I Reject, I Affirm. ''Raising the Black Flag'' in an Age of Devilry. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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@Victoribus Spolia, @Rei Murasame

I reject the Modern credos and manifestos which hallmark this rotten era.

I affirm the Symbol of Faith, the Nicene Creed, and all the Canons and Decrees of the Seven Ecumenical Councils and subsequent Councils and Synods of the Ancient Orthodox Church, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, and the canons and decrees of the same.

I reject the Modern State, even if out of prudence and human respect for earthly authority I submit in all things except sin.

I affirm the rightful rule of Right-Believing Kings and Queens, of the God anointed and enlightened Orthodox Tsar, even though I know that today we are in an Interregnum with no Tsar, and possibly Antichrist will be shortly revealed as such unto the Elect of God.

I reject all of the modern ideologies as being corrupt and delusional fruits of the same wicked tree, which is rebellion against God, and the division and mutual slaughter of mankind.

I affirm the righteous ways of life rather than these ways of death, and so I regard the insight of the Scripture and other Holy Tradition as the rule of proper and peaceful Christian society and of the Christian person, as it was yesterday, today, and tomorrow, ever-young and salvific.

I regard and reject sin as sin, and to be party to or condone sin is to be as if one was committing the evil itself. They may kill me, but they will not get me to admit that theft and murder and envy and fornication, are not those things.

I reject the hatred and fear of other peoples, or attempts and enslavement and extermination of other peoples.

I affirm the right of every tribe, clan, and kingdom to live as they see fit with whom they see fit, or set limits to whom they will associate with, and defend their culture and society from invasion.

I reject the theory of evolution as presently understood by many in the modern age, and the commonly accepted cosmology of this modern age.

I affirm the creation by God of the Universe in six days, and that the Earth is the center of the Universe, which rotates around it. This same Earth is a little more than 7000 years old, and more years it may well have although it s hard to see how much longer we can endure without the Lord's intervention.

I expect mockery and misunderstanding, hatred and venom and ridicule. Even icy silence. It has always been thus, and it is what true Christians can expect, to be regarded as insane, reactionary, foolish, and the enemies of humanity and it's ''progress''.

For those I expect to believe as I have laid out, your ''progress'' and ideologies all are one with the proud Giants who perished in the Flood, and the wicked of Sodom and Gommorah who perished in the fires cast upon the Cities of the Plain. One with the Rebellion of Korah and Dathan and fated like they were to be cast into the eternal fires of an everlasting Hell.

And so, as my subtitle suggests, in this Age of Devilry, science divorced from truth, from spirit. Flesh divorced from reason and enslaved to the disordered passions, one must (to borrow an analogy or symbol) from the pirates of old; ''raise the black flag''. Not of the Demoniac Muhammad to be sure, not his black flag, but one in which no quarter is given to the sinful structures of this filthy and decaying era.

We will escape you if we must, hide in the wildernesses literal and figurative out in the world. Where we are still strong we will do battle and oppose you, if nowhere else than in the recesses of our own hearts.

You know that this era is crashing down; this even explains your doubling down, ye Moderns, on your lunacies and your lusts, you know that your time is short.

I wrote this because I've had enough, i've had way too much consideration for mere human respect and consideration, in ''feelings'' instead of bearing witness to the truth. It may well be that from me the rest you will hear is Silence, but that silence will speak louder than my years here of multiplication of words.

A war is coming soon, very soon, in which global modern civilization will collapse and the greater part of mankind in many parts of the world will die, of the coming war and the attendant implosion of the world economy. Judgement is not delayed forever, the balance will once again be restored that favors the natural, the organic, the traditional development of existence. Those already closer to that and not to Civilization, those not cut off by an artificial, superfluous, and over-specialized existence, will survive. And even know a renewed measure of happiness and thrive under these changed conditions. The Righteous man is persecuted like Lot was in the midst of Sodom, living amidst the spiritual darkness of the Urban Petrifact. And like him we will be called to come out of the city of the wicked, someday.
Last edited by annatar1914 on 02 Mar 2019 04:35, edited 1 time in total.
annatar1914 wrote:I affirm the creation by God of the Universe in six days, and that the Earth is the center of the Universe, which rotates around it. This same Earth is a little more than 7000 years old, and more years it may well have although it s hard to see how much longer we can endure without the Lord's intervention.

