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HoniSoit wrote:I share Carter's concern about some of the unnecessarily long and technical questions. These questions are very good, but it sometimes takes quite a while to figure out what the questions are saying exactly. I am wondering whether Demo thinks we should rephrase some of them. If so, I would be happy to help with it.

I'm quite willing to entertain any suggestions at this point.

I'm going to be a tad busy over the next couple days. I will be around, but I won't be able to do a whole lot. Please feel free to take initiative regarding anything I've discussed already, or any other facet anyone sees as a weakness, or simply might need changing. Don't worry about hurting feelings, I didn't write all of these, though I admit many of the "too-complicated" questions are mine.

Again, thanks everyone for all the suggestions put forth.
Hang tight everyone. I don't mean to leave everyone dangling in the wind, I've just come upon a very busy week. It may not let up until some time next week. I have been around to post here and there and read the occasional thread, but I haven't had time to sit down and actually tackle any of this.

If I get time I'll prepare some new projects for you guys to tackle. I appreciate everything so far, and we will discuss the items all of you have pointed out in due time.

I'm also moving in to our new house the week of the 14th. It's likely I'm going to be quite busy then as well, probably for the following week to 10 days. I'll try to arrange with dgun so that we have a few more irons in the fire by then to give you guys at least a little something to work on.

In the meantime, any and all reviews of existing questions/axes/compasses are appreciated, and helpful.

Thanks team!

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By dgun
Suggestions on how to graphically represent a 3D axis? (x,y,z)

I can literally do a '3D' axis in an applet. But I'm not sure how widely it would be supported in browsers.

I imagine that the majority of systems would support it, but there would need to be an alternate way of displaying the scores for those that don't.
the Strength Deployment Inventory - a popular psychometic test amongst the business community - measures responses via questionnaire in three axes, and then represents the results in a triangle, thus:


Would that sort of thing be any good?
User avatar
By Fasces
I imagine that the majority of systems would support it, but there would need to be an alternate way of displaying the scores for those that don't.

Wouldn't the coordinates suffice? Alongside their meaning, of course.
User avatar
By dgun
Would that sort of thing be any good?

That looks promising. Thanks Cartertonian. I'm going to research that a little. That may be the way to go and I can just drop the 3D idea altogether.

Wouldn't the coordinates suffice? Alongside their meaning, of course.

I suppose that would be OK. Especially if it is only a small fraction who can't see the image.

I also thought of some kind of image that looks 3D but isn't. That would probably be the more difficult option for me.

If certain features of HTML5 and CSS3 were already supported by most browsers, this wouldn't even be an issue.
Guys I'm sorry to have gotten you all involved and then kind of left you hanging. Unfortunately several things came together at once and I simply have lost the time to be able to dedicate to the project at the moment. I had hoped some of my issues might be resolved by this month but things just aren't working out that way.

In addition to regular 'round the house stuff, I am in a semester where I am required to do an inordinate amount of time observing classrooms and in turn handing in reports on what I've observed. We also bought another house, and moving plus fixing up one house to move into and the other to sell has been difficult. Then add working when I can, two kids who are high school seniors this year and all the extras that entails, plus two younger kids who are also involved in one million things, plus a health issue or two, a couple things for my wife...

I think you get the idea.

If nothing else, class will end the first couple weeks of December, and I will be relatively free for five weeks or so to try to put the final push together to finish this thing and make it available for wider use.

Again, I apologize. I had no idea things would go down as they have and I appreciate all the input you guys put in, and will take a serious look at your comments when I can spend some time doing so.

dgun has also informed me that things with his job changed on him and that has ended up taking a great deal of his time as well. He has assured me that it is temporary for him as well.

Please stay patient, and if you can remain available we will appreciate it. If you can't we will understand anyway, and will thank you for your willingness to participate in the way you were initially asked.

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By Drlee
Never fear. We will be here when you are ready. Congratulations on your new house!

If you get to feeling to overwhelmed and need to vent always remember you can dock your students 1/2 a grade. ;) Or make them read Catcher in the Rye again.
You guys may have noticed that I've gotten a little more active again. I will be finished with my class next Wednesday come hell or high water.

Following that day, I'll need a few more to recover, and then I will begin looking back into this. I'm going to try, if dgun can help, to get this up and running by sometime close to the first of the year.

If I don't get it by then, it will be several more months before I can realistically handle it. I'll be teaching full time for the first time this coming semester, and its a big load, in addition to still taking classes.

I think we can do it, I think reworking an axis or two will help, and testing the test a few times will be turn out to be workable.

Hang in there, and thanks in advance to all of you who can still help when the time comes!
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