply hierarchical thinking, it’s just preference for reality you snowflake.

White people stick together!
Wellsy wrote:But you see @Tainari88 that people feel a kinship to those who they share DNA with not people of different skin col… wait um I mean.

We feel a kinship with people of the same race! We all just know who's white because we can look at their European DNA when we see them… I mean we see their physical traits that correspond to their Europeans. Like my niece who is pale and looks like her mom but whose dad is black American but is also half white but not really because of the American one drop rule and because I can see his Jamaican DNA from his father by his skin and hair! I just know those correspond to the Carriebean, I mean Africa. Forget his white mother. But also his daughter is black even though she looks white.

And this kinship for race doesn’t imply hierarchical thinking, it’s just preference for reality you snowflake.

White people stick together!

That is what happened to the Chief of Police in the 1930s with the nacionalistas from Puerto Rico, E. Francis Riggs was from a banking family in the USA and was a hardcore racist. A Yankee hardcore racist who was there in Puerto Rico running the entire police department. There was a legally permitted march that was peaceful, no one was armed. They got permission to march protesting in Ponce. The second biggest city in Puerto Rico (it is in the Southern part of the island). The march had men and women and children. What happened? Riggs was pissed off at the nationalist Puerto Ricans who were effective at organizing sugar cane workers and they had a successful strike,
the American sugar barons from the states had their profits cut by having to pay a higher wage to the Puerto Rican sugar cane workers. Riggs tried to enforce racist rules from the states and found it impossible. He made comments about how unruly and terrible the Puerto Ricans were who mated like mongrel dogs with anyone and everyone and did not know what being loyal to one's race was, and they were led by that Harvard graduate lawyer mulatto with radical ideas, etc etc. He went and had the cops shoot and kill people including women and even a fourteen-year-old girl was shot and killed. In the street.

The Nacionalistas were not a pacifist group. Neither was Don Pedro the leader whom Riggs hated virulently not only for being racially mixed but for being a lot more educated than he was. Don Pedro Albizu Campos spoke six languages, co-wrote with others the Southern Irish Republican Constitution, knew Bose the anti-colonial movement leader from India, and was a brilliant man in general. Also a great orator, speaker, a military leader taught military tactics in the USA through the US Army. He was at the top of his class in Harvard Law School and at the time the best student of all the class had the right to give a speech in front of the entire law school. His final exam professor hated his guts since he also was a racist asshole and refused to give him the law school exam because he knew he would ace the damn test and force all those racists to listen to some Puerto Rican with an accent on his English address the crowd. A mixed-race man who is supposed to know his place, and be inferior according to all their stupid racist measures of IQ and skulls and genes and was the OPPOSITE of what they believed was the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.

It infuriated them beyond any measure of logic.

Riggs wanted to enforce his racist separation policies via a barrel of a gun in a society that NEVER accepted that shit for centuries. What happened? A couple of nacionalistas decided to assassinate Riggs. To send a message to Washington DC how they felt about their violent shit in Puerto Rico enforcing racist Southern policies and not respecting peaceful protesting. Riggs brains were blow out.

Dead as a doornail.

The men who killed him were quickly shot with no trial in police headquarters and no investigation.

The entire island was teetering close to total rebellion. Mind you, Puerto Ricans had been US citizens since 1917. So in the 1930s all of the Puerto Ricans were US Citizens. But they had NOTHING IN COMMON with the US administration people in DC trying to push their oppressive policies on a society that was not following the rules.

Roosevelt felt the situation was spinning out of control.

Anyway Wellsy, the point of this story is that if you do not understand that OTHER societies all around the world have different views of race, racial mixing and loyalties.

For the racist Nazis like FiveofSwords the only real cohesion on a human level is RACE. Oh, your genes say you are from Europe. In the USA racist neo nazi scene the idea that people can get along, love each other and create entire nations and countries from mixing racially together for a very long time and give up on the idea of making your entire identity revolve around how you look on the outside is a LIE.

It is a lie. The only truth is that your whiteness binds you together magically. Through DNA. They are shown evidence that is not true. There are white on white wars and hatreds, feuds and power plays that end in bloodbaths. Tons of example of that by the way. Just in Europe. And in every nation. Which I mentioned to him. But he skips it. Because it contradicts his narrative. It destroys it. He can't accept that. Moves on with more bullshit.

