Legalising Marijuana. - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
Well people have more aggressive behaviour on many drugs. Some drunks aren't too pleasant.

Yeah, well we tried to ban alcohol and it was too popular and just led to a lot of mobsters killing a bunch of people. No good.

What is with calling me douglar?

I meant to type douglas... Idk why douglar came out.
By Oblisk
I will only vote for parties in Canada and the United States that openly state in their party platform that they will unilaterally legalize

I can't take the fucking hypocrisy anymore.

Marijuana is a harmful drug.

By the way, I applied at SFU.
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By MB.
Marijuana is a harmful drug.

By the way, I applied at SFU.

No more harmful than other legal drugs.

Cool, are you taking Poli Sci?
By Oblisk
No more harmful than other legal drugs.

I tried other legal drugs, and found that they were nothing compared to marijuana.

Cool, are you taking Poli Sci?

Yes, although I'm unsure if taking that course will pave me with a future career.
By Douglas
No more harmful than other legal drugs.

But more harmful than some other illegal ones. And the harm issue is not a clear one. It contains more chemicals such as hydrogen cyanide.

I tried other legal drugs, and found that they were nothing compared to marijuana.

Didn't look hard enough. There are some good ones out there if you know what you are looking for.

Yeah, well we tried to ban alcohol and it was too popular and just led to a lot of mobsters killing a bunch of people. No good.

Same could be said over drug prohibition including meth and PCP.

Please enlighten me with your drug classification system.

Well we could just list all drugs by the physical harm they cause and their addiction potential and work from their. Draw a line somewhere and say all drugs more harmful and addictive than this are banned. Of course where that line is drawn becomes an issue up for debate. But it's a line drawn based on an ordered and logical ranking.
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By kuros_taken
Okay, with that out of the way, what illegal drugs are safer than marijuana, and should they be legal?
By Douglas
Khat, ecstasy, GHB, anabolic steroids, methylphenidate, 4-MTA, LSD, iboga, kava (not sure if that is legal in the US) and shrooms come to mind.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
Same could be said over drug prohibition including meth and PCP.

I never said that I wouldn't legalize amphetamines, just meth in particular because it's associated with most of the violence of the underground drug community.

There is hardly a market for PCP, and if a proper medical use were found, it would be legal. It has been legalized and discontinued many times because it's simply ineffective.

But more harmful than some other illegal ones. And the harm issue is not a clear one. It contains more chemicals such as hydrogen cyanide.

How the fuck could there be hydrogen cyanide in weed when hydrogen cyanide is a gas at room temperature, and highly toxic at even very low doses.

Khat, ecstasy, GHB, anabolic steroids, methylphenidate, 4-MTA, LSD, iboga, kava (not sure if that is legal in the US) and shrooms come to mind.

Aside from ecstasy, which of those have medical uses? (steroids, GHB, methylphenidate, are already legal btw)
By Douglas
How the fuck could there be hydrogen cyanide in weed when hydrogen cyanide is a gas at room temperature

Part of the smoke perhaps?

and highly toxic at even very low doses.

One of the many reasons smoking is bad,

which of those have medical uses? (steroids, GHB, methylphenidate, are already legal btw)

You mean legal with a prescription? Slightly different than what we are talking about. We could make marijuana legal with a prescription (and in some places it is) that still makes it illegal for the man in the street. Or to see it another way in the UK heroin is available upon prescription, still a class A drug though.

Iboga is a addiction treatment, khat gives amphetamine like effects, kava is thought to work against cancer. Then again what medical use does alcohol and tobacco have?

We are discussing legal for recreational purposes not medical.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
We are discussing legal for recreational purposes not medical.

Actually, no. This is a strawman. You took the issue the fact that marijuana is dangerous. I'm just trying to say that marijuana is wayyy less dangerous than the stuff you listed (and I looked them up.)

Besides, there are plenty of maybes surrounding the stuff you listed, but there are definites behind marijuana. There is a definite increase in the quality of life of kemo patients. Marijuna definitely gives people appetite and thus is effective in treating anorexia and depression symptoms. Marijuana definitely gives people a better quality of life for illnesses, and that should be a mittigating circumstance in legalisation.

There are other reasons for it to be legalized, but the health benefits are up there.

Part of the smoke perhaps?

No, you don't get it. It's impossible for it to be stored in a solid because it turns into a gas at room temperature. The mear heat of the room itself would blow away any hydrogen cyanide.

I don't think you're lying, just misinformed.

BTW, when I say "highly toxic at low doses," I don't mean it makes you throw up or get dizzy or something, I mean that you would most likely die with only 300 mg of it in the air, much less direct contact with your lungs

You mean legal with a prescription?

GHB is available over the counter, I knew a guy that used to do it. I don't see how you could ever possibly think anabolic steroids are less dangerous than weed. Anabolic steroids directly lead to suicide and bipolar disorder.
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By Potemkin
Legalising marijuana would take away half the fun of it. Every time you light up a joint or take a hit from a bong, you're giving the finger to The Man. It allows every spineless dweeb who smokes a joint to think of himself as a daring, dangerous rebel and outlaw. That's half the pleasure of it right there. :D
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
^ The only people that still get that pleasure from it are douchebags, poor people, and teenagers. Which one are you, Potemkin? :eek:

The last time I got such a thrill from smoking weed was when I was 17. I was pulled over by the police after picking up (I had smoked out with my dealer.) The cop pulled me over, told me to step out of the car, and of course found my twenty sack. Without a word, he told me to get on my way, took my weed, and god only knows what he did with it.
By Douglas
It's impossible for it to be stored in a solid because it turns into a gas at room temperature.

