"What If" the Central Powers won World War One? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The First World War (1914-1918).
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Slabah on Serbia and the First World War: The Serbian governments interests weren't ever really about unifying the South Slavs.

But it became that since they knew it would undermine the Austro-Hungarian empire.
By Stipe
Well, it became that in 1914 officially, since the political changes provided a new opportunity. Prior to that, the Serbian Prime Minister Pasić, who was a pragmatist above all and practically alone defined Serbian state policy, thought the Yugoslav idea was far too unrealistic and idealistic to be state policy, and even when it had become policy it was more out of opportunism for the postwar settlement than any great philosophical commitment on his (Pasić's) part. Serbia had already been dragged into the war, so either Serbia would be destroyed if the Central Powers won, or it would be greatly enlarged, and by adopting the Yugoslav idea and working with the Yugoslav committee, it provided the opportunity for the Serbian Kingdom to acquire far more land than had ever been previously thought possible.

edited: spelling etc
Last edited by Stipe on 21 Jul 2004 02:48, edited 1 time in total.
By Pope Perseus Peptabysmal
Goon, I think you may have too much emphasized on the socialism in the USA. Stateside, nothing should realisticly change because America wasn't too badly messed up by the War. If anything, there would be a boom because the Central Powers would need a ready source to supply goods. If anything, there might have been a border war between the USA and Canada because of America's support to the Central Powers. This is the most probably outcome, too. Anything larger (WW1 scale in North America) would encompass Mexico too. But I'm just speculating on that point. Either way, my main point is: With or without WW1, the Great Depression should have been no different.
By Garibaldi
The only thing that prevented the Central Power's victory was the involvement of the US(I know, fresh troops not genius); so there's two scenerios I can concieve which change this.

Scenerio 1: No US involvement.

France and England are weakening, Germany and Lenin have just signed a treaty giving great tracts of land in Poland and the Ukraine to Germany.

France sues for peace, and give up all their colonies to Germany, as well as all the land north of the Sierre River/east of the Rhone, Corsica, and a hefty tributary. England continues the war, but is concentrating their efforts on Turkey now. With the bulk of their military now being freed from France, Britain blindly pursues a trench warfare in the Damascus area. Germany turns their efforts to Italy, and the areas of Serbia and Romania go to the Austrians while the Ottoman Empire reconquers Greece(correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe Greece stamped their allegence to the British, French, and Russians?).

Having surrounded Northern Italy on two sides(East of Switzerland, and West of Switzerland), as well as establishing limited naval prowess in the Mediterranean, German quickly takes the Italian Alps and Sardinia. After marching into central Italy, the Italians push them back and trench Warfare ensues. However, Italy knows that Germany is now poised to strike Rome through amphibious tactics and sues for peace. Venice and the eastern tracks of the Italian Alps come back under the control of Austria, while Sardinia and the western tracks of the Italian Alps come under control of Germany. Malta is declared a free nation(correct me if I'm wrong again, but I believe they were part of Italy at this time).

All the while, Germany is trying to recive aid from Spain. In return from cutting Britain off from the Mediterranean at Gibralter, Spain will have Gibralter returned to it, as well as the alliance with Germany they've been asking for since before the first days of Otto von Bismarck. However, England knows that they are planning this tactic and invades Spain first. To counter, Germany enlists their new friend Malta to stall britain mid-Mediterranean. The rest of their forces are then sent to land on Gibralter and take back the rock.

Despite the utter faliure of this plan, Britain's forces are stalled in the west long enough for the forces in the middle east to sue for peace. England returns all of Arabia, as well as the Suez Canal, Egypt, and what they control of the Sudan, to the Ottoman Empire. Southern Spain and Gibralter are returned to Spain; Canada and Australia are given freedom while Ireland, Wales, and Scotland remain under English domain. The rest of the colonies are given to Germany.

