New Libertarian Nation formed-Thoughts? - Politics | PoFo

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The Independent wrote:Liberland: Man sets up his own libertarian nation, 160,000 register to become citizens

State's motto is 'to live and let live'
CHRISTOPHER HOOTON Author Biography Wednesday 22 April 2015

Czech man Vit Jedlicka has claimed a 7km2 stretch of land on the west bank of the Danube river as the Free Republic of Liberland, after disputes between Serbia and Croatia rendered it technically no man's land.

It's no half-assed attempted at nation formation either – Liberland already has a constitution, flag, coat of arms, official website, Facebook page and a motto: "To live and let live".

Liberland "prides itself on personal and economic freedom of its people, with its constitution seeking to "significantly limits the power of politicians [to] interfere too much in the freedoms of the Liberland nation."

We have just received endorsement for our activities from Austrian ambassador. We are on good way to establish special political relations with this country.

Posted by Liberland on Thursday, April 16, 2015

Jedlicka (still an unelected president) called for 5,000 people to become part of the new sovereign state, located on terra nullius at 45° 46′ N, 18° 52′ E, but 160,000 people ended up applying, according to, leading him and seven volunteers to sift through registrations.

Liberland is looking for people who "have respect for other people and respect the opinions of others, regardless of their race, ethnicity, orientation, or religion," and "do not have communist, nazi or other extremist past".

The state's Facebook page is growing fast, where people are beginning to thrash out a rudimentary currency system.

This could be a joke, but the jury still seems to be out on it from what I've seen. If so, it's still an interesting concept. I'm not sure if we have any libertarians left, but if so, what do you think of this fledgling nation's chances of making a stable and prosperous society on libertarian principles?

Some more info.
I applaud the concept they stand for, but believe citystates should be at least 2,500 square miles to prevent autonomy from becoming anarchy.
ComradeTim wrote:Thoughts?

The best thing about libertarians is that they believe in the non-aggression principle, making it much easier to crush them with extreme prejudice.
I am not a Libertarian, but I would be surprised if their non aggression also means they do not believe in defending themselves.
Heisenberg wrote:The best thing about libertarians is that they believe in the non-aggression principle, making it much easier to crush them with extreme prejudice.

But who's going to be doing the crushing in this case? If they can get international recognition and pitch the idea of a making Liberland a tax haven successfully enough to get the attention of major business quickly, this country could have legs.
I'm sure it will be a roaring success like every other lolbertarian project ever.

When people figure out that this "country" doesn't even have running water, they'll abandon it. But not before they buy land from the guy in charge and lose enormous amounts of money:

Funny how these libertarian projects always end with them running to the state that they despise to kiss all their boo-boos.
It'll only be "there" as long as Serbia and Croatia decide to let some random guy claim that land for himself. I can see autistic Bitcoin lolbertarians trying to invest, but it won't see real investment because its existence as a self proclaimed nation is only at the pleasure and amusement of Croatia and Serbia. As for a tax haven, what type of moron would put their money in a lolbertarian "bank" on illegally squatted land in the Balkans?
As for a tax haven, what type of moron would put their money in a lolbertarian "bank" on illegally squatted land in the Balkans?

The same people who invest in bitcoin. Libertarians.
I wonder if Serbia and Croatia will suddenly find a solution to their dispute.
If not, I think we have a new country.
ComradeTim wrote:But who's going to be doing the crushing in this case?

It's a 7km-squared patch of land with no running water, backed by bitcoin and populated entirely by autistic nerds. The Dagenham Girl Pipers' under-13 Second XI could crush them if they wanted to.
Dagoth Ur wrote:I predict a horde of enraged and deranged splicers spewing from every border of this "nation" in under a decade.

Or just the immediate collapse of a foolish premise.

Hey, at least they'll have a bunch of cool Art Deco inspired buildings.
See, here's the deal. Nobody gives much of a second thought to some uninhabitable island, unless there's something of valuable there. It's comparable to salvage laws; nations will insist on a portion of that Spanish gold all the way out to the edge of the continental shelf, even though it is "international" waters. In the unlikely event that this project actually got off the ground, the disinterest of the Serbs and Croats would evaporate like the morning fog. You'd see one or more of the interested parties establishing a claim (by force, if necessary). Independence means nothing unless you have the ability to guarantee it from anyone likely to threaten it. Ask the Yemenis, the Libyans, the Iraqis, or the Ukrainians, if you doubt this.
ComradeTim wrote:
This could be a joke, but the jury still seems to be out on it from what I've seen. If so, it's still an interesting concept. I'm not sure if we have any libertarians left, but if so, what do you think of this fledgling nation's chances of making a stable and prosperous society on libertarian principles?

It's very difficult to build a community from scratch.
Last edited by Nunt on 01 Jun 2015 10:11, edited 1 time in total.
From Wiki:

Croatia has blocked access to Liberland in the beginning of May 2015. Vít Jedlička was twice detained for less than a day by Croatian authorities in the same month.

And what happens when you try to enter this lolbertarian utopia?

Croatia has deployed police units to prevent attempts to reach the uninhabited area.

A Bosnian group of journalists from Dnevni Avaz who attempted to visit Liberland were told by Croatian police that Croatia enforces a fine of HRK2,500 for those that enter the zone near the border with a car. They borrowed bicycles from a local, but as they attempted to reach Liberland again, they met another patrol, and they couldn't continue past the border gate.

A few days after his detention, six other people (from the Czech Republic, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, and the USA) were detained and fined. A complaint to the Danish Embassy in Zagreb was made because they allege they were prevented from contacting anyone during the apprehension and detention. Their goal, under the auspices of the Swiss non-profit organization Liberland Settlement Association, was to settle Liberland.

It probably would be a lot of fun, and there would probably be some money to be had. Just throw around words like "freedom" and "liberty" and "independence" and "sovereign citizen" and you'll probably have lolbertarians throwing cash at you for the chance to move to a capitalist paradise on earth. And then, when (shock!) reality catches up and the fantasy balloon is popped, you can just tell them, "Aw shucks, it turns out this didn't really pan out. But wait, there's a new Liberland location coming soon, for only $$$ much money, you can buy your citizenship and settlement rights at the new location!"
Precisely. And, thanks to the "principles" of lolbertarianism, the idiots who send you their bitcoins have no right to ask for their money back when you scam them out of it. Because, you know, that would be socialism.

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