Palestian Kid Provoking Soldier - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Moderator: PoFo Middle-East Mods

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"Following the death of Amin's half-brother, the mufti Kamil al-Husayni in March 1921, the British High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel pardoned al-Husseini. He and another Arab had been excluded from the general amnesty, six weeks earlier, because they had fled before their convictions had been passed down. Elections were then held, and of the four candidates running for the office of Mufti, al-Husseini received the least number of votes, the first three being Nashashibi candidates. Nevertheless, Samuel was anxious to keep a balance between the al-Husseinis and their rival clan the Nashashibis.[41] A year earlier the British had replaced Musa al-Husayni as Mayor of Jerusalem with Ragheb al-Nashashibi. They then moved to secure for the Husseini clan a compensatory function of prestige by appointing one of them to the position of mufti, and, with the support of Ragheb al-Nashashibi and Sheikh Hussam Jārallāh, prevailing upon the Nashashibi front-runner, Sheikh Hussam ad-Din Jarallah, to withdraw. This automatically promoted Amin al-Husseini to third position, which, under Ottoman law, allowed him to qualify, and Samuel then chose him as Mufti"

Apparently while appointed by the Government the Mufti were selected from the first three in a election. Samuel's chose Haj Amin al-Huesseni.

Further the British administration then created the SMC (Supreme Muslim Council ) and appoint Al-Hussenni to the head of the SMC and passed the control of large funds to his hands.

The Rise of Al-Hussenni to a position of power was solely the result of the British Administration, who appointed against the traditional custom to his position, then handed much more power and money into his hands. It was control the opposition by subverting it. It was used in other British Colonial settings, takke your outspoken critic co-opt through official appointments and monies.
Last edited by pugsville on 11 Feb 2015 23:39, edited 1 time in total.
If you provoke a soldier, and get shot, then it's your own fault for provoking a person with a gun(soldier) who is not there to protect you(police officer).
Israel encourages this sort of abuse from the "Palestinians" through its weak responses to terrorism. It's sort of like the broken windows theory when applied to war and counter-terrorism. If Israel were to significantly lower the threshold of tolerated antagonism from "Palestinians" and other agitators, you'd see a quick decline in this sort of behavior. Bottom line, Israel is way too soft in its dealings with Arabs/Muslims and their co-conspirators.
Fakestinian wrote:Israel encourages this sort of abuse from the "Palestinians" through its weak responses to terrorism. It's sort of like the broken windows theory when applied to war and counter-terrorism. If Israel were to significantly lower the threshold of tolerated antagonism from "Palestinians" and other agitators, you'd see a quick decline in this sort of behavior. Bottom line, Israel is way too soft in its dealings with Arabs/Muslims and their co-conspirators.

Israel is "too soft on terror" because it imitates its mythological heroes, Batman and Superman who also are too soft on the bad guys. But remember, these superheroes are soft UNTIL these evil bad guys start threatening innocent women and children.

Likewise, when the "Palestinians" and their "co-conspirators" start throwing babies out of incubators, you can be sure Israel will properly ethnic-cleanse some new colonies to build New World settlements on.
The Israelis are interested in appropriating land in the West Bank. Why is this? If the Israelis wanted peace they wouldn't be building settlements in the West Bank. The Israelis do not want peace.

The Israelis are interested in appropriating land in the West Bank. Why is this? If the Israelis wanted peace they wouldn't be building settlements in the West Bank. The Israelis do not want peace.

Of course they want peace. They are just going to achieve in a fairly old school way
I used to think like you did Anarchist23, but over time I came to realize that both sides have a lot to answer for, and no one side is wholly responsible. It's a 50/50 dilemma.
Godstud wrote:I used to think like you did Anarchist23, but over time I came to realize that both sides have a lot to answer for, and no one side is wholly responsible. It's a 50/50 dilemma.