Both the plans for the Berlin to Baghdad and the Capetown to Cairo railroad palns are put into effect, as well as another which connects Cairo to Damascus and Damascus to the "Berlin to Baghdad" railroad.

Without their military or economic power, England quickly loses Ireland and Scotland. Both aline themselves with Germany, Spain, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottoman Empire, fearing for new revolts, quickly adopts western ideas in order to turn around it's economic and military standings.

Scenerio 2: US involvement

France and England are weakening, and the peace treaty with Lenin has allowed Germany to focus all of their power at the Western Front. However, with the fresh recruits from the US, the German soldiers are tiring quickly and will not be able to survive for much longer.

In order to maintain the upperhand, Germany contacts Spain. Spain can regain Gibralter from England as well as take Western Africa as well as establish dominance over the Western Mediterranean if they join the Central Powers. In a series of two suprise assualts, Spain conquers Gibralter and then marches over the Pyrnees. Germany, feeling relief from the Western Front, ask Switzerland if they will ally with them so that they can extend the warfront with France and surround Northern Italy from three-fronts. Switzerland, being Switzerland, flatly denies this request. Seeing no other option, Germany attempts to march through Switzerland anyways. After coming part-way through, the swiss chop their lines and stall them at the border.

France and England then request Portugal become involed in the war. If they are victorious, Portugal could stand to gain some land, like Spain, Morrocco, Western Sahara, and the Canary Islands, as well as a hefty tribute from what was Spain's government and all their military items. In joining the war, they are stopped shortly over the border. British and American soldiers reinforce the Portugese.

The new fronts are the Spainish-Portugese front, surrounding portugal on the north and east; the Franco-Spainish border, which is just over the edge of the Pyrenees, which makes Spain and France both partake in two fronts; the "Western Front", now extended along the northern edge of Switzerland and covering the Italian Alps, strentching the German forces out twice as far; and the Geurilla Warfare in Turkey.

Because of the two new fronts in Spain and the blockade of the Gibralter Straits, the British can no longer supply the guerilla operations and their colonies are fighting in Western Europe. Without support, the Arabians quickly lose power and ultimatly defeated; the Ottomans push into the Sinai Peninsula. In order to cut off supplies to the bases in Egypt, the Ottomans set up a blockade in the south end of the Red Sea. This works just long enough for the Ottomans to take the Suez Canal and invade Cairo. England sues for peace with the Ottomans and gives them the Suez Canal, Egypt, the Sudan, and their other colonies along the Nile/Red Sea. They also demand a high tribute.

With the Suez Canal and Red Sea in the hands of the Ottomans, the British colonies to the east can no longer fight. The British are severly weakened, but continue to supply as much as they can to France and Portugal. The Ottomans push into the Italian colonies, and divert their attention from the "Western Front". Sensing weakness, Combined Austrian and German forces push through the Italian flanks and take the Italian Alps. Cut off from aid, Italy calls for an armistace. Their African Colonies are returned to the Ottomans while northern Italy, Sardinia, Sicliy, Calabria, and Malta are placed under joint control of the Central Powers for the time being.

After taking Northern Italy, Germany pushes into Eastern France and up into the "Western Front". They quickly surround frnace on a third side and switzerland all together. Simultaneously, the Ottomans puh into French Algeria from the east and the Spainish mobilize forces to push in from the North and West. Without suitable forces, the French pull out of Algeria and the Spanish/Ottomans occupy it. They use it as a base to militarize Sciliy and Sardinia. Germany blockades Corsica from recieving any French aid while the Ottomans and Spanish plan an assualt. Austria invades from Northern Italy while the Ottomans invade from Sardinia and token froce of Spaniard come from the West. After taking Corsica easily, France sues for peace.

All lands north of the Loire River and east of the Rhone are given to Germany, as well as Corsica. All lands south of the Loire and West of the Rhone would become Spanish, and heavy tribute would be paid. All Colonies outside of Algeria become German.

