Public Ceremony or Occult Ritual? - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
The planetary 'elite' like to invert or pervert messages and enjoy rituals 'off their feet.' One is instantly reminded of the occult film by Fritz Lang, Metropolis, during an oddly fashioned 'ceremony' celebrating the completion of the world's longest tunnel. The Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland, cutting through the Swiss Alps, had been recently finished after many years of toil. For more details, please read this:

I'd like to focus in on the 'occult' ritual that was performed under the guise of this exoteric ceremony. First off, those who know do not speak, and those who speak do not know... Thus I am speculating, but the language of sigils, stage magick, and occult symbology, may be successfully hidden in plain sight, due to the nature of compartmentalized information within the hierarchy of esoteric societies. One must be initiated, in order to properly understand or decode the 'metaphor.' Please take some time to analyze this 'ritual,' and tell me what you think.
I will link this report: ... lt-ritual/

We immediately recognize the 'satanic element' that is emanating from this work of art. With the 'sleeping masses' building the architect's tunnel. Anyone familiar with Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, Fritz Lang's Metroplis, or Baphomet worship, should be able to see through this thinly veiled ceremony. The world elite like to build blueprints for the masses (that they bypass and don't believe in) which act as mind control schematics. Whereas to say, they like to utilize the sciences & art to bathe in their progress whilst subliminally revealing their 'scheme.'

The material world or 3rd dimension tends to be highly responsive to will & representation (consciously & unconsciously programming the human mind through our five senses).

At its very core, true satanism is about inversion/perversion & mind control (to control a man's will & action, you must first control his thoughts). One must knowingly practice deception (in defiance of Natural Law) while reaping the benefits from any form of deception practiced. To embody or symbolize such ideas, the pentagram is upside down to signify the deception of human spirit (for example, the human spirit can be symbolized by Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, or the Kabbalah's double triangle Star of David). I'm not going to touch on my theological knowledge concerning pagan tradition or occult literature, but this particular ritual was clearly an act of Baphomet worship. Unfortunately, many folks tend to be 'profane' and sleepwalk through this reality.

Other points: Switzerland is one of the scared countries for our planetary elite, CERN is located in Switzerland,and Switzerland likes to stay 'neutral' during global conflicts.

Thoughts? Of course, you'd have to spend a few years going down 'rabbit holes' to understand the gravity of this situation. For those of you that wish to laugh it off, go for it, civilization would come to a screeching halt without reactive puppets sleep walking through life.
I reckon that it is only Christian mentalities that are freaking out at this This harks back to pre-Christian times and is actually right at home in the middle of Europe, especially a Germanic country. The trouble is that some folks see anything Pagan as automatically Satanic.

To say this is 'thinly veiled' is quite laughable, it's not veiled at all and it is what it is. I think what makes it seem so unusual is that it is set against a fairly humdrum civil engineering project, which admittedly is a striking juxtaposition, but, as most of the obvious themes have been done around the globe, it doesn't surprise me that organisers would be looking for something more surreal, memorable even. If it were on the stage, either indoors or at a festival (and the scale does seem more of a stage setting) then it wouldn't seem so 'out of place'.

ETA: I see that the videos after the first do move indoors. I can't wait to see R$E's take on this, this is the sort of stuff that he's been digging up for years but tends to concentrate more on the 'hidden' things. When stuff is this overt he tends to blow a gasket.
ETA2: Just noticed that your link is to 'Vigilant Citizen', which I read as 'Vigilant Christian'. The latter guy also follows this sort of stuff, but from a definite Christian angle and is what made me think of R$E
It was only a matter of of time before the events in Florida were viewed through the above fashionable lens, and I give you:

Gay Terror: The Pink 9/11

....Yes, this was a Luciferian Megaritual. Everything’s a Luciferian Megaritual now. How many times do I have to explain it.

Orlando, Florida, “The Theme Park Capital of the World”, lies roughly 50 miles from Sarasota, Florida, where on the morning of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush—whose brother Jeb just happened to be governor of the state at the time—sat in an elementary classroom presiding over a black-mass-in-disguise, to which I devoted an entire chapter in my book, 9/11 as Mass Ritual. (For the uninitiated, Google “The Pet Goat”.)....

I've highlighted the first paragraph here because it almost sounds like satire, reading the article though it seems that it's not. If everything's a 'Megaritual' (even small stuff it seems), then where would we find any perspective?

