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By Grunch
Is more oil used for commercial vehicles or personal transport? I am genuinely asking this and am not insinuating anything.
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By Dave
Grunch wrote:Is more oil used for commercial vehicles or personal transport? I am genuinely asking this and am not insinuating anything.

Globally, commercial. In the United States, personal transport. I don't know the exact breakdown, but transportation energy separates into 61% gasoline, 21% diesel, 12% kerosene (jet fuel), and 6% other. Most gasoline in the US is for personal transport (cars), and most diesel is for commercial uses (trucking, locomotives, shipping, buses, etc.).
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By ninintothevoid

I believe there are real fundamentals driving this 6 fold increase in gas prices from 2002 to today. Yes, speculation in oil futures and devaluation of the dollar do have some impact on the price of oil, but I believe realistically you are looking at maybe a $30/barrel impact tops. That still leaves us with $100/barrel oil while the world population and demand grows for the stuff. I also don't believe alternative fuel sources will allow the US and the world to maintain their current quality of life. The long term solution is to "power down" where ever possible(particularly transportation of people and goods) and to keep any oil in the US as a reserve for emergencies. That's why I am against drilling in ANWR today with the expectation that it would be a stop gap until alternatives are developed; what if there is no alternative? I'm not one of those peak oil die-off nutters, but I do understand that barring a technical breakthrough in solar energy or nuclear fusion, we will most definitely have to live much more meager than we have the last 50 years, and that begins with the loss of freedom of personal transportation and to begin depending on locally grown food.
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By NoRapture
...to paraphrase Glen Beck...
This is, of course, a perfect set-up to say something really insulting. But I won't. I will say though that drilling for oil in North America is a solution to exactly nothing when it comes to actually accomplishing alternatives in the energy crisis. There is not enough to be meaningful, for any substantial length of time, to anything or anyone. Other than depriving the continent of a future reserve of petroleum when the crisis becomes bigger than a simple oil price-hike.

Who do you think keeps those radio idiots in business year-after-year? Their hordes of Iraq war-loving, end-times believing, homophobic, bigoted, illiterate listeners? They have all gone to die like a bunch of cicadas.
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By Rancid
i'm just screwing around man.. relax my friend.. relax

i don't know what keeps people listening to them. I don't really listen to them.

I was flipping around channels and saw glen beck (he has a TV show if you didn't know)

the only radio show host i listen to regularly is neil Boortz.
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By Infidelis
I signed because I am not an ecoterrorist.

Yes! The answer is so simple! If we sign these little internet petitions then we can finally put an end to environmental extremism that set fire to shit and spike trees!

Making cute nicknames like "ecoterrorists," "ecoNazi," etcetera is childish and causes a reaction against your cause. You'd do conservatives a lot of good if you behaved like an adult and at least gave a point or insight in addition to your name calling.
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By Dave
Infidelis wrote:Yes! The answer is so simple! If we sign these little internet petitions then we can finally put an end to environmental extremism that set fire to shit and spike trees!

Making cute nicknames like "ecoterrorists," "ecoNazi," etcetera is childish and causes a reaction against your cause. You'd do conservatives a lot of good if you behaved like an adult and at least gave a point or insight in addition to your name calling.

You're not incorrect and it is a bit juvenile of me to do so, but it's easy to get carried away when speaking to people who want to destroy our civilization and even the human race itself.
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By Grunch
Yes! The answer is so simple! If we sign these little internet petitions then we can finally put an end to environmental extremism that set fire to shit and spike trees!

It's sad that we have to spike trees in order to guarantee the preservation of old growth forests.
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By Nets
Grunch wrote:It's sad that we have to spike trees in order to guarantee the preservation of old growth forests.

But if anything, tactics like this turn people against environmental groups.
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By War Angel
What is it with Americans and oil? It's a sticky, smelly substance, takes forever to formulate into working condition, pollutes the environment, costs a fortune and its proliferation is controlled mostly by Muslim and non-Western countries, using it as leverage to grab Americans by the balls.

So, is it some sort of sexual fixation? 'Cause, otherwise, I don't get why you people don't just look for something else to drive your big-ass cars with. Hydrogen looks good - awesome explosive potential, too. :)
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By Grunch
I don't know why people are fixated on spiked trees as some form of ultimate tree-hugging evil. Earth First!, who pioneered the technique, informed logging companies of the spikes and clearly marked the trees.
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By Dr House
Simply because nothing else is cheap enough to replace oil.

And like I said, it's not just gas prices being high. Oil prices are fueling agflation, which is threatening to undo the progress made during the last 2 decades to industrialize the developing World.

-Dr House :smokin:
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By Grunch
Simply because nothing else is cheap enough to replace oil.

That's not true at all in terms of personal transportation.
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By Infidelis
Earth First!, who pioneered the technique, informed logging companies of the spikes and clearly marked the trees.

Whether it's marked or not, one is still using coercive measures to bring about a political outcome.
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By Dr House
That's not true at all in terms of personal transportation.

Hydrogen isn't. Electric cars have range issues. Ethanol is more contaminating than gas itself.

What else is there?

-Dr House :smokin:
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By Grunch
Bicycle. We need to model towns and cities so that everything you need is within a walk, bike ride, or, perhaps, a bus ride away.
By grassroots1
and trains and boats can be a clean and fast method for transport over long distances.
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By Dave
Grunch wrote:Bicycle. We need to model towns and cities so that everything you need is within a walk, bike ride, or, perhaps, a bus ride away.

Good luck buying a week's worth of groceries or ANYTHING at the hardware store without a car. I for one don't want to buy groceries every goddamn day.
By GrantG
I guess Gingrich is right sometimes. He created "American Solutions for Winning the Future".
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By Infidelis
Good luck buying a week's worth of groceries or ANYTHING at the hardware store without a car. I for one don't want to buy groceries every goddamn day.

How many people are you feeding? I could walk to the store with me and my wife and carry back enough food for the week for us an my step-son...
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