The consensus in PoFo is that the Palistinians haven't a chance of having their own homeland. Possibly the Zionists in this forum, and their is dozens of them, are persuasive with the regurgitating of Israeli propoganda. Remember the Israelis are the occupying force.
Palestinians might have a chance if their country wasn't practically run by Hamas and their leaders had the common sense to not make Israel their enemy, by recognizing them. This hasn't been the case, and attacks by Hamas only make things worse for the Palestinians.
Godstud wrote:Palestinians might have a chance if their country wasn't practically run by Hamas and their leaders had the common sense to not make Israel their enemy, by recognizing them. This hasn't been the case, and attacks by Hamas only make things worse for the Palestinians.

You are doing quite well on the second line of the ISRAEL APOLOGIST BINGO. Israel will find an excuse not to hand over the West Bank. They have been making excuses for 50 years.
By supporting the 67 borders, you are a Zionist too mr23. Just a very moderate one.

You just believe in totally insane borders between two groups of people who hate each other. 67 borders were a total mess and impractical. Nothing could be more obvious.
This day and age the word "Zionist" refers to the "Expansionist Zionist". I call these sorts of Zionists "Nasty Zionists".
I'll try to find the Palestinian terrorist apologist bingo for you, Anarchist 23...
anarchist23 wrote:This day and age the word "Zionist" refers to the "Expansionist Zionist". I call these sorts of Zionists "Nasty Zionists".

No, "Zionist" simply means that Israel should exist. It has always meant that, pro-Palestinians don't get to define what terms are.
pro-Palestinians don't get to define what terms are.

Its a transparent trick.

Zionism = Israel
Zionism = racism


Israel = racist


"Zionist entity" need to be destroyed. This of course can mean simply they want an all inclusive state with no jewish identity or it could mean kicking the jews into the sea. Take your pick. Either way jews would be fucked.
Unfortunately for the Mohamedan scourge, Zionism is the only successful resistance movement against aggressive Islamic imperialism and aggression. It's the only successful liberation movement for an oppressed people who are no longer under the boot of the Mohamedans. Naturally, this distresses the Mohamedans and their sympathizers.
It would seem just like in other parts of the Middle East truth is far harder to find than a good photo op. Lets get on thing straight, Hamas etc are as much part of the problem as anyone. To take the blame away from them is stupid. No one forces them to fire rockets at Israel, the fact most miss is not the point. Those who apologize for Hamas and the like can do so from the comfort of their homes usually in the West. In a perfect world I would like to see Israel remove the settlements if that is what it would take for REAL peace. We all know that isnt what will happen. Once the Settlements are gone it will be something else until the jews are in the sea. If you dont believe me go read the Hamas charter. Fatah also try and follow this plan. I dislike Bibi as mush as anyone, i think he could do with a lesson in diplomacy if nothing else. But say what you like about him he puts Israel first. Shame we dont have leaders in the UK who put the UK first but that is something else. However not even the most Dovish PM Israel could ever elect would agree at the moment to any deal with the Pals.

As for the video sure US and British troops dealt with similar in Iraq and Afgan. You can be sure if the troops kicked off the video would be edited to only sure these scenes. The best way to deal with incitement like that is to ignore it, easily said I know. This type of thing must go on every day. I wonder what would happen to that kid and dad if they did that though in any other part of the middle east?

With regard the wider Middle East, the Pals are most upset that they are no longer the biggest draw. Simple fact is no Muslim really gives a toss about them and never has. it is all power and wealth. while they are killing each other in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Libya and Egypt Israel is secure enough. As muslims anywhere cant seem to live in peace between themselves anywhere in the region Israel is safe for a long while yet. So those crying crocodile tears for the Pals, whats your views on ISIS?
Godstud wrote:Palestinians might have a chance if their country wasn't practically run by Hamas and their leaders had the common sense to not make Israel their enemy, by recognizing them. This hasn't been the case, and attacks by Hamas only make things worse for the Palestinians.

What about in the West Bank?

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