Standard Measurements - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By MB.
The point is that our economy is not gonna collapse because we didn't use your pet measuring standard.

I never implied that it would.

I am not using Metric.

Good for you.

You eurofags

I'm sure our European users are glad to know you feel this way about them, but I'm a Canadian-American.
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By Dr House
I know you are. I don't even consider myself American at all, save for the fact I carry an American passport. It just seemed simpler to divide up the two camps that way.
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By dilpill
I say we make the national guidelines metric for weights/volume/length, but we keep Fahrenheit for temperature.
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By Doomhammer
nd I'm sorry Bill but Fahrenheit is better for rough measurements of weather, it was designed for it. Celsius was designed for scientific measurement, which is why it has a scientifically basic starting and ending point (0 and 100 being the freezing and boiling temperature of water). Fahrenheit on the other hand was roughly fixed at zero being a very cold winter day and 100 being a very hot summer day.

There. Celsius is the logical choice. You yourself admit it. ;)
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By Dr House
Not for weather.

Besides, even for exact measurements is it really so fucking difficult to add 32? American ovens use Fahrenheit with no difficulty whatsoever.
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By Doomhammer
Besides, even for exact measurements is it really so fucking difficult to add 32?

It's a bit more complicated than that, actually. 100 Celsius equals 212 Fahrenheit so it's not just simply adding 32.
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By Dr House
F = 1.8C + 32
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By Doomhammer
F = 1.8C + 32

Or you could just use Celsius without bothering with any of that.
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By Dr House
There's no real need to bother anyway. Fahrenheit and Celsius are used in different applications, and there's no need to convert them unless Europeans use Celsius for weather or some retarded shit like that.
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By Vladimir
We will probably pass a bill banning any use of imperial measure
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By Dr House
No you wouldn't. I'd get every damn American in this parliament on my side and it'd be the end of your government.
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By Vladimir
I'm pretty sure there are enough sane people here to be able to pass the law :lol:
By Zyx
I haven't read this thread.

I think we should continue using cgs and logarithms.

The Sun's mass is 10^33.3 g.

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By Dr House
Vladimir wrote:I'm pretty sure there are enough sane people here to be able to pass the law :lol:

Contradiction of terms since banning Imperial is not sane. ;)
By Vigil of Reason
I see no point in forcing non-scientists to use the metric system in daily life. As long as the information is understood there is no difference between units in daily life. Let them speak their own slang.
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By Vladimir
Alienating science, industry and rational thought from the so-called daily life is extremely counter-revolutionary :roll:
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By Dr House
The rest of us don't give a shit for your revolution anyway, so tough.
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By Vladimir
Is that wise to say while under a pro-revolutionary government?
and don't cry too hard when the law passes... that's if you don't get executed for breaking it :muha1:
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By Dr House
Vladimir wrote:Is that wise to say while under a pro-revolutionary government?

You're only a government because the rest of us let you be a government.
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By Vladimir
by being too weak to do otherwise?

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