A good thing about 'conspiracy culture' is that it quite happily consumes it's own output (the sort of thing that led to Mad Cow Disease), so we can inform them that some of these Megarituals are actually misdirections from the real ones and they need to dig a little deeper to get to the truth.
I reckon that it is only Christian mentalities that are freaking out at this This harks back to pre-Christian times and is actually right at home in the middle of Europe, especially a Germanic country. The trouble is that some folks see anything Pagan as automatically Satanic.
Personally, I'm more Gnostic/Anthroposophic (yes I know, Gnostic faith birthed many secret societies, but I like to wield the power of duality while worshiping the eternally changing NOW/present. Think Neoism mixed with transcendental idealism, sprinkled with sigil magick & Gnosticism. Since Quantum mechanics abolished many things, like Euclidean perspective, Newtonian space, and empty space in general, I must avoid obtaining a fixed perspective when I am questioning the metaphysics of our nature. In other words, one mustn't rely on the bias of our human sensorium.) spiritually speaking... However, I have a problem with hidden knowledge, therefore I despise occult teachings, mystery schools, and secret societies that wish to hoard all things esoterica. I know the difference between many pagan sects, but I also know how Theosophy, The Masonic Brotherhood (including similar branches like Rosicrucianism, Thule Society, Hermetic orders, followers of divine geometry/Pythagoras, etc), Luciferianism, Scientology, Satanism, Scientism, operate like intelligence agencies, meaning to say- they compartmentalize their hierarchy (information = need-to-know basis), and the top initiates or enlightened/illuminated ones worship one form or doctrine. I'm not claiming to know or understand that enigmatic/curious form or doctrine, but as you go up the chain of command you reach the same teachings under one unified 'order.' Basically, this unified order uses other secret societies as recruiting centers, plucking the top tier initiates from each society for grooming.

To say this is 'thinly veiled' is quite laughable, it's not veiled at all and it is what it is.
Say that to the 'profane.' What percentage of the world's population would 'see' this for what it is?

I try not to watch too many youtube conspiracy videos, I like reading the literature & 'seeing' things with my own eyes. Occult knowledge is dangerous because it essentially creates a reality within our reality. I believe that man has a birthright to all information and an intellectual Renaissance could occur (especially with our instant communication tools) if we unveiled everything esoteric & shared it with humanity. Of course, one could argue that being the grand architect of civilization requires 'occult' knowledge, and civilization would collapse if the truth ends up (in the wrong hands?) unleashed. As for Christianity, isn't Revelation really the age of revealing or unveiling? Perhaps humanity will 'know' the 'truth' sometime in the near future :eek:

BTW: I see you're using Allister Crowley's image. may I ask why? The keysmith of the lesser & higher arts, Mr. Goetia, was not always truthful. Crowley played many roles (as we all do throughout life, as he had been one polymath) but he was certainly not one supporter of the common-man. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he do some dirty work for MI6 back in his heyday? Thelema resembled many hodge-podge orders that came about during the early 20th century (due to increased interest in Eastern spiritualism, think Many P Hall, Madam Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Yogis, etc). Alas, some of his channeling had been enlightening, and his many comments on the art of the Will match up nicely with many ageless texts. I don't know man, I think Crowley was the definition of charlatan at first, but stumbled upon some real aspects of sorcery and ceremonial magick.
After looking at the rules I realised that I was quite limited in avatar choice for this board and noticed that most of the ones used aren't particularly recognisable, although one could always ask the poster. I think it was the present subject that go me thinking in Crowley's area.
This one is quite striking and recognisable and I've always been a fan of Crowley in that he was an intelligent flamboyant rogue, the same aspects that drew Robert Anton Wilson et al. Certainly there was plenty that was reprehensible about him too so I'm certainly not lionising him. I would say that there plenty of other posters here who don't particularly identify with their avatars.

