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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Moderator: PoFo Middle-East Mods

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Zionist Nationalist wrote:at least I can admit my mistakes when all you do always is hide behind this smiley :D

Actually the emoticons are usually there to indicate when I'm laughing at you or find something funny. Otherwise, I tend to post articles that support my position, unlike you.
By Oxymandias
@Zionist Nationalist

I was responding to this:

"I find it funny that anarchist and spinster want everyone to think that Israel is some kind of a racist fascist state where there is a supermacy of the ashkenazis above the mizrahis and above everyone else
when infact thats not the case at all Israel is actually much more multicultural than western liberal European countries"

If your stupid enough to not understand how to use an online forum please give your family my deepest regards. I bet dealing with your mental issues must be hard for your family and they must be a very brave bunch.

Dude, I'm Iranian and I lived in Syria for 9 years. If you didn't know this then please learn how to read, I'm starting to think you aren't actually an adult but some stupid nationalistic teenager who wants to prove that Israel is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Listen, Zionist Nationalist, a country which consistently persecutes other ethnicities by making them second class citizens and demands absolute cultural assimilation is not a multi-cultural society. In Israel you are either a part of Jewish culture or not.

Also if Israel was more multi-cultural then western countries, it wouldn't have an identity. You can be completely utterly multi-cultural and still have a nationalistic identity. It doesn't work like that.
By Oxymandias
@Zionist Nationalist

Well it took you long enough. I said I was Iranian on the first page but you ignored that. I wonder why you notice it now? Or you can't refute my arguments? Are you so bad at debating that you have to play the race card? "Oooo you're Iranian, I can't argue with you because you have a bias!" Well then why the fuck do you debate skinster and anarchist? Why do people debate you despite being an Israeli, a Zionist, and a nationalist?
By Oxymandias
@Zionist Nationalist

If you don't read everything how the fuck will you understand my point? How do you know you won't go on an off-topic tangent for no reason only to have the person you responded to say that it wasn't his point and then quote you to proof that it wasn't his point. You'll just end up humiliated.

Even if I wrote a single sentence, if it is too strong of a point against you, you would just take a part of the sentence and take it out of context. You did this to me in this same topic.

I read the survey and it's not about Pan-Arabism unless you think the European Union is Pan-Europeanism. Hell it isn't even a European Union style thing all the Arabs want is better cooperation! Learn to read Arabic before you link to a random article like this.

Why not ask yourself? Why not ask why do you answer to skinster and anarchist when they obviously have biases? Your answer is their answer.
Here is an article from the BBC on the Ethiopian Zionists as they arrived in Israel and how they are discriminated against, by other Zionists. The Zionists consider Ethiopians second class citizens as they do Palestinians.

The story of the immigration and absorption of Ethiopian Jews in Israel epitomises the best and the worst of Israeli society.
True to its Zionist dream of being a haven for Jews, the Jewish state embarked on risky and expensive rescue operations in the 1980s and 1990s.
These brought tens of thousands of Jews from remote parts of Ethiopia, who had suffered from religious persecution, famine and civil wars.
Yet, when they arrived in Israel, these distinctive people faced appalling discrimination, racism and a lack of empathy for their hardships in Ethiopia and during their journey to Israel.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Ethiopians in Israel are being discriminated in the same way blacks being discriminated in the western world
including your own country anarchist

It's a matter of degree.
Within Britain we don't bomb and shoot a minority or sterilise immigrants as in Zionist Israel. lol
anarchist23 wrote:It's a matter of degree.
Within Britain we don't bomb and shoot a minority or sterilise immigrants as in Zionist Israel. lol

Israel is smarter than your suicidal country. it cant afford mass influx of Africans or whatever.

and Israel dont bomb and shoot its minority they do it themselves. the Israeli Arabs are now begging for the police to do something about the killings in their sick society.
We dont want those criminal savages to be lurking around
if their culture wasnt so barabric and if they wouldnt behave like animals maybe we wouldnt have problem with them
but we would be happy if Europeans will show us how to behave and take them to themselves to show us how kind and progressive they are :lol:
Zionist Nationalist wrote:We dont want those criminal savages to be lurking around
if their culture wasnt so barabric and if they wouldnt behave like animals maybe we wouldnt have problem with them
but we would be happy if Europeans will show us how to behave and take them to themselves to show us how kind and progressive they are :lol:

The Soviets should have left ya to rot, when they had the chance. You know the sad thing, if these White wingers have their way, they would have killed your Khazar ass.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Im saying the truth here if you cant accept that you can fuck off
the truth is that none want those savages to be lurking in their streets robbing and raping
not even you.

Those "savages" were the original Jews, you're just Khazars. Don't forget your race was even filthier and degenerate during 20th century, than whatever "lack of crime" Ethio Jews have done. Like I said, KGB should have took ya to gulag, maybe you would have experience actual labor like your ancestors building my pyramids.

Not sure because I didn't click on the link. Bl[…]

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