If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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It would necessarily follow that jews were never targeted by Hitler. Israel, in fact is a meaningless country. Black people were never enslaved. White people never colonized anything. Mongolians never conquered anything. Civil rights laws are meaningless and incoherent.

Be consistent.

Even if you are going to say some incoherent nonsense like 'race does exist but it's a social construct'...well then first of all that means race is a choice...so if you didn't want to be enslaved in the early us then simply do not choose to be black.

Second, if there is no genetic clustering at all then nobody could possibly identify a person's race from physical characteristics. There just would not be enough genetics that people have in common.

There could be no way to determine the physical characteristics of a child by looking at their parents. Otherwise it would imply some genetic inheritance of race. So if Beyonce and puff daddy had a child, nobody should be surprised if it looks like Taylor swift or Jackie Chan.

There just is no logical way to combine the assertion that there is no genetic component to race with an admission that physical characteristics can distinguish races or are in any way heritable. The evil confederacy never could have identified which people were black so there never could have been slavery of black people. One thing simply logically follows from the other and there is no way to avoid this.

If you instead want to say that race does have some genetic component but it is trivial or something, then you are changing your argument. That is a totally different claim to the assertion that there is 'no genetic aspect of race'. So you cannot claim both of these things simultaneously.
FiveofSwords wrote:a social construct

Genetically, Jews are not a race.

Centuries of dispersion among other racial and ethnic groups have broadened the Jewish gene pool to the extent that it is impossible to identify a common set of genetic markers that biologically distinguish Jews from others.

race is a choice.

It can be if you are a Jew.

Non-Jews have elected to join the Jewish community and they and their descendants have generally been viewed as no different from born Jews.

Or if you are 'passing'.

Racial passing occurs when a person classified as a member of one racial group is accepted as a member of another.

Last edited by ingliz on 01 May 2024 07:01, edited 1 time in total.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Genetically, Jews are not a race.

Centuries of dispersion among other racial and ethnic groups have broadened the Jewish gene pool to the extent that it is impossible to identify a common set of genetic markers that biologically distinguish Jews from others.

It is if you are a Jew.

Since biblical times, non-Jews have elected to join the Jewish community and they and their descendants have generally been viewed as no different from born Jews.


This is a rather pathetic attempt at refutation.

And your reply is a pathetic empty non-post.

Address the issues raised.

Of course, you can't because your genetic argument is bollocks.

Race cannot be biologically defined due to genetic variation among human individuals and populations.

The old concept of the 'five races' ...

According to this view, the variation between the races is large; thus, each race is a separate category - Wrong!


These individual races are thought to have a relatively uniform genetic identity - Wrong!

When we look at actual genetic variation in humans, human populations roughly cluster into geographical regions. However, variation between different regions is small, thus blurring the lines between populations. Furthermore, variation within a single region is large, and there is no uniform identity.

Note ...

If separate racial or ethnic groups actually existed, we would expect to find “trademark” alleles and other genetic features that are characteristic of a single group but not present in any others. However, the 2002 Stanford study found that only 7.4% of over 4000 alleles were specific to one geographical region. Furthermore, even when region-specific alleles did appear, they only occurred in about 1% of the people from that region—hardly enough to be any kind of trademark. Thus, there is no evidence that the groups we commonly call 'races' have distinct, unifying genetic identities. In fact, there is ample variation within races.

Ultimately, there is so much ambiguity between the races, and so much variation within them, that two people of European descent may be more genetically similar to an Asian person than they are to each other.

— V. Chou, How Science and Genetics are Reshaping the Race Debate


* Vivian Chou is a Ph.D. candidate in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences program at Harvard Medical School.
Last edited by ingliz on 01 May 2024 07:41, edited 1 time in total.
FiveofSwords wrote:It would necessarily follow that jews were never targeted by Hitler.

Groups of people, including members of the Jewish ethnocultural group were targeted by Hitler because of his beliefs.

It had nothing to do with their genes. They didn't even know what a haplogroup was.