Regarding the 'ritual'.. is it such a thing? It could maybe be a piece of theatre using easily available Occult themes, things that are part of the public domain and almost guaranteed to get a rise out of some folks, and produce feelings of mystery in others. This is why the Occult has been a subject of so many films and books etc, it's an easy set of themes to get a particular reaction.
If we decide that it is an intentional ritual, which I'm not at all sure about, we could ask why it has to be public. The same goes for all those other so-called public (mega) rituals that some folks, especially R$E, leap upon.
jakell wrote:If we decide that it is an intentional ritual, which I'm not at all sure about, we could ask why it has to be public.
First off, accidents are not involved when you are initiated into a secret society. Intention dictates manifestation & engagement. Only the profane see accidents and coincidences within rituals, because they cannot decipher its language. This particular piece of theatre we are discussing is deliberate indeed. For only humans of weak mind & will 'stumble' or sleep walk through life, therefore they become intertwined with the intention of other thoughtful creatures. Swept up by things larger than their mental capacity. The purpose behind 'showing' instead of telling, revolves around the interaction process. When you write a great poem, sensually engage your audience by showing them things they may consciously & subconsciously respond to. Art, in its purest form will always be a medium for propaganda. The thought & will of the artist pierces the mind of the observer. Meaning to say, art must be intentional to begin with, or it wouldn't manifest itself at all.

Nonetheless, I understand your point... What about the participants relative translation of the information? The observer will draw many conclusions according to what they 'know,' and that is true. However, it is irrelevant, because occult theatre tends to be at its best when it subliminally probes the observer. You may not properly understand the art piece, but the art piece doesn't require you to understand anything in order for it to work. Showing people things you cannot tell them through symbols & metaphor, tend to be ancient ways of programming. Art is one of the oldest forms of programming languages, with emotional prompts & intellectual commands, cavemen had been able to archive (store complex memories and trigger genetic sensations) the hunt and show their successors the triumph of the will.

I'm far more concerned with the fact that many secret society members tend to be contemporary 'movers & shakers.' Throughout history various occult organizations become political role players on the world stage. From the time of the Egyptian 'priest class,' which hoarded knowledge of the stars to control the minds of the masses, to classified patents and undisclosed special access projects... Knowledge is power. I'm sure, if you look through the guest list (attendees) at that ceremony, you shall find many 'movers & shakers.' The planetary elite work through secret societies and become exoteric professionals that go on to shape world policy in the image of their initiated teachings.

For instance: Please read through Karl Marx's satanic poetry from early in his life (especially 'The Pale Maiden'). Karl Marx created the anti-thesis (that drives the arms race during the 20th century) for the bourgeois, so the masses could be easily managed & manipulated. The bourgeois would never release a manual for their own class, because that would enable others to easily counter its operation. The bourgeois know how the world really works and they have no interest in empowering the cogs that turn the wheel of time & civilization. Only reactive puppets that regurgitate textbook material (fueled mostly by student angst) believe in a fairy tale 'revolution' that happens to be deliberately designed around perpetual class struggle. In reality, the communist ideology works in the service of the bourgeois as the anti-thesis to capitalism to create competition & drive guided social evolution. Marx & Engels work for the same class they're trying to dissolve. It's one laughable scenario, thinking how many times communism fails to succeed, knowing how it is intentionally designed to fail. :lol:

Since the profane can't think for themselves and will never be initiated into the mysteries of esoterica, they shall continue to work with material that is made for them. At the end of the day, real communism comes in the form of technology. Henry Ford was a communist, because the assembly line or factory gulag tends to be fundamentally communist. Today, Social media socializes the masses and prepares them for a communist technocracy, where they will be digitally equal and without class. :lol:

Plus to capitalize on the bullshit Soviet Union, Lenin enjoyed the rebel spirit of Satan as seen through Mikhail Bakunin — 'But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds.' This concept of the revolutionary satanic archetype trying to break free from the wicked demiurge, attempts to excite the proletariat (which is now called the precariat by Bilderberg members), but really it is cultural propaganda for mass consumption, assimilating the masses to believe in the occult Satanic spirit.

Other quick examples
Albert Pike author of Morals & Dogma, 33rd degree Freemason, brigadier general of the confederate army, founder of the KKK.

Knights Templar and the crusades

Jesuits & Knights of Malta countering the reformation

John Wilkes Booth, member of The Knights of the Golden Circle.

George Washington, known Freemason.

The French Revolution and the secret societies responsible for organizing the propaganda & revolution

Black Hand started World War 1

UN sponsors Lucis Trust, a spinoff of Theosophy by Alice Bailey.

Nazi party & The Thule society, Himmler's occultism.

Benjamin Franklin attended Hellfire club gatherings.

The Bush clans Skull & Bones membership.