Why do you say 7000 years old rather than the more common 6000 years old of most young earth creationists?
Hindsite wrote:Why do you say 7000 years old rather than the more common 6000 years old of most young earth creationists?

I follow this dating system;


So the year 2019 AD, is ''7528 AM'', with ''A.M.'' being ''Anno Mundi'', ''Year of the World''. I don't quibble, I just believe.

An interesting side effect of this chronology is that the 7000th Year of the World was in 1492 AD, the year of the discovery of the New World, and in the belief of many Orthodox Christians, the beginning year of the Age of Antichrist, of the beginning of the ''Great Apostasy'' predicted in Scripture.
annatar1914 wrote:I follow this dating system;


So the year 2019 AD, is ''7528 AM'', with ''A.M.'' being ''Anno Mundi'', ''Year of the World''. I don't quibble, I just believe.

An interesting side effect of this chronology is that the 7000th Year of the World was in 1492 AD, the year of the discovery of the New World, and in the belief of many Orthodox Christians, the beginning year of the Age of Antichrist, of the beginning of the ''Great Apostasy'' predicted in Scripture.

Thanks for that reference. I was not aware of it.
Praise the Lord.
Hindsite wrote:Thanks for that reference. I was not aware of it.
Praise the Lord.

No problem, you're welcome. Also I might add that 1492 AD was literally a generation-forty years-from the fall of Constantinople, the Second or New Rome, to the Ottoman Turkish Muslims in 1453 AD, which had ended 1000 years of the Restrainer, of the East Roman Emperors. 200 years more, even with the Russian Tsars in place in the Third Rome of Moscow, the whole world had changed, for the worse.
annatar1914 wrote:@Victoribus Spolia, @Rei Murasame

I reject the Modern credos and manifestos which hallmark this rotten era.

I affirm the Symbol of Faith, the Nicene Creed, and all the Canons and Decrees of the Seven Ecumenical Councils and subsequent Councils and Synods of the Ancient Orthodox Church, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, and the canons and decrees of the same.

I reject the Modern State, even if out of prudence and human respect for earthly authority I submit in all things except sin.

I affirm the rightful rule of Right-Believing Kings and Queens, of the God anointed and enlightened Orthodox Tsar, even though I know that today we are in an Interregnum with no Tsar, and possibly Antichrist will be shortly revealed as such unto the Elect of God.

I reject all of the modern ideologies as being corrupt and delusional fruits of the same wicked tree, which is rebellion against God, and the division and mutual slaughter of mankind.

I affirm the righteous ways of life rather than these ways of death, and so I regard the insight of the Scripture and other Holy Tradition as the rule of proper and peaceful Christian society and of the Christian person, as it was yesterday, today, and tomorrow, ever-young and salvific.

I regard and reject sin as sin, and to be party to or condone sin is to be as if one was committing the evil itself. They may kill me, but they will not get me to admit that theft and murder and envy and fornication, are not those things.

I reject the hatred and fear of other peoples, or attempts and enslavement and extermination of other peoples.

I affirm the right of every tribe, clan, and kingdom to live as they see fit with whom they see fit, or set limits to whom they will associate with, and defend their culture and society from invasion.

I reject the theory of evolution as presently understood by many in the modern age, and the commonly accepted cosmology of this modern age.

I affirm the creation by God of the Universe in six days, and that the Earth is the center of the Universe, which rotates around it. This same Earth is a little more than 7000 years old, and more years it may well have although it s hard to see how much longer we can endure without the Lord's intervention.