England, Canada, and America pull out of France to reinforce Portugal; Portugal begs for an Armistice. Spain demands that the orignial borders are returned, all military equipment is given to spain, and an extremly high tribute is paid to Spain while a slightly smaller tribute it paid to Germany, Austria, and the Ottomans. Portugal refuses, and continue to fight.

Meanwhile, Germany feels that it has sufficently starved Switzerland and invades. The Swis put up a small fight, but are quickly defeated by the Germans; they surrender to Germany. Germany then draws support to the movement to free Ireland. England pulls out of Portugal to fight in Ireland, while America reaches an agreement with the Central Powers. America pulls out of Portugal and pays a small tribute, while Germany agrees to stop submarine attacks against Passenger vessels.

Portugal again sues for peace; the terms are the same, except they give up their border provinces to Spain. England then sues for peace.

Canada is declared independant, The British Navy is handed over to Germany, and the British Colonies of Africa, India, and Australia are declared German. The English have to pay hefty tribute to all the Central Powers.

Northern Italy is made part of the German Empire, while Austria-Hungary recieved Romania and Serbia. Algeria, Sardinia, Sicily, Calabria, Malta, and the Italian Colonies West of the Gulf of Gabes were encorporated into Spain. The Ottoman empire took Greece(again, I apologize if they weren't in the war), Egypt, the Sudan, and the Italian Colonies West of the Gulf of Gabes.

England quickly fell into economic ruin. Ireland recieved their freedom, and Scotland fought soon after and recieved it's freedom, as well as Northern England.

The Ottoman Empire felt shafted by Spain, Germany, and the Austrians. While they kept good records with them, the turks would feel hostile towards them. However, they did try to emulate in an effort to avoid future revolts and become more militarily and ecomically afluent.

Bulgaria maintained decent relations with Austria and the Ottomans, but felt wary of both of them. Portugal, England, and Denmark all felt threatened by the neighboring empires, and blamed economic hardships on them. Bulgaria became militaristic, while Portugal, England, and Denmark returned more and more of their power to their Monarchs.

Italy falls into the hands of Mussillini very quickly. His rhetoric, however, becomes more extreme.

Ireland and Scotland both were parliementary democracies, and both became small-government.

Germany tried to maintain good relations with the USSR; however, the civil war in China brought them against each other. While Lenin and then Stalin favor Mao and the communist factions in China, Germany feels that the Republican factions in China would make better trading partners. Even though neither are in a position to effect the outcome, due to the poor euiptment and training of the USSR at the time as well as the newly stretched-out German military, relations quickly sour over the verbal support. The Ottomans continue to have sour relations, due not only to previous conflicts but also the Chinese civil war.


