corporal punishment - Politics | PoFo

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By starman2003
Recently two young black women were sentenced to long prison terms, receiving 28 and 65 years IIRC, for causing the death of an elderly woman during a robbery. I suggest, in view of the high cost of incarcerating someone for many years, there should be alternative penalties. Maybe the two women should've gotten only 2-3 years, at hard labor, and 100 hard blows of the paddle, administered in installments of 10 at monthly intervals until done. I think they might still be productive citizens after some harsh straightening out. So rather than essentially take them out of society for life, at huge cost, they might be made harmless some other way and then allowed to contribute.
By Korimyr the Rat
The problem is, if it can be solidly demonstrated that capital punishment is not an effective deterrent to crime, what chance has corporal punishment?

Also, aside from inflicting pain, what does corporal punishment do to ensure that the convicts will become responsible citizens? It doesn't teach them anything.
By motojackal
It is not logical to try to reform violent people by administering violence.
By Korimyr the Rat
On the other hand, if you administer enough violence, you no longer need to worry about reforming them. Or recividism.
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By starman2003
It doesn't teach them anything

It should teach them that crime carries a price, and more cheaply than a lifetime behind bars. As for deterrent value, compare Singapore's crime rate with ours.

It is not logical to try to reform violent people by administering violence

It seems that violence is the only language that some people understand. In a perfect world, all it would take for anyone is a little preaching from some counselor. But there are some people who just don't get the message that way.
By Korimyr the Rat
starman2003 wrote:It should teach them that crime carries a price, and more cheaply than a lifetime behind bars.

The problem is, however, that years behind bars-- a significantly greater penalty than being swatted on the ass-- do not manage to impart this lesson.

Clearly, there is something broken in our model of deterrence.

starman2003 wrote:As for deterrent value, compare Singapore's crime rate with ours.

Singapore has a larger police force per capita than we have, an extensive public surveillance system, and considerably less liberal laws concerning criminal investigation and police conduct.

They have a lower crime rate than ours because they actually catch their criminals, allowing whatever penalty they hand down to serve as a deterrent. The odds of being caught and convicted are too low here.

I am generally of the opinion that America's handling of criminal investigations is acceptable-- dropping some cases is the price we pay for protection from the police-- but I certainly thing we could benefit from more robust methods of monitoring people in public.
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By starman2003
years behind bars--a significantly greater penalty than being swatted on the ass--do not manage to impart this lesson

Pain from really hard blows would be at least as good. Years behind bars may actually be no worse than the living conditions some of these people already face on the streets. Also, when dealing with people of low intelligence, actual pain may be all they can understand; the only way they'll get the message so to speak.
By Korimyr the Rat
starman2003 wrote:Years behind bars may actually be no worse than the living conditions some of these people already face on the streets.

Point taken.
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By MB.
Remeber when Boon suggested that we just let them fight it out like gladdiators?

I hate to say this, but of all the nonesensical "tough on crime" policies proposed on PoFo or Soviet Empire over the years that I've been around...

That was BY FAR the best one.
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By Boondock Saint
Remeber when Boon suggested that we just let them fight it out like gladdiators?


Do you remember the long detailed post i made about it or the more recent short blurb about it in the riot thread?

I still believe it is the right idea.
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By MB.
I was reffering to the long one where you had it all fleshed out.

I'm glad you post this stuff on the internet, rather then petition MPs or congressmen or whatever you have down there.

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