I expect mockery and misunderstanding, hatred and venom and ridicule. Even icy silence. It has always been thus, and it is what true Christians can expect, to be regarded as insane, reactionary, foolish, and the enemies of humanity and it's ''progress''.

For those I expect to believe as I have laid out, your ''progress'' and ideologies all are one with the proud Giants who perished in the Flood, and the wicked of Sodom and Gommorah who perished in the fires cast upon the Cities of the Plain. One with the Rebellion of Korah and Dathan and fated like they were to be cast into the eternal fires of an everlasting Hell.

And so, as my subtitle suggests, in this Age of Devilry, science divorced from truth, from spirit. Flesh divorced from reason and enslaved to the disordered passions, one must (to borrow an analogy or symbol) from the pirates of old; ''raise the black flag''. Not of the Demoniac Muhammad to be sure, not his black flag, but one in which no quarter is given to the sinful structures of this filthy and decaying era.

We will escape you if we must, hide in the wildernesses literal and figurative out in the world. Where we are still strong we will do battle and oppose you, if nowhere else than in the recesses of our own hearts.

You know that this era is crashing down; this even explains your doubling down, ye Moderns, on your lunacies and your lusts, you know that your time is short.

I wrote this because I've had enough, i've had way too much consideration for mere human respect and consideration, in ''feelings'' instead of bearing witness to the truth. It may well be that from me the rest you will hear is Silence, but that silence will speak louder than my years here of multiplication of words.

A war is coming soon, very soon, in which global modern civilization will collapse and the greater part of mankind in many parts of the world will die, of the coming war and the attendant implosion of the world economy. Judgement is not delayed forever, the balance will once again be restored that favors the natural, the organic, the traditional development of existence. Those already closer to that and not to Civilization, those not cut off by an artificial, superfluous, and over-specialized existence, will survive. And even know a renewed measure of happiness and thrive under these changed conditions. The Righteous man is persecuted like Lot was in the midst of Sodom, living amidst the spiritual darkness of the Urban Petrifact. And like him we will be called to come out of the city of the wicked, someday.

A wonderful post. No one could possibly have the gall to mock you. Surely. Godstud says ‘enjoy the ride’... that’s asking a bit too much I say ;) . I would recommend you chill; divert your attentions lol.
A wonderful post. No one could possibly have the gall to mock you. Surely. Godstud says ‘enjoy the ride’... that’s asking a bit too much I say ;) .

Ah, the 'tyranny of low expectations'...

I would recommend you chill; divert your attentions lol.

I think I'll have to take a pass on 'diverting my attentions', but I assure you I'm entirely 'chill', as with the Kipling poem; ''The wrath of the awakened Saxon'';

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

I'm more Slav than Saxon, though, so perhaps this one from Alexander Blok applies even better;

''The Scythians''

You are but millions. Our unnumbered nations
Are as the sands upon the sounding shore.
We are the Scythians! We are the slit-eyed Asians!
Try to wage war with us-you'll try no more!

You've had whole centuries. We-a single hour.
Like serfs obedient to their feudal lord,
We've held the shield between two hostile powers-
Old Europe and the barbarous Mongol horde.

Your ancient forge has hammered down the ages,
Drowning the distant avalanche's roar.
Messina, Lisbon-these, you thought, were pages
In some strange book of legendary lore.

Full centuries long you've watched our Eastern lands,
Fished for our pearls and bartered them for grain;
Made mockery of us, while you laid your plans
And oiled your cannon for the great campaign.

The hour has come. Doom wheels on beating wing.
Each day augments the old outrageous score.
Soon not a trace of dead nor living thing
Shall stand where once your Paestums flowered before.

O Ancient World, before your culture dies,
Whilst failing life within you breathes and sinks,
Pause and be wise, as Oedipus was wise,
And solve the age-old riddle of the Sphinx.