In Scenerio 1, France and England would most likely become more militaristic, with England handing more power over to the Queen and establishing parlement more as a military establishment and France establishing a Fascist regime. Spain ends up in civil war anyway, and England, France, and Italy assist Franco in winning the civil war. Germany has severly overstretched herself, and gives up most of her African colonies as well as Indochina. Because Germany can't hold onto many of it's Asian colonies, it allies with Japan to watch over them. After a couple of decades to recouperate, England, Spain, France, and Italy decide to amke a joint effort to regain their land and their colonies. England launches an invasion of the Netherlands, France crosses the Sierre, and Italy recaptures Venice. Germany repels England and tops Germany at Alsace-Loraine, but Italy blockades the Adriatic sea and takes Vienna. Germany pushes France back and turns it's attention to Italy. After crossing into the Alps, Italy asks Stalin to invade Germany from the East. He happily obliges and quickly conquers the Ukrain and Poland, before Germany stops Russia. Japan then aids Germany and invades Siberia. This makes Mao nerves and the Marxist faction of China fights Japan. Japan invades China and the Republicans(established in the south) fight the Marxists from their southern flank. France pushes up along the Western Bank of the Rhine and takes what used to be Blegium and the Netherlands. Italy reconuers Malta and the Ottoman Empire launches an invasion into serbia. Germany sues for peace and returns Eastern Africa to England, all lands west of the Rhine and Alsace-Loraine to France, and non-german lands in the east to the USSR. India declares it's independance. Italy stalls the Ottomans in the balkans and invades greece. Italy takes back the Balkans after cutting the Ottomans supply lines, as well as greece. Italy also invades Tripoli and pushes into Egypt. However, the Ottomans cut through the Sahara and go over the Atlas mountains. The Ottomans take tripoli and Malta before Italy attempts to stop them. When the Italians refocus on their south, the Ottomans circle around them in the Balkans and conquer serbia, then invade greece from two sides. The Ottomans then march into the bosnia. England sends troops from Eastern Africa and attacks the Sudan. The Ottomans invade romania, send troops to the sudan, and seek an armistice with Italy. Italy agrees to give most of the Balkans to the Ottomans, as well as the North African Shore and Malta. The Ottomans end troops into the Sudan to face England and beat them pretty easily. They then chase them to capetown. Meanwhile, Japan is ripping through Siberia and has had good success in Northern China. The Marxists become defeated and China is a republic. However, Japan keeps Manchuria and Korea. Russia sues for peace and Japan keeps Siberia as well. Spain conquers Western Africa, and England leaves africa all together after losing the Great Rift Valley to the Ottomans. The Ottomans then press into Iran and after that India.

In Scenerio 2, things turn out a little different. Portugal, England, Italy, Denmark, and Bulgaria make a desperate attempt to conquer land, but are defeated quite easily and conquered altogether. Denmark, England, and Italy become part og Germany. Portugal becomes part of Spain, and the Ottoman Empire takes Bulgaria. The increasing rift between Russia and Germany starts to become a problem, and at about the same time Russia fixes it's military and Germany get's it's colonies under control. Both sent troops to China, and end up fighting eachother. Northern China quickly comes under control of the USSR while South China is German. Mao abondans geurilla tactics because he has Stalin's support, and bloody battles rage. The cities in the north, along the sea, fall under control of the Republicans. However, the farmland in the center stays Marxist. As German and Russian Troops collide in China, Germany sends troops into Russia. Stalin is cought off gaurd and loses Moscow. However, Russian winter sets in and Germany is stalled there. Russia then invades central Asia and Tibet, and launches invasions into Northern India. Germany takes troops from Eastern Africa and puts them in India. Russia takes back Moscow, as well as Poland. The warlords of Central China defeat Mao, and pledg aligence to the military dictator(forgot his name). However, the USSR keeps Mongolia, Manchuria, and Korea. Germany invades Tibet, and frees it from the USSR. However, the USSR takes the ukraine. Austria becomes invovled and invades the ukraine. Germany focuses more on Poland, and winter sets in again. Germany abandons Eastern Africa, and the Ottomans invade. After they clean up Eastern Africa, they Declare war on the USSR and invade the Caucus region. The USSR pushes Germany and Austria out of poland and the ukraine. However, the Ottomans take the Caucas Mountains and push into central Asia. The USSR leaves India. Germany pushes into poland again, and marches into Moscow. Stalin backs up to the Ural Mountains, and Germany recaptures the Ukraine before Austria does. Germany pushes down into the caucases, and the USSR is stalled in Central Asia. Stalin sues for peace, and after Germany recieves more than they hould, he's killed. Mao takes over and launches a new invasion into China. Caught off guard, Mao takes China. Germany has problems securing Russia, and leaves Indochina and India. Indochina stays united, but federalist, and wards off China. India is heated between the Hindu and Muslim factions, but stay united in the threat from Mao. They maintain a mixed-republic, with both a parliment, a senate, an executive counsel, and a prime minster.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Stjepan wrote:
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:So I am still right that the word slave and the word slav have a historical relation?

Indeed, there is a relationship, but it isn't the case that a foreign constructed denoting name denoting "slave" was imposed over the slavs.

