Evacuating Israel - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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If case that whole Jewish homeland thing doesn’t work out, these are some logistics for relocating approximately 7 million residents from Israel and the West Bank:

Airbus A321 capacity: Apx. 200 passengers. Two flights an hour, 20 hours a day: 8000.
x 365 days = 2,920,000.
Airbus A350 capacity: Up to 480. One flight an hour, 20 hours a day: 9,600.
x 365 days: 3,504,000.

In 2019, Ben Gurion Airport handled 24.8 million passengers. The suggested refugee volume is comparatively modest and could likely be increased. The flights would be augmented by cargo planes carrying personal possessions.

Average capacity of a cruise ship: 3,000. Two departures per week x 52 weeks: 312,000. Again, cargo ships could carry personal belongings.

Total: 6,736,000

US nationals could be removed from the Middle East using US Navy ships stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean if 600,000 U.S. citizens in Israel needed to be relocated.


6,736,000 + 600,000 = 7,336,000

Potential destinations: the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and, to a lesser extent, Central and South America and parts of Asia and Africa.
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By Ter
I am sure the Israelis are not going to leave.
After all, they have built up their country nicely and they have serious weapons to stop anyone from trying to get them out.

The Arabs on the other hand could leave more easily, they have only some goats and donkeys to leave behind.

The Arabs in Gaza can go back to Egypt or evacuate via the sea. The UN could organise those boats and make themselves useful for a change.
The Arabs in Judea and Samaria can leave via Jordan.
France and Germany can take a couple of million of them. they will be able to integrate easily in the Muslim population centres already present in those countries.

Anyway, just saying :)
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By ingliz
Ethnic cleansing...

Ter wrote:The UN could organise those boats and make themselves useful for a change.
The Arabs in Judea and Samaria can leave via Jordan.

America could easily take every Israeli Jew who 'volunteers' to leave the Promised Land. According to Wikipedia, the United States already houses 35% of the world's Jewish population. So they will easily be able to integrate into the Jewish population centres already present there.

The UN could organise those boats and make themselves useful for a change.

Just saying. :)

N.B. Although ethnic cleansing has not been recognized as an independent crime under international law, the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court made clear that ethnic cleansing could constitute all three offenses within the ICC’s jurisdiction - genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.
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By Ter
ingliz wrote:Ethnic cleansing...

America could easily take every Israeli Jew who 'volunteers' to leave the Promised Land. According to Wikipedia, the United States already houses 35% of the world's Jewish population. So they will easily be able to integrate into the Jewish population centres already present there.

The UN could organise those boats and make themselves useful for a change.

Just saying. :)

N.B. Although ethnic cleansing has not been recognized as an independent crime under international law, the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court made clear that ethnic cleansing could constitute all three offenses within the ICC’s jurisdiction - genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.


Poster ingliz reacts to my post about the Arabs having to vacate the land but not to the OP where the Jews are fantasised about being evacuated. So it would be OK for the Jews to be ethnically cleansed but not the Arabs ?

(for the simple-minded readers : my post was in jest as reaction to the OP)

Also, it is hilarious that ingliz talks about the UN and the ICC. Those institutions have lost all credibility.

I am very sorry to hear about the terrorist attacks that Israel was hit with. My most deepest and profound sympathies for the state of Israel and its citizens.
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By ingliz

You can note my 'Note Well' and see that my post was also one made in jest.

Jews [...] Arabs

There are no children of a lesser God. When the Holy Quran states that to kill one innocent is as if one is killing all of humanity, it doesn't mention Muslim or non-Muslim.

— Karim A. A. Khan KC. Statement of ICC Prosecutor from Cairo on the situation in the State of Palestine and Israel
By Rich
Ter wrote:Also, it is hilarious that ingliz talks about the UN and the ICC. Those institutions have lost all credibility.

:roll: Oh and when exactly did it have this great credibility when Taiwan was one of the five great power veto wielders? The UN was set up in New York to maximise Jews control over it. During the struggles that led up to the UN partition plan vote in 1947 that control included physically threatening UN delegates. The UN partition plan was not credible in the slightest. The Jewish state in the plan was at most 55% Jewish. This was never going to be a viable state without massive levels of ethnic cleansing,

@Ter I agree with you that UN and ICC are not going to solve this. The idea that the Jews will leave Israel is demented and absurd, but please don't try and gas light us into believing that these institutions had some golden age of credibility, fairness and impartiality. I don't blame Jewish people for being utterly ruthless in the creation of and defence of the state of Israel. They couldn't afford not to be ruthless. At the end of the second world If there's one thing the preceding three quarters of century had taught people identified as Jewish, it was that they could rely on no one but themselves.

I just don't appreciate being called an anti Semite every time I debunk some historical nonsense, whether its about Israel's actions, Israel's formations or the idea that Jews have been at all times the innocent victims of prejudice, bigotry and hate. I was brought up on the Christian Bible, on the horrific stories of the genocide of the Caaanites. If there's one thing that comes through loud and clear from the history in the Bible, it is that the oldest hatred in the world is the hatred of the Israelite / Jew for the Gentile.
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By Skynet
Israel is going to where to should Jews live???

In Tansania?

But the Appartheid against Palestinians has to stop and a 2 state solution.

Everything else could result in a big regional war... where the Arab rulers face revolution or a war with the West
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By Skynet
My fear is that radical Jews (crazy Evangelicals) want to deport the muslim population to build the 3rd temple this could realy lead to Armageddon.

I think Iran has nuclear weapons. Uranium Bombs do not require tests unlike Plutonium bombs but Plutonium is XX times cheaper.

Abdul Kadeer Khan (Father of the Pakistani bomb) had sold CD's to states even with newest enrichment technologies like laser enrichment.

Some users in irandefense-forum.org reported Iranian scientists were attending North-Korea's 1st test.
By skinster
Cool thread. :D

Ter wrote:I am sure the Israelis are not going to leave.

Then you're not paying attention.

Nearly half a million left within the first month of the Palestinian resistance operation on Oct 7.

Cruise ships evaculating Israelis out of the country they stole:

January jams at Ben Gurion airport.

Last month:

After all, they have built up their country nicely and they have serious weapons to stop anyone from trying to get them out.

If by "built up their country nicely" you means European Zionist terrorist orgs like Irgun and Lehi invaded with the aid of the British army, stole the country via much savage death and destruction, ethnically cleansed the natives and ended up occupying the remaining natives...until this very day.

The Arabs in Judea and Samaria can leave via Jordan.

The West Bank is not called "Judea and Samaria" unless you're a religious lunatic. Are you a religious lunatic, Ter? The occupied West Bank (where apartheid exists) belongs to Palestinians, according to all laws and conventions, so why should Palestinians leave? Wouldn't it be more appropriate and correct and legal to say the 700,000+ illegal Israeli settlers should leave?

ingliz wrote:America could easily take every Israeli Jew who 'volunteers' to leave the Promised Land. According to Wikipedia, the United States already houses 35% of the world's Jewish population. So they will easily be able to integrate into the Jewish population centres already present there.

A few months ago the U.S. made it so Israelis don't need to get visas to visit their future country (the U.S.A.). Could it be any more obvious Israelis should go over to that state that loves them and offers them hassle-free travel?

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