Sig 113 makes some noise abroad! - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Talk about and show off personal signature and avatar images.

An ode to post-modern neo-colonial wars


Ralph Nader wrote:Theodore Roosevelt in an August 1912 speech declared that “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”

Here's what the Jerusalem Post had to say about my sig:

The Jerusalem Post wrote:Qatz Sig Attacks Middle East Peace Process

Sonia Zieve

Sig 113 is full of the kind of everyday anti-Semitism that has become a feature of the Qatzel Ok brand. Notice how it is an Israeli tank in the front of the pack. Perhaps the sig is referring to that fraudulent quote from Ariel Sharon that suggests that the Jewish lobby controls USA politics.

In any case, if you have free time this Christmas, be sure to avoid Sig 113.

Please take the time to answer this in-thread poll.

I didn't post in this Qatzel Ok sig thread because:

1. I hate the sig, and was taught that you shouldn't say anything if you haven't got something nice to say.

2. I hate Qatzel Ok and wouldn't be caught dead encouraging his obnoxious and stupid troll behavior

3. I have been sick for the last few weeks, and this has affected my eye-fingertip coordination

4. I was kidnapped by aliens who threatened to stop anal-probing me if I posted on a Qatzel Ok sig thread

5. Other/don't know/didn't answer
I think it still looks like a pro-US+UK+Canada+Israel alliance to fight monsters and zombies. :|

I only came here right now because I found it really weird that Qatz was supporting such an alliance. Maybe putting the zombies driving the tanks would make it more accurate. :p
Well Smertios, I guess the sig also hints at the important notion of Zombie Unity.

Being a Zombie helps you unite with other people to perform atrocities because Zombies are ideological and this enables horrible and harmful behavior towards other creatures.
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