10th anniversary of the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By RabbleRouser
Bridges are very viable military targets the are a cornerstone of logistics and maneuverability. Civil Trains that can easily be used to transport troops, once again maneuverability. TV Towers cutting of a regime way of disseminating misinformation once again would be high on my list. Embassies and Civilian Homes...no that is bad anyway you cut it and great care should always be exercised in preventing loss of innocent life or property. The only way a house is a lawful target is if it is being used for military purposes, weapons cache quartering of troops, DFP, however even then great care should be looked at finding alternatives.

Popular yes, fun no, necessary Yes. Why it was so popular is that the alternatives to using air power create even more destruction. That is why it is viewed as popular, because it is a more controllable and predictable way of neutralizing targets while minimizing collateral damage.

Solving the problem, if the US is this all knowing all powerful bogey man hell bent on establishing its dominance while rejoicing in the murder of innocents...why is the Balkans at peace today? Why is Europe at peace today? If a conquering comes in to establishes order, law, and protection of the innocent how are they committing a horrible injust crime. For centuries the Balkans have been the focal point of much violence on both sides. The 90's were devastating but now their is order and at great cost to the US taxpayer but yet what profit have they made? It was not a cut and dry situation their...we all know that and each side had much blame but the aggressor the one who crossed the line was Serbia.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." (Jefforson) this is the basic of what the Serbians were fighting against and what the others strive for. And trust me I can't think of a better reason for the US to be involved.

Iraq whether they had WMD's or not it was still the right decision (however woefully ill it was executed). The very thought of a violent dictator oppressing the people in a nation offends me.

I would like to answer you a few question...

did Serbia kill any civilians, any doesn’t matter why or how but did any civilians die through the direct result of Serbian actions?

If the actors involved would of continued their course with out outside involvement what would be the rational end state?

Were all Serbian actions justified?

Why did Serbia have a problem with non majority regions from breaking off?
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By QatzelOk
if the US is this all knowing all powerful bogey man hell bent on establishing its dominance while rejoicing in the murder of innocents...why is the Balkans at peace today?

Because US media tells you it's peaceful now.

The murderous nature of the US meganational imperial corporatist government is something that you figured out all on your own because mainstream media never covers this angle of US policy.
By RabbleRouser
The murderous nature of the US meganational imperial corporatist government is something that you figured out all on your own because mainstream media never covers this angle of US policy.

The murderous nature...please lets examine the US murderous nature. Let see what the US has grown what it has achieved and what has given to the world. Look, please look, at history, at empires, at murderous nation, and you dare to compare the US to this. To shame. The US, unlike most of the world knows are faults, we know the sins that have been committed; we do not look at CNN as the end all say all. We understand that media has political agendas based upon their ideology. We do not go to one source to find our information like so many other do. There is, open debate constantly over our action in our own legislative branch. Every four years citizens cast their ballots to ensure that our values are represented. The most powerful man in the most powerful nation transferred power to another man of competing ideology. A peaceful transfer of power. Were in the world does so much power transfer to one hand to another without violence...the answer is clear. The last president so hell bent and power hungry could of made a move to subvert our constitution but he didn't. When Washington defeated the British he could of claim any power he wanted but he didn’t, he, as we all believe in the rights of man. Because in America, government is subservient to the people. Because every state has its own army and the citizen have arms to defend themselves against the tyranny of dictators. The military is all volunteer of educated individuals who when the trumpet sounds make their decision to march not on the corporate gains of an company but on the ideals that all men are created equal and endowed with such inalienable right as life liberty and the pursuit of happiness (Jefferson...paraphrased). Even as you say an imperliastic nation...but please what values to they export. That a man has a say in his government, that you have freedom to say what you want, that all persons have a voice in the way they are governed regardless as nationality, sex, race, or creed. Now stand here right now and tell what other country guarantees this? And if their is a country how can you tell me that it is not a child of the American Revolution? The angle you speak of is constantly debated and denounced. The problem I believe is that you assume that this is the final form and that the US does not cover your covert ideals. But let me tell you every day, every debate, every social problem we struggle through is just a continuation of our Revolution. The world’s revolution, the cause of all mankind (Franklin, paraphrased). Till one day when man does not fear their government, but the government fear man, and on that day, this revolution will be complete.
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By QatzelOk
Rabble Rouser wrote:Till one day when man does not fear their government, but the government fear man

The Patriot Act versus your text.
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By Independent_Srpska
Bridges are very viable military targets the are a cornerstone of logistics and maneuverability. Civil Trains that can easily be used to transport troops, once again maneuverability. TV Towers cutting of a regime way of disseminating misinformation once again would be high on my list. Embassies and Civilian Homes...no that is bad anyway you cut it and great care should always be exercised in preventing loss of innocent life or property. The only way a house is a lawful target is if it is being used for military purposes, weapons cache quartering of troops, DFP, however even then great care should be looked at finding alternatives.