FiveofSwords wrote: Israel, in fact is a meaningless country.

Israel was founded by a group of people known as Zionists, who believed they were part of an ethnocultural group and that that ethnocultural group deserved a state in a region where they believed that their God promised them the land.

FiveofSwords wrote: Black people were never enslaved.

Groups of people predominantly from West Africa were enslaved, and to justify this enslavement, slavers invented an entire belief system and created the concept of a singular "black race".

FiveofSwords wrote: White people never colonized anything.

Groups of people predominantly from Europe created colonies all over the world, and in the New World, created the concept of a "white race" that sometimes but did not always include Germans, Swedes, Spanish, Italians, Slavs, Russians, etc. As part of justifying their enslavement of groups of people from West Africa, which were, as a part of this belief system, called the black race.

FiveofSwords wrote: Mongolians never conquered anything.

A subgroup of people from the Mongolian ethnocultural group organized and conquered vast swathes of land under the leadership of an individual named Temujin in the 13th century.

FiveofSwords wrote: civil rights laws are meaningless and incoherent.

Civil rights laws, particularly laws addressing "racial discrimination" as I assume you're not talking about civil rights laws such as the 2nd amendment, address and tries to prevent the discrimination of marginalized people based on the belief systems held or once held by a majority of the population.

Race isn't real. The effects of belief in a concept is very real.

FiveofSwords wrote: Even if you are going to say some incoherent nonsense like 'race does exist but it's a social construct'...well then first of all that means race is a choice...so if you didn't want to be enslaved in the early us then simply do not choose to be black.

Race is a choice made by others. You did not choose to be white or black - other people chose whether they perceived you and thus treated you as white or black. You cannot control how others choose to perceive or treat you.

FiveofSwords wrote: Second, if there is no genetic clustering at all then nobody could possibly identify a person's race from physical characteristics.

You cannot, with 100% certainty, identify a person's genetic ancestry, through their physical appearance.

Parents cannot, with 100% certain, predict what their children will look like, due to the existence of recessive genes, and differences in how genes present.

These two girls are fraternal twins, born from the same parents, at the same time. Are they the same "race"?

Fasces wrote:Groups of people, including members of the Jewish ethnocultural group were targeted by Hitler because of his beliefs.

It had nothing to do with their genes. They didn't even know what a haplogroup was.

It had everything to do with genes. That was fundamental to hitler's issue with the jews.

Women don't even have a haplogroup. I don't understand why you people associate it with race so much. It is primarily useful for tracking migrations in distant history.

Israel was founded by a group of people known as Zionists, who believed they were part of an ethnocultural group and that that ethnocultural group deserved a state in a region where they believed that their God promised them the land.


'Right of return' is based on ancestry, not religion

Groups of people predominantly from West Africa were enslaved, and to justify this enslavement, slavers invented an entire belief system and created the concept of a singular "black race".

This is absurd because 1) the existence of a black race would not justify enslavement, 2) people have noticed for thousands of years that subsaharan Africans are different and physically identifiable, and 3) they would need to be physically identifiable to be enslaved

Groups of people predominantly from Europe created colonies all over the world, and in the New World, created the concept of a "white race" that sometimes but did not always include Germans, Swedes, Spanish, Italians, Slavs, Russians, etc. As part of justifying their enslavement of groups of people from West Africa, which were, as a part of this belief system, called the black race.

Again, the existence of a race doesn't justify its enslavement. Was the 'white race' invented to justify their enslavement? People from Europe do differ physically from people who evolved in other parts if the world and it is physically identifiable. And outside of dress or language or similar cultural displays, it is not possible to physically distinguish different groups of white people from each other.


A subgroup of people from the Mongolian ethnocultural group organized and conquered vast swathes of land under the leadership of an individual named Temujin in the 13th century.


And Mongolians are physically identifiable


Civil rights laws, particularly laws addressing "racial discrimination" as I assume you're not talking about civil rights laws such as the 2nd amendment, address and tries to prevent the discrimination of marginalized people based on the belief systems held or once held by a majority of the population. [/quote]

Civil rights laws focused on the empowerment of people of different races, particularly blacknpeople. If races don't exist then Civil rights laws are absurd.


