The First Cause Argument - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Drlee wrote:You are not going to get away with some bullshit assertion that you want to talk about first cause in the religion forum and then get angry when the talk turns to faith If you want to do that I suggest you do not post in the religion forum. We also are not going to let you get away with some nonsense about not wanting to change religious people's minds and then go on to say, in the same voluminous post that you DO intend to change their minds.

Where did I say that at all? I said I don't like arguing with people with strong faith--but I said nothing about wanting to change their minds. It's just not very interesting.

Much of your frustration seems to come from the fact that the religious people on this forum reject your premise as irrelevant and refuse to rise to your bait. Again. Pity.

So you and Suska are the only two people on the religion forum? I've never been able to have a reasonable discussion with Suska, so I don't consider that much of a measure of anything. AFAICT, you two are the only ones who have even tried to make counter-arguments... and your argument basically descended into an extremely off-base attack on my intentions or something.

If that's how you respond to people with critiques of logical arguments, it's small wonder that so few people visit this sub-forum.

Your argument can be challenged in the religion forum because you obviously not only don't understand religious faith in a conceptual sense not to mention a practical one, you also insist on asserting that there is some scientific aspect to faith.

I repeatedly--and at length--noted that there is nothing scientific or logical about faith. Except perhaps, as you note, an example to study for psychiatrists.

You are free to post in any of the scientific forums and I will refrain from commenting there. In this thread you have no position to offer me that I might wish to debate with you. I took great pains to explain that to you and you got angry. Again. That is a pity.

Fine, I will not respond to any more of your posts. Easy enough solution.

If you want to discuss science with me I am happy to do that as I previously said. I will do that in any appropriate forum. I will prefer to stick to my own fields of 'expertise' which I am sad to say does not include theoretical physics, cosmology or in the case of your proposed argument 'cosmogony' I believe. But if you want to talk about scientific stuff I am ready to go at it with you on epidemiology and stuff like that. I got a load of that stuff.

And I'm generally pretty dismissive of it, so there wouldn't be much point.

By the way you are absolutely correct. Someone5 tries to forward an argument about "God" but refuses to engage in a discussion of His nature or even seek to define what He is to believers.

Because the nature of god is defined by the argument. That's the entire purpose of the first cause argument! If you want to define god as something else, you've already dismissed the first cause argument for that reason alone. If god is defined as something more or less than "the first cause of the universe," then the entire point of the argument is lost.

And you're right. I do generally refuse to debate the nature of nonexistent things--anyone can make up anything they want about them, so there's nothing really to discuss.

He seems to want to argue with what he considers little more than did he say fairytale?

I jumped into this argument primarily because these sorts of ephemeral nonsense are excluded in logical arguments about god because by necessity they have to actually define what they mean by god. In this case, the only definition of god I was even discussing was the definition posed by the original post.
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By Suska
S5 wrote:let's say there is a first cause--why worship it?
This is what you said straight out of the gate. You're obviously baffled about the meaning of the term. I grant there's something to be said against the whole line of thinking of first cause as an exclusive definition of God, Drlee has given some variations, I've given an alternative to the whole thing. Reducing the conversation about God to what is logical is a practice of Scholasticism (a movement within Christianity) which is ages old and was contended from the start (more than anything else, science itself is an outgrowth of Christian scholasticism). On the other hand there is something to it - the idea of God as first cause illustrates something, it's just an aspect though, it's even more marginal the more strictly logical you get. So if you are approaching this from that single perspective alone and saying it doesn't make sense, it's like, yeah - it's one idea among many and there are many solutions to the problems it generates, some of which we've given, not even all of it I'm pretty sure.

You have to realize that most of the time, probably nearly all of the time, posts on PoFo about religion are entirely hostile. Yours are enough at least to show that you aren't sincere about understanding, I've seen enough. It seems like you might even have some interest but then you handle it like you're trying to fit the topic in a petri dish and getting frustrated when it doesn't fit. Fact is the religious people on PoFo are past frustrated, I know I am, when you don't know anything about it, when you refuse to research it, you don't know. You just don't, and you won't, and there's no way a hostile debate about it is going to change that.
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By Drlee

I said: But if you want to talk about scientific stuff I am ready to go at it with you on epidemiology and stuff like that. I got a load of that stuff.