Yes, you have already presented the explanation for this.
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By The Immortal Goon
Either way, my main point is: With or without WW1, the Great Depression should have been no different.

I had the US go socialist for two reasons:

1) That was around the height of socialist activity in the US to that point anyway. Debs came in a close third (compared to any other third party cantidate) in 1920

2) The US had already invested a lot of money in the English durring the war, and the US was expecting it back. When England's economy collapses, the US investments in England don't come back, and the Great Depression is accelerated, coming more rapidly and hitting harder - at about the same time the election is happening.

We know that there would be stiff resistance for Debbs - this is manifested by state governments not cooperating in conjunction with congress. Meanwhile the people grow poorer and a more radical solution, they guy in the white house, seems to be apt. The people draw out to support the Federal government against their state governments.

I agree, my timeline is a little accelerated, giving only 365 days for major Earth shattering events to occur, but I think it's plausable at the very least.

-TIG :rockon:
By Al Khabir
Your timeline is (in my opinion) incorrect because:

1: Germany could never have invaded Ireland- their navy was pisspoor compared to the British.

2. The Ottoman Empire and Austro-Hungary were in NO POSITION to do anything-Austria Hungary had trouble just sticking together, while the Turks, the doddering old uncle who everyone just wanted to go away, had the sametrouble in the middle east. This is why Churchill's strategy of "knocking the props out from under Germany" was such shit, and the Dardanelles campiagn was a waste of lives. Germany was propping up the Central powers single-handed.

Germany deserved to win anyway- they were the most outstanding military force for two world wars.
By Bricktop
Isnt there proof that Germany helped the IRA (or their equivalent) during WW1 with a secret arms trade?

I think Germany allying with an independent Ireland is plausible.

Even if some things may have been incorrect (Australia would never have become Neutral - being so isolated there was fear of being invaded by anyone - Australia would have wanted to be allied somehow to the strongest side im guessing..)

I really enjoyed reading your timeline Goon, reminded me of Turtledove novels hehe.

*one of which im reading right now*


*im happy this thread has developed how it has - all this is really interesting*
By Al Khabir

Isnt there proof that Germany helped the IRA (or their equivalent) during WW1 with a secret arms trade?

I doubt it- the British naval blockade ruined the German economy. If they did, it was small scale. It is also hardly the equivalent to invading the country (which as itself not yet an independent or sovereign nation.

Incidentally, Turkey's President secured the alliance they had been seeking for a century- with a strong European power (Germany) completely through subterfuge. He traded a very sinkable battleship, which he knew Churchill would confiscate in a few days time, for German protection. :lol:
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By The Immortal Goon
1. The Irish Front - Casement was the Irish Republican Brotherhood represenitive for Germany. He was sent over to Germany in order to secure arms for the Easter Rising as well as start an Irish Brigade with captured Irish soldiers.

Problem with the Brigade was that the Irish already had a promise for home-rule via Redmond from the British for after the war. Thus, most of the captured Irish soldiers didn't want to risk fouling this up.

Casement's Irish Brigade was eventually formed and was going to fight with the Turks, but when the IRB set up the Easter Rising, he came back home with the Brigade and a lot of German munitions (which was skuttled when the English found out about the arms trying to get in).

The Rising was a failure, but the Germans were still in contact with the IRB - in fact in the decloration read that day, the IRB mentions their "European allies" who is, of course, the Germans.

In my scenerio, the Schlifen plan had pretty much worked, and thus the Germans had only gain from aiding the Irish further. Since the English deal for Home Rule in Ireland was to take place after the war, in real life, my scenerio added that the war was clearly being lost for the British - thus Irish dreams of Home Rule, along with the martyrs after the Easter Rising, militerized the Volunteers (who eventually took most of Ireland by themselves anyway), and increased collaboration with the Germans. Thus, this set of events was strengthened and accelerated.

