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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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Pants-of-dog wrote:You sure write a lot without saying anything important.

I can't think of any reason why a parent should hit a child.


There are many reasons...
But the best one of all is the one that requires them to NEVER make that same one again.
A crack upside the head is a little more memerable than having your xbox taken away.
If I had one of those xboxes when I was a kid and if I decided to be disrespectful to my mother... my father would've broke it over the back of my head instead of just taking it away.
Now I know for sure I ain't getting it back...
UNTIL I changed my ways and until my father knew for sure I learned my lesson.
His way always worked.
I'll always love him and respect him for that.
Most kids today aren't taught respect.
Most of them end up dead or in jail because of it.
My father knew better.
More than anyone I ever knew.
I'm thankful that he molded me to think like him while putting me in a class all by myself.
Thanks Dad.
I love you!
Different people learn differently.

Some people need to be spanked because they learn through physical impression.

Other people do not.
Daktoria wrote:Different people learn differently.

Some people need to be spanked because they learn through physical impression.

Other people do not.


Absolutely correct.
What works for one may not always work for the other.
Each situation is different... and NOW even more than ever since we decided to start mix-breading us humans just for the fun of it.
Now... the possibilities are just downright endless on who's going to start hating who for what.
I smell a hostile takeover in our future.
This time... the fight takes place on our own soil.
I'll take care of myself though...
My father let me hold on to his 2x4 with my name on it.
joeylyrics wrote:Daktoria...

Absolutely correct.
What works for one may not always work for the other.
Each situation is different... and NOW even more than ever since we decided to start mix-breading us humans just for the fun of it.
Now... the possibilities are just downright endless on who's going to start hating who for what.
I smell a hostile takeover in our future.
This time... the fight takes place on our own soil.
I'll take care of myself though...
My father let me hold on to his 2x4 with my name on it.

To be fair, interbreeding has been happening since the dawn of time. It just depends at how minutely you want to measure family ties.

My own parents tried to use a physical approach in disciplining me. It totally backfired, and took years to overcome the implosion.

Like you, I'm also Italian. Unfortunately, many Italians have forgotten their artistic Renaissance heritage in favor of this stupid criminal/guido stereotype.
I have two kids and it is tempting to hit one of them if they are doing something wrong and are very defiant. But it is not necessary to strike any child. Even the older one who has some serious bad attitude issues and deserved a big pop at some point.

The baby doesn't deserve any physical punishment at all. Ever. He is just a little tiny tot. But he loves to open clothes drawers and take out nicely folded clothes and make a big mess. He loves to open the under-the-sink drawers and take out the soap and light bulbs and other kitchen towels, etc. He is exploring everything. The only urge I get is to kiss him to death once in a while. And play with him and be amazed how adorable he is.

The older one? I wish I could smack him around once in a while....but hey, he is just a teen trying to figure out what life is all about. So, I try to be tolerant. When he gets really bad....I take away his privileges and tell him to stop being selfish and go to his room.

Kids are intelligent though. They know if their parent loves them a lot or if they are just being abusive and terrible. And the kids will always forgive the parent who hits out of misguided and uneducated reasons and those who hit their kids because they are tripping on power trips and are abusive by nature. Children are bright little creatures.
If you respect children they will respect you. That is fairly straight forward. But some children are very, very challenging to raise. I had a hard time at the beginning with my eldest. But, with time they see they can trust your word and your actions because you are consistent with the rules and you follow through with the discipline. So they listen. Most parents have problems because they are inconsistent, don't follow through, either don't have enough rules or too many rules and are people who are either too controlling and too overbearing, or they are lazy and too permissive. It is hard striking the right balance with parenting.

My son knows when his father or I say something that we mean it. And we will follow through on the discipline. We also don't undermine each other with him. So he can't manipulate and play one parent off on the other. Be a united front with children. because they are bright and know how to manipulate people. My son's behaviors have improved dramatically over time. And his Daddy never needed to hit him at all.

I think adults get out of control more than a lot of kids. But raising kids is not easy. It never is.