Race isn't real. The effects of belief in a concept is very real.

Race is a choice made by others. You did not choose to be white or black - other people chose whether they perceived you and thus treated you as white or black. You cannot control how others choose to perceive or treat you.


People will look white or black and this is based on physical appearance which is based on genetic differences. This is how various races are identified. If you believe races are real then of course you could say that people cannot help what genes they were born with. If race has no genetic component then it is not possible anyone could distinguish races and it is not possible anyone ever formed any beliefs about them. It should be rather obvious that nobody can form any real beliefs, correct or incorrect, about some phenomena that they have no possible way of detecting. For example: there could not have been any wars fought in the 12th century over beliefs (correct or incorrect) involving the tau neutrino.

You cannot, with 100% certainty, identify a person's genetic ancestry, through their physical appearance.


So what? We cannot say with 100% certainty say that we are not living in a simulation and there is no such thing as people at all. So what? At what % accuracy does something become useful? Newtonian gravity was quite useful even though the orbit of mercury was a little off and current models of gravity failed to accurately predict gravitational lensing. But sane people do not conclude therefore that there is no gravitational force.


Parents cannot, with 100% certain, predict what their children will look like, due to the existence of recessive genes, and differences in how genes present.


Again, so what?

These two girls are fraternal twins, born from the same parents, at the same time. Are they the same "race"?


Again, so what? Neither is actually a race at all is what I would give as a technical answer...because races come about from adaptation to an environment and particular way of life...what geneticists would label as being high in tajima's d. Hybridization necessarily introduces a lot of randomness to genetics and a loss of any environmental fine tuning.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

And your reply is a pathetic empty non-post.

Address the issues raised.

Of course, you can't because your genetic argument is bollocks.

Race cannot be biologically defined due to genetic variation among human individuals and populations.

The old concept of the 'five races' ...

According to this view, the variation between the races is large; thus, each race is a separate category - Wrong!


These individual races are thought to have a relatively uniform genetic identity - Wrong!

When we look at actual genetic variation in humans, human populations roughly cluster into geographical regions. However, variation between different regions is small, thus blurring the lines between populations. Furthermore, variation within a single region is large, and there is no uniform identity.

Note ...

If separate racial or ethnic groups actually existed, we would expect to find “trademark” alleles and other genetic features that are characteristic of a single group but not present in any others. However, the 2002 Stanford study found that only 7.4% of over 4000 alleles were specific to one geographical region. Furthermore, even when region-specific alleles did appear, they only occurred in about 1% of the people from that region—hardly enough to be any kind of trademark. Thus, there is no evidence that the groups we commonly call 'races' have distinct, unifying genetic identities. In fact, there is ample variation within races.

Ultimately, there is so much ambiguity between the races, and so much variation within them, that two people of European descent may be more genetically similar to an Asian person than they are to each other.

— V. Chou, How Science and Genetics are Reshaping the Race Debate


* Vivian Chou is a Ph.D. candidate in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences program at Harvard Medical School.

