Howard gets tough! - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Australia.

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By Efrem Da King
What do you think about howard insisting on an end to curruption in countrys before they get aid, I think it is about time we did something like this and I say well done Howard well done. Of cousre I beleive in australia becoming a colonial power.
By Ocker
What do you mean? You want Australia to rule the Pacific Islands?
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By Yeddi
Australia has been a colonial power, remember PNG

A century of Australian colonial rule left PNG as one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. Its infrastructure was designed to serve the mining, trading, financial and plantation companies that dominate the economy
By Aussie
I would also love to see Australia become a Colonial Power that would make Australia the only country in the History to be as powerful as the US and be friend's with the US at the same time.

Thank You,
Last edited by Aussie on 04 Sep 2003 09:27, edited 1 time in total.
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By Yeddi
Just being a colonial power won't make us as powerful as the US. What about Britain during the war years? THey were just as powerful and were friends.

And why is it that you both want Australia to be such a big powerful country?
As long as there are no wars Australia could be the smallest most forgotten country on the planet.
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By Boondock Saint
Um ... how would Australia become a colonial power?

The age of colonialism is over ...

I think you are also forgetting one really major reason why Australia is no super power.


Your nation just doesnt have it. You need to have a certain level of manpower in order to be a superpower or even a world power ... Australia just aint got it.

Naturally I am speaking in modern terms not colonial era terms ... The forces needed for colonialism were nothing compared to what a super power must attain. How quickly Japan was able to conquer all those european colonies is proof enough of that.

Am I making any sense right now? Someone help me ... I am terribly hung over.
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By joe
As an Aussie Myself....

We couldnt become a super-power - I mean look at our Subs - one of them sunk and APPRENTLY they are supposed to be the most stealthy sub in the world and its as loud as a bloody foghorn on a boat.

We have 30,000 Personal in our Defence Force....5,000 being ARMY Soliders ( around about ). We are pathetic.

We dont have access to missiles or nuke's ( apprently altho Pine Gap sounds good :evil: )

Also APPRENTLY the American ( you guys would know this ) the american LAPD or NY Police DEPT i think it is has more than OUR Defence Force.

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By Boondock Saint
I wonder why any Aussies would want their nation to be a superpower ...

Is it not more beneficial to allow the yanks to spend massive amounts on a military while you spend money on social programs? Being a western nation the US is obligated to protect Australia, its people would not tolerate a gov't that allowed a western nation to be invaded. It is also not in the US gov'ts interests to allow a western nation to fall, which is probably more of a reason why the US would come to aid of nation in the west.

What the hell did I just say?

Oh ...

By Aussie
The CIA did a suvey and found that Australia if under a Militarist Government could build up it's Army to over 3 million which would make it more powerful that that of the former U.S.S.R and we are getting Nuke's Australia is in the process of making a Nuke design that will be better than any nation including the US but howard will probably tell them the design.

Thank You,
By CasX
The CIA did a survey, did they? So, what, they just went around and asked random members of the general public "If Australia has a militarist government, how big would the army be?"

Can you put together a coherent justification for anything?
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By Yeddi
I'll assume that the 3 million you speak of would include every single person between the ages of 18-40(?) cause i can't see how you could get such a number otherwise. But actually they'd only get 2,999,999 cause there is no way i'm ever joining the army.
By Ocker
Hmm, *memo to self, if these 2 ever become Prime Minister, flee to New Zealand*.
By Aussie
I think the word the CIA used was they could Conscript(I think that word) that many people.And if Australia is trying to colonise the Pacific you wouldn't go to New Zealand cause that would be our's easy.

Thank You,
By Ocker
Can I ask you a question?

Are you left or right wing?

From your posts on here so far I have noticed you:

- Want Australia to have nukes
- You want Australia to be a super-power
- You want to take-over the Pacific
- You want to hugely increase the Army

Any others?
By Efrem Da King
Well I aim to go into politics. Of course I would only carry out my plans if a very good opurtunity arose. And I think that it would be better for us to become a colonial power through democracy rather than military might. Howard is insiting on australians in high up postitions in foreign governments and this is great.
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By Yeddi
In fact according to the World Factbook of 2002 Australia has 4,321,387 (2002 est.)males age 15-49:) who are fit for military service.

Maybe your right, i wouldn't go to NewZealand, i'd just go find the fucker who was doing this to my country and kill the bastard.

Now THAT is patriotism.
Last edited by Yeddi on 07 Sep 2003 05:54, edited 1 time in total.
By Ocker
Yeddi wrote:In fact according to the World Factbook of 2002 Australia has 4,321,387 (2002 est.)males age 15-49:) who are fit for military service.

Maybe your right, i wouldn't go to NewZealand, i'd just go find the fucker who was doing this to my country and kill the bastard.

LMAO - So true :lol:
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