Do you belong to any local activist groups in your area? - Politics | PoFo

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Talking about and organise marches, demonstrations, writing to your local Member of Parliament etc.

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I am an active member in this group called FOR (Fellowship of Reconciliation) which is the headquarters for the The Largest, Oldest Interfaith Peace Organization in the United States is located right near my house (5-10 minutes away). Anyways I am also a member of and the rockland coalition for democracy and freedom. Anyways I am trying to get even more active lately but was wondering if anybody else is in any activist organizations?

And if you are in New york area I can help you get information about joining these organizations.
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By ComradeRick-CL
well im the co-founder of the socialist party of ARizona
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By Unperson-S
I belong to BAA - Bedford Animal Action - you never said it had to be a political organisation, although we deal allot with the government at the moment...

BAA is part of the EAARC - East Anglian Animal Right Coalition...
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By ComradeRick-CL

socialist Party of ARizona
Co-Founder of "Think Tank" a political activist group designed to promote discussion and understanding of liberalism (communism, anarchism, and basic liberal beliefs)
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By kidvanguard
Have been involved for a few years with Structured Movement Against Capitalism, a non-sectarian left political group. Haven't been involved with them for a while, but I wrote the business plan for a newspaper they have coming out in may.
By Erik of NKP
I am an active member of:

Vestfold/Buskerud district of The Norwegian Communist Party (NKP)
Vestfold and Oslo districts of The Norwegian Communist Youth League (NKU)

Students Against the EU at the University in Oslo

The Cuba-friendship organization in Oslo (I just joined, but I intend to be active here, I have been asked to be the youth representative in their administration)

And I am passive member of:
ATTAC at the University in Oslo
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By ComradeRick-CL
I am also in the Arizona league of conservation voters, but they support kerry so i dont know
By repr0bate

socialist Party of ARizona

In Britain 'spaz' is an offensive term for a disabled person, taken from the (ex) Spastic Society.
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I work with SWP for anti-war, etc stuff.
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By Boondock Saint

socialist Party of ARizona

:lol: :lol: :lol:

repr0bate the funny thing is ... IT IS AN INSULT HERE TOO!!!

As in the USA ...


Dude ... no one will take you seriously if you call yourselves SPAZ ...

'Hey man which party are you in?'

-- 'I am in the SPAZ party bro, I mean you have never seen a party till you have seen SPAZ. In fact I would like to make you an honorary SPAZ ...'

It just dont work bro ...

I could just picture it on CNN ...

'And now here is the representive for SPAZ. I would like to ask you sir, what makes a person SPAZ material?'

-- 'Well, they have to prove they have the same mind sent as SPAZ, if you want to be a SPAZ you need to prove you are a SPAZ.'

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry bro ...
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By tragicclown
Why does everyone have to call hanging out with your one or two politically minded friends a "party" or political organization of some sort. You are all probably old for tree houses.
you forgot the "enough" in the last part of the sentance, I took down my treehouse 4 years ago, and a political organization must start somewhere! Plus its not with "one or two of my friends" its with 10 or 20 kids from my area. :knife:
By repr0bate
Haha, I thought that could be blamed on language differences, but it seems not :hmm:

Reminds me of Brass Eye, with the fake anti-drugs groups called MASHD and BOMBD :lol:
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By ComradeRick-CL
you guys are just jealous
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By Comrade Ogilvy
TragicClown wrote:Why does everyone have to call hanging out with your one or two politically minded friends a "party" or political organization of some sort. You are all probably old for tree houses.

um.... it's called oganizing for collective action one man we are weak 100 we are overpowering. You should know that......
By Red Louisiana II
socialist party usa...but I'm not active.
By Anarchocommunist
i'm an inactive member of the phoenix anarchist coalition, and tucsons resist and refuse. i usually just go to the marches because meeting almost allways conflict with my work schedule. as for resist and refuse, i stopped participating when they told me their next action was going up to all the members of the armed forces on the u of a campus and and asking them how many babies they've killed. that was just lame.
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By redcarpet
I'm an active member of the Victorian branch of the Australian Greens.

And I'm hoping to be pre-selected for the upcoming federal election this year.

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