Meghan Markle abused & bullied Buckingham Palace staff to tears - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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snapdragon wrote:I don't have to hear Harry talking politics. That's America's problem now.

Becoming a republic will led to even more politicians than we have now. No thank you

As if your royal family is any better than your politicians, that's why Harry's had enough of them and defected to the New World with his American wife.
noemon wrote:In all honesty, I see this almost every day here as an admin, people try to undermine figures of authority either just because they can(and they get a vanity hit from it) and in the case of Meghan also because she has fancied herself another Diana since a child. Meghan will do anything to be a victim of the royals because that is the narrative she has created for herself, that is why she came to settle in the UK as a princess but kept her entire crew on retainer in the US. It is quite clear everything she says is scripted. The Palace has offered them, titles, endowments, the public welcomed her in the UK as an icon, crowds gathered to love her and her issue is that some tabloids said something or whatever.

This story did not happen now, Harry & Meghan have known about this since 2018 when these people came forward then but were clearly told "to be quiet", now there is no reason for them to be kept quiet.

It is quite amazing how Meghan and Harry being Royals and having everything, they still manage to appear so cheap and petty.

He's a nobody as he totally lacks any intellect and she's a B actress. Even within the celebrity sphere they are both subpar in any possible regard one can think of and that is evidently why they are as cheap as they are; because no matter how much you brush a donkey's hair it will never turn into a mane.

"The Firm" has no power, it's only purpose is to be as dignified as they can be. Meghan is a troll and she is trolling 100 year old folks without remorse by trying to leverage the BLM & wokeness against them just for letting her in their house.

Does this mean that you won't be watching what happens to the poor Prince and the Princess as they live a life of deprivation and lack of money in California?

He never voted in the UK or in the US. But he has an opinion. So does she...she never voted in the UK.

They are disenfranchised people struggling to be heard. You need to hear what they got to say.

Take out the kleenex Noemon! :*( :lol:
I personally like Prince Harry and Meagan. I think they are both good people. I don't hold their wealth or privilege against them as they don't use it immorally. I certainly can't blame Prince Harry and Meagan for wanting to leave the Royal Family and just be their own people. Choose their own destiny and live in freedom and be independent. We shouldn't hold it against people because they have more than us. It's what they do with their wealth and privilege is what really matters.

I think by and large, from what I have seen on TV, they are both good people. It's good to have them here in the United States and I am happy to have them. They should feel welcome and at home while here in the U.S. I personally wouldn't want to be a royal and it's not Prince Harry's fault he was born into royalty or wealth or privilege. So, I understand Prince Harry and his wife. They are human like the rest of us.

If you want more money or to have more, go out, take action, go to school, get a good education and work hard and you can have more. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Just get out there and work and/or go to school in a field that pays well or start your own business. It's up to you. Get out there and take action.
tomskunk wrote:I personally like Prince Harry and Meagan. I think they are both good people. I don't hold their wealth or privilege against them as they don't use it immorally. I certainly can't blame Prince Harry and Meagan for wanting to leave the Royal Family and just be their own people. Choose their own destiny and live in freedom and be independent. We shouldn't hold it against people because they have more than us. It's what they do with their wealth and privilege is what really matters.

I think by and large, from what I have seen on TV, they are both good people. It's good to have them here in the United States and I am happy to have them. They should feel welcome and at home while here in the U.S. I personally wouldn't want to be a royal and it's not Prince Harry's fault he was born into royalty or wealth or privilege. So, I understand Prince Harry and his wife. They are human like the rest of us.

If you want more money or to have more, go out, take action, go to school, get a good education and work hard and you can have more. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Just get out there and work and/or go to school in a field that pays well or start your own business. It's up to you. Get out there and take action.

And when you finish your college degree you too can be in oodles of student loan debt.

Biden is supposed to make college affordable and cancel out what 15 or 25k worth of student loan debt? Or is the Republican party hacks going to elininate that from the Covid relief package?