Public/exoteric policy will continue to be shaped by secret society members, and secret society members (throughout history) become public figures, authors, members of academia/intelligentsia. So yes, these rituals are intentional, and many world leaders understand the language/symbology of these rituals, because they are initiated in various sects of the Occult. Everything we squabble about on the surface (the surface symptoms) fail to address or penetrate the layers of compartmentalized information and I hope any reader of this thread understands how embarrassingly (b)rash it is to spew profane viewpoints that had been manufactured for consumption. Especially all the identity politicking, left vs right, please... I get, you're an intellectual midget. :|
I have a briefer analysis of why such a ritual may be public, and again this is from the world of Christian 'Truthers' such as R$E.

The reasons for such rituals could be divided into two categories. One is to achieve power in this world either through evocation or invocation, although this could be achieved by a non-public event, the second, as alluded to above, is to prepare groups of people and ultimately the World's population for the coming of the Antichrist and a 'One-World religion', by getting them to accept such things as are shown here with little question.
This last is arguably a reason for making such rituals public, even to the extent of reaching a massive audience as in opening ceremonies for sporting events for instance. This is something that R$E tends to harp on about a great deal, seeing almost every event as ritual, and a lot of media entertainment as 'programming' for End Times. Again, this rests on the assumption that we aren't just seeing pure theatrics which is something I see as a possibility.
The reasons for such rituals could be divided into two categories. One is to achieve power in this world either through evocation or invocation, although this could be achieved by a non-public event, the second, as alluded to above, is to prepare groups of people and ultimately the World's population for the coming of the Antichrist and a 'One-World religion', by getting them to accept such things as are shown here with little question.
I want you to research Kazakhstan's capital Astana. Just for shits & giggles ;) ... an-astana/

The Whore of Babylon as depicted in the German film Metropolis

This last is arguably a reason for making such rituals public, even to the extent of reaching a massive audience as in opening ceremonies for sporting events for instance.
Exactly, Lady Madonna, one known Kabbalah pop-scholar, worships the Baphomet principality.
Also, likens her performance at public events to 'church sermons.' She unveils this mentality while talking to CIA talk show host, Anderson Cooper.

Pop culture stars tend to be two things: One, useful idiots that believe in the pop culture 'blueprint' and unknowingly go along with occult fetishes... Or two, they become initiated and actively engage in occult sleight of mind.

For instance Beyonce dresses up like the machine whore of Babylon from Metropolis-
I mean you can't make this stuff up. Kesha, Lady Gaga, Brittany Spears, Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, Miley Cyrus, push occult symbology. You may deny it by saying, 'oh it's marketing and they want to be edgy.' Right, well, since marketing is designed to reflect the society or demographic its targeting, I guess our culture is inherently pagan at this point (due to years of incremental nudging by occult artists). These artists and their handlers have the opportunity to create 'anything' (according to the confines of their contract) they want, and yet we have this undeniable confluence of occult imagery. And when they seem to be 'preaching' new age bullshit, yolo, love yourself, do what thou wilt, etc, they are really pushing solipsism,a point of view that generates hedonistic narcissism for the masses.

Folks that refuse to admit that secret societies run our world are weak in mind & spirit.

The Prisoner breaks down identity politics in episode three Free for All
I'm surprised Patrick McGoohan 'got away' with this episode. As this youtube channel says, 'for those with eyes to see,' The Prisoner deconstructs the art of deception & touches on political stagecraft, whereas to say, this episode addresses the various roles we play in society and what they mean within the context of our compartmentalized social hierarchies. I love the part in the Big Ben episode, when number six & number two chat about the paradigm control system. Furthermore, some episodes touch on behavioral conditioning, MK Ultra, while probing the nature of reality. Lastly, the term 'Global Village,' had been thrown around by media guru Marshall McLuhan during the 60s, and if you read Marshall McLuhan's work and watch McGoohan's Prisoner, you will be slapped out of the exoteric matrix many people believe/live in. Both Marshall & Patrick could see the technocratic state emerging, and they tried to help everyone see it before it was too late.

Here is one excerpt from my collection of letters by Marshall McLuhan (A man who attended Bilderberg when it was in its infancy) page 235, 'Letters of Marshall McLuhan'

To Ezra Pound
Feb 28/53

Dear Pound
Last year has been spent in going through rituals of secret societies with fine comb. As I said before I'm in a bloody rage at the discovery that the arts and sciences are in the pockets of these societies. It doesn't make me any happier to know Joyce, Lewis, Eliot, yourself, have used these rituals as a basis for art activity.'1'

Monopoly of knowledge are intolerable
The use of the arts for sectarian warfare! ugh.
The use of the arts as a technique of salvation!
as a channel of supernatural grace!
The validity of the rituals is entirely in the cognitive order.
Art is imitation of the process of apprehension.
clarification of " " " "

Now that I know the nature of the sectarian strife among the Societies I have no intention of participating in it any further, until I know a good deal more. To hell with East and West.