That Sphinx is Russia. Grieving and exulting,
And weeping black and bloody tears enough,
She stares at you, adoring and insulting,
With love that turns to hate, and hate-to love.

Yes, love! For you of Western lands and birth
No longer know the love our blood enjoys.
You have forgoten there's a love on Earth
That burns like fire and, like all fire, destroys.

We love cold Science passionately pursued;
The visionary fire of inspiration;
The salt of Gallic wit, so subtly shrewd,
And the grim genius of th German nation.

We know the hell of a Parisian street,
And Venice, cool in water and in stone;
The scent of lemons in the southern heat;
The fuming piles of soot-begrimed Cologne.

We love raw flesh, its color and its stench.
We love to taste it in our hungry maws.
Are we to blame then, if your ribs should crunch,
Fragile between our massive, gentle paws?

We know just how to play the cruel game
Of breaking in the most rebellious steeds;
And stubborn captive maids we also tame
And subjugate, to gratify our needs…

Come join us, then! Leave war and war's alarms,
And grasp the hand of peace and amity.
While still there's time, Comrades, lay down your arms!
Let us unite in true fraternity!

But if you spurn us, then we shall not mourn.
We too can reckon perfidy no crime,
And countless generations yet unborn
Shall curse your memory till the end of time.

We shall abandon Europe and her charm.
We shall resort to Scythian craft and guile.
Swift to the woods and forests we shall swarm,
And then look back, and smile our slit-eyed smile.

Away to the Urals, all! Quick, leave the land,
And clear the field for trial by blood and sword,
Where steel machines that have no soul must stand
And face the fury of the Mongol horde.

But we ourselves, henceforth, we shall not serve
As henchmen holding up the trusty shield.
We'll keep our distance and, slit-eyed, observe
The deadly conflict raging on the field.

We shall not stir, even though the frenzied Huns
Plunder the corpses of the slain in battle, drive
Their cattle into shrines, burn cities down,
And roast their white-skinned fellow men alive.

O ancient World, arise! For the last time
We call you to the ritual feast and fire
Of peace and brotherhood! For the last time
O hear the summons of the barbarian lyre!

So, there it is.


You asked me;
Why address it to Rei Murasame? 1. She is an ex-member of pofo. and 2. She was quite anti-christian, I guess she is anti-Islam even more but she was no great fan of any abrahamic religion. I think she even identified as a "luciferan" on more than one occasion.

Why indeed? Precisely because she is all those things, she knows exactly what is going on in this world, and more than anybody on PoFo today lacks the mindset therefore to spew the nauseating tripe that passes for dialogue today among the Moderns. She knows that there cannot be dialogue, and that all the rest are but puppets, unknowing for the most part but some knowing, on the strings of persons much like her.
@Potemkin, @Victoribus Spolia,

Since this is a thread about my affirmations and rejections in this modern age of devilry, and I reject the modern ideologies, does this mean i'm no longer a ''Socialist'' or ''Communist''?

Good question. I don't reject what is right and true, which is valid in any age, and I am always for the common good of the people. Nor am I some Utopian, trying to model in my mind if nowhere else some vision of a ''traditional'' society that somehow is agrarian and communal....

No, a rejection of modernity, of modernism, is not a rejection of technology as such, of what is practical and useful, because in the traditional past, that has never been a hallmark or feature of what man is or has done, to reject practical advances that help the overall good of sick and suffering mankind.

No, what I reject is a worldview, that is expressed in the social and economic sphere by today's capitalism above all, which I utterly reject. For man's entire existence, there have been rebellions against the tyranny of the elites, and this too is quite traditional. So I stand with the breakers of real chains upon the people throughout history.

But if a temporarily successful Revolution takes on the penultimately modern affectation of a denial of God and a persecution of His followers results in suppression and mass deaths, then it too has taken on the worldview of modernity in it's absolute spiritual aspect of Anti-theism, and It will crumble and fall... Which it did. So we still do not know if Socialism works and is therefore quite traditional, because it's equally traditional for the Elites to stamp it out sooner or later.

