London Mayor Allows ‘Trump Baby’ Balloon for President’s Trip to U.K. - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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As I said earlier, I managed to put a Palestinian flag on the statue of Nelson Mandela in Parliament Square during the anti Trump demonstration in London of 13/7/18. The flag was there for an hour or so before I was ordered to take it down by the Babylon Poops.

Nelson Mandela had much sympathy for the Palestinians and their plight.
. We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.

Apartheid wrong in South Africa; wrong in Palestine.

― Nelson Mandela

Here is a better photo....


While in Parliament Square several Israelis on different occasions expressed to me their disgust of the persecution of the Palestinians.

Last edited by anarchist23 on 14 Jul 2018 22:59, edited 14 times in total.
James Woods is wrong. The hard left (Americans call them "liberals") have still good chance to win the elections, they have a coalition with the immigrants, but once the New Europeans will feel secure and independent they will get rid off these decadent allies, it's happening right now in Amsterdam, previously the Mecca for the gays. Corbyn is rational and opportunist.

Drlee wrote:The guy starts a trade war.

He slams NATO.

He makes fun of the UK.

On and on.

And when they take exception to his stuff?


Calling a spade a spade is his trade mark

“Allowing the immigration to take place in Europe is a shame. I think it changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was and I don’t mean that in a positive way. I think you are losing your culture"

"In an interview with The Sun, President Trump heavily criticised London mayor Sadiq Khan. The President mentioned the numerous terrorist attacks across Europe, especially in London, which had four attacks just last year."

noir wrote:Calling a spade a spade is his trade mark

No, calling people names only a 4th grader would find funny is his trademark.

I mean, except Putin. Putin gets no funny nickname. Wonder why.
danholo wrote:Again I fear that this is a huge media festival giving the impression that Trump-hate is common while in actuality most people just want their leaders to do their job. I don't like Trump but he certainly comes off better than the rest of the buffoons in office these days. These protests are infantile.

That's why I like Trump. He thrashes so-called "mainstream" politicians, who in turn stir up the craziest people possible to protest Trump and inadvertantly end up making Trump look good. Given Trump's often brusque demeanor, it says a lot about the state of mind of his detractors.

danholo wrote:Western morality is based on Christianity which is based on Judaism, and it's dishonest to divorce it from that.

I agree completely.

anarchist23 wrote:Managed to put a Palestinian flag on the statue of Nelson Mandela in Parliament Square which was there for an hour or so. lol
Mouthed off at the filth when I was ordered to remove it and had a stand up argument with the cunts.

What did that have to do with Trump's visit to London?

Albert wrote:So wonderful to see them altogether.

Yeah. Her majesty probably isn't going to be around much longer. Then, we'll have King Charles... That's been sort of a regrettable name among English kings. I wonder if he'll change it.

noir wrote:James Woods is wrong. The hard left (Americans call them "liberals") have still good chance to win the elections, they have a coalition with the immigrants, but once the New Europeans will feel secure and independent they will get rid off these decadent allies, it's happening right now in Amsterdam, previously the Mecca for the gays. Corbyn is rational and opportunist.

Well, it is somewhat like the late 1960s in the US when the extremes took control of the Democrats and the best they could do for the next two decades was one term for Jimmy Carter. I suppose that isn't the same thing in Europe. In the US, all the main Democratic presidential candidates are frightfully old: Hillary Clinton (talk she's going to run again), Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders. It will be awhile before hair boy is considered mature enough (i.e., Gavin Newsom).

Drlee wrote:The guy starts a trade war.

That's been going on for awhile. The US just unilaterally surrendered in the 1990s, and finally we have someone in the White House who has had enough of that.

Drlee wrote:He slams NATO.

And the problem with that is? They would be nothing without the US, because they used the US military strength to gut their own and spend it on welfare. Trump is doing more to strengthen--which is different from enlargement by the way--NATO than any president in modern memory. You have to go back to Reagan to see that.

Drlee wrote:He makes fun of the UK.

The UK is pathetic. Maybe with some amount of shaming, they'll recover some self respect. That's a country that used to run 25% of the planet and now has to implement knife control policies in their capital city.

Drlee wrote:Muslims.

Sadiq Khan decided he could increase his stature by bashing Trump. He got the Megyn Kelly treatment. No surprise there to anyone watching Trump for the last 2 years.

Igor Antunov wrote:NATO should be slammed for leeching, UK is a laughing stock ripe for making fun of, trade war is a long time coming. Muslims are creating sharia law ghettos in British cities. Where's the discrepancy/surprise?

No kidding. The UK is a disaster. We have to thank God and the founders for federated government in the US. Too much centralization in Europe has allowed Europe to get destroyed in very short order.

Zagadka wrote:I mean, except Putin. Putin gets no funny nickname. Wonder why.

Maybe because he's the only politician in Europe anyone truly fears...
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