If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 8 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Potemkin wrote:This is not a biological adaptation, it’s a cultural adaptation. You know, that thing which separates humans from animals. We don’t have to evolve thick fur to survive cold winters, we just put on an extra pullover. Lol. What makes Europeans unique is European culture. Asians, Africans, and any number of other humans can quite happily adapt to living in Europe, because they only have to adapt culturally and not biologically. If any humans were ever biologically adapted to living in Europe, then it was surely the Neanderthals. And they were specifically adapted to Ice Age Europe.

It is useless discussing this with him Pote. He has no fucking idea what the hell he is talking about. It is all White People are Superior to Everyone on Planet Earth. And Kumbaya White Europe. Everyone has to come together to fight the Darkies and the Brownies. Racist fucked up dumbass stuff Pote.

Did you listen to the arguments that the LAW had in place for the state of Virginia for making it a crime for a white man and a black woman to marry in the state of Virginia? Ingliz put the entire oral argument in the SCOTUS. You read that legal code it is the most disgusting dumb-ass ignorant shit the world has ever known.

That is US racism in a nutshell Potemkin.

Europe is special and SUPERIOR. Kumbaya. Go and kiss Boris your white brother whom you love in the fight for White Supremacy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do not know how Mami had the patience to cope with those KKK people and racist gun loving people who resolve problems with violence and believing they are the World and the World revolves around White People when they are 9% of the planet. Do they make sense of that? No. Living in Denial. :lol:
FiveofSwords wrote:Uh...that is just not true. I don't understand why you are even trying that. Azteca did not revolve in Europe, for example. They evolved in Central america

Mexico, USA and Canada are geographically considered NORTH AMERICA. Not Central America Swordy. Learn some geography. I think that is taught in elementary school. :roll:

Wrong. The Aztec Empire were newcomers to the Valley of Mexico. They came from Northern Mexico and when they saw supposedly an eagle sitting on top of a cactus with a snake in its mouth, they saw it as the symbol for their god. Quetzalcoatl. Quetzal means feather or bird and coatl snake. Together it means the Feathered Serpent. It means you bring together the SKY or HEAVEN and the EARTH or land snakes live dragging close to the earth. They are creatures of the Earth, not the sky. Opposites. You have to have a balance of opposites to RULE the Sun and the Heavens. It is like the Buddhists with the Dao. That symbol is still there in the middle of the Mexican flag. Quetzalcoatl was seen in the middle of a lake that was Tenotchitlán (Mexico City), it meant that their new home was there. They were Imperialists from the Northern part of Mexico and spoke Nahuatl. Not Mayan. The Mayans were the ones who had a civilization that was from the more Southern parts of Mexico and Central America. There are many dialects of Mayan spoken throughout Guatemala, Belize, and Central America and in Southern Mexico. Nahuatl is not one of them. You do not know anything about those cultures. I am not surprised. The Inferiors have no culture according to your ignorant thoughts. The Valley of Mexico became the home of the Aztec Empire only a few generations before the arrival of the Spanish.:lol: :lol:

You are an ignoramus about the Native cultures of the Americas. Does it surprise me? No.

Go ahead and keep blathering on about Scottish history. See if you can take all the lies you believe are true about Scotland and they are not true. Lol.

Who were the Aztecs?

When did the Aztecs enter the Valley of Mexico?
around 1250 C.E.
The Arrival of the Aztecs Sometime around 1250 C.E., a new group of people arrived in the Valley of Mexico. This nomadic band of hunter-gatherers called themselves the Mexica (meh-HEE- kah). We know them today as the Aztecs.

What was the difference between the Mayan and the Aztec culture?
10 Key Differences Between the Mayan and Aztec | Discover
Both civilizations were polytheistic, but their deities and religious practices were distinct. The Mayans worshipped gods like Itzamná and Ix Chel, whereas the Aztecs had gods like Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc. Human sacrifice played a more central role in Aztec religion than in Mayan.

Who is older, Aztec or Mayan?
Maya vs Aztec Civilisations - Viva Expeditions
The Aztecs emerged later, around the 14th century, and their civilisation flourished until the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century. The Maya predated the Aztecs by roughly 600 to 800 years.Feb 13, 2024

Why did the Mayans disappear?
Mayan Civilization | Disappearance, Warfare & Theories ...
There are a variety of factors that led to the decline of ancient Mayan civilization. Scholars have identified climate change as a major factor for the decline of some lowland Mayan societies. Warfare between various Mayan city-states also has been identified as a cause of the decline of their ancient civilizations.

Empires always do the same stuff. Overstrip their available resources, and spend too many resources, time and lives on WAR. It forces them to decline. Does it remind us of some nation we might have heard of before? USA maybe? :lol: :D

And Nahuatl and Mayan are not mutually intelligible languages either. If you speak Mayan from Veracruz and you have Nahuatl from the Valley of Mexico speaking to each other? No, they can't understand each other. Not related languages. Diversity in Mexico. Ooh, I bet Swordy man does not know this....