Yes student loan debt is a problem here in the U.S. but there are ways to get it paid for. It's important to choose a reasonably priced school that offers a good education. There are plenty of colleges and universities out there that offer an outstanding college education at a cheap or reasonable cost. So that can keep your college bill down. On top of that, if you serve as a teacher or do certain professions, you can be eligible for student loan forgiveness. You can also volunteer to serve in the military services as well to get your college paid for.

You just have to know your budget, determine what you can afford, and which colleges are in your price range and offer an excellent education in return for a price that is in your price range. There are colleges and universities that offer an excellent education at a cheaper cost. You just got to do your home work and apply to those schools. There are also colleges that offer outstanding education that target the less fortunate and offer cheap tuition rates.

You might also have to take out some student loans, but at least you get an excellent education in return while keeping your college bill and debt to a minimum so you can pay it off in a reasonable amount of time.

You can get a good education from these schools and a good job afterwards provided that you studied in a field that pays well (and you should also enjoy your field too). You have to put in the work though and be realistic about what you can afford and look for good value for your money when it comes to applying to colleges and universities. It's a bad idea to just apply to any school some of which may be over-priced for the education and value you get in return. Education and college, like anything, is a business and you have to shop around for good value for your money.
There are stuff I remember from glancing at them here and there:

"We need our privacy so we go to Oprah.

We hate the tabloids so our PR manager sets us up with the paparazzi.

We want to leave our Royal Duties because Britain is a "racist country" but we want to keep our titles, we 're the victims so we must be able to do that.

They did not give us our titles when we left the UK because 'the Firm' is racist."

"I was poor and worked my self to death to get my degree" said Meghan to a University audience some years ago, then her sister came out and asked her: "Meghan our father paid our uni tuition for us both, why are you lying darling?", she blacklisted her own handicapped sister and not a single member of her family attended her wedding other than her mum, she was walked down the aisle by Prince Charles. She has been fighting with her own biological father via the tabloids for the past 3 years, now she wants to do that with the Queen.

Her new mother in law gave her titles, endowments and a 50 million wedding, she became the first inter-racial Princess of the UK, massive crowds paid their tribute but she has another plan. That's fine, everyone has their own plans, hers though involve hurting all those around her.

I do not hold people's wealth against them, but there is something specially disgusting on having 2 of the world's most privileged people crying on telly how they have been abused, without anyone ever actually pointing out that abuse but merely assuming it to be true because of their feelings against the Royals.

Is there something the Queen said or did to Meghan? Meghan and Harry caused a fracas because the Queen did not put their picture up during her Christmas message, but the Queen has never put the picture of anyone other than the direct heir to the throne. Meghan took that as an insult.

At another time she was offended because some Duchess wore an African broach, the broach was a work of art and I am guessing the lady put it on to pay tribute to Meghan's African ancestry, and possibly break conversation with her, she got offended regardless, the lady apologised but Meghan would not have it, she declared that Britain has simply been too racist & cruel for her to handle.


Sounds like you know more about this than I do. I haven't been paying attention to it as much as you have probably. However, from what I have seen on TV here in the U.S. it seems like they are good people. You also have to bear in mind people like to complain. I am no different. I try not to whine or complain, but sometimes, like anybody, I start feeling sorry for myself and whine and complain.
It is Jason Knauf, former communications secretary to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who sold the story to The Times via e-mails. The bullying allegations were made by this young man, who claimed that two former aides left the household because of Meghan. After Harry and Meghan left Kensington Palace in 2019, Knauf moved to become an advisor to Prince William. It's this American PR guru who created a stir. I guess William is not happy about what is going on and the leak was not authorized by him.

JASON Knauf is said to be at the heart of the allegations claiming Meghan Markle bullied staff during her time at Kensington Palace.

Who is Jason Knauf?
Knauf was the communications secretary for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at the time the allegations were made.

He is said to be the person who submitted the bullying allegations to the HR department in October 2018.

The claims were raised to HR in a bid to get Buckingham Palace to protect the staff that Knauf alleged were coming under pressure from the Duchess. ... legations/
noemon wrote:There are stuff I remember from glancing at them here and there:

"We need our privacy so we go to Oprah.

