Gandhi in a landfill - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

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In a dream early this morning a Gandhi-like figure in a white khadi wrap-around is sitting on a couch in the middle of a landfill. I then see his face close-up. It is very wrinkled and reddened. I am likely the “Gandhi”.

Wrinkles represent wisdom, according to a dream dictionary. A sunburn may indicate a problem I can no longer avoid, or the red face may reflect anger or embarrassment.

The trash heap may represent the political forums I visit although I prefer to think of PoFo as a recycling center.
Robert Urbanek wrote:In a dream early this morning a Gandhi-like figure in a white khadi wrap-around is sitting on a couch in the middle of a landfill. I then see his face close-up. It is very wrinkled and reddened. I am likely the “Gandhi”.

Wrinkles represent wisdom, according to a dream dictionary. A sunburn may indicate a problem I can no longer avoid, or the red face may reflect anger or embarrassment.

The trash heap may represent the political forums I visit although I prefer to think of PoFo as a recycling center.

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