Just because you are European you are not sharing the same culture either. Potemkin goes to Italy he won't be able to understand those people talking. Or their cultural norms in general. Even though both are Europeans. Why? Different cultures.

But? All of Europe unites under Nazi bullshit. I am sure....yeah right. :lol: :D

FiveofSwords wrote:Uh...that is just not true. I don't understand why you are even trying that. Azteca did not revolve in Europe, for example. They evolved in Central america

Most Latinos are not descended from Aztecs. Most have European ancestry.

Which is why they would be white according to you.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Most Latinos are not descended from Aztecs. Most have European ancestry.

Which is why they would be white according to you.

Lol. ¿Tu crees que tiene lógica? México, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina. The Brownies. Not white. End of story. Simplistic shit. Got to give it up with him. LOL. The only white people that even Stormfront can't define for their own members....is you have to look white, but Latinos can't be white because the Aztecs. And you people from where? Are all Aztecs. We know. because we study other cultures since we are Neo Nazis with true ideas of whiteness that we can't even figure out either. But hell...we are white. :lol:

Got to give it up.

Is Justin Timberlake white? He looks white but he is singing a Black man's song...can this be cross cultural pollination? Is this allowed?


White people, black music ...

Elvis was the king of appropriation.

The industry needed a white face to make the black music listened to by white teenagers acceptable to their white parents. Presley's whiteness (A European with Cherokee and Jewish blood? :lol: ) made him famous and rich as he sang the songs originally sung by black people, and broadcast by black radio stations, on white radio and into white American homes.

In the years following, you had karaoke renderings of classic blues.



Then, in the late '60s, a short-lived fad started by young British 'bluesmen', a weird amalgam of white and black musical styles where the bands, even when they had the technical expertise (and many didn't), were trying too hard to impress with flashy guitar solos.

Luckily, just as it was beginning to become the new normal in the '70s, it died a death. Its black roots were still evident though, as can be seen here.

British blues band Ten Years After performing at Woodstock in 1969.

Alvin Lee is not for me.

This is and always has been more my thing...

Blues bordering on jazz.


Edited to insert YouTube clips, tidy formatting, and do whatever else needed doing.
Last edited by ingliz on 06 May 2024 16:47, edited 5 times in total.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Then what does?

Also, this would mean that no white people exist, since they are all descended from Black people and have therefore some sort of mixed ancestry.

That is like saying mammals don't exist because they are all part fish. Logical fallacy. Obviously white people began to exist as they adapted to their environment and way of life.
FiveofSwords wrote:That is like saying mammals don't exist because they are all part fish. Logical fallacy. Obviously white people began to exist as they adapted to their environment and way of life.

You still have not shown a definition of whiteness that does not also manage to include people you think of as non-white.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Are you black then?


He claims he is a descendant of pure Scottish ancestry. But he does not speak with a Scottish brogue or the ancient language of the Scottish people. No. He forgot it all because that is what the New World did. Get rid of the old cultures and ways and languages and make up an identity that is uprooted from its original cultural origins. But somehow they (the generic white folks who are like him of pure Scottish blood) want to claim a land that had been occupied by Native peoples for thousands of years before any immigration from Scotland arrived. They adapted to the land in the state he is from. So did the African Americans, Latinos and so on. But no, those people do not have a right to stay in that sacred white land....because....because....the White Imperialists took over the entire world and as such they dictate to the rest of the less than pure mongrel races where to live, who to socialize with, who to marry or not be able to marry, and they hope the pregnancies end up in abortion if you are not a pure race couple. They want to make sure you live far far away from them. They want to control the economy and the money, and be the ones in power.

The rest either get sent to a concentration camp in the USA for extermination or free slave labor or sent to Africa and deported back to wherever they are from. Chinese go back to China, and so on. Everyone has to do what they say. No resistance of you get shot in the head or put in a gas chamber. But, they are tolerant and decent people who want to co-exist. But they won't be leaving America because this is their land now. Even though their cultural roots are in Europe. And Europe has been POLLUTED by a bunch of not white looking people who like you @ingliz speak British English and correct him with 'color' becomes 'colour' and 'arsehole' instead of 'asshole'. 'Lift' instead of 'elevator' etc.

But you are less pure British and pure white than he is. Even though Stormfront did not know what to tell their members because they have such few recruits in general that alienationg some racist who wants to join them and kill some black people in their supermarkets and in their own black neighborhoods minding their own business, might make them look bad, and get the FBI investigating their internal activities...and they are sent to random fora looking for people sympathetic to their dumb cause, because they want an all White Europe and an all white color coded shit filled world of separation.

The boat has sailed. Modernity is about mixing cultures, mixing races, mixing it up in order to have the concept of nation-states be a system of control of trade, government and power hierarchies. It is not based on race at all. It is based on economic and military control. The PRC has been studying the Yankee playbook of building satellite little islands for their military stations and creating strong trade ties with the nations who are resource rich but investment poor and with enormous income inequalities. They are busting a move for control of those countries.