We hate the tabloids so our PR manager sets us up with the paparazzi.

We want to leave our Royal Duties because Britain is a "racist country" but we want to keep our titles, we 're the victims so we must be able to do that.

They did not give us our titles when we left the UK because 'the Firm' is racist."

"I was poor and worked my self to death to get my degree" said Meghan to a University audience some years ago, then her sister came out and asked her: "Meghan our father paid our uni tuition for us both, why are you lying darling?", she blacklisted her own handicapped sister and not a single member of her family attended her wedding other than her mum, she was walked down the aisle by Prince Charles. She has been fighting with her own biological father via the tabloids for the past 3 years, now she wants to do that with Queen.

Her new mother in law gave her titles, endowments and a 50 million wedding, she became the first inter-racial Princess of the UK, massive crowds paid their tribute but she has another plan. That's fine, everyone has their own plans, hers though involve hurting all those around her.

I do not hold people's wealth against them, but there is something specially disgusting on having 2 of the world's most privileged people crying on telly how they have been abused, without anyone ever actually pointing out that abuse but merely assuming it to be true because of their feelings against the Royals.

Is there something the Queen said or did to Meghan? Meghan and Harry caused a fracas because the Queen did not put their picture up during her Christmas message, but the Queen has never put the picture of anyone other than the direct heir to the throne. Meghan took that as an insult.

At another time she was offended because some Duchess wore an African broach, the broach was a work of art and I am guessing the lady put it on to pay tribute to Meghan's African ancestry, and possibly break conversation with her, she got offended regardless, the lady apologised but Meghan would not have it, she declared that Britain has simply been too racist & cruel for her to handle.


Come on Noemon let us feel sorry for this poor poor couple who have nothing and have to suffer like no other people on the face of the Earth.

Break out the hankies.

This is a sad story don't you agree? :lol: :*( :eek:
Rugoz wrote:Becoming a republic would change exactly nothing, expect saving a bit of tax money.

I'm not even sure that much is true, to be honest. Presidents aren't exactly cheap, and ever since Blair British PMs have been trying to make the position more glamorous and, well, presidential. I wouldn't be at all surprised if a Republic of Great Britain ramped up expenditure on its new elected head of state.

Don't get me wrong, the royals are definitely lizard people. :p But absent a major overhaul of the British political system, getting rid of them and becoming a republic will do absolutely nothing at all.
It's all a bit of a storm in a teacup, but there is one petty slight that won't go down well with our Black brethren; the revelation that Archie, a stupid name, wasn't given a title because he might turn out the wrong colour.

So much for Global Britain.
Heisenberg wrote:Don't get me wrong, the royals are definitely lizard people. :p But absent a major overhaul of the British political system, getting rid of them and becoming a republic will do absolutely nothing at all.

The Royals are outdated people. The institution is clearly outdated as well. They are not needed and merely given roles due to heritage and privilege. So a Republic does do something. It updates our nation.

Not everything is about money.
Frankly regardless of what the Royal Family might have done to Sussexes (surely not violence) I think either the message has been exaggerated by the press, or the Sussexes have not been giving the respect they should.

The simplest way to handle hard-to-handle matter or people is not to handle them. It's no surprise that Charles took the easy way, but I have no problem with the Sussexes going their way, so long as they don't make themselves look like the attention whore they appear to be.

It should not be such a big deal. Leave them alone, please.
Trigger warning - This post may contain mixed metaphors.

This is a clear line in the sand between the racists and the anti racists and between the sexist chauvinist pigs ( as they used to called back in the day) and the anti sexists. This is not 1952. Britain has changed. It is a multi racial society and if we must keep the monarchy, then the monarchy must represent the changing society of Britain and Britain's changing relationship with its ex empire.

