Australia - to Buy nuclear weapons off America? - Politics | PoFo

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AUSTRALIA is giving itself the option of becoming a nuclear power through a deal with the US to obtain nuclear weapons and extensive investment in atomic expertise, it has been claimed.
A leading strategic policy expert says Australia is forging an understanding with the US that would ensure quick access to "off the shelf" tactical nuclear weapons during a crisis.

And a former senior Howard Government science adviser says the new $600 million reactor at Lucas Heights will ensure Australia has the skills and technology to launch a nuclear weapons program.

"There is no doubt in my mind that a main purpose of Lucas Heights is to maintain Australia's capacity to develop nuclear weapons," the former adviser said this week.

"It is Australia's insurance policy against the future, just in case the US does not come to our aid. We are way more advanced in nuclear technology than Saddam Hussein ever was.",4057,6744863%255E2,00.html


Well, I know the govs want for nuclear weaponry has been around for awhile, with the government of John Gorton initially reluctant to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty and it has been theorised that Lucas Heights and a mysterious never-built facility at Jervis Bay were to be used for the development of nuclear weapons.

What are your thoughts on this.

Mine, I am sick of this, we may aswell change our name to 'Little America".

Australia is under absolutely no threat of invasion and for any country to attempt it would be foolhardy.

Who's to say that somewhere down the line, Australia won't disagree with the US on an issue and the president of the time says that because we're capable of nuclear bombs that we are part of some axis of evil?

:muha1: :knife: >:
By Aussie
Yessss.It's about time we get some Nuke's why should the US have nuke's India,China,Israel,Pakistan,Russia and North Korea have Nuke's and not Australia what do you call them Little America I think not Australia is better than the US so why shouldn't we have Nuke's and Australia is not under threat from any countrie's umm what about on Tuesday the North Korean's said to Australia that if we stop there ship's to search for any weapon's of mass destruction or drug's or anything else bad that they will declare war on us and will have no choice other than Nuke us so you might not take that as a threat but I shore do when another country threaten's to Nuke us and we have nothing to scare them away than I'm gonna be threatened at least if we have Nuke's probably more and moe powerful one's they will get the message "MESS WITH US AND YOU'LL GET NUKED" that way my Family will be safe and I will be safe and Australian's will be safe so I say Yes it's about time we get some Nuke's.

Thank You,

P.S. If you are a true blue Aussie go to my Political Partie's site and Join[url].[/url]
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By Boondock Saint

That last post was the lonest sentence EVER! ;)

I don't like the US proliferating nukes. No need for Australia to have em, if Australia was attacked or 'nuked' I would expect the US to declare war on whoever did it. Unless of course it WAS the US that did it ... which I don't see as an option.

What will the Kiwis think if their neighbors go nuclear?

As for Australia being threated, I don't see it. They arent the Romanesque nation that the US is, they arent rattling any saber, they arent the target of international terrorists ... oh ... well ... actualy I guess they were ...

I say a strong conventional military would better benefit Australia.
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By Yeddi
Nukes are scary, we don't need them and i definately don't want them in my country. Why did that North Korean Embassy worker (ooo scary, thats like me saying it..) Threaten us? Who knows, i don't really care, i don't think us having Nukes is going to aid us anymore, If anything it will make us more of a target. As Boon said, Australia is already under protection from Nukes, from the US of A, we don't need our own, we've had enough explosions on our shores. Japan and Taiwan are under the umbrella of US nuke "protection" and they're not threatened.. nor do they need nukes. Australia is too insignificant in the worldwide sceme of things to warrent Nukes. They scare the shit out of me. Basically if any nation fires a Nuke in anger, its bye bye world, Dr. Strangelove Style, except it wont be funny.
By Efrem Da King
Okay I say its good that we have that capacity. The fact is that new zealand is in our way and a coupla nukes should fix that. Then we can send our refugees there. Two birds with one nuke :) . Boon get out of our thread.
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By Yeddi
A refugees to a radioactive wasteland... why don't we just shoot them in the back of the head? And since we're going to nuke NZ we might as well drop a couple on oursleves to save the population from radiohactive poisoning and cancer that will follow anyway... and since we're destroying australia we might as well destroy our "enemys" them old evil commies, so buy buy to china adn them "Rooskies" their defence systems will switch and destroy the US adn whats left of the world.
What fun.

Can you be serious please. And by the way, Boon is more than welcome, the Asia-Pacific forum is for topics pertaining to, not a place for members of that continant/area.
By Ocker
Geez Yeddi, they're not making us look good are they! :eh:
By Efrem Da King
Yeah silly melbs ;) .

All right as children but the adults, soon go crazy from the town atmosphere.

What part of sydney you in aussie, I'm in bondi.
By CasX
If you haven't got anything to contribute that would cause your braincell to find a friend, then don't contribute at all.

I'm sure that under that right-wing, ultra-nationalist shell you must have something sensible to say.

Efrem wrote:The fact is that new zealand is in our way and a coupla nukes should fix that

Actually, I'm not so sure...
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By Yeddi
I've always found it interesting that this "Sydney vs. Melbourne" rivalry is only ever brought up by Sydneysiders, I've been there quite a few times and the sydneyersare always telling me how much i must hate melbourne, "the weathers so bad down there it's always rainning and wet" [actually we're in the middle of our worst drought and our fresh water supply is down to 40% :| ]

Melbournians don't seem to give a shit, i think the sydneyers must still be pissed of that the Capital of Australia was Melbourne for 30 odd years. Cheer up guys, you're the ones that got the Murrey in exchange... If i had my way I would have kept the Murrey.
By Aussie
Actually it's Melbourne that is alway's fuling this problem like once I was driving through melbourne and my car had NSW plate's and some melbourner's spat at my car and screamed get outa Melbourne but anyway Efrem I'm in Bankstown.

Thank You,
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By Truth-a-naut
Actually it's Melbourne that is alway's fuling this problem like once I was driving through melbourne and my car had NSW plate's and some melbourner's spat at my car and screamed get outa Melbourne but anyway Efrem I'm in Bankstown.

By CasX
Not yet the classic anecdote ;)

Aussie wrote:I'm with Efrem Da King it's good to see a fellow Sydney person sticking it to the Melbourner.

So you're party's for 'all Australians'?
By Aussie
This Melbourne vs Sydney thing is just a little game we play on each other not actually serious.

Thank You,
By Efrem Da King
Yeah its not really rivalry.

"Capital of Australia was Melbourne for 30 odd years."

No it wasn't. Australia was formed in 1901 and the melbs made it be a new city a certain distance from sydney. So they founded canberra.
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By Yeddi
Yes but if you remember they had to create canberra... Melbourne was the caretaker capitla, the first sitting of parliament was in Melbourne.

Following the opening, the new Federal Parliament took over the Victorian State Parliament building. The State Parliament moved their proceedings to the Exhibition Building. The business of both legislatures was conducted in these temporary accommodations for a quarter of a century.
It was not until 1927 that the Federal Parliament moved to its permanent home in the new Australian capital city of Canberra and the Victorian State Parliament regained its building.

and this,
The Australian Constitution Section 125 wrote:125. The seat of Government of the Commonwealth shall be determined by the Parliament, and shall be within territory which shall have been granted to or acquired by the Commonwealth, and shall be vested in and belong to the Commonwealth, and shall be in the State of New South Wales, and be distant not less than one hundred miles from Sydney.

Such territory shall contain an area of not less than one hundred square miles, and such portion thereof as shall consist of Crown lands shall be granted to the Commonwealth without any payment therefor.

The Parliament shall sit at Melbourne until it meet at the seat of Government.

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