Gaining a child's respect is not easy if you are always out of control. Parents who drink and get drunk, use drugs, and so on....curse, and mistreat their spouses in front of their children. Are abusive with the children's other parent and are always talking badly about other kids. Comparing one kid with the other? Your brother so and so is brighter than you are....and he gets better grades than you do! All that stuff that is just NO GOOD.
joeylyrics wrote:A back hand to the side of the head is NOT the same as a punch in the face.

Both actions are illegal. And that is quite a backhand he has, seeing as you described your face as bruised and your eye as swollen, and etc.

No matter what the supposed reasoning behind it was, it was abusive and he should not have done that to you. If he couldn't get a child to comply without massively attacking it, then it means he was simply bad at parenting.
Tainari88 wrote:If you respect children they will respect you. That is fairly straight forward. But some children are very, very challenging to raise. I had a hard time at the beginning with my eldest. But, with time they see they can trust your word and your actions because you are consistent with the rules and you follow through with the discipline. So they listen. Most parents have problems because they are inconsistent, don't follow through, either don't have enough rules or too many rules and are people who are either too controlling and too overbearing, or they are lazy and too permissive. It is hard striking the right balance with parenting.

My son knows when his father or I say something that we mean it. And we will follow through on the discipline. We also don't undermine each other with him. So he can't manipulate and play one parent off on the other. Be a united front with children. because they are bright and know how to manipulate people. My son's behaviors have improved dramatically over time. And his Daddy never needed to hit him at all.

I think adults get out of control more than a lot of kids. But raising kids is not easy. It never is.

Gaining a child's respect is not easy if you are always out of control. Parents who drink and get drunk, use drugs, and so on....curse, and mistreat their spouses in front of their children. Are abusive with the children's other parent and are always talking badly about other kids. Comparing one kid with the other? Your brother so and so is brighter than you are....and he gets better grades than you do! All that stuff that is just NO GOOD.

There is one exception to the rule when it comes to spanking when it is an absolute must.

Some children deliberately misbehave because they just enjoy making a mess of things, and they want to see if parents will defend their authority. It is no other reason than reverse psychology, and it will not necessarily challenge parents themselves. It can also challenge other children when parents aren't watching, getting them in trouble for being sensitive.

You can typically prevent this by getting children involved in the arts, sports, and other activities where they can experiment and release their energy, but some children are just bona fide psychopaths that do not respect anything besides physical force. They view everything as conflict, and only respect the strongest around.
To be fair, interbreeding has been happening since the dawn of time. It just depends at how minutely you want to measure family ties.

My own parents tried to use a physical approach in disciplining me. It totally backfired, and took years to overcome the implosion.

Like you, I'm also Italian. Unfortunately, many Italians have forgotten their artistic Renaissance heritage in favor of this stupid criminal/guido stereotype.[/quote]


I don't consider over populating the planet with a mixed bag of interbreeding intellect should be overlooked as a minute issue.
It's the main reason to why there are way too many different beliefs from far too many different cultured people all piled up high under one mind blowing roof.
As far as our Italian heritage is concerned ( Including the Goofy Guido's )... you too should be proud that our respected and often feared bloodline still knows the best way to raise their kids.
Most any Italian will easily tell you what is right, what is wrong and what is the best way to do anything.
Not too many people have that talent.
All the idiots that I've come across in my lifetime who I felt like punching in the mouth... all but One wasn't Italian.
Now that's pretty damn good odds.
As far as your own punishment mishap...
If it had made you realize some wrong behind your action than it already had made it's impression.

Last edited by joeylyrics on 28 Aug 2012 06:31, edited 1 time in total.
Both actions are illegal. And that is quite a backhand he has, seeing as you described your face as bruised and your eye as swollen, and etc.

No matter what the supposed reasoning behind it was, it was abusive and he should not have done that to you. If he couldn't get a child to comply without massively attacking it, then it means he was simply bad at parenting.[/quote]


I don't know why you keep sticking up for me when it was I who used to test my fathers nerves knowingly.
I must admit...
I wasn't the best of kids myself.
I've done my share to learn my many lessons.
I'm glad I found out what the hard way was when I was younger as it kept me from seeking trouble when I got older.
Mighty good reverse psychology if you ask me.
Different tactics work better in different parts of the world.
Come to America.
You'll see it all stuffed under one roof.
Yea... it's a Circus alright.
Don't forget to bring your own tent.


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