Lilly Library, Indiana University

In the footnotes of that passage one may read the following:

'1' In the early 1950s McLuhan's interest in Renaissance and Neo-Augustan literatures (e.g. Pope and Swift, who were interested in Rosicrucianism and Masonry), as well as in modern literature, led him to undertake research into the effects of esoteric on the arts. Tracing the symbolism and rituals that were a means of transmitting gnostic and pagan religious thought in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, he become fascinated with the role of Rosicrucianism and Masonry in the transition from Renaissance to the Age of Reason, and with the continued presence of these themes and associated liturgies and symbols in modern art and literature- as reflected in such works as Eliot's The Waste Land and Joyce's Ulysses. As a Roman Catholic, McLuhan suspected that "secret societies", and "secret doctrines" - associated with gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, and Masonry- persisted among elites in the twentieth century. Following Wyndham Lewis's condemnation of the "freemasonry of the arts" in Time and Western Man, McLuhan protested- here and in other letters of the 1950s- what he felt was this continuing influence.

How do you feel about all this?
RhetoricThug wrote:I want you to research Kazakhstan's capital Astana. Just for shits & giggles ;) ... an-astana/

The Whore of Babylon as depicted in the German film Metropolis

Exactly, Lady Madonna, one known Kabbalah pop-scholar, worships the Baphomet principality.
Also, likens her performance at public events to 'church sermons.' She unveils this mentality while talking to CIA talk show host, Anderson Cooper.

Pop culture stars tend to be two things: One, useful idiots that believe in the pop culture 'blueprint' and unknowingly go along with occult fetishes... Or two, they become initiated and actively engage in occult sleight of mind.

For instance Beyonce dresses up like the machine whore of Babylon from Metropolis-
I mean you can't make this stuff up. Kesha, Lady Gaga, Brittany Spears, Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, Miley Cyrus, push occult symbology. You may deny it by saying, 'oh it's marketing and they want to be edgy.' Right, well, since marketing is designed to reflect the society or demographic its targeting, I guess our culture is inherently pagan at this point (due to years of incremental nudging by occult artists). These artists and their handlers have the opportunity to create 'anything' (according to the confines of their contract) they want, and yet we have this undeniable confluence of occult imagery. And when they seem to be 'preaching' new age bullshit, yolo, love yourself, do what thou wilt, etc, they are really pushing solipsism,a point of view that generates hedonistic narcissism for the masses.

Folks that refuse to admit that secret societies run our world are weak in mind & spirit.

The Prisoner breaks down identity politics in episode three Free for All
I'm surprised Patrick McGoohan 'got away' with this episode. As this youtube channel says, 'for those with eyes to see,' The Prisoner deconstructs the art of deception & touches on political stagecraft, whereas to say, this episode addresses the various roles we play in society and what they mean within the context of our compartmentalized social hierarchies. I love the part in the Big Ben episode, when number six & number two chat about the paradigm control system. Furthermore, some episodes touch on behavioral conditioning, MK Ultra, while probing the nature of reality. Lastly, the term 'Global Village,' had been thrown around by media guru Marshall McLuhan during the 60s, and if you read Marshall McLuhan's work and watch McGoohan's Prisoner, you will be slapped out of the exoteric matrix many people believe/live in. Both Marshall & Patrick could see the technocratic state emerging, and they tried to help everyone see it before it was too late.

Here is one excerpt from my collection of letters by Marshall McLuhan (A man who attended Bilderberg when it was in its infancy) page 235, 'Letters of Marshall McLuhan'

In the footnotes of that passage one may read the following:

How do you feel about all this?

I don't know if you mean the ceremony or the rest of what you wrote here. What you have written is too broad to express a singular opinion about, but I thought the ceremony pretty cool and I don't see any sinister downside to it.

