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The 'no government' movement.
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Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give unto God what it God's would suggest that Jesus wanted his followers to acknowledge the authority of the state.
""While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and 'sinners' came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, 'Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and "sinners"?' On hearing this, Jesus said, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners'" (Matthew 9:10-13)."
So even though Jesus said render onto Caesar what is Caesars he still considered tax collectors sinners.
Decky wrote:Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give unto God what it God's would suggest that Jesus wanted his followers to acknowledge the authority of the state.

"Render unto Caesar" was a clever trick Jesus used to evade the Pharisees' attempt to trap him. If he'd said "no, quit paying your taxes to the evil Romans," he would've been arrested for treason. If, on the other hand, he'd said to simply continue paying your taxes, he would be seen as a collaborator and lose all his cred over the whole messiah deal. So instead he said something that would mean something very different to Jewish and Roman audiences. The Romans would have interpreted it pretty much as you do. However, his fellow Jews would have understood that all things belong to God, and that there would be nothing of Caesar's to render unto him.
Well I still think Jesus wanted people to pay their taxes.
But that doesn't mean he didn't have disdain for the government at the time.
And he definitely had disdain for the Jewish leaders of the time.
So my take on it is, pay your taxes but try to vote them out of existence if possible by voting libertarian.
A libertarian government would not the end goal, but its a step in the right direction.
I know that Leo Tolstoy proposed that Christian Anarchist should not pay taxes, but I rather stay consistent with what the bible says.
But that doesn't mean he didn't have disdain for the government at the time.
And he definitely had disdain for the Jewish leaders of the time.

How can 'religious' people attribute these attributes to their God?
This is the problem I have with religion.
They diminish God to something that serves their purpose.
When you find a God that is not interested in 'disdain' for people, then I would consider religion being part of government.
Until then, keep religion out of political ideologies.
"Render unto Caesar" was a clever trick Jesus used to evade the Pharisees' attempt to trap him. If he'd said "no, quit paying your taxes to the evil Romans," he would've been arrested for treason. If, on the other hand, he'd said to simply continue paying your taxes, he would be seen as a collaborator and lose all his cred over the whole messiah deal. So instead he said something that would mean something very different to Jewish and Roman audiences. The Romans would have interpreted it pretty much as you do. However, his fellow Jews would have understood that all things belong to God, and that there would be nothing of Caesar's to render unto him.

I think this is right. I believe Jesus' statement was tongue-in-cheek. Actually, I think there should be very little argument about this; everything belongs to God(I am not a Theist, just attempting to explain this from a Christian world view).

leo_tolstoy wrote:Well I still think Jesus wanted people to pay their taxes.
But that doesn't mean he didn't have disdain for the government at the time.
And he definitely had disdain for the Jewish leaders of the time.
So my take on it is, pay your taxes but try to vote them out of existence if possible by voting libertarian.
A libertarian government would not the end goal, but its a step in the right direction.
I know that Leo Tolstoy proposed that Christian Anarchist should not pay taxes, but I rather stay consistent with what the bible says.

"Their taxes"? "Pay your taxes"?

What makes these taxes "theirs"?
anarchism and christianity are incompatible systems. your jealous god demands that you worship and obey him. that places him higher in a heirarchy of power than yourself. this is antithetical to anarchism. also, you must decide the specifics of how your system is to be implemented. one cannot force another to do anything, much less believe one thing or another, in an anarchistic system else they become the state.

as for the quality of your video, your voice is slow and tedious. it's difficult to listen to. you also do not ever tell the viewer exactly what christian anarchism is. i recommend you get your main point out up front, and reiterate it at the conclusion...after you figure out exactly what it is.
Decky wrote:Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give unto God what it God's would suggest that Jesus wanted his followers to acknowledge the authority of the state.
Paradigm wrote:"Render unto Caesar" was a clever trick Jesus used to evade the Pharisees' attempt to trap him. If he'd said "no, quit paying your taxes to the evil Romans," he would've been arrested for treason. If, on the other hand, he'd said to simply continue paying your taxes, he would be seen as a collaborator and lose all his cred over the whole messiah deal. So instead he said something that would mean something very different to Jewish and Roman audiences. The Romans would have interpreted it pretty much as you do. However, his fellow Jews would have understood that all things belong to God, and that there would be nothing of Caesar's to render unto him.
Interesting so you're suggesting that Jesus was just another shameless power hungry politician that says different things to different people depending on what they want to hear.
How can 'religious' people attribute these attributes to their God?
This is the problem I have with religion.
They diminish God to something that serves their purpose.
When you find a God that is not interested in 'disdain' for people, then I would consider religion being part of government.
Until then, keep religion out of political ideologies.

If anything Christian Anarchism resembles the early Christian church more than it does the modern one.
Early Christians were persecuted for not worshiping the emperor and were charitable towards each other.
They gave each other clothes, sheltered each other and had no priest.
anarchism and christianity are incompatible systems. your jealous god demands that you worship and obey him. that places him higher in a heirarchy of power than yourself. this is antithetical to anarchism. also, you must decide the specifics of how your system is to be implemented. one cannot force another to do anything, much less believe one thing or another, in an anarchistic system else they become the state.

It is a good practice to place a power greater than yourself to humble yourself and to bring you peace of mind.
They do so in Alcoholics Anonymous.
I personally do believe there is a God though and I'm grateful towards him for giving me life.
Interesting so you're suggesting that Jesus was just another shameless power hungry politician that says different things to different people depending on what they want to hear.

He wasn't power hungry, but he was against the status quo at the time.
[5] The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. [6] And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. [7] So if you worship me, it will all be yours."
[8] Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'"
Quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever watched on you tube. Someone has WAY to much time on their hands says the person reading and posting on PDdotcom.

What did it make me think? There's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back.


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