Aliens: first contact. How should the makind react??? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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SaddamHuseinovic wrote:The Afghans are in technology 2 thousand years behind the US ore Soviet Union but they won.

The makind could copy some weapons like the Afghans do

The romans had for weapons manufature division of labour, the Afghans have not even this.

No they are not, and no they didn't "win".
You think you gonna be able to guerrilla warfare tire aliens that just traveled from another solar system? :lol: Good luck with that.

Just think about it, the amount of energy required to put a honda civic with 4 human sized aliens at 99% of the speed of light would be more than the total energy consumption of the whole united states for a year!. A tiny fleet, of perhaps a couple of fighter-sized spaceships just for scouting would have to have the capability of multiple times the total human energy production since the beginning of the human race.
Realistically speaking, I would not expect an alien to send a 4-5 manned crew on a tiny vessel, as far as i am concerned they would send a city-sized mega-structure or larger (moon, planet even?) and perhaps not 99% speed of light, perhaps a fraction of that. Either way, it would contain enough fire power to literally pulverize the whole planet before we even detect it. Again... they would not even have to enter our solar system. Any alien race with the intention to harm us and the ability to travel to our planet, does not have to bother traveling here, it is far cheaper/simpler to laser blast our atmosphere from a neightboring solar system.
SaddamHuseinovic wrote:
The Afghans are in technology 2 thousand years behind the US ore Soviet Union but they won. The Soviet union lead a total war poisoning their fountains...

The makind could copy some weapons like the Afghans do

The romans had for weapons manufature division of labour, the Afghans have not even this.

If we are assuming a motive that is bad for us, the only one that really makes sense is them wanting the planet. If they hit us with Apophis, you'd get a 'nuclear' winter, which would take care of most (or all) of the Afghani people. If they hit us with a few big rocks, which they would, the only survivors would be in purpose built shelters.

And that's assuming they don't want to replace the entire ecosystem. If they want to kill all life, all they need to do is hit the oceans with a few really big ones, then wait a while, seed the planet with their microbes.

There is no defense. Even if we develop the ability to deal with rogue asteroids (and we have mostly given up on that, because it was a lot harder to do than we thought), it would be childs play for someone already in Space to disrupt our efforts.
Unthinking Majority wrote:That's like the natives agreeing to kill Cortez and his men. Arrows and axes won't do it against guns. Anyone who has the tech to visit this planet will be able to kill us far easier than we can kill them.

if they attacked him in the beginning before he gained local allies, he would have been overrun. His guns were not the key, it was the divisions they caused in the internal structure of Aztec empire. His guns had limited ammunition, just look at Zulu English campaigns.
B0ycey wrote:I would like to think that if we discovered intelligent life we wouldn't disturb their habitat. Should aliens discover us I suspect they would just monitor us as we would monitor them if the roles were reversed. But regardless, they have interstellar capability. Something tells me they have more scientific understanding than us along with knowing where our habitat is and as such have the advantage. We have nothing to gain and everything to lose attacking them first. Besides, do you think nobody would return after Cortes?

Science does not equal morality or goodness. Humans advancement only led to more bloody conflicts.
B0ycey wrote:Science also doesn't equate either. Those who have the more advanced weapons hold the aces.

Not always... look at Vietnam, Afghanistan etc if we make it painful enough they might move on, perhaps there is geopolitics in space and we can get support from their cold war enemy etc. But opening up our doors to Aliens is idiotic.
Oxymoron wrote:Not always... look at Vietnam, Afghanistan etc if we make it painful enough they might move on, perhaps there is geopolitics in space and we can get support from their cold war enemy etc. But opening up our doors to Aliens is idiotic.

Who is talking about opening doors? I would only suggest not attacking first. I admire your Dunkirk spirit but I just don't think you are understanding the difference in firepower here. Besides, why do you think it will be a ground offensive? It may well be the Death Star.
XogGyux wrote:No they are not, and no they didn't "win".
You think you gonna be able to guerrilla warfare tire aliens that just traveled from another solar system? :lol: Good luck with that.

Just think about it, the amount of energy required to put a honda civic with 4 human sized aliens at 99% of the speed of light would be more than the total energy consumption of the whole united states for a year!. A tiny fleet, of perhaps a couple of fighter-sized spaceships just for scouting would have to have the capability of multiple times the total human energy production since the beginning of the human race.
Realistically speaking, I would not expect an alien to send a 4-5 manned crew on a tiny vessel, as far as i am concerned they would send a city-sized mega-structure or larger (moon, planet even?) and perhaps not 99% speed of light, perhaps a fraction of that. Either way, it would contain enough fire power to literally pulverize the whole planet before we even detect it. Again... they would not even have to enter our solar system. Any alien race with the intention to harm us and the ability to travel to our planet, does not have to bother traveling here, it is far cheaper/simpler to laser blast our atmosphere from a neightboring solar system.