Bridges? Civil Trains? Well, I believe Hitler would agree with you...he did to Belgrade the same....
However, destroying bridges in 3 million people cities like 500km away from the front line is quite viable...especially from the military point of view, having in mind that even lousy NATO fascists can install a pontoon bridge in less than 2 hours at the spots where those bridges were destroyed...not to mention bunch of bridges up and down the rivers....not to mention that there was no need for Serbian army to use those bridges at all....NATO fascists just made life difficult to the civilian in those cities, that was the only purpose of those attacks...TV tower is a viable target??? Well, NATO fascists indeed murdered 13 journalists - congratulations on your viability....Have NATO fascists managed to cut a flaw of information? Of course not...it takes like 30 minutes to turn on the spare mobile transmitter....Do NATO fascists know that? Yes , of course they know that...so, why would NATO fascists killed 13 innocent young people? I would say: NATO fascists did that just for fun...as they could to do that, and get away unpunished....

However, I hope you find WTC tower viable target, too....It had some significance to the fascist regime in the White House....though, greater care should have been applied in that specific case, too....but, probably, as you claim in Serbia case, it was necessary....though, there was some collateral damage, too....but, hey, it's only collateral damage...and collateral damage doesn't have kids and parents, and names and lwifes/husbands....I really can't get it why American's were pissed of with Osama...I mean, it was only "collateral damage" made out of necessity....signature: NATO....

Solving the problem, if the US is this all knowing all powerful bogey man hell bent on establishing its dominance while rejoicing in the murder of innocents...why is the Balkans at peace today?

Well, the Balkans was at peace before, too....NATO fascists didn't have to kill people around to make the Balkans peaceful obviously...
But, I can't figure it out, why Afghanistan/Iraq are not peaceful - and NATO generously convinces them by killing the people around in the same manner they did it in the Balkans....weird theory, right?

The 90's were devastating but now their is order and at great cost to the US taxpayer but yet what profit have they made?

The right question would be: why 90s were devastating?

It was not a cut and dry situation their...we all know that and each side had much blame but the aggressor the one who crossed the line was Serbia.

How do we know that?

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." (Jefforson) this is the basic of what the Serbians were fighting against and what the others strive for. And trust me I can't think of a better reason for the US to be involved.

Really? Well, I have interesting questions for your pathetic and hypocritical theory...

Situation 1: Croatia....Why did not USA applied this Jefferson's crap in the case of Serbs in Croatia? Obviously, there was a Course of human events that led to execution of 700.000 Serbs by Croat nazi-forces in WW2. There was a Course of human events in which Croats violated Constitution depriving Serbs from their right, and morever Croats started again executing Serbs in 90s. So, do we have obvious reasons for applying your quoted hypocrisy...I would say yes....
But, what USA fascist administration had done? They armed Croats. They trained Croats. They prevented Serbs from defending their homes and families. They bombed Serb aircrafts and airports, while allowing Croat aircrafts to bomb retreating line of women and kids who were running for their lives. In the meantime US ambassador in Croatia at that time was sitting on the one of the Croat tanks making sure that Jefferson's crap hasn't been fulfilled!

Situation 2: Bosnia and Hercegovina....after 3 years of bloody fights - why USA fascist administration did not apply Jefferson's crap in Bosnia and Hercegovina? Obviously, there were wars between all 3 sides...even Sarajevo BH-Muslims had a war against western BH-Muslims who were opposing the Sarajevo rule...after 97.207 victims on all 3 sides, US administration does exactly opposite of the Jefferson's crap...US decides to bomb Serbs in Bosnia and Hercegovina thus imposing a state on 3 warring sides, making their lives even more miserable...

Situation 3: Kosovo.... so, your administration did not apply Jefferson's crap in previous 2 cases (because Jefferson's crap worked for Serb side), but suddenly they chose to apply it when it works for Albanian side. And suddenly, when northern part of Kosovo (with Serb majority) asks for the same Jefferon's crap to be applied, US administration decides that Jefferon's crap is not applicable because it works in Serbs' favor....

Situation 4: Abkhasia/Ossetia....An excellent case for the application of Jefferson's crap! But, hey...NATO fascists started to whine about integrity of the states and international law....but, behind the wall is a big roaring bear....Suddenly Russians apply Jefferon's crap law....while NATO is drowning in its hypocrisy....

So, do you feel ridiculous or what?

