Soviets Won Space Race - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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'Cold war' communist versus capitalist ideological struggle (1946 - 1990) and everything else in the post World War II era (1946 onwards).
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By Lokakyy
They wouldn't jam something as important as the moon landing. Fact is, they just didn't broadcast it.


Right, the soviet officials were like "normally we would jam this capitalist pig-dog transmission, but now we won't, because c'mon, it is the moon landing". Most of the US transmissions to the USSR and its allies were blatant propaganda (Radio Free Europe from BRD, Voice of America, etc.), and practically no television broadcasts were sent. Before the invention of satellite TV (or more exactly, the commercial use of it, not to talk about in SU), such broadcasts were also technically very difficult and had low range. It just wasn't necessary, because the propaganda effect would come through the newspapers. But could you give your theory why they didn't broadcast it?

TROI laughed at:

Hey, don't mock - they had flaming skulls and everything on their website...

By kami321
NBP is not left and not right

If you could read Russian I would give you the link to NBP forum threads where members openly speak of themselves as nazis. And even more threads on their site where they call AKM and such "RED SCUM".
Now tell me it's not left not right.
By ComradeDTAII
If you could read Russian I would give you the link to NBP forum threads where members openly speak of themselves as nazis. And even more threads on their site where they call AKM and such "RED SCUM".
Now tell me it's not left not right.

I'm not here to defend the NBP, as I said, I am not a member.

But could you give your theory why they didn't broadcast it?

Fact is, is that Soviets didn't broadcast it because they knew that any schoolboy could point out it's obvious flaws and thus disprove it's authenticity.
By Smilin' Dave
I'm not here to defend the NBP, as I said, I am not a member.

Too young?

Fact is, is that Soviets didn't broadcast it because they knew that any schoolboy could point out it's obvious flaws and thus disprove it's authenticity.

Now, let me get this absolutely clear: You don't believe that the US landed men on the moon? I don't want to start an argument over something implied but not stated.
By ComradeDTAII
Too young?


Now, let me get this absolutely clear: You don't believe that the US landed men on the moon? I don't want to start an argument over something implied but not stated.

Clear, I do not.
By Smilin' Dave

Well, you pointed out that there is a Canadian NBP umm... cell (thats what you guys call it right?), and you are a sympathiser who certainly propagates their views... so I can only assume that you were too young to sign up.

I could probably think of a bunch of other, less kind, reasons why you haven't, but I think youth is a possibility.

Now, let me get this absolutely clear: You don't believe that the US landed men on the moon? I don't want to start an argument over something implied but not stated.
Clear, I do not.

Well that is just ridiculous.

You can start with: ... moon01.htm

You might recognise them... They came from SE...

Then explain to me how the moon landing was fake.
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By Lokakyy
Fact is, is that Soviets didn't broadcast it because they knew that any schoolboy could point out it's obvious flaws and thus disprove it's authenticity.


The Soviets didn't broadcast the moon landing of their most hated enemy, because it was faked? Your argument is extremely contradictory. Why didn't they show it and gloat that "comrades, here the foolish imperialist pig dogs make fool out of themselves. Even the smallest komsomol pioneer can see that this is a fake"? Oh, now I know why not - they knew that it wasn't a fake.

By The Decay of Meaning
So tell me, how does North Korea retain one of the top world armies when price system is abolished?

What, what, what? North Korea has abolished the price system?
By Spin
So tell me, how does North Korea retain one of the top world armies when price system is abolished?

What, what, what? Norht Korea has one of the worlds top armies?
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By Looter
The fact that the Space Station is the heart of the World's Space effort shows that the Soviets won the Space race because that is the legacy of their program.
By Rev Dr Doug
Let's clear up a few things.

The Soviets did indeed lead the space race in the early to mid-stages. First satellite, first living organism, first person, first woman, first two-manned spacecraft, first three-manned spacecraft, first rendezvous (not docking), first EVA, etc. They justly deserve a lot of credit.

Be aware, however, that Werner Von Braun could have launched an orbital satellite (albeit far smaller than Sputnik) before the USSR but he had been prohibited from having an upper stage with fuel. Instead, it was replaced with inert payload (This was the same launcher that eventually did put the first US satellite in orbit).

Also, Shepard's flight was planned for much earlier and would have beaten Gagarin, but Von Braun wanted another test of the Redstone launch vehicle before approving it for a manned launch (this became MR-BD). The flight went perfectly, and Shepard became the second man in space - after Gagarin.