But for Moderns, the intellectuals which preached Socialism, the Revolutionaries, they were in hindsight the biggest possible ''Reactionaries'' in the world, standing athwart the Juggernaut of Global Capitalist ''progress'', for a time. Fascism is modernity in it's brutal final end, the ''boot stomping on your face, forever'' promised us by the Socialist George Orwell, and we have the reactionary reds to thank for destroying that menace for one lifetime at least. Strange how things turn out.

(So that Red Banner, and the Hammer and Sickle, is Sacred not because of Lenin and Marx or Stalin, but because of the men of the Red Army who raised the Scarlet Banner above the Reichs Chancellory building in 1945, because of the Holy War begun in 1941....)

I think some here will understand what I'm saying, and this post is addressed to them.
I am not sure where I read it, but every older generation tells the new generation that people were less promiscuous, had better jobs, things were better, etc.

There is no "modern age of devilry". It's just people with an fanciful imagining of the past who make false comparisons to the present.

Capitalism above all is nothing new in the USA, and many other places. Fascism is also nothing new.
I am not sure where I read it, but every older generation tells the new generation that people were less promiscuous, had better jobs, things were better, etc.

Historically, this is often the case, this sort of generational perception. But what is different today is the radical break from past generations. Even in breaking the standards and mores of what they were told was right, previous generations of youth still thought that those standards and social mores were good, even as they sometimes broke them. But a significant proportion of the younger generations in the modern era (and some of those young are now old) believe that those standards are incorrect and to be discarded, or that there should be no standards at all for all practical purposes. Not making a value statement in this paragraph necessarily, just stating objective facts.

There is no "modern age of devilry". It's just people with an fanciful imagining of the past who make false comparisons to the present.

I have to disagree. We moderns have made quite a break with the past, as evidenced by my affirmations and rejections. I would be willing to bet that what was once commonly held which I still hold to, is held now by very few. I mean, do you believe in anything on that list of affirmations that I hold to? And in that I'm making a rhetorical point, not a polemical one.

Capitalism above all is nothing new in the USA, and many other places. Fascism is also nothing new.

It must be the Historian in me by trade, but ''new'' is a fairly relative term, lol...

But again, what is novel is the concept of the ''Modern'', which gained traction ironically in Roman Catholic Western Europe, during the ''Middle Ages'', itself a novel idea and part of the concept of Modernity too. There was a notion in Medieval Europe that History was bifurcated into a ''before'' and ''after'', with Time being understood in exactly the same sense it is now, and symbolized and absolutized by the invention of the modern Clock. Moderns have an entirely different mental topography of both Space and Time than the majority of their ancestors, which does not necessarily have to do with Science or Technology.
annatar1914 wrote:Historically, this is often the case, this sort of generational perception. But what is different today is the radical break from past generations. Even in breaking the standards and mores of what they were told was right, previous generations of youth still thought that those standards and social mores were good, even as they sometimes broke them. But a significant proportion of the younger generations in the modern era (and some of those young are now old) believe that those standards are incorrect and to be discarded, or that there should be no standards at all for all practical purposes. Not making a value statement in this paragraph necessarily, just stating objective facts.

I have to disagree. We moderns have made quite a break with the past, as evidenced by my affirmations and rejections. I would be willing to bet that what was once commonly held which I still hold to, is held now by very few. I mean, do you believe in anything on that list of affirmations that I hold to? And in that I'm making a rhetorical point, not a polemical one.

It must be the Historian in me by trade, but ''new'' is a fairly relative term, lol...