You addressed none of my issues so I need not address any of yours. There are in fact genetic disorders that only appear in the Jewish population. That is sufficient to prove that there is a genetic component to being jewish. Historically jews were actually very resistant to assimilation which is why they still exist at all as a people. If they married a non jew now and then, it was not enough to eliminate their genetic distinctiveness. Almost all of the European part of Ashkenazi genes occurred around 200 ad and was specifically with females living in Italy. Since that very specific was there has been remarkably little intermarriage until literally the current day...but naturally one should expect the jews in israel to remain quite pure blooded.
Little Derek Black answered all the ways the White Nationalists think and why their ways of thinking is about denial of mountains of evidence. They have to do that. For the simple reason that no one can accept that if you follow their political philosophy to its final conclusion of separating the races by force and authority (taking over a government that gives them authority by the state to impose their agenda), that it means forcibly separating and segregating people according to how they look on the outside. If you listen @Fasces and @ingliz to the entire interview, Derek Black the son of Don Black the founder of Stormfront and the biggest internet website for white nationalism, is not only responsible through its posters and members for over 100 murders. All documented by the way, but they according to Derek have to deny the Holocaust. They got to do it. If they accepted the political philosophy winds up on mass genocide due to needing to impose purity and separation of the races in their minds? And they need to get a hold of land by force? Don Black tried to take over an island in the Caribbean to make it into a White People Only Homeland. Dominica. I do not know why they did not pick some Siberian fucking freeze your ass off tundra like Idaho where they could chug milk by the gallons but the Caribbean sure is pretty and easy to fall in love with the land there. Don Black got his ass thrown in jail for three years for trying to overthrow the government of Dominica.

Anyway, if you listen to the interview done by NPR that I already posted in the other Race Black thread the entire interview is enlightening on why @FiveofSwords is never going to admit anything that is historically true. Such as there was an African slave trade in the USA for a long time. The Holocaust happened in Europe. And trying to prove race without going into slippery slope territory has to be denied by them.

It is all explained by Derek Black. He was homeschooled his entire life and attended New College of Florida and got in trouble with his belief system there when he was outed. Then he wound up discussing a lot of things with girlfriend, friends, others and it took a long time. But the evidence against holding on to lies like what is promoted as truth with the White Nationalist movement was too hard for that kid to stay in it. He was actually a decent thinker. His mother no longer adheres to it. Don Black never cut his son off from dialogue but their politics are different. Don Black wanted a space for whites only. He wanted race to be the only determinant factor or central factor of all senses of identity.

The radio interview is interesting Ingliz and Fasces. It is 44 minutes long. But it just explodes all of Fives reasons for discussion of why White Nationalism is the answer. Who better to pick apart that shitty ideology but a very smart man who is studying for his PhD that knows that philosophy inside and out since he grew up in it, founded the KidStormFront and did all that in his family life and political life.

Once that kid gets through with saying what is wrong with it and why it works for white people in the USA who are open to it and follow Donald Trump? You understand why FiveofSwords is here lying his ass off with his politics that are about never answering logical refutations and he has almost zero ability for a decent rebuttal because the lying just won't let him.

He is also from a violent and violence prone tradition. If he was not? The KKK and the White Power and the White Nationalists would not have the history that they do. The thing is to be in power eventually they need to convince a lot of white normies who do not want to be called overt racists but want to be able to complain about shithole nation immigration and the Brown Mexicans and Brownie hordes and feel comfortable about discriminating without being labeled racist. Lol.

They need to be forgiven for their latent racism. The White Genocide is to tap into the reptilian part of the brain (See Rapaille that I posted), that gets defensive and fearful and you can manipulate that to get people who do not like violence and being unkind to others, to go along with their racialist agendas. It is better for all of us they say.

It all leads to killing people in large numbers. That is what happened in WWII with the Third Reich. It will happen in the USA as well if they are in charge of the government and the military too.

They can lie their asses off and deny it till kingdom come. But the reality is they are DEATH cult and always will be. Any political philosophy that refuses to accept variation of genes, variations in cultures, languages, landscapes, traditions, histories and in the innate life affirming qualities of varied forms of life and its organic material expressions such as all living cell organisms and can not accept that variation and live in peace with variation? Is rejecting LIFE. They only want death. To remain separate and to impose or reject variation in what is essentially a pre-requisite to life.

They reject it? They reject life affirming evolutionary theories. Variation is life. They want to think the White Race is the superior race or deny it and say they just want a White People Only nation. They are rejecting life. Period.

They can go and stick their fucking Death Cult where the sun does not shine. I am for life. Not death.

If they want to deny their love of killing and death and some fictional shit about purity of race when the moderators on Stormfront had to go and have a meeting about what is the criteria for being accepted on Stormfront because genes are complicated and they said you visually had to look white and identify yourself as white and think of yourself as white in identity was the only thing they could agree on....because the one drop rule and everything else got to too complex for their simplistic shit theories? Well, what is there more to mention now? They SUCK.