During the Gemini series of flights, the US overtook the USSR in the lead in space. They achieved the first docking of two spacecraft, longest EVA, etc, and took the lead in the race to the Moon.

The USSR did have an active lunar landing programme. The spacecraft was a modified Soyuz. It could achieve a circumlunar mission with the Proton booster (as demonstrated with the unmanned Zond flight), but needed the N-1 launch vehicle for a landing. The N-1 was launched 3 times, and each time exploded / was destroyed shortly after launch (mainly because of problems with controlling the multitude of engines in the first stage). It was the failure of the N-1 that curtailed the Soviet lunar landing programme.

The Soviets tracked the Apollo flights to the Moon and back.
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By U184
Dear Russian Guy, Американцы являются сумасшедшими, сумасшедшими как лиса. Пожалуйста прекратите грабить русского матери с грубыми и возмутительными замечаниями. Имейте благопристойность к гордо и с уважением представьте ее для вашего ребяческого позора замечаний все хорошие российские люди!

In the end Russia fell. the New Russia is not what it used to be, I am glad for that and wish it the best. Maybe those old hatreds can also be changed by those who hold on to by gone days. I am a great lover of the Russian culture and spent some time in Leningrad it is beautiful and the people are good people, loving and kind.

The space race was in response to Sputnik, the United States launched a huge effort to regain technological supremacy that is why the National Defense Education Act was put in place in 1958.

The first Russian space craft did crash, Luna 1 on 4 January 1959, the first craft to reach the surface of the Moon was Luna 2.

Way before the launch of Sputnik 1, both the United States and the Soviet Union started developing plans for reconnaissance satellites. The US's Discoverer series provided the first payload recovered from space in 1960 one day ahead of the Russians.

Here is the space race time line.

Wernher von Braun, Webb, Moss and a host of others wanted to do many things different then they were allowed, had they been given free reign it would be a different world. Life however is as it is.

Why bring up the past in such a negative manner? if you wanted drama why not ask about the coming space race to the Moon for Nuclear Fuel?
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By R_G
I don't believe in any of the Apollo landings, I think they faked them all, anyone ever see the footage from the 4th supposed landing? I'd have to be a moron to believe that was real.

I think the American put satellites on the moon eventually but that's irrelevant.

It was a waste of money from both sides, the moon proved to be worthless.
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By Siberian Fox
Russian_Guy wrote:I don't believe in any of the Apollo landings, I think they faked them all, anyone ever see the footage from the 4th supposed landing? I'd have to be a moron to believe that was real.

Aside from any other evidence, the number one reason not to doubt that the moon landings happened is that if they were faked the U.S.S.R. would have been first in line to let the world know about it. I'm sure that there were plenty of countries that could monitor the moon landings, but the Russians above all would not have collaborated in any cover-up. The idea that the moon landings were faked belongs in the conspiracy theories forum and there alone, because it doesn't stand up at all.
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By Igor Antunov
It wasn't a race, it was only dubbed a 'race' afterwards by the western media, and naturally it had to continue even though it was over, thus the second 'space race' as dubbed by NASA in getting to do moon, to take away any prestige the soviets had gained by being the first to operate spacecraft and satellites in space.

At least the soviet acomplishment had massive implications with the creation of artificial sattelites and completely changing our world. The moon landings did nothing. To this day all we have gained from the moon landings are.... a few moon rocks.

Having said that many technologies came out of the appollo program BUT, the physical act of landing men on the moon gained us nothing world changing.
By Rev Dr Doug
Don't underestimate the American lunar achievement (just as others should not underestimate the Russian achievement, both then and now).

This was a MANNED mission in lunar orbit; the USSR and the US lost a lot of unmanned probes so it showed that the procedures, the planning, etc, were right. That will help us for a return to the Moon, and lay the tracks for the manned Mars missions (whichever country flies them).

The geological (or more properly, senelogical) findings helped to actually confirm how the Moon came to be in Earth orbit. We also have a reasonable understanding of the makeup of the Moon, both from deep-core samples (which unmanned probes were not capable of doing) and from Apollo SIM-bay experiments.

Apollo taught us the basics we need to address for longer-term lunar and other extraterrestrial flight (Mars) - we learnt that the lunar dust caused many problems with EVA suits and would likewise cause problems with lunar mining machinery - and may be a problem in a Mars mission.

That is just some of what we learnt. ALL space travel, by whatever nation, will normally increase our knowledge base.

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