2 - The Ottoman Front - Yeah, pretty much fiction with the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires doing anything, I'll admit to that. Then again, it's fiction that the Germans could have marched in to Paris that easily, and I needed some kind of mechanism to solidify German victory. I guess I could have said something like, "The Germans, freed from the Western front, now begin their campeign along side the Ottomans and Austro-Hungary" but I don't really know as much about that front. I'll admit, the whole front in my scenerio was almost pure fiction. The Balkans erupting in to violence is supposed to represent the weakness of the Austro and Ottomans, but I agree it is an inadiquate explanation.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, Drummond, I enjoyed writing it.

-TIG :rockon:
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By Utopian_Anarchist
Drummond wrote:ComradeChris:
Do you think there would have been such a large contingent of Communist groups in Germany if Germany had actually won WW1? There would have been no mess of Right-Wing Paramilitary Groups fighting in the streets with the Reds, but if Germany had won WW1, they wouldnt have been in so much a position for support from inside the nation for Communist groups. IMHO anyway. Although France had some Communist groups after 'winning' WW1 (you cant say France won, they were totally obliterated afterall - with help from their allies they did.) Britain didnt really have powerful Communist groups?


Why wouldn't they? The Tsar was killed and the Communists took over during WW1. The Soviets were very interested in spreading communism through Europe. The depression most likely still would have occurred and people would be looking for a way out of it. And people saw capitalism to be at fault for the Stock Market Crash (which is very true, it had everything to do with money) and saw communism as a way out.
By Garibaldi
After WWI, Communism didn't spread any further than Russia depsite all their neighbors being losers in the war. What makes you think they would have had any more success if the neighbors had been engulfed by winners in WWI?
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By Utopian_Anarchist
Garibaldi wrote:After WWI, Communism didn't spread any further than Russia depsite all their neighbors being losers in the war. What makes you think they would have had any more success if the neighbors had been engulfed by winners in WWI?

I'm also basing it on the fact the great depression most likely still would have occured. The Communists in Germany had ~105 seats in the Reichstagg (however you spell it) and only started losing because HITLER and his party used the losing of the war and anger as their platform. They adopted (or said they would) some socialist policies (the ones favourable to the most people) to gain support as well. They used SOCIALIST POLICIES and the LOSING OF THE WAR to gain support. With out the war, there goes one of their support mechanisms. And if they lost the war Hitler wouldn't have any reason to get into politics, hence his ideas most likely would never have been put in motions. I thought I explained most of that, but maybe you didn't get it.
By Garibaldi
If Germany won the war, why would their have been a Reichstag to begin with? Kaiser Wilhelm II would still have ruled, and the hyperinflation that provoked the communists in the 20's would not have existed.
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By Utopian_Anarchist
Garibaldi wrote:If Germany won the war, why would their have been a Reichstag to begin with? Kaiser Wilhelm II would still have ruled, and the hyperinflation that provoked the communists in the 20's would not have existed.

I think the Great Depression was inevitable. Somebody would have been paying war reparations to the "victorious" country. Hyperinflation would have occured in Europe. THe countries where it did would probably have adopted communist ideologies as the capital system was to blame for mass starvation and poverty. The Marshall plan was inevitable. They'd probably have ended up helping France, or one of the other "losing" countries. And maybe I was thinking about the Weimar Republic (not the Reichstag). But even if it didn't exist, there probably would have been a violent revolution like the one in Russia. But these are all just postulates, like any idea presented on this thread.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Garibaldi wrote:If Germany won the war, why would their have been a Reichstag to begin with?

