Adobe Flash 0day exploits reach new level of meanness - Politics | PoFo

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Flash Player literally becomes a botnet, as many have warned it could:
ArsTechnica, 'As Flash 0day exploits reach new level of meanness, what are users to do?', 04 Feb 2015 wrote:Only a few weeks in, 2015 is shaping up as one of the most perilous years for users.


Less than five weeks into the new year, 2015 is already shaping up as one of the most perilous years for users of Adobe Flash, with active exploits against three separate zero-day vulnerabilities, one of which still wasn't fully patched as this post went live.

The latest attacks are hitting unsuspecting targets through drive-by downloads served through ads on,,,,, and other sites, according to research from Malwarebytes. And while the vulnerability wasn't disclosed until this week, the exploits have been active and in the wild since December 3, Malwarebytes found.

While the attacks target Windows users running Flash in a Firefox or Internet Explorer browser, the underlying CVE-2015-0313 security bug is present in Flash for Macs and Linux machines as well. On late Wednesday, Adobe began distributing a fix to users who have opted to receive automatic updates. In the meantime, readers should consider disabling Flash altogether, or at the very least, using Flash inside Google Chrome, the browser many security experts say provides the most comprehensive anti-exploit protections. Attacks exploiting CVE-2015-0313 are unable to escape the Chrome security sandbox, research from Trend Micro found.

Exploit fatigue

The rapid succession of zero-day exploits in such a short period of time is made possible by exploit kits sold in underground forums online. Malware purveyors pay subscription fees and in return get weaponized exploits they can plug into compromised websites or, in some cases, into banner advertisements distributed over ad networks. An exploit kit known as Angler distributed attack code for the first two Flash zerodays. The most recent vulnerability is being exploited by an Angler competitor known as Hanjuan.

The breakneck pace of the exploits is creating fatigue among end users, and one presumes, among engineers inside Adobe. No sooner is one patch rolled out than an exploit targeting a new vulnerability becomes available. What's more, Research from Cisco Systems found the recent Flash exploits were being served on more than 1,800 domains.

The persistence, speed, and abundance are only some of the ingredients underscoring the viciousness of these latest campaigns. Researchers from security firm Invincea found evidence online crooks may be exploiting Flash zerodays to install crypto ransomware on vulnerable computers. Such malware—which encrypts images, documents, and other valuable user data and demands victims pay hundreds of dollars to recover them—has traditionally relied on social engineering ploys that trick people into clicking on malicious files. If unpatched Flash vulnerabilities become a standard way of installing cryptoware, the scourge could become an even bigger problem than it is now, since it could menace much more experienced users.

Anyone who uses Flash—whether on machines running Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux—should ensure they are running the latest version by checking this link. Unfortunately, many Windows users must run the check twice—once using IE and again with Firefox or other non-Chrome browsers. At the time this post was being prepared, the latest version,, is available only to people who have enabled automatic updates. Adobe doesn't expect to have manual updates available until Thursday.

As the Flash-targeting threats grow more hostile, rapid patching may not be enough. Instead, readers should consider uninstalling Flash altogether, or possibly using one browser for a handful of indispensable sites that require the Adobe plugin and a separate, non-Flash-using browser for everything else. As already mentioned in this post, Chrome is widely regarded as the safest browser for viewing Flash content. An alternative is to configure Chrome to disable the plugin on all but a select number of sites. No doubt, removing a plugin that most sites depend on is a burden and not in the spirit of openness, but it may make sense for many users given the troubling series of events in recent weeks.

Of course, rather than uninstalling Flash Player, the most logical defence would have been to have set plugins such as Flash Player as 'Ask to Activate', that way you would have to explicitly consent to loading each specific instance of the Flash Player whenever it is called up, making it much more difficult for someone to do a drive-by 0day attack against your machine.

Because doing a drive-by of any sort would become almost impossible.

