New Member Blog Requests - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Questions, suggestions and information about PoFo blogs. FAQ.
If you would like to create your own personal blog and meet the criteria to do so, please post your request here.

Please include:
  • The name of the blog (or your user-name will be used).
  • A short blog description to appear with your blog name.
  • An additional two 'blank' posts.

Siberian Fox will then split your posts from this topic and use them to create your blog, making any necessary amendments.

If you wish to edit your blog information please post what you would like changing in this thread also.
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By Tailz
Uncomfortable Questions, Inconvenient Answers
The Israeli Palestinian Conflict and other Controversial Subjects.

Uncomfortable Questions, Inconvenient Answers is an attempt to look at the History and Present multitude of myths, rhetoric, half truths, and innuendo that surrounds the most controversial subject matter we have at present. Focusing primarily on the Israeli Palestinian Conflict plus other controversial subjects that catch the eye of the author.
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By HoniSoit
Oh thank you, Fox.

I've been taking a mental break from the project, as it was quite exhausting to PM dozens of posters very month to ask for submission. Unfortunately, a PoFo Quarterly is probably more realistic. But at least it will allow more and better quality articles from more posters. What do you think?
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By Siberian Fox
I'd say for the moment we don't pin it to any particular date and just publish it when it's ready. Though obviously deadlines help focus the mind, the nature of the project seems to be quite informal and a little scattered about the place still, leading to you having to co-ordinate everything through your in-box, which is obviously difficult.

I do still intend to build a proper and prominent site for it on PoFo to help improve this situation. I've just been really pre-occupied myself this last few months.
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By Tailz
Siberian Fox wrote:You know tailz, since the blog area has been so completely underutilised, I'm planning to do away with the current format and instead concentrate on encouraging people to contribute articles to PoFo Monthly.

That is a bit of a shame, but hey, that is how the cookie goes mouldy.

I don't know if what I was thinking about would really "contribute" to PoFo Monthly since I was planning to just ramble on about various subjects in the blog and not really provide any real formative point of view - least of all any answers to anything really.

HoniSoit wrote:I've been taking a mental break from the project, as it was quite exhausting to PM dozens of posters very month to ask for submission. Unfortunately, a PoFo Quarterly is probably more realistic. But at least it will allow more and better quality articles from more posters. What do you think?

I think a quarterly might have a better chance. But really I think you have to organise it a bit like a real magazine. Have deadlines for articles, a publication date, goals that people wishing to get into the publication have to meet. That way everyone is on the same page as to when things have to be in for the publication. If you run it on a flexible, on the fly, kind of schedule, there is not much of an incentive for authors to get their tails into gear, write their articles, and get them vetted on time for publication. But then again, this is something most people do in their spare time, so the urge to be "on time" is just not there as had this been their day job.

Siberian Fox wrote:I do still intend to build a proper and prominent site for it on PoFo to help improve this situation. I've just been really pre-occupied myself this last few months.

I so know how you feel, too many projects, not enough hours in the day.
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By HoniSoit
tailz wrote:Have deadlines for articles, a publication date, goals that people wishing to get into the publication have to meet...But then again, this is something most people do in their spare time, so the urge to be "on time" is just not there as had this been their day job.

Well, you already hit on the problem. We actually did set deadlines and continued to PM people to very politely remind them and ask about progress. But this didn't work very well for many understandable reasons. I think the best chance as you've already said is to lengthen the publication cycle and then try to think up ideas to sex it up (with Fox's help of course).
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By Tailz
HoniSoit wrote:Well, you already hit on the problem. We actually did set deadlines and continued to PM people to very politely remind them and ask about progress. But this didn't work very well for many understandable reasons. I think the best chance as you've already said is to lengthen the publication cycle and then try to think up ideas to sex it up (with Fox's help of course).

I've experienced much the same myself, even on publishing jobs with people who are supposed to be professionals at this kind of thing (I work in publishing and advertising). I get around it by advancing the deadlines in order to give a kick in the pants to those who usually get material in late. Thus by adding time to your deadline expecting material to be a week or two late, would be an advantage? It sounds stupid and simple, but it has worked for me in the past.

I would say I'd love to help you put together your project, but I have so many commitments now I'm already turning down stuff for lack of time. :hmm:
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By MB.
Maybe create yet another usergroup for PoFoMo contributors with some kind of ranking based on quality and quantity of articles...?
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By Siberian Fox
"Rate this post" kind of mods would require abandoning the PDF format for some kind of web-portal integrated with phpbb instead. I'm not sure if that's what HoniSoit wants. Though I am looking at mini-portals mods for a PoFo blog anyway. In fact I've been pretty busy this week testing a lot of phpBB mods for different things.

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