When was the Reichstag built? Do you know? Wasn't the Reichstag already in existance before the advent of parliamentarianism in Deutschland ("Germany"), as a palace?
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By Thucydides
In Many ways Germany actually did win the war. The Russians had been pushed back and Germany had taken alot of territory from them. The French were in bad shape as a good deal of fighting occured on their soil. The Germans flooded many of the French mines hampering their access to their resources. In a strategic sense Germany (Prussia) was better off after the war.
By Garibaldi
ComradeChris wrote:I think the Great Depression was inevitable. Somebody would have been paying war reparations to the "victorious" country. Hyperinflation would have occured in Europe. THe countries where it did would probably have adopted communist ideologies as the capital system was to blame for mass starvation and poverty. The Marshall plan was inevitable. They'd probably have ended up helping France, or one of the other "losing" countries. And maybe I was thinking about the Weimar Republic (not the Reichstag). But even if it didn't exist, there probably would have been a violent revolution like the one in Russia. But these are all just postulates, like any idea presented on this thread.

It doesn't really matter if the great depression was inevitable or not; while we will debate the root cause, the fact of the matter is neither the Weimer republic nor the hyperinflation would have occured in Germany after WWI if it won. In fact, Many people would have been more than content in Germany and would not have turned to an alternative system of government.

However, we can not detmine whether or not there would have been hyperinflation in France, England, and possible America(depending onif your scenerio included their existance in the war or not). The obvious cause of hyperinflation was the mass overproduction of monmey by the government, which is believed to have happened because The Weimer Republic wanted a quick way to cover the tribute without spendning their money. The question is whether or not England and France would chose the same course of action; at this time, England had a huge industrial sector and probably would have paid the tribute off through tasxes, although the added stresses would dhave pushed for a slightly more interventionist government. In France, on the other hand, I doubt they would have come out as clean. The tribute would have been a burden on their government, and it's debatable whether or not they would have opted for inflation or taxes.

If the economy did take a turn for the worst, I doubt France or England would have become communist anyways. In most nations who's economy failed after WWI, we see a rise in dictatorship. With the exception of russia, all nations became Facist and reactionary. If things turned for the worst, England would have handed more power over to the prime minster and passed increasingly conservative and authoritan bills; France would most likely come under rule of another dictator determined to create a Empire. America, on the other hand, could have become Socialist; however, I still believe the policy of "Normalcy" would have been prevelent throughout the 1920's.
By Spin
Isnt there proof that Germany helped the IRA (or their equivalent) during WW1 with a secret arms trade?

No before the war Germany was helping with the IVF and the UVF.

Since the English deal for Home Rule in Ireland was to take place after the war, in real life, my scenerio added that the war was clearly being lost for the British - thus Irish dreams of Home Rule, along with the martyrs after the Easter Rising, militerized the Volunteers (who eventually took most of Ireland by themselves anyway), and increased collaboration with the Germans. Thus, this set of events was strengthened and accelerated.

Funny I would see a civil war between the IVF and UVF. And the UVF were not much smaller than the IVF. The UVF was also better led since they had ex soldiers of all ranks in their own ranks and was the first force in the world to have a mtor corps. The UVF also hgad greater finicial backing. It would have probably ended in a bloody stalemate.

I think that Austro Hungary would have collapsed whatever happened. There were just too many squabbling races there.

France would have been angry and I wonder who the Germans would put inb power. I think that the British would have sucessfully made freinds with the Germans for a while.
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By The Immortal Goon
Isnt there proof that Germany helped the IRA (or their equivalent) during WW1 with a secret arms trade?

No before the war Germany was helping with the IVF and the UVF.

I beleive he meant the IVF when he said "their equivalent"

Funny I would see a civil war between the IVF and UVF. And the UVF were not much smaller than the IVF. The UVF was also better led since they had ex soldiers of all ranks in their own ranks and was the first force in the world to have a mtor corps. The UVF also hgad greater finicial backing. It would have probably ended in a bloody stalemate.

Perhaps, but I see the Germans throwing a lot more arms, money, and officers in to Ireland's support given the French front collapsing. This would position them with an excellent stratigic advantage over England. Also, the American Fenians would be a lot more politically acceptable in the US in my scenerio which would, again, lead to more money and arms for the Irish.

-TIG :rockon:

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