We can also build Dyson swarms with current technology

B0ycey wrote:Who is talking about opening doors? I would only suggest not attacking first. I admire your Dunkirk spirit but I just don't think you are understanding the difference in firepower here. Besides, why do you think it will be a ground offensive? It may well be the Death Star.

Better would be we make Death Star out of Mars and propel it with the Dyson Swarm.
Last edited by Skynet on 23 Dec 2020 18:41, edited 1 time in total.
SaddamHuseinovic wrote:Better would be we make Death Star out of Mars and propel it with the Dyson Swarm.

How advanced to you think we are? Be can barely can go beyond rovers to Mars. But even so, which direction are you planning on firing?

I cannot believe we have users who think we are far beyond our capabilities. Lets just say I hope that we don't reach a scenario for you guys to be severely disappointed.
B0ycey wrote:Who is talking about opening doors? I would only suggest not attacking first. I admire your Dunkirk spirit but I just don't think you are understanding the difference in firepower here. Besides, why do you think it will be a ground offensive? It may well be the Death Star.

They would not destroy this planet if they wanted to invade it, plus like I said there might be some politics going on in the Universe and blowing up planets would be like a war crime or some shit. Plus we are crafty monkies maybe we find out where they are from and send them Covid 19 :D
XogGyux wrote:No, we are very busy trying to kill each other now. Try again, later, maybe in 500 years or so.

Reagon asked Gorbachev: "Would we unite if aliens come?"

Gorbachev replied: "Yes!"

B0ycey wrote:How advanced to you think we are? Be can barely can go beyond rovers to Mars. But even so, which direction are you planning on firing?

I cannot believe we have users who think we are far beyond our capabilities. Lets just say I hope that we don't reach a scenario for you guys to be severely disappointed.

We build pyramid 5000 years ago. even something like the Suez Canal

Stalin industrialized within 30 Years the Soviet Union. Chinese drove 30 years ago bycicles now they have Teslas
Oxymoron wrote:They would not destroy this planet if they wanted to invade it, plus like I said there might be some politics going on in the Universe and blowing up planets would be like a war crime or some shit. Plus we are crafty monkies maybe we find out where they are from and send them Covid 19 :D

Sure sure. Palpatine and the galactic senators will send the Jedi to protect us from the universe moral order. In that sense we have nothing to worry about right? No need to attack first. Space police will do that for us.

Nonetheless what if the Earth was in the way of a Hyperexpress Highway. what then for an untouched Earth? :p

Although Covid19 is a virus that effects human cells, so to expect anything by sending virals into space for a species that doesn't share our biological mainframe is not a solution in any regards.


Are you saying you are prepared to wait 5000 years to build everything we need to protect Earth? Not only is that not a solution now, it is also not a solution in your lifetime.

We tend to imagine that alien lifeforms may look and act like us. But actual aliens are most likely to be microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Such organisms might be based on different amino acids than lifeforms on Earth. If we were to be exposed to a microorganism that had been retrieved from another planet, it would be much worse than Covid-19.

We tested the immune response of T cells of the mammalian immune system towards protein antigens that includes the unusual amino acids isovaline and α-aminoisobutyric. Those amino acids have been found in high abundance on carbonaceous meteorites but are extremely rare in proteomes of earth organisms. We hypothesised that proteins of non-terrestrial alien life forms might contain such amino acids and tested whether chemically synthesised “exopeptides” that contain these amino acids could be detected by the immune system. Our assays, based on the responses of CD8+ T cells to these exopeptides, indicated that antigen cleavage, processing, and subsequent T cell activation still occurred, but were less efficient than the response to control peptides that lacked these amino acids. We therefore speculate that the encounter of putative exo-microorganisms of an unusual antigenic repertoire might pose an immunological risk for space missions aiming to retrieve potentially biotic samples from exoplanets and moons.
ThirdTerm wrote:

We tend to imagine that alien lifeforms may look and act like us. But actual aliens are most likely to be microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. Such organisms might be based on different amino acids than lifeforms on Earth. If we were to be exposed to a microorganism that had been retrieved from another planet, it would be much worse than Covid-19.

How do you know this to be true?
Wow, speculation upon speculation.
You have seen way too many movies =)
Potemkin wrote:No they wouldn't. Somebody else would have "discovered" the Americas, and things would have proceeded pretty much as they did in our reality. The names would be different, that's all.

So, how can the natives survive?

Infiltrate the invading army, learn their technology and then fight them with their own arms on our territory?

Like Arminius, the Germanic officer in Rom's army, who led the Germanic tribes against the invading Romans?

Or like Meiji era Japan, which opened to the world to rapidly learn Western technology and avoid colonialization?

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