:lol: :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:Little Derek Black answered all the ways the White Nationalists think and why their ways of thinking is about denial of mountains of evidence. They have to do that. For the simple reason that no one can accept that if you follow their political philosophy to its final conclusion of separating the races by force and authority (taking over a government that gives them authority by the state to impose their agenda), that it means forcibly separating and segregating people according to how they look on the outside. If you listen @Fasces and @ingliz to the entire interview, Derek Black the son of Don Black the founder of Stormfront and the biggest internet website for white nationalism, is not only responsible through its posters and members for over 100 murders. All documented by the way, but they according to Derek have to deny the Holocaust. They got to do it. If they accepted the political philosophy winds up on mass genocide due to needing to impose purity and separation of the races in their minds? And they need to get a hold of land by force? Don Black tried to take over an island in the Caribbean to make it into a White People Only Homeland. Dominica. I do not know why they did not pick some Siberian fucking freeze your ass off tundra like Idaho where they could chug milk by the gallons but the Caribbean sure is pretty and easy to fall in love with the land there. Don Black got his ass thrown in jail for three years for trying to overthrow the government of Dominica.

Anyway, if you listen to the interview done by NPR that I already posted in the other Race Black thread the entire interview is enlightening on why @FiveofSwords is never going to admit anything that is historically true. Such as there was an African slave trade in the USA for a long time. The Holocaust happened in Europe. And trying to prove race without going into slippery slope territory has to be denied by them.

It is all explained by Derek Black. He was homeschooled his entire life and attended New College of Florida and got in trouble with his belief system there when he was outed. Then he wound up discussing a lot of things with girlfriend, friends, others and it took a long time. But the evidence against holding on to lies like what is promoted as truth with the White Nationalist movement was too hard for that kid to stay in it. He was actually a decent thinker. His mother no longer adheres to it. Don Black never cut his son off from dialogue but their politics are different. Don Black wanted a space for whites only. He wanted race to be the only determinant factor or central factor of all senses of identity.

The radio interview is interesting Ingliz and Fasces. It is 44 minutes long. But it just explodes all of Fives reasons for discussion of why White Nationalism is the answer. Who better to pick apart that shitty ideology but a very smart man who is studying for his PhD that knows that philosophy inside and out since he grew up in it, founded the KidStormFront and did all that in his family life and political life.

Once that kid gets through with saying what is wrong with it and why it works for white people in the USA who are open to it and follow Donald Trump? You understand why FiveofSwords is here lying his ass off with his politics that are about never answering logical refutations and he has almost zero ability for a decent rebuttal because the lying just won't let him.

He is also from a violent and violence prone tradition. If he was not? The KKK and the White Power and the White Nationalists would not have the history that they do. The thing is to be in power eventually they need to convince a lot of white normies who do not want to be called overt racists but want to be able to complain about shithole nation immigration and the Brown Mexicans and Brownie hordes and feel comfortable about discriminating without being labeled racist. Lol.

They need to be forgiven for their latent racism. The White Genocide is to tap into the reptilian part of the brain (See Rapaille that I posted), that gets defensive and fearful and you can manipulate that to get people who do not like violence and being unkind to others, to go along with their racialist agendas. It is better for all of us they say.

It all leads to killing people in large numbers. That is what happened in WWII with the Third Reich. It will happen in the USA as well if they are in charge of the government and the military too.

They can lie their asses off and deny it till kingdom come. But the reality is they are DEATH cult and always will be. Any political philosophy that refuses to accept variation of genes, variations in cultures, languages, landscapes, traditions, histories and in the innate life affirming qualities of varied forms of life and its organic material expressions such as all living cell organisms and can not accept that variation and live in peace with variation? Is rejecting LIFE. They only want death. To remain separate and to impose or reject variation in what is essentially a pre-requisite to life.

