Campaign to Add 'Abstain' to the Voting Slip - Politics | PoFo

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I am writing on behalf of a political campaign founded in order to get abstentions formally recognised and counted on voting slips for elections.

In any democratic society, one of the most important responsibilities citizens within that society have is to vote in elections. However, we believe it is unfair that, in order to get their vote counted, people are forced to vote for one of the candidates on offer in their particular constituency. We think it democratically unfair that people who wish not to vote out of a genuine disatissfaction with the available candidates cannot have their votes in protest to this counted (NOTE: this is not a group for people who choose not to vote because they are completely uninformed about politics or because they cannot be bothered to engage with politics and do some research into which candidate best representes their beliefs and interests - this is a group for those people who ARE informed about politics, and who DO genuinely want to vote - they simply feel that they can't because they do not wish to support the limited number of candidates on offer).

We are aware that people do have the option to spoil their paper in protest at the inadquecy of the candidates in their constituency. However, spoilt papers are not counted, so the protest or discontentment of these people goes unrecorded - they are lumped in with the other irresponsible citizens who cannot be bothered to vote.

The aim of our Campaign, therefore, is simple. We wish to lobby MPs and the government so that the electorate can share the same right MPs and MEPs have when they are required to vote - the right to express their INFORMED CHOICE NOT TO VOTE through an abstention.

If you believe, as we do, that this is a fallacy of our democracy that needs to be addressed and rectified, we would greatly appreciate your support. To register you support with us, either:
- Search on Facebook for the group CAAVS and sign up, or
- Email me at and express your support.

We appreciate any input and opinions from people, be they in support of our cause or opposed to it, and would welcome any communications from people either on this forum or to my email account about the matter. If anybody has any questions or comments to make, please do not hesitate to contact me!

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By dilpill
You can already abstain. Just submit an empty ballot. Invalid ballot numbers are often reported.
By canadiancapitalist
None of the above is superior, but why would I go and vote just to spoil my ballot? My whole argument against voting is my vote doesn't count so it's a complete waste of time. The election result will be the same whether I stay home or I go out and vote, so why not spend my time doing something more productive like tossing corn flakes on the ground and then picking them up with tweezers?
By guzzipat
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:59 am
None of the above is superior, but why would I go and vote just to spoil my ballot? My whole argument against voting is my vote doesn't count so it's a complete waste of time. The election result will be the same whether I stay home or I go out and vote, so why not spend my time doing something more productive like tossing corn flakes on the ground and then picking them up with tweezers?

Perhaps out of respect for the thousands world wide who fought and died to gain or protect the right to vote?
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By Corporatios
Because staying at home is like submitting your constitutional political rights at the hands of any idiot and his friends that have a lust for power,a power that belongs equaly to you.

I support to put 'abstain' in the voting slip,although personally I prefer to vote a small party,which,even if it doesn't reflects completely my views,will raise a voice against government political scandals if needed.

As for blanks and invalid ballots,in various elections I have voted,they are counted for the elected party.
By canadiancapitalist
Perhaps out of respect for the thousands world wide who fought and died to gain or protect the right to vote?

I'm Canadian, we got our vote the old fashioned way - by being the British's bitches until we got it. As for respecting soldiers that go off to foreign countries to murder innocent people, I'll save my respect for people who actually deserve it. Like hotdog vendors.
I think everybody should be allowed to exercize their right not to vote. And then exercize their absolute right to keep their apathetic mouthes shut when things don't go as they would like.

Even if the choice is the lesser of evils, it is still an important choice. An abstain block is useless. In America we can write in a name.
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By Demosthenes
I agree with this. Abstintions are a part of Democracy. At least I can prove I'm not some lazy, dumbass whining about how none of it matters so I may as well stay home and pretend I'm enlightened.

An abstintion shows that I am willing to participate in the agreed upon political landscape, but I am unwilling to indulge the political monopooly.

I'd sign it.
By guzzipat
Perhaps out of respect for the thousands world wide who fought and died to gain or protect the right to vote?

I'm Canadian, we got our vote the old fashioned way - by being the British's bitches until we got it. As for respecting soldiers that go off to foreign countries to murder innocent people, I'll save my respect for people who actually deserve it. Like hotdog vendors.

Who was talking about soldiers?
I was talking about sufragettes, chartists, Levellers etc.

I hope you don't think I was stupid enough to think democracy can be imposed by armed invasion, I ain't Bush.

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