As I said above, I reckon it is only Christians who are likely to be significantly upset by that sort of imagery, and that is because of the God/Satan binary they have been soaked which says that anything not of the Christian god is Evil. This doesn't really give them any options
I'm trolling, this conspiracy came from my imagination just like the character Rhetoricthug, but if I repeat it over and over and over again and A-gain, it shall be true. *waves hand

Public ceremony or brilliant choreography?
Answer: Both

Occult Ritual: Wrong

Yes, you are always right, reader. :rainbow: *waves hand
I'm not sure it is possible to 'troll' (using the meanest version of the word) regarding conspiracy theories, they are too much fun. although there is a 'serious' side to this fun in that they do aid in lateral thinking and provide an exercise in critical thinking.

Of course there are those who take them deadly seriously, they aren't much fun. Illuminatus! was my introduction to this field back in the Seventies, and thankfully that encouraged a general irreverence that has never really left me. (and probably preserved my sanity)
I'm not trolling, this conspiracy came from our shared reality just like the character Rhetoricthug, but if I decide to ignore it, it shall go away. *waves hand

Public ceremony or brilliant choreography?
Answer: None of the above

Occult Ritual: correct

No, you are always wrong, reader. :rainbow: *waves hand
DAMN the matrix, I am one self-contained singularity.
Donald wrote:Good to see you again, RT.

When did you get into Anthroposophy?
Mr. Donald, what a pleasant planetary surprise (how is Earth treating you?)... Thank you for asking. Please, have a seat, make yourself comfortable in my thread (one parallel world, one thread of words vibrating/reverberating through our computer medium which be made of rare earth elements, sound, light, etc, my personal disposition & juxtaposition which shall be inventively out of time & space once I finish typing this sequential string of human ideas). You see, quantum theory emerged at the beginning of Earth's 20th century (Gregorian calculation). New ways of 'seeing' our world reshaped scientific opinion, scientific pupils had been torn between 'particle' & 'wave' theory, as these theories relate to empty space & quantum field theory within our third dimension. Eventually we consider the photon as both particle & wave, since the photon flows through its own electromagnetic field. The reality of wave-particle duality gave men of science new dialectics, the logic structures built around quantum field theory tend to become nonlocal environments that travel at the speed of light to impact the human sensorium (thus shaping experience).

Physiological action & reaction (interaction) may now be quantified for qualitative analysis in correlation with the microcosmic properties anthropomorphically labeled (since humans give purpose or definition to all things found in nature) sound & light. As I studied contemporary breakthroughs concerning matter (in quantum computing & CERN experiments) I had been studying the human art of communication. I realized that all vehicles which carry 'information' tend to revolve around electric fields & our air. Our Earthly intellectual evolution had been one byproduct of the process known as vibrational field phenomena, calibrated via our biological receivers & transmitters of information- the five senses - which encode & decode external stimuli according to the relative translation of energy sources colliding throughout time & space. My internal 'light bulb' flickered on & off for a few days, finally I metaphorically replaced me brain bulb with illuminated wisdom in order to grasp complex ideas which surf upon higher frequencies... I had to increase my brain wattage to increase my mental output. Initially, my body rejected this higher plane of thought, because I had been conditioned under our homogeneous temporal mentality, but eventually I conquered my instinctual lower ego & broke-through the empiric rational world called material reason. In other words, I started to follow the process of energy manifesting (instead of the manifestation of the thing in itself), and I began to actually understand the layered operation called quantum process as visually demonstrated in this video:

Cymatics... one term coined by Hans Jenny, a Swiss follower of the philosophical school known as anthroposophy, led me to study anthroposophy and the work of Rudolf Steiner. Today, we can visually represent the idea of cymatics and we are getting closer to understanding the process and nonlocal nature of sensory sensation. See, I think the inner-human experience will always be the same by default, but changes overtime through the filter of new communication tools. The human body acts as our original organic hardware appartus, it gave us the ability to 'channel' (transmit & receive) our emotions & thoughts by compressing bits of electrical brain activity into software components that traveled via word of mouth. We could send out 'information' through sound that surfed the medium of air molecules to exchange ideas or engage in communication and thus begin building civilization, starting with tribal art & oration. The medium called writing, encodes & decodes through sight instead of sound, so we distort time & space by recording or archiving sound via the written word/phonetic alphabet. The immediate happening can be compressed/stored to effectively bypass time & space, increasing human potential and expanding the scale of human civilization. Today, we're living in the electric field revolution. Time & space are no longer barriers for human communication/activity, ironically, we 'surf' the air like the caveman's voice box when it shattered/reorganized the silence/chaos of nature, through a new technology or new hardware (the telephone, computer, wifi, radio, etc). I believe that in order to leave planet Earth and become celestial creatures, we must complete the circle of resonance, and deconstruct light & sound. This process tends to be a very natural process, aligned with anthroposophy. As we map out nonlocal interface/interaction, we'll eliminate the hardware tools we had invented and relied upon to 'enhance' our communication (human software information) and finally understand the art of telepathy. Once we 'see' the material world as a representation of hidden process, recognize that space isn't empty, and start manipulating natural frequencies, I think we will discovery the process behind telepathy (when the subjective & objective become indistinguishable).