They reject it? They reject life affirming evolutionary theories. Variation is life. They want to think the White Race is the superior race or deny it and say they just want a White People Only nation. They are rejecting life. Period.

They can go and stick their fucking Death Cult where the sun does not shine. I am for life. Not death.

If they want to deny their love of killing and death and some fictional shit about purity of race when the moderators on Stormfront had to go and have a meeting about what is the criteria for being accepted on Stormfront because genes are complicated and they said you visually had to look white and identify yourself as white and think of yourself as white in identity was the only thing they could agree on....because the one drop rule and everything else got to too complex for their simplistic shit theories? Well, what is there more to mention now? They SUCK.

:lol: :lol:

All you ever do is pretend you can read my mind and totally fail to represent my position properly. I do not agree with anything you claim I believe.

And you still fail to address the point: physical differences caused by genetic difference was always necessary for races to be identifiable in the first place and any sort of belief or political consequences of race required that races be identifiable. Thus when people say there is no genetic component to race, they are clearly just lying...but they also mist necessarily say black people were never enslaved because black people cannot exist and there is no way to identify them other than some lengthy interview where honesty is assumed.

I am simply demanding you be consistent with the lies you are spouting. Based on YOUR claims, black people must have WANTED to be enslaved...because they always could have si.pky denied being black and nobody could have had a way of knowing any differently. This simply follows from very mundane and elementary logical reasoning.
wat0n wrote:None of the examples in the OP relies on race as a biological concept. In fact, "race" could be replaced by "ethnicity" or "nation" and the examples in the OP would still work.

Race is biological. That is why it is associated with actual physical differences that can be identified visually.

Ethnicity involves culture. No, speaking swahili does not turn your skin dark. You can physically determine the race of most people based on actual physical differences that are visible to the naked eye without having any idea which God they worship, what their primary language is, which holidays they celebrate, etc. Ethnicity would absolutely NOT work with my examples.
Last edited by FiveofSwords on 01 May 2024 16:15, edited 1 time in total.

Why do you believe Ashkenazi Jews are a separate race?

All I see is mutations common among Middle Eastern and North African peoples ...

A 2000 study by Hammer et al. found that the Y-chromosome of Ashkenazi contained mutations that are also common among Middle Eastern peoples.

A 2014 study by Fernández et al. found that Ashkenazi Jews display a frequency of haplogroup K in their maternal DNA, suggesting an ancient Near Eastern matrilineal origin.

As for autosomal DNA, A 2007 study by Bauchet et al. found that Ashkenazim were most closely clustered with Arabic North African populations.

FiveofSwords wrote:All you ever do is pretend you can read my mind and totally fail to represent my position properly. I do not agree with anything you claim I believe.

And you still fail to address the point: physical differences caused by genetic difference was always necessary for races to be identifiable in the first place and any sort of belief or political consequences of race required that races be identifiable. Thus when people say there is no genetic component to race, they are clearly just lying...but they also mist necessarily say black people were never enslaved because black people cannot exist and there is no way to identify them other than some lengthy interview where honesty is assumed.

I am simply demanding you be consistent with the lies you are spouting. Based on YOUR claims, black people must have WANTED to be enslaved...because they always could have si.pky denied being black and nobody could have had a way of knowing any differently. This simply follows from very mundane and elementary logical reasoning.


Oscar D'Leon can answer your whining. That is all you do. Lie and whine.


It is called Llorarás which means You Will Cry.

That is all you will do for your entire energy spent on a Death Cult. No children, no wife, no life, and all your days spent on slaying an enemy and talking violent shit and then lying some more about just wanting peaceful co-existence and living far far away from the nonwhites who are people who are just one half of the whole of the people you have issues with. Mostly other whites.

You can't even fucking agree among each other like Don Black and his own redhaired son. They can't agree. But somehow that fictional shit of white unites is not working.

Here Llora, llora mucho....

The Black Venezuelan ex Taxi driver singing Lloraras is what you deserve every time you try to lie your ass off. :lol:
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Why do you believe Ashkenazi Jews are a separate race?