What is the truth? Something very interesting. The ability of humans to shape all kinds of society based on the conditions lived and the circumstances created by history, time, and place and the ideas chosen to create that base of Myth that all nations use in nation states to create a sense of tribal identification. It is FLUID and not rigid. Genes are not rigid either. They along with the laws of Nature change and are made of change. Why stick to such obvious lies then?

To be able to grab power by force and get rid of democracy. Go for autocracy, and fascism and be able to live free of the threat of the OTHER in their own minds. Minds that live in fear in the reptilian realm of the brain....where survival is based on the most primitive form of competition. The one that humans had to conquer long ago in order to build cities and civilizations. But, the Nazis are still wanting to build societies based on reptile thinking. Why? That is where their fear is. And that is where their politics are the most effective. WIth reptile thoughts of fear....the lower human brain functions. The barbarians are they. No one else.

Human beings can choose how to organize their societies around many markers that change over time. They can organize around language. Loyalty to language, to land, to what they value like a religion or a political affiliation, it could be about a dedication to a lifestyle like small acreage farmers, or about something that all agree upon and want to protect.

Genes are complex and made to adapt to what nature imposes. That is the hierarchy. Nature imposes a hierarchy and humans have to adapt to it.

The only ones obsessing about creating a nation based on loyalty to not even an ethnic group but to a generic idea of European heritage in a land that is not Europe at all? But a land that is in the Americas that due to history the Europeans are not the first people to land there. Yet want to say that is their homeland and the rest are strangers? How logical is that shit by the way? Not very.

But what is logical about all that Nazi obsession with creating the Master Race? it only exposed how depraved the human race can get when they refuse to accept that other people in other ethnic groups are as human as they are. That is living in denial. That is all those Nazis do anyway. Live in denial of their own humanity. A waste of time really. A big ugly waste of time and a loss of energy on shit that is unproductive.
Rich wrote:

So now they have to pretend that there's no scientific basis to race, just because there's no scientific basis for their own idiotic racial classification schemes.

While you have to pretend you're competent because of your idiotic racial schemes.
Wellsy wrote:I think due to recent methods even the idea of more homogeneous groups are being identified as admixed.


This from a study done last year.
There is an emerging trend of studying admixed genetic populations.

All people of European ancestry are very close genetically. The fst is quite small, especially when compared to other races, especially sub saharan africans. That is just measurable data and a fact. I don't know how you are trying to define 'admixture' but it doesn't seem to do with genetics.
ingliz wrote:I know what reparations are.

But you don't seem to know who pays them.

I will tell you.

A government sets aside an amount from general taxation: they don't go around measuring skulls, thank you, @Rich

If we use your bullshit measure of 'whiteness', as blacks pay taxes, blacks are white now too.


So I guess reparations wouldn't be reparations.
FiveofSwords wrote:All people of European ancestry are very close genetically. The fst is quite small, especially when compared to other races, especially sub saharan africans. That is just measurable data and a fact. I don't know how you are trying to define 'admixture' but it doesn't seem to do with genetics.

Indeed because if what was stated earlier about population bottlenecks and founder effects leading to a smaller genetic variation ethnicity populations outside of Africa.

Genetic admixture occurs when previously isolated populations interbreed resulting in a population that is descended from multiple sources. It can occur between species, such as with hybrids, or within species, such as when geographically distant individuals migrate to new regions. It results in gene pool that is a mix of the source populations.

Admixture mapping is a method of gene mapping that uses a population of mixed ancestry (an admixed population) to find the genetic loci that contribute to differences in diseases or other phenotypes found between the different ancestral populations. The method is best applied to populations with recent admixture from two populations that were previously genetically isolated. The method attempts to correlate the degree of ancestry near a genetic locus with the phenotype or disease of interest. Genetic markers that differ in frequency between the ancestral populations are needed across the genome.[7]

Admixture mapping is based on the assumption that differences in disease rates or phenotypes are due in part to differences in the frequencies of disease-causing or phenotype-causing genetic variants between populations.

In an admixed population, these causal variants occur more frequently on chromosomal segments inherited from one or another ancestral population.

The first admixture scans were published in 2005 and since then genetic contributors to a variety of disease and trait differences have been mapped.[8] By 2010, high-density mapping panels had been constructed for African Americans, Latino/Hispanics, and Uyghurs.