Telepathy will replace all forms of hardware which naturally distort or incidentally transform human software information (the evolution of ancestral/genetic information compiled through time & space). We shall return to a very naturalistic process that had been installed over the course of our evolution. We will establish & understand the connection between the mind, will, & its manifested representation. We shall bridge the quantum gap, locally grasp nonlocal experience, and conquer time & space during this new age of quantum reason. This process or understanding of process, will be wholly aligned with the very nature of reality... As we extend our human senses through the frequency or elements of sensation itself. For if we bond with the chemical periodic experience of all experience which is responsible for the thing in itself, we shall be just as real & immediate within the NOW as the river that flows up/downstream or the ocean that caresses infinite sand particles with each roaring rolling wave.

I guess telepathy would represent the manifestation of scientific & spiritual extrapolation. Lastly, I do believe that secret societies wish to use primitive telepathic tools like images, words, sculptors, etc to interpolate and communicate thought patterns for control while establishing one unified definition or relative interpretation of reality. Let's face it, the hardware components we develop are used to store human software information and can be used to manufacture identity or material relationships for the masses. Perhaps the exoteric sciences are catching up with, while helping, the esoteric sciences. :eek: God save us from the break away civilization.

The friction of my words excite the senses *Winks 3rd eye
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 20 Jun 2016 22:17, edited 1 time in total.
Donald wrote:You didn't answer my question. You just kind of trailed off there...
Basically, anthroposophy is one introspective philosophy. The tools we use to change process also distort the inner reality of being human, so I think anthroposophy is a nice way of taking the orient methodology of finding 'truth' from within instead of from without and repackaging it as one applicable philosophy (minus the theological implication). Note that I do not care for anthroposophic medicine... If anthroposophy merged with scientism, we would rapidly develop telepathic technologies because we would be practicing introspective science. In my search for self, I've found telepathy to be possible through the manipulation of electromagnetic frequencies. Soon we'll discover a new frequency spectrum, this will allow us to communicate raw human experience (data) through brain wave reverberation. When I compress my emotions & intellect into a symbol or audible notation, I lose emotional & intellectual meaning (organic packet loss) because the language technologies we are using may not convey this sentient yet unintelligible moment of conscious life. We do not possess words that can handle the amount of data stored inside our harddrives. Telepathy will force the inner life out, providing enough 'bandwidth' to experience the full range of our human condition as it exists throughout time & space right NOW.

I'm trying to translate the pinnacle of NOW but you're interested in one microcosm of my thought history. With telepathy you will know, thus you shall not have to ask anymore questions. We'll be bio-sensation loops (realtime reactive puppets) aligned with NOW, and our browsing history will not be important because it is instantly accessible within each moment. Ya dig? I stumbled upon Anthroposophy while swimming in my think tank. I found it to be rather tasty, so now I try to consume its bits at least once a day. When you order a word at the computer bar, you gotta make sure someone didn't spike the information.
RhetoricThug.. as someone who might know a bit about Steiner, perhaps you can shed some non-waffly light on a detail that often bugs me about him:

I keep hearing over and over again how he was 'broken hearted' over his treatment by the Nazis, particularly the burning of the Goetheanum. I keep thinking that he must have been a bit of a wuss and also pretty foolish to carry on being insanely positive in the light of what was evidently happening around him.
This actually doesn't say much for Anthroposophy if you can't see the sky-high writing on the wall and adapt to a situation. Perhaps he thought, pretty stupidly, that if he just had positive thoughts and pressed on regardless, then he would defeat the bad stuff pressing on him. This hippy hogwash is not such a problem when held by an individual, but unfortunately it is contagious and tends to drag a lot of unfortunate others into the mire too.

So.. was he a hopeless idiot or is this 'broken hearted' thing just an invention? (which does tend to backfire and just makes him look like a romantic fool nonetheless)
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