All I see is mutations common among Middle Eastern and North African peoples ...

A 2000 study by Hammer et al. found that the Y-chromosome of Ashkenazi contained mutations that are also common among Middle Eastern peoples.

A 2014 study by Fernández et al. found that Ashkenazi Jews display a frequency of haplogroup K in their maternal DNA, suggesting an ancient Near Eastern matrilineal origin.

As for autosomal DNA, A 2007 study by Bauchet et al. found that Ashkenazim were most closely clustered with Arabic North African populations.


You are literally citing studies that are BASED on the fact that there is such a thing as identifiable Ashkenazi dna. Is this supposed to somehow be evidence AGAINST Ashkenazi jews being a race? Because it is literally the exact opposite.

Unicorns are not a real horse breed. Because of that you are not going to find any scientific studies on unicorn dna.

But you are trying to tell me jews are not a race...citing studies on jewish dna.

How can anyone be as insane as you?
Tainari88 wrote::violin:

Oscar D'Leon can answer your whining. That is all you do. Lie and whine.


It is called Llorarás which means You Will Cry.

That is all you will do for your entire energy spent on a Death Cult. No children, no wife, no life, and all your days spent on slaying an enemy and talking violent shit and then lying some more about just wanting peaceful co-existence and living far far away from the nonwhites who are people who are just one half of the whole of the people you have issues with. Mostly other whites.

You can't even fucking agree among each other like Don Black and his own redhaired son. They can't agree. But somehow that fictional shit of white unites is not working.

Here Llora, llora mucho....

The Black Venezuelan ex Taxi driver singing Lloraras is what you deserve every time you try to lie your ass off. :lol:

And yeah. It is posts like this that reveal that you just hate me. And why do you hate me? Because I am not a fan of being oppressed for my race. I am not in favor of my race being exterminated. I am aware that my race is under attack by people like yourself who simply hate us for our race.

That is the only reason you actually hate me.

In order to justify your hatred of me...because you are aware that most people would find it strange to hate someone for opposing their own oppression and genocide...you have to just make up crap about my 'secret thoughts' that I have never stated. And that is the only reason you make such things up. It is dehumanization propaganda.

I keep wondering how anyone can be as stupid as you.

It's easy enough to find DNA from a Jew if you ask him, "Are you Jewish?"

And if he says, "Yes," it's not shock, horror, hiding behind your mummy's skirts 'Jewish DNA'.

It's just DNA.

It would be just as easy to test bus drivers', tax collectors', or shit shovellers' DNA.

Do you drive a bus, collect tax, or shovel shit?

Do bus drivers not exist?

Are shit shovellers a separate race?

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

I keep wondering how anyone can be as stupid as you.

It's easy enough to find DNA from a Jew if you ask him, "Are you Jewish?"

And when he says, "Yes." It's not shock, horror, hide behind your mummy's skirts, 'Jewish DNA'. It's just DNA.

It would be just as easy to test bus drivers', tax collectors', or shit shovellers' DNA.

Do you drive a bus, collect tax, or shovel shit?

Do bus drivers not exist?

Are shit shovellers a separate race?


Would you expect bus drivers in the usa to have 70% paternal middle eastern ancestry?

Is there some mythology of all bus drivers being descended from the first bus driver, Abusham?

Is there a bus driver nation state called abusreal where it is not acceptable for bus drivers to marry anyone but another bus driver in order to maintain the existence of distinct bus driver genetics?

Asking someone if they are Jewish implies a lot more than asking them if they are bus drivers.

By the way, studies have been done on how close a person's self reported race matches their 'actual' race based on examining their DNA. Naturally such a study is impossible to conduct based on your fake pseudoscience...but actual scientists believe they have done this study.

One interesting takeaway from this study is that the people who 'lie' the most about their race happen to be people with over 97% European ancestry but pretend to be something else (Elizabeth Warren types). Why would white people have any motive to lie? Is it because there might be disadvantages to being white?
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