And because of such methods where we can compare isolated populations that have distinctive traits in phenotype and disease risk, we can then identify how they create new populations when they mix.
@Wellsy how long does it take to become white looking or black looking and back and forth according to which part of the world you are adapting to over time?

The answer is interesting:

How many generations does it take to go from black to white?
Some researchers suggest that human populations over the past 50,000 years have changed from dark-skinned to light-skinned and vice versa as they migrated to different UV zones, and that such major changes in pigmentation may have happened in as little as 100 generations (≈2,500 years) through selective sweeps.

So what does this mean? That you can look white for a few thousand years and then you become black over a few thousand years. You then change back and forth and forth and back.

You can have a nation full of people the majority who are MIXED race. As the majority.

Somehow they do not automatically think they have to rally around their physical looking on the outside appearance. They do not have to have a color coded life to feel safe as a human society.

What do Nazis in the USA say about this?

Nothing. Why?

because it is hard to think about.

Their way is the only way to think about race.

Wellsy wrote:https://youtu.be/E7IDdm9eXwo?si=lT3tARADRg-qQyuB

Bloody Neanderthals/Denisovans! Coming over here… spreading their… dna!

But where treading the same ground. Everyone acknowledges that there is so e genetic variation between populations that are isolated from one another. But it’s just not considered enough of a difference to be enough to biologically classify different groups as subspecies unlike how we had neanderthals and Denisovans.

It seems that where nucleotides are fixed, we have about 30,000 different ones to neanderthals while for modern homo sapiens they are largely the same and hence we call them fixed as they tend to be the same nucelotides.
So we look at those where there is often different types in the same location (polymorphic/variable).

And comparing the range of difference within the species yields only a very small different genetically compared even to the difference of other species like the great apes. We as a species have a particularly low global heterogeneity.

And within that heterogeneity what we mostly find is differences in phenotype and disease risk.

And even with those differences, they do not constitute race even when acknowledged. Guess what Ethiopians dominate long distance running sports. Acknowledging that doesn’t automatically ground a concept of race.
The view on genetics is based on our methods to thoroughly test genetics and notice the variation and nature of that variation and thus is still attempting to recreate an early 20th century Linnaeus taxonomy to the genetic level. Because it doesn’t track beyond a priori selection of phenotypical traits that can be a proxy for the old sense of race, no one can take it seriously. Just repetition as of these physiological (unspecified ones) are being denied.


No, once again you are just lying and revealing that all of this is just bad faith.

You are not admitting that variation happens. That is what I am claiming. And whenever I claim it, you disagree with me. You are not even asking me how much variation there actually is lol...so the discussion is not about your idea that there is some line in the sand about when variation becomes 'biologically relevant'...you clearly do not even care about that subject at all, nor is it a thing I need to address, because you don't even want to bring it up.

You are constantly changing your argument based on what you think is the most useful way to just disagree with me...which is closely your only goal. If I said 2+2=4 you would find a way to disagree.

But just stop pretending that 'everyone agrees there is some variation among populations genetically isolated from each other.'. I am literally the only person saying that. I am saying that is how I define race. The rest of you are unable to agree with me that such a thing exists.
FiveofSwords wrote:No, once again you are just lying and revealing that all of this is just bad faith.

You are not admitting that variation happens. That is what I am claiming. And whenever I claim it, you disagree with me. You are not even asking me how much variation there actually is lol...so the discussion is not about your idea that there is some line in the sand about when variation becomes 'biologically relevant'...you clearly do not even care about that subject at all, nor is it a thing I need to address, because you don't even want to bring it up.

You are constantly changing your argument based on what you think is the most useful way to just disagree with me...which is closely your only goal. If I said 2+2=4 you would find a way to disagree.

But just stop pretending that 'everyone agrees there is some variation among populations genetically isolated from each other.'. I am literally the only person saying that. I am saying that is how I define race. The rest of you are unable to agree with me that such a thing exists.


Yes every person who denies the biological classification of something called race is denying genetic variation.

I literally mention genetic admixture which is about there being even greater variation than thought in Europeans which were believed to be more homogeneous on previous data sets and methods. But this isn’t to deny that the grouping of Europeans based on genes isn’t meaningless but is an instrumental outcome rather than a complete limit on biological reality but you never engage in questions of methodology and results.
Even the admixture group is acknowledging the category of Europeans but that it isn’t some pure group as once thought on earlier methods.
FiveofSwords wrote:All people of European ancestry are very close genetically. The fst is quite small, especially when compared to other races, especially sub saharan africans. That is just measurable data and a fact. I don't know how you are trying to define 'admixture' but it doesn't seem to do with genetics.