They studied the Yankee playbook. The issue for them is they retain control of the government. And the corporations are not independent of the state's authority. In the USA system? The Corporations run the governmental departments with bribes and direct control through political campaigns and playing both parties against each other. While the dumbass Neo Nazis think they are out to kill off and genocide the White Race? The Corporations are into brainwashing the world to be multicultural in order to have a multicultural hegemony in a capitalistic fascist world where the Corporations are more powerful than the majority of any nation's voters or citizens.

The corporations do not give a fuck about Neo Nazi segregated paradigms of white hygienic purity. They want CONTROL of it all and they know that 91% of the world is NOT WHITE. They are interested in controlling human societies of all cultures, and nationalities in a mega-conformist Corporate Hegemony.

Nationalism is doomed in that scenario. There will be people noticing that something is wrong. But like Swordy they will be thinking the remedy is some racist fascist shit answers and it won't be that at all. It is going to be something far more challenging to do. But we will get there. Because capitalism always sells the rope it usually winds up hanging itself on.... :lol:
Wittgenstein was right. Most political disagreement is caused by the inadequacy of words to express the truth.

This thread is no exception as people argue about definitions of "white and black" (color wheels anyone?) without instead pursuing the meaning of "social construction."

The words "black" and "white" are insufficient to capture what is meant by social construction, and of the socially-constructed concept of "race."

FiveofSwords wrote:For example, people could be bullied into believing that short people don't exist. But short people do exist.

Exactly. And because "short people don't exist," it is perfectly moral for tall people to drive them off with violence and steal their houses, since they don't exist anyway, according to Tall People media.

Height is not a social construct.

And neither is skin tone, facial width, cranial dimensions, toe-fungus, the sun setting, or solar eclipses.
They are all real parts of reality.

But when toe-fungus becomes "a tribe," you are deep into the fantasy creations of fallible humans living on social cages and thus, not inspired or controlled by nature.

Lies are then made mandatory by the people who "benefit" from them: "It is illegal to claim that short people exist or have ever existed."
Tainari88 wrote:He claims he is a descendant of pure Scottish ancestry.

I don't see how he can be certain of that without having his mother tested and reviewed for her mitochondrial DNA.

Even then, as different firms use different 'clustering' maps, it's more than possible he might get a shock if he sent another set of samples to one of his testing company's competitors.

ingliz wrote:I don't see how he can be certain of that without having his mother tested and reviewed for her mitochondrial DNA.

Even then, as different firms use different 'clustering' maps, it's more than possible he might get a shock if he sent another set of samples to one of his testing company's competitors.


He might be traumatized if he finds some impure little percentage. It would bother him and he would have to review his entire identity and reason to live his life. His purpose over a tiny percentage of impure racial inheritance could send him over the edge. He drives in a truck and goes crazy thinking about not having purity.

Oh, woe is me he cries....

These people obsess over sheer shite Ingliz. :lol:
QatzelOk wrote:Wittgenstein was right. Most political disagreement is caused by the inadequacy of words to express the truth.

This thread is no exception as people argue about definitions of "white and black" (color wheels anyone?) without instead pursuing the meaning of "social construction."

The words "black" and "white" are insufficient to capture what is meant by social construction, and of the socially-constructed concept of "race."

Exactly. And because "short people don't exist," it is perfectly moral for tall people to drive them off with violence and steal their houses, since they don't exist anyway, according to Tall People media.

And neither is skin tone, facial width, cranial dimensions, toe-fungus, the sun setting, or solar eclipses.
They are all real parts of reality.

But when toe-fungus becomes "a tribe," you are deep into the fantasy creations of fallible humans living on social cages and thus, not inspired or controlled by nature.

Lies are then made mandatory by the people who "benefit" from them: "It is illegal to claim that short people exist or have ever existed."

That is in fact exactly what these people are doing. White people don't exist so there is no ethical issue with colonizing their countries. They have no right to self determination or any legal protections. And anyone who think they are white obviously just wants to kill everyone who isn't white.

This is clearly their angle and it is pretty stupid. But it is fascinating to see how much they double down on their low brow propaganda. Me simply insisting white people do exist causes them to construct all sorts of fantasies, as you can see in this thread. It is complete mental illness lol
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Nation of Islam?

Thoughtful white people know they are inferior to Black people.

— Malcolm X

The reason you want to poison the well here and hope to make white nationalists be prejudiced against Malcolm x is because he had clarity on who the real enemy of both white and black people were. Your agenda is so painfully obvious and it is just more zionist shilling. Naturally you are not saying anything in good faith and you will quote mine and take whatever crap you can outside of context to make a person appear to be totally different to what he actually was.
FiveofSwords wrote:anyone who think they are white obviously just wants to kill everyone who isn't white.

Obviously, not.

But you have said you would genocide your enemies the Jews, ethnically cleanse Blacks, and treat half-castes passing white as second-class citizens as you don't consider them to be white.

I would create links to you saying these things, but the server load is too high, and the search function doesn't work.

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