Iraq whether they had WMD's or not it was still the right decision (however woefully ill it was executed). The very thought of a violent dictator oppressing the people in a nation offends me.

Well, let me tell you the secret:" IT WAS PROVEN THAT THOSE REPORTS WERE FABRICATED" ...so, NO WMDs....

Ah, I believe you approve Osama's actions, too...probably, he was offended by brainwashing of the American people by the regime....

However, the most important part here is:"PROVEN FABRICATIONS that were served to the NATO people in order to form bloodthirsty public opinion..."....and now go back at your claim:"We all know Serbia was aggressor" ...and answer again my question:"How do we know that?"

did Serbia kill any civilians, any doesn’t matter why or how but did any civilians die through the direct result of Serbian actions?

If you are trying to justify US killings of civilians in Serbia - bear in mind that Serbia did not kill any civilian across the ocean on the soil of the US...

If the actors involved would of continued their course with out outside involvement what would be the rational end state?

If you are trying to justify US killings of civilians in Serbia with "what-if" construction I believe Hitler would applaud to your logic....

Were all Serbian actions justified?

Well, define "justified"...

Why did Serbia have a problem with non majority regions from breaking off?

Because non-majority regions did not respect the constitution....you know...it's a one pillar of civilized society--> The rule of law....
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By Independent_Srpska
The murderous nature...please lets examine the US murderous nature. Let see what the US has grown what it has achieved and what has given to the world. Look, please look, at history, at empires, at murderous nation, and you dare to compare the US to this.

If you ask me - absolutely...bearing in mind the most "successful" genocide in human history in which US empire managed to "get rid" of the native inhabitants on the whole CONTINENT! Even, Germans were like mother Theresa comparing what US did to the native Americans...does it sound better if we call "Indians" a collateral damage?

The US, unlike most of the world knows are faults, we know the sins that have been committed; we do not look at CNN as the end all say all. We do not go to one source to find our information like so many other do.

Really? Are you really sure?

There is, open debate constantly over our action in our own legislative branch. Every four years citizens cast their ballots to ensure that our values are represented. The most powerful man in the most powerful nation transferred power to another man of competing ideology. A peaceful transfer of power. Were in the world does so much power transfer to one hand to another without violence...the answer is clear.

In UK, in France, in Germany , in Russia, in Japan, in Italy etc etc .....

The last president so hell bent and power hungry could of made a move to subvert our constitution but he didn't.

So, if it was only HIS WILL not to do that, than you have a serious problem....

Because in America, government is subservient to the people.

What was the percentage of people in the US demanding the pull out the troops from Iraq? (Hint: --> http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/ ... 4&nid=&id= )
Oh, yeah, you are right - we did not define this construction:"government is subservient to the people"....It might mean:"We want cheaper beer, hell yes!

That a man has a say in his government, that you have freedom to say what you want, that all persons have a voice in the way they are governed regardless as nationality, sex, race, or creed. Now stand here right now and tell what other country guarantees this?

Many countries....but, do you want to say that these "achievements" justify the US killings of the people around the world? Do you imply that victims should be proud because they have been killed by the "peace/freedom" loving administration? :D Isn't it ironic, don't you think? (copyright - Alanis Morisette)...

And if their is a country how can you tell me that it is not a child of the American Revolution?

Easily ....

The world’s revolution, the cause of all mankind (Franklin, paraphrased). Till one day when man does not fear their government, but the government fear man, and on that day, this revolution will be complete.

Yes, comrade. Red salut!
By Korchagin
The war against Yugoslavia was the first time an act of aggression against a sovereign state occurred on the European continent since the complete routing of the fascist hordes. The NATO barbarians indiscriminately dropped tons of bombs and depleted uranium on innocent people, leading to the martyrdom of many thousands of Yugoslavians. They used as a pretext the totally bogus, non-existent "genocide" against Kosovo even though the war was initiated by the bloodthirsty terrorism and banditry committed by the so-called KLA, whom the West supported. Those responsible for the barbarous war crimes against Yugoslavia must be handed over to a people's court so that the Yugoslavian people can wring their necks in retaliation for all the death and destruction caused by NATO's blood lust.
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By QatzelOk
I agree with you, Korchagin. The Yugoslavia bombardments and NATO interventions were an example of organized terrorism being practiced by international gang alliances. For the people of Serbia, these acts of violence and domination were like a hundred 9-11s, that were delivered to them by capitalism.

This war points to the violence and hate-mongering of the Western elites. Which is why it would be no surprise at all if these same corrupt, violent, and power-mad elite businessmen were behind the WTC attack, and other acts of agitprop violence.

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