@Wellsy your article is crystal clear. It states that Europeans are admixed, and are proven to be a lot more of an admixture overall than previous studies in genetics first thought. Not homogenous.

The argument is clear.

Watch the avoidance come out again and again and again.

It is pitiful and cowardly.
Wellsy wrote::lol:

Yes every person who denies the biological classification of something called race is denying genetic variation.

I literally mention genetic admixture which is about there being even greater variation than thought in Europeans which were believed to be more homogeneous on previous data sets and methods. But this isn’t to deny that the grouping of Europeans based on genes isn’t meaningless but is an instrumental outcome rather than a complete limit on biological reality but you never engage in questions of methodology and results.
Even the admixture group is acknowledging the category of Europeans but that it isn’t some pure group as once thought on earlier methods.

No, my claim was that everyone who denies variation is denying variation.
Wellsy wrote::lol:

Yes every person who denies the biological classification of something called race is denying genetic variation.

I literally mention genetic admixture which is about there being even greater variation than thought in Europeans which were believed to be more homogeneous on previous data sets and methods. But this isn’t to deny that the grouping of Europeans based on genes isn’t meaningless but is an instrumental outcome rather than a complete limit on biological reality but you never engage in questions of methodology and results.
Even the admixture group is acknowledging the category of Europeans but that it isn’t some pure group as once thought on earlier methods.

So what is the article's scientific definition of 'pure'?

Does 'admixed' preclude purity? Because I don't think so. Does 'admixed' preclude homogeneous? Again, I don't think so.

A thoroughbred is 'admixed' by a normal definition. The breed was created from frossing Arabian chargers with some other stuff, forget what.

But the thoroughbred breed is homogeneous, and you can certainly speak m3aningfully of a 'pure bred' thoroughbred.

This is why when you use the term 'admixed' you don't seem to be using it in a normal way. It's life the word changes meaning depending on whether you hate white people.
Folks now @Wellsy is going to be a white people hater because he refuses to accept some bogus definition of race that Five cardplayer man says is proof of homogenous racial shit.

Yes, @Wellsy soon to be included in the club of white people who are brainwashed and do not agree.

How are they going to sing the genetic feeling of unity song...in the world of the Nazis who do not even read their own political philosophy and the history of nationalist movements in the history of the world?

Time for a song.

Not all British people marry other British people. Sometimes they marry people from other races. The horror. It is real love. Really real.


@Wellsy wrote:

And because of such methods where we can compare isolated populations that have distinctive traits in phenotype and disease risk, we can then identify how they create new populations when they mix.

Yes, the new populations that mix. Something that the Nazis think you can't build a strong nation from. Why?

It does not make sense.

Variation is an integral part of evolutionary theory. Without variation you have species extinction. No one is arguing that at all here. Variation is essential to species survival.

So why want a lack of admixture to keep a human group 'pure'? And they bring in Arabian thoroughbreds and dogs and who knows what else in as examples of breeding for specific traits.

How many times do they have to be told that human beings are not horses or dogs or cats or anything else they think they can coldly manipulate and breed? Even dog breeders have to list the genetic defects of pure bred dogs and horses.

There are down sides to pure races of animals as well. But they do not address that either. It is all some really illogical farce of wanting human beings to be hygienic color coded race obsessed Master Race people who live a fantasy of purity in their own minds?

Can we address this neurosis and insistence on purity or will they have to accept that humans are messy and their philosophy of a neat package is not going to work in a world that moved hard with capitalist interdependency and modern modes of travel where you have someone with COVID in China spreading a disease all over the world because no one is living in isolation from other ethnicities, groups or people.

Being able to isolate and never see another culture or group with non-European looks in their vicinity is a PIPE dream. Why can't they understand that?

They wanted to wipe out the Jews. What happened? They founded the state of Israel and instead of being Semites only now they have converted to the religion of Jews from every part of the world. They revived a long-dead language from the past which is Hebrew, which was a dead language and they brought it back from the dead as a heritage language. The ability to kill off that culture for all time. FAILED. Spectacularly.

So why insist on these ideas folks?

You tell me.
FiveofSwords wrote:So what is the article's scientific definition of 'pure'?