Yeah I never claimed it was in solid form. It is in the smoke produced in the combustion of marijuana, it is is also present in the smoke produced by burning tobacco and some plastics. By smoking these you are ingesting hydrogen cyanide.

I mean that you would most likely die with only 300 mg of it in the air, much less direct contact with your lungs

Are you trying to deny there is HCN in tobacco and marijuana smoke?

Anabolic steroids directly lead to suicide and bipolar disorder.

And cannabis is neutral to your mental health?

Actually, no. This is a strawman.

No it's the basis of this thread. If you're going to talk about legalizing then you're talking about something illegal. ie possession for recreational purposes and not with a prescription, the later is not.

Besides, there are plenty of maybes surrounding the stuff you listed, but there are definites behind marijuana. There is a definite increase in the quality of life of kemo patients. Marijuna definitely gives people appetite and thus is effective in treating anorexia and depression symptoms. Marijuana definitely gives people a better quality of life for illnesses, and that should be a mittigating circumstance in legalisation.

No there are never any guarantees when it comes to medication to claim anything is 100% effective 100% of the time is a filthy lie.

Marijuana definitely gives people a better quality of life for illnesses, and that should be a mittigating circumstance in legalisation.

Well then make it legal on prescription.... ah crap someone got to that idea before us.

GHB is available over the counter, I knew a guy that used to do it.

And he's either dumb or a liar, it's covered by schedule 1.
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By Potemkin
^ The only people that still get that pleasure from it are douchebags, poor people, and teenagers. Which one are you, Potemkin? :eek:

I'm a douchebag and a poor person, but I'm no longer a teenager. :hmm:

The last time I got such a thrill from smoking weed was when I was 17. I was pulled over by the police after picking up (I had smoked out with my dealer.) The cop pulled me over, told me to step out of the car, and of course found my twenty sack. Without a word, he told me to get on my way, took my weed, and god only knows what he did with it.

You see, the law is so great! You didn't get arrested, and he got some free weed. Everybody wins! :lol:
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
Are you trying to deny there is HCN in tobacco and marijuana smoke?

I know that it's present in cigarettes (one of the reasons secondhand smoke is so bad), but I'm almost 100% sure it's not in weed. Cite me a source and change my mind.

And cannabis is neutral to your mental health?

Show me one case where smoking weed caused someone to kill themselves who did not have a prior history of mental health problems?

See there is nothing inherent in weed that causes people to kill themselves when they take it. There are a number of mental health problems associated with the intake of anabolic steroids, though.

No there are never any guarantees when it comes to medication to claim anything is 100% effective 100% of the time is a filthy lie.

I never said that it was 100% effective, I was merely pointing out that there are definite proven advantages to ingesting marijuana for medical purposes. What I mean is that there is a statistically relevant increase in the quality of life of some (definitely not all) patients.

Well then make it legal on prescription.... ah crap someone got to that idea before us.

Actually, it's technically not legal. It's covered by state law, not federal law. The feds make drug busts all the time.

I'm a douchebag and a poor person, but I'm no longer a teenager.

What of your spirit?
You see, the law is so great! You didn't get arrested, and he got some free weed. Everybody wins! :lol:

:lol: In an ideal society, I'd love to keep weed illegal for just that reason.

Unfortunately, criminals make a lot of money off of weed, and that is sufficient enough reason for me to legalize it.
By Douglas
I know that it's present in cigarettes (one of the reasons secondhand smoke is so bad), but I'm almost 100% sure it's not in weed. Cite me a source and change my mind.


See there is nothing inherent in weed that causes people to kill themselves when they take it. There are a number of mental health problems associated with the intake of anabolic steroids, though.

And what is inherently in steroids?

The feds make drug busts all the time.

Not on people with a prescription though.

A drug can be illegal and available on prescription.
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By Dave
Actually Potemkin's reason is why I think gambling should be illegal. It's way cooler to deal with a shady bookie in the back of an Italian-owned deli than it is to place bets online.
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By Potemkin
What of your spirit?

I'm a Scotch man myself, though I'm partial to a shot of vodka now and then. How about your spirit?

:lol: In an ideal society, I'd love to keep weed illegal for just that reason.

Unfortunately, criminals make a lot of money off of weed, and that is sufficient enough reason for me to legalize it.

Yeah, that's a very good point. Actually, that's the main reason I only do legal drugs like Salvia or kratom. I strongly dislike the thought of putting money into the pocket of organised crime. :hmm:
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade


point well taken. However: ... 29_pf.html

And what is inherently in steroids?

I am not sure. I'm not a scientist. I'm just getting this from the off the cuff look at the wikipedia page. 8)

Not on people with a prescription though.

A drug can be illegal and available on prescription.

The feds close about 10 drug shops a year here in CA.

I'm a Scotch man myself, though I'm partial to a shot of vodka now and then. How about your spirit?

:lol: :lol: :lol: well I was more asking about how youthful your spirit was, but actually I'm the opposite, I love vodka but will treat myself to some scotch on special occasions.

Yeah, that's a very good point. Actually, that's the main reason I only do legal drugs like Salvia or kratom. I strongly dislike the thought of putting money into the pocket of organised crime.

My friend grows his own, so I have no qualms. :D What is kratom? I haven't heard of that before.
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