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@Victoribus Spolia

You inferred the specific nationalities, I could have been talking about Mexicans in my specific American context, but you jumped straight to the middle-east.

Mexicans are tribal? I also mentioned Africans since, other than that, no one else comes to mind when thinking about stereo-typically "tribal and patriarchal" peoples.

This is off-topic anyway, its seems you have been doing this a lot lately, doing off-topic defense for middle-easterners. Its like a weird little obsession of yours lately.

It's literally the only area I have absolute expertise in. It's not off-topic to present a middle eastern perspective on things. If you are referring to my long drawn out arguments with other posters about Islam, those tend to be on-topic and are usually started by the posters themselves who happen to have a very rudimentary and biased understanding of Islam.

But, the foreigners coming into the west do tend to be more religious, more familial, and more traditional than the native population; which is sufficient for my point.

Ah, I see. I was confused when you said "tribal" given that Mexicans are anything but.

The weakness of western values is the fertile soil underlying its behavior, that there is some weakness in middle easterners of the same generation is nice and all, but the middle-east isn't exactly known for being the harbingers for the SJW movement. :lol:

That is true although I have somewhat reasonable concerns with this analysis however they rely on exactly how you define SJWs and complexities in Middle Eastern society I am familiar with but won't delve into now.

Quit trying to make every thread into your personal diatribe about how enlightened the middle east was, is, and will be and how said regions continue to be only insignificantly different from the west (while implying that they are inherently superior and the west robbed them of their rightful place in the world).

My posts have less to do with the Middle East and more to do with Islam and I think my presentation of Islam is anything but enlightened or superior. If you are referring to my debate with you about the contributions of Islamic scholars to the West then I apologize if my posts came across as such. My goal was to explain the idea that Middle Eastern philosophy could be the "missing link" between classical tradition and modern Western philosophy. It wasn't particularly intended to display a sense of superiority. I think you are aware at this point that any blatant show of superiority of the Middle East over the West is supposed to be ironic given your self-professed chauvinism towards others cultures outside of the West. I am glad to see that you are annoyed by constant remarks of superiority since now you know how it feels to be on the receiving end.

Its becoming a tiresome exercise to get into ad verbosium sermantical debates with you surrounding your soft-variant of post-colonial grievances.

If my debates with others come across as full of jargon related to the Middle East without any explanation of such jargon it's because my opponents state that they are knowledgeable of the Middle East, it's history, and it's culture. If this is the case, then they would be capable of understanding all of it.

But I digress, this is becoming increasingly off-topic so I'll take my leave. I hope you enjoy discussing the topic, whatever it may be about.

The graciousness of your post convinced me that I was being a dick.

I sincerely apologize.

You are a friend and an intellectual peer and you have my respect, I am sorry for coming across as condescending and irritated.

Besides, you'll always make the list. :)

B0ycey wrote:I think it is more down to the fact the artist didn't know who Williams opponent was and was only commissioned to draw Williams having a fit on the court. The rest is just pure over reaction.

This is most likely the case. I would give the artist the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Oxymandias wrote:Although I do have one particular grievance which is that I'm 6th on the list. I think I would be a little higher than that!


I may have to amend it, but that might depend on how I rank on your list!

Lets see yours Oxy, I am curious as to who would make your top 10 POFOers for an evening of feasting and enlightened conversation.
Okay, i'll switch you with #5. You've earned it. :excited:

I invited anasawad to my house already and told him he can land his private jet next door. I told him he has to pick you up on the way though.

We discussed this already in TLTE. :lol:
I think Charlie Hebdo were idiots, but I don't think they should have been shot :lol:

@Victoribus Spolia You told the whole board that you were fired for being racist so don't act like I'm bringing up anything new. The cartoon is racist. The board's racists for some reason want to deny that. I don't understand why you want to obfuscate your racism, but you persist. You can keep calling me a sandy cunt and think that's edgy because I'm calling something racist racist if You want. It doesn't hurt my feelings ;)
Red_Army wrote:You told the whole board that you were fired for being racist so don't act like I'm bringing up anything new. The cartoon is racist. The board's racists for some reason want to deny that. I don't understand why you want to obfuscate your racism, but you persist. You can keep calling me a sandy cunt and think that's edgy because I'm calling something racist racist if You want. It doesn't hurt my feelings

I wasn't fired, I was blocked from ordination and had my graduate career screwed hard with a temporary set-back because of the accusation of racism, of which I was formally acquitted.

Last time I checked, an accusation is different than guilt.

In any event. I love making fun of other races, its fucking hilarious, and I believe in race differences on a whole host of issues because I have eyes that work and can read statistics. So don't act like I shy away from racial politics and am taking some sort of cowardly and imaginary high-ground.

I just don't like retards seeing racism behind every bush and under every rock. It makes people sound like thinned-skinned little bitches.

I would gladly wear the title of racist, but you force me to reject the title so long as you equate the enjoyment of black jokes and an appreciation for crime statistics as "hating N******"

Like I said, you need to wipe the sand out, pack up your salt, and go home.

I am your EDGELORD, bow down and worship me. :lol:
You are sometimes an amusing poster, but this is not one of those times. There is no point in debating someone who simultaneously says they are racist and not racist in the same sentence. If you don't think the cartoon is racist you are a racist and an idiot, but I think you're just playing maz and blackjack's gaslighting game.

You can call me a little bitch when you can out-bench me, manlet. I bet you aren't even 6 feet tall :O
Red_Army wrote:You can call me a little bitch when you can out-bench me, manlet. I bet you aren't even 6 feet tall :O

RA seems very keen to compare his size with that of other men and very curious about their measurements. Tell me, do you have a good relationship with your father? Any unresolved complexes? Do you feel you need to compete with him for your mothers attention?

Last edited by Decky on 13 Sep 2018 02:15, edited 1 time in total.
Red_Army wrote:You can call me a little bitch when you can out-bench me, manlet. I bet you aren't even 6 feet tall


I am a full six feet of pure cock, and like I said, you can bench deez nutz.

Besides I measure my lifting ability in terms of log dimensions and how many cords I can split.

Thats how real men lift, not nancy little retard teachers who need to go to the "gym" to keep from turning into lard-asses.

Red_Army wrote:You are sometimes an amusing poster,

Thanks hun, i'm blushing all over now.

Red_Army wrote:but this is not one of those times.


Red_Army wrote:there is no point in debating someone who simultaneously says they are racist and not racist in the same sentence

I never denied being racist unless it means I have to hate N*****, your the one who set the bar low in this thread, so if you are finding conditions that are unappealing for debate, you only have yourself to blame. I'm also a misogynist pig from what i've been told. :lol:
Red_Army wrote:I bet you've been split by all sorts of logs, @Victoribus Spolia :lol: I find all conditions unappealing for debate, btw. It's for nerds!

@Decky, I have a step mom who's a cunt. Do what you will with that. Also I bet I can do more pull ups than you.

It is interesting that you mention pulling and your step mum in the same breath. [Scribbles in notebook]. I believe this could be the root of you being stuck in an early stage of psychosexual development. Have you ever suffered with problems with bladder control? I must jet off back to Berlin for my books, you are a most interesting case mein Herr.

Red_Army wrote:@Decky, ya actually. I used to piss myself all the time when I got hammered back in college. If you're going to pretend to be Freud the least you can do is give me some blow.

The good Dr recommend coke as a cure for depression and for sexual impotence you know. I wonder which you need help with?


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