Does 'admixed' preclude purity? Because I don't think so. Does 'admixed' preclude homogeneous? Again, I don't think so.

A thoroughbred is 'admixed' by a normal definition. The breed was created from frossing Arabian chargers with some other stuff, forget what.

But the thoroughbred breed is homogeneous, and you can certainly speak m3aningfully of a 'pure bred' thoroughbred.

This is why when you use the term 'admixed' you don't seem to be using it in a normal way. It's life the word changes meaning depending on whether you hate white people.

It doesn’t say pure because its about the relative homogeneity assumed previous in Europeans. Basically , Europeans are not seen as one homogenous group as before but are made up of different ancestral groups within Europe.
It’s relative to the previous data where we find 0.1% global genetic variety as a very homogenous species, homo sapiens.
Human genetic studies have primarily considered admixed populations to have resulted from interbreeding between two or more continentally separated populations1–3 . However, continental ancestry is not necessarily a single homogenous component of genetic diversity, but rather can be a composite of diverse subcontinental ancestries4,5 . In some instances, differentiation between intra­continental populations is on par with or higher than differentiation between inter-continental populations1,6. Also, there are examples from pharmacogenetics of variants that are differentiated at the intra-continental level, such as in the case of abacavir hypersensitivity syndrome, for which the causal allele (HLA-B*5701) has a prevalence of 13.6% among Maasai in Kenya but a prevalence of ~0% among Yoruba in Nigeria7 .

We found that the 1000 Genomes and Human Genome Diversity Projects provided incomplete coverage of European ancestries, so we generated a new reference panel to capture additional European ancestral diversity. Our admixture analyses yielded formal evidence that European-ancestry individuals are admixed at the subcontinental level, with admixture dates differing among European Americans. After adjustment for both genome-wide and locus-specific ancestry, previously reported associations between rs4988235 and height or LDL were no longer statistically significant, strongly supporting that they are false positives due to uncorrected stratification. We observed systematically better fits when models were adjusted for principal components (PCs) derived from projection of European Americans onto our new reference panel, rather than for PCs derived from study-specific unsupervised analysis. Altogether, this study indicates that full adjustment for subcontinental European admixture (at both genome-wide and locus­specific levels) should become best practice in genetic association studies using European-ancestry individuals, including the UK Biobank30 in Europe and the All of Us Research Program31 and the Million Veteran program in the United States.

Unsupervised analysis with ADMIXTURE17 using our European reference panel identified the most likely number of ancestry clusters as three (Fig. 3A), suggesting that Europeans have three-way admixture among North, Southwest, and Southeast Europeans. The stacked bar plot of mixture proportions showed that the North European-associated ancestry cluster decreased along the north-to-south geographic direction (Fig. 3A). Formal correlation tests between population ancestry means and geographic coordinates revealed that latitude was significantly correlated (p < 2.85×10-8) with North European­associated ancestry cluster (Spearman’s rho=0.814), and longitude was correlated with Southwest­(Spearman’s rho=0.859) and Southeast-associated (Spearman’s rho=0.579) European ancestry clusters (Fig. 3B). We observed similar levels of genetic differentiation (FST) between the inferred European ancestry clusters: FST = 0.033 between North and Southwest, FST = 0.032 between North and Southeast, and FST = 0.028 between Southwest and Southeast. To put these amounts of genetic differentiation into perspective, FST estimates between European ancestry clusters are comparable to FST between British (GBR) and either Mexican (MXL, which have ~50% Native American ancestry, FST = 0.031) or Punjabi in Pakistan (PJL, who have > 70% South Asia Ancestry, FST = 0.027) samples (Table S2). Additionally, FST estimates between European ancestry clusters are at least three-fold higher than FST between Mandenka from Gambia in West Africa and Luhya from Kenya from East Africa (FST = 0.011, Table S2). Even when comparing real-world European populations, FST estimates between Finnish in North Europe and Armenians or Georgians in South Europe are ~ two-fold higher (FST ~ 0.02) than FST between Mandenka and Luhya (FST = 0.011), i.e., between West and East Africans, and not as high as FST between

Basically, they are improving upon the limitations of a principal component analysis. Something I criticized the limitations of earlier as producing models that are useful but not a biological classification. Basically it refines earlier methods to be more locally focused and created three subdivisions of European to Northern, South Eastern and Southwestern Europeans.

It just refined the geographic region associated with specific genes. Maybe these can be your races.
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