You all have had these plugins set to 'Ask to Activate' for years now, right? Right?
I entrusted my soul to the Google botnet back when I switched to Chrome exclusively, eight or so years ago.

I have a Gmail account whose password is just password5, because I think Google is smart enough to throw out people who try to force it open.

One day everything I own will be taken from me.
Your computer only catches a virus from suspicions Flash ads on random websites and the best defence would be installing an extension to block all ads such as Adblock Plus available on Chrome and Firefox. The video streaming site is also said to be redirecting people to malicious pages hosting Angler and it's better to avoid visiting while the issue is being resolved by the website.

Ad-buying big boys Google, Amazon, Microsoft and the content marketing platform Taboola have quietly ponied up the money to keep their ads from being blocked on Adblock Plus, the world's most popular software for blocking online advertising. The deals were confirmed by the Financial Times. Eyeo, the German company behind Adblock Plus, says its plugin has been downloaded more than 300 million times worldwide and has more than 50 million monthly active users. ... lock-plus/
ThirdTerm wrote:Google, Amazon, Microsoft and the content marketing platform Taboola have quietly ponied up the money to keep their ads from being blocked on Adblock Plus, the world's most popular software for blocking online advertising.

But as your own source indicates, the Anglers could simply propagate their malware through ads that are not automatically blocked by Adblock Plus, such as Google Ads, or by actually not propagating them as ads at all. They could serve them as Flash banners on sites that appear legitimate, for example. You search for a search term, a result turns up, you click on it, it loads a site which either is malicious from the outset or has been compromised so that a Flash banner ostensibly containing its logo or the navigation bar as some sites do is actually an exploit, and your browser loads that automatically because you didn't tell it to ask you before loading the Flash player.

The Flash player can also be loaded while being placed as a hidden - or at least not immediately visible to the naked eye on the layout - object on a page, which is not an advertisement, and is therefore not subject to the filtering of ad blockers. And it would load without you being aware because you didn't tell your browser to ask you before loading any Flash plugin instances at all. A website which has been compromised may suddenly contain a hidden Flash object that it didn't contain yesterday. Having Flash set as 'Ask to Activate', means that you would become aware of that suspicious change in the layout before they do the drive-by on you and you'd be able to avoid it, rather than only becoming aware of it afterwards as your machine becomes an after-action statistic.

The problem is not just ads on Dailymotion, the problem is that people are on the internet automatically trusting a plugin that is known to be the first port of call for people looking to take advantage of 0day exploits since forever. And it's taken events of this incredible magnitude to finally get mainstream computer users to be aware of the problem.
I am not selling my soul to google, yet.

Even though there is no add on and firefox is now simply trying to copy Chrome's design ( ), with Greasemonkey installed, there are many scripts floating around which will do the job.
The Sabbaticus wrote:Didn't Steve Jobs harbour an existential hatred towards all things Flash, in light of its propensities for draining power, even when not used? And didn't youtube dump Flash as well?
Even the Devil can be right sometimes.

What's interesting about about computing is the almost complete lack of interest shown by most political people. Take the upcoming elections in Britain and America computing issues barely register. Its the same on this forum. The passivity on computing issues is incredible. No knocking its original creators the world wide web was excellent for the purposes for which it was destined. But for today's world it is total and utter crap!

HTML and CSS! that we use this crap is just unbelievable!
Of course, rather than uninstalling Flash Player, the most logical defence would have been to have set plugins such as Flash Player as 'Ask to Activate',

Mine has been like that for ages and I know fuck all about computers? I assumed that was the way it was by default. I certainly haven't done anything to make it that way.
What's interesting about about computing is the almost complete lack of interest shown by most political people. Take the upcoming elections in Britain and America computing issues barely register. Its the same on this forum. The passivity on computing issues is incredible. No knocking its original creators the world wide web was excellent for the purposes for which it was destined. But for today's world it is total and utter crap!

Ok, so you recommend congress bans flash?

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