But again, what is novel is the concept of the ''Modern'', which gained traction ironically in Roman Catholic Western Europe, during the ''Middle Ages'', itself a novel idea and part of the concept of Modernity too. There was a notion in Medieval Europe that History was bifurcated into a ''before'' and ''after'', with Time being understood in exactly the same sense it is now, and symbolized and absolutized by the invention of the modern Clock. Moderns have an entirely different mental topography of both Space and Time than the majority of their ancestors, which does not necessarily have to do with Science or Technology.

@Godstud , @Potemkin, @Victoribus Spolia and others;

I want to be fair in making the sort of statements that I'm making, that it is only with Augustine of Hippo that we have an very different society being born intellectually than before and elsewhere in the world. Augustine's notion of History breaks the cyclic view of events (''one thing after another'') and gives Time and Space a sense of progressive immediacy, of ''Telos'', Purposeful History in itself, for it's own sake. To borrow concepts from Oswald Spengler, thus was born Faustian Man in Western Europe during the Middle Ages, a mankind soaring for infinity in Space, infinity in Time, and infinity in Spirit, the Ideal. But also called ''Faustian Man'' because he is making a deal with the Devil...No other people in the world have, or can have, modernity in the measure Western man can, because this is how he is defined as a human being, striving towards Infinity. Everything is effected by the symbolic bounds of a culture, except in this one case, the Faustian/Western/Modern Civilization, where no bounds or limits are ultimately recognized at all.

Some see the connective chain; Augustine----->Joachim de Fiore----->Hegel------>Marx

But there is also; Augustine----->Martin Luther-------> Neitzsche

This is indeed a radical break from the regular sensations and experiences of the rest of mankind, who have very different cultures.

So, while in rejecting this cultural worldview of Western man, the Modern, I reject ''Progress'', I do not reject Justice. I empty Time and Space of the sense of the Infinite in Cosmology, particular and provisional to this Modern Civilization, and I reject History as having purpose contained within Itself, when the purpose is contained within Eternity.
annatar1914 wrote:@Potemkin, @Victoribus Spolia,

No, what I reject is a worldview, that is expressed in the social and economic sphere by today's capitalism above all, which I utterly reject. For man's entire existence, there have been rebellions against the tyranny of the elites, and this too is quite traditional. So I stand with the breakers of real chains upon the people throughout history.

So we still do not know if Socialism works and is therefore quite traditional, because it's equally traditional for the Elites to stamp it out sooner or later.

But for Moderns, the intellectuals which preached Socialism, the Revolutionaries, they were in hindsight the biggest possible ''Reactionaries'' in the world, standing athwart the Juggernaut of Global Capitalist ''progress'', for a time.

Freedom and Capitalism is the only system that has been tried that produces wealth. A socialist or communist government has never worked when tried because it reduces freedom and depends on Capitalism to fund it. It seems good until it runs out of other people's money, which we see happening again in Venezuela. We can disagree with human greed, as did Jesus, without rejecting the only system that produces wealth to reduce poverty and suffering.
Praise and glory to the Lord.
Venezuela's problems were not the socialism, but the corruption, crap spending, and mismanagement, while having their only main commodity crash on international markets. You are ALWAYS missing the boat on this aspect of it, however, since you've made it up in your mind that Socialism is evil. It's a bias that is, inherently, flawed.
Godstud wrote:Venezuela's problems were not the socialism, but the corruption, crap spending, and mismanagement, while having their only main commodity crash on international markets. You are ALWAYS missing the boat on this aspect of it, however, since you've made it up in your mind that Socialism is evil. It's a bias that is, inherently, flawed.

In my opinion, it is Socialism that is inherently flawed.
@Hindsite Your opinion isn't worth a damn, however, since it's based on previeusly conceived notions and not on any sort of facts.

You make your opinion based on what you feel, or what someone else told you. You are incapable of making a rational opinioin on it because of that.

Fact. Democracy and Socialist policies work great together, alongside Capitalism. The evidence is apparent in most Scandinavian countries, where the quality of life is higher than that of USA.
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