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By cherry
Hello, I am editing a history of Okinawa.

But, now I am wondering about the word "Great Ring".

Some Japanese pages say it is an American slang.

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%A6%8F ... B%E7%A7%B0

And a Japanese English page says that "great ring" is American slang referring to the lower part of the female body.


I'm not sure about this story.

If you know about this, please let me know.

Thank you in advance,
By cherry
I have searched carefully in the Internet about the "ring" and "the lower part of the female body", I think those Japanese thought about the "vaginal ring".

They were not sure, but when they said the word to American people, they laughed.

And the Japanese thought it was a little bit popular slang in US.

To tell the truth, the ring is not so popular nowadays.

I am editing a story about Okinawa relating to this topic.

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By fuser
May be it has something to do with the ring shaped crater that formed after the fake nuclear attacks perpetuated by the Japanese Imperial Family, btw its good to see that you are still safe from their evil clutches, Cherry. :up:
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By ThirdTerm
And a Japanese English page says that "great ring" is American slang referring to the lower part of the female body

It is actually about the vaginal ring that prevents pregnancy. The Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks is owned by a Korean IT giant that controls the Internet in Japan, including Yahoo! Japan, which strictly prohibits anti-Korean hate speech.

https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contracep ... inal-ring/
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By Ter
@cherry I am sorry I cannot help you with your quest about The Great Ring.
Interesting that you mentioned the lower part of the female body. I have been doing research on the lower part of the female body since many years. It is an interesting part of the female body, I would actually say the most interesting part of the female body.

I wish you well with your research and endeavours.
Keep us informed.

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