US media very quiet about interracial rape. - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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The denial on here is astounding. No one has to take my post for fact. Anyone can call the source racist. But the fact that no one here can post a reputable source that says otherwise speaks volumes.

The fact that you steadfastly refuse to provide evidence for your claim speaks volumes.
White men never rape black women, since whites are paragons of racial virtue. Er, pardon me there, gentlemen. Strike that from the record, good sirs. Allow me to provide a link, when I can find it, proving this, from a site masturbating on Confederate flags. It isn't full of shit at all, trust me.
Scamp wrote:No one has to take my post for fact.

That's good since nobody does.

Scamp wrote:But the fact that no one here can post a reputable source that says otherwise speaks volumes.

I did so almost immediately. You chose to ignore my post and my links.
Pants-of-dog wrote:

Thank you sir for taking the time to post that.

Interesting that the article had to go back to 1944 to find another such case.
You asked for an example, there is a prominent one on the news. I also provided an academic article (you may not be able to access if not on a campus or library) that runs the corolations.

I might also point out, as is very well known, that traditionally white men raped their black slaves during slavery, dispelling the notion that whites inherently won't rape black women for some reason or another. This is further evidenced in the history of imperialism in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

Historically also, blacks are far more reluctant to use the American justice system, which further skews the numbers.

Despite all of this, you focus on an assertion that was disproven already and doesn't account for these other statistical, economic, and historic problems.

From the wobbly legs of this assertion, you demand that we disprove it. If what has been done so far is not enough, I really must invoke Russell's teapot.
I just found out through an unbiased news source called Conservative World News that in comparison to blacks who cause 100% of all crimes, whites cause 0%. Unfortunately I lost the link to my source. Has anyone heard about this? Thoughts, comments? Why is the lamestream US media quiet about this?
Scamp, did you really just justify slaveowner sexual exploitation of slaves on the basis that the law didn't ban it, as if that makes a difference? (I'm not even sure it was technically legal - anti-miscgenation laws existed since the early days of American slavery.) Have you completely lost the genteel racist plot?

We know that rape is massively under-reported as a crime - it's not particularly shocking that white on black rape would be particularly under-reported.
Scamp wrote:TIG so now we have to go back over 150 years to slavery times for an example.

We do not have to do so, as my first post was a contemporary example. As explicitly stated, this was brought up as context your wild accusation from a completely unreliable source.

Scamp wrote:Sorry but that was not rape at the time according to US law. And it was not illegal.

It might be noted that the importation of slaves to the United States ended in 1807, though slavery continued to thrive and slaves had to come from somewhere.

Essentially, whites set up an entire economic system built upon white men raping black women, and many are still whining that such system had to be forcibly removed from them.

Scamp wrote:For some reason, disgraced US Attorney Gen Eric Holder put a stop to the US Justice Dept publishing Black rape statistics as they had been doing. Can't imagine why.

Since your claim has no reliable citation, does not stand up to statistical or historical analysis, and is now reliant on a citationless conspiracy theory, I think you should examine your claim.
TIM sir, I have now posted the actual US Dept of Justice stats
If that's not a reliable citation what is? Feel free to check the actual figures. If anyone is not good at math, I will calculate the exact figures for them. You will find the numbers to be like I said.
Scamp wrote:TIM sir, I have now posted the actual US Dept of Justice stats
If that's not a reliable citation what is? Feel free to check the actual figures. If anyone is not good at math, I will calculate the exact figures for them. You will find the numbers to be like I said.

You linked to a listing of a series of publications, some of which are not actually available through the same website (e.g. Criminal Victimization 2012). I have yet to see statistics showing that whites don't rape blacks, including in the listings I've quickly skimmed from the link you provided.

I'm not sure how it makes sense to you to think you can throw in a random link you never even checked (it's a listing of a series of publications, not anything specific or anything to show you actually read anything, haha ) and think no one would notice right off the bat that you have no clue what you're talking about.

If you weren't a white supremacist, I would assume that your complete denial about your original source not actually supporting what you are claiming is just some weird, annoying attempt at a joke, but I'm guessing it's too difficult for you to read a single paper simply to skim it and cherry pick anything (reading is hard, I'm sure), which is pretty easy to do.

Here is the link I already provided. It is the US Dept of Justice statistics.

Second paragraph down Criminal Victimization in the United States 2008-Statistical table. 2008 is the last year before US Attorney Gen Holder stopped the publishing of such stats.

Victims and offenders Table 42. Rape/sexual assault. A quick mathematical equation shows...

19,292 black on white rapes
0 white on black rapes.

Funny that is the exact number on the conservative website I posted originally that the people on this thread refused to believe.

The truth is heavy. Some choose not to carry it.
You have yet to address anything anybody in this thread has put up about the statistical, historical, or sociological underpinnings from which the data comes from.

So far as the statistics, this is, "rape and sexual assault," which means any kind of unwanted sexual touching and even, "includes verbal threats." Which is potentially very different from the rape narrative you're trying to build.

It mentions that many of the numbers were an, “Estimate is based on 10 or fewer sample cases." This means that it's a sample for about one out of every 5,000 people. To run this out, with the numbers that the Justice Department records (which, as everyone else in this thread including myself has pointed out are dubious), there could have been almost 50,000 black women raped by white men that year. I'm not saying there was, but they make clear that their numbers in these cases are projections based on statistically negligible samples.

Are you going to actually apply anything anyone said in this thread, or are you going to just keep spamming a document that you clearly didn't read?

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