I have argued against the bulldozing of Southern American culture. I have argued that so called White Dixie folk have nothing, absolutely nothing to feel ashamed about their ancestors past. But I have never argued that the descendants of slaves should bow and curtsy to the descendants of their massas' and missees. And that is exactly what the establishment faction are arguing in this case. They are arguing that so called Black men, men of South Asian heritage, men with heritage from the Raj should bow to King Charles and his eldest son King William. That even if / when a so called Black man or a Black woman were to become Prime Minister, that they should have to bow and scrape their way across the floor to kiss the hand of Charles, the very epitome of a cry-baby, self entitled, whing, loathsome, hypocritical, self entitled, privileged White man.

I have been called a racist because I refused to jump aboard the "Black Lies matter" band wagon. I opposed the demos in British towns and cities. What in Gods name this policing incident in a "Black" led police department in a Democratic run city in a far away country had to with us was quite beyond me. But I have to call it this how I see it. If you think that the above is acceptable, than I can't see anyway other than to define you as a racist. And if you are of so called Black or Brown skin yourself, then I have to say that you have bought into "White supremacist" ideology. Because if anything Prince William is worse than Charles, with his condescending, I understand your pain psycho babble. If anything the insult and humiliation with Prince William would be greater.

I was not blind to Donald Trump's privilege, his repulsive coarseness and his character floors, but that didn't stop me backing him against Neo-Con Hilary. In a similar way, Meghan may have privilege, she may not be a perfected Bodhisattva of a human being, but I have no trouble sympathising with her desire not have to curtsey to Queen Katie down the road. The Firm were absolutely determined that she wasn't going to outshine Kate for long. They were absolutely determined to take her down a peg or two. And whether the individual members of the Firm's dominant faction harboured racist feelings themselves is irrelevant. They were absolutely willing to work and collude with opinion formers and currents within British and international society who were. What they wanted was a continuation "White supremacist" monarchy, with some obedient, Aunt Tomasina light brown windrow dressing.

And my final point, what about Camilla. She's worse than Waity Katy, for being an obedient bitch. Camilla and Kate for Queens are an insult to every modern minded woman. They would be spitting in the face of every feminist in Britain and the wider commonwealth. I don't have daughters, bur if I did for all her faults I would consider Meghan a million miles better as a role model for them than Camilla or Kate.

Hence I have no hesitation in demanding that when Queen Elizabeth II dies the succession should pass to Harry and Meghan as joint and equal monarchs, in the tradition of William and Mary and Ferdinand and Isabela.
Telling that Megan was interviewed on her own with Oprah... But Harry had Megan sitting next to him, like she was his minder, the whole time. He did look like a damn hostage, lol.

Harry and Megan don't seem to fundamentally understand the Taxpayer payed for his damn security protection when he was a Prince and when he quit and left for Canada, the British government has a right to withdraw his security budget on behalf of the British taxpayer and request the Canadian government provide, if they so choose, instead.

He legit banged on about this for half the damn interview, and so did Megan. He knew this was going to happen and somehow failed to anticipate it and hire his own private security now anyway. They don't have to keep paying for your damn security if you quit the job. British taxpayers payed for that.

Megan is an idiot. Legit thinks that British taxpayers should have been forced to continue her paying for her Security too. Selfish idiot.

Resign from a job, and you lose its perks as it should be. Both of them seem so idiotic as to know this was going to happen, but failed to prepare for it anyway.

I was promised a Trainwreck, and I got to see one! Lol.

On a side note, Oprah did fairly good job. Soft questions (no doubt curated by Megan!), but managed to do good enough interview.
They were nastier than I expected.

I thought she, at least, would be more clever going about it.
I thought Harry wouldn't comment much on his family.

Especially the grandmother he professes to love so much.

He trashed her whole family and everything she's stood for, for almost 70 years.

He's probably broken her heart.

First he's moaning about not being given his freedom, then about his father stopping his pocket money.
Said he was trapped - but he just walked away and nobody stopped him.

Wished him well and said he was a still a beloved member of the family.

Meghan's moaning about just wanting to be ordinary and then about their son not being a prince.


They need to name the racist. They've thrown some terrible accusations out there and need to back them up.

They have sewn the wind and must now reap the whirlwind.
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