Someone5 said: And I'm generally pretty dismissive of it, so there wouldn't be much point.

Dismissive of epidemiology? And you want to debate first cause taking the so called scientific side? I guess we need no further proof that you simply tried yet another massive troll.....and failed.
nucklepunche wrote:Atheists have no explanation for why the matter of the big bang existed in the first place.

Why do you invent such a false statement unless it springs from a hope that you can make it true by declaration?

One explanation is that the universe has gone through an infinite number of expansions and contractions. Cycles are, after all, a basic feature of reality.

The expansion begins with the explosion of a singularity which is called "The Big Bang". At some point the expanding universe contracts into a new black hole which once again explodes in another Big Bang. And yes, I know that the universe is accelerating its expansion at this time. But that does not negate the possibility that it will all condense back into a black hole one day.

Another theory which may be of interest is that many "universe diameters" away (a diameter is 93 billion light years) there are other "universes" that are also in some stage of expansion or contraction.

"Believers" insist that God has always existed with no beginning. Well, then why can't it be that the expansion/contraction cycle of the universe has always existed without any god?
Davea8 wrote:Why do you invent such a false statement unless it springs from a hope that you can make it true by declaration?

One explanation is that the universe has gone through an infinite number of expansions and contractions. Cycles are, after all, a basic feature of reality.

The expansion begins with the explosion of a singularity which is called "The Big Bang". At some point the expanding universe contracts into a new black hole which once again explodes in another Big Bang. And yes, I know that the universe is accelerating its expansion at this time. But that does not negate the possibility that it will all condense back into a black hole one day.

Another theory which may be of interest is that many "universe diameters" away (a diameter is 93 billion light years) there are other "universes" that are also in some stage of expansion or contraction.

"Believers" insist that God has always existed with no beginning. Well, then why can't it be that the expansion/contraction cycle of the universe has always existed without any god?

Thank you Dave.
Very well put.

I popped into this thread because I saw the topic and thought it would be interesting.
Allot of this thread has been interesting...and some of it has been...a little flighty...

Existence without end. The constant recreation and renewal of all that exists.
Was there ever an initial eruption and dispersal of matter and consciousness?
It would be the logical assumption.
Like the birth of a creature.
And the multiple universes...multiple creatures?

Yet there is the nagging did this start?
There must have been a "first" creature...mustn't there have?
And consciousness itself. Is it physical? Does it have substance? Can it be measured?
If not...could the original be the result of consciousness deciding to create a physical realm?
By lucky
nucklepunche wrote:Atheists have no explanation for why the matter of the big bang existed in the first place.

This particular God Of The Gaps argument is already behind current discoveries. In the last few decades we have learned that there was no matter at the Big Bang. It formed later. It also seems plausible that there was no energy at the Big Bang, though this one requires more research.

More generally, that "atheists have no explanation" of something is no argument for a supernatural deity being involved.

100 years ago nobody knew why the Sun shines. Now we know.
100 years ago nobody knew how the Earth and the Moon formed. Now we know (more less).
200 years ago nobody knew where humans came from. Now we know.
And so on.
None of these gaps in our knowledge ever made God Did It a useful explanation.

nucklepunche wrote:there has never been a doubt as to the existence of some sort of power greater than humans

Of course not. The Sun is a greater power than humans. Elephants are, in some ways, a greater power than humans. There are likely aliens that are a greater power than humans.

About the whole "cause" thing... Causation is not a physical property. It's a human-scale approximation to reality that works for us in daily life. We know that at the micro-level, things don't work that way. There is no "cause" for a photon being observed to be emitted by a moving electron, it happens randomly according to the best current understanding of physics.
That's a good one. I've got another one: God is the greatest conceivable being. Being the greatest must include existence. Therefore, god exists. XD

But in earnest now: These regress arguments have been debunked a thousand times and they always go back to either passing the bucket or special pleading.

"Everything that exists has a cause." - That's not necessarily true. It is merely intuitive. WLC loves to come from one intuitive thing to another.
"The Universe began to exist." - There is valid cosmological models of a universe with and without a beginning. Such matters are no longer the reserved to mythology.
"Therefore the Universe has a cause." - Would be correct if the two assumptions were correct. After that WLC goes completely nuts, calls the cause god and ascribes all kinds of attributes to him, which are kinda sorta intuitive when you want them to be so.

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