Syrian war thread - Page 187 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By Palmyrene
Rich wrote:The hollowness of Assad's victory is simple. He is one of the greatest enemies of Muslims on the planet today, but he must constantly pose as Muslims greatest friend. Assad hates Muslims (for totally understandable and rational reasons), but he must constantly pretend that it is Zionists he hates.

When you look at Syria you see our future, Syria is Europe a handful of decades in the future. The US is Syria a few decades after that. Americans may like to think they are better than Europe, but be under no illusion Cultural Marxists (with the help of their cuckservative friends) will Islamise America, even if they've got to a be a bit slower, a bit more more circumspect about it.

What frightens me is that when the time finally comes to fight, will we have leaders, as strong, as courageous and as righteous as the Assads.

Assad's a Shia Muslim who generally hung out with the Sunni upper class for the most part. He's not anti-Muslim, he's probably just not really religious like most Muslims out there and only cares about maintaining power.

Also he gasses his own ppl by the way.
By skinster
Palmyrene wrote:I'm pretty sure someone has told you in one of the thousand pages on this thread.

So you don't know when?

How weird, you're normally quite chatty.
By Palmyrene
skinster wrote:So you don't know when?

How weird, you're normally quite chatty.

I just came off from debating with a guy about Zoroastrianism. I'm not going to go into a huge debate about Assad now.
Syrian pound falls to record low as economy hit by sanctions

BEIRUT (Reuters) - The Syrian pound fell to a record low on the black market, driven down by lack of central bank intervention and damage to the war-torn economy from tighter Western sanctions in the last year, dealers and businessmen said on Thursday.

The pound had traded at 47 to the dollar before protests against President Bashar al-Assad erupted in March 2011.

International sanctions against the Syrian government, damage to the country’s industry from the fighting, and panicked Syrians’ sending their money abroad pushed the currency down sharply during the conflict.

Dealers said although the pound briefly hit a 660 to the dollar benchmark in 2016, this was the first time it has hovered around near these record low levels for days.

“There is strong demand on the dollar for a host of factors and reasons and not because there are no dollars, or else it would have shot up much higher, but demand is more than supply and so the dollar has gone up,” Khalil Touma, a leading businessman, told Reuters from Damascus.

The pound had enjoyed almost two years of relative stability after Moscow alongside Iranian-backed militias turned the tide in favor of Assad by pushing rebels from large swathes of territory in western and eastern Syria.

The expanded U.S. and European sanctions since November that hit Syrian businessmen close to Assad and targeted non-Americans trading with Syria have deterred international companies from investing in post-war reconstruction, as long as Assad clings to power.

Local investors say the currency was also hurt by dashed hopes that Assad’s battleground gains would encourage wealthy Syrians abroad to seek opportunities in the war-ravaged economy, many of whom were also scared by tougher sanctions.

Also putting pressure on the currency, the Syrian central bank has largely abandoned efforts in recent months to support the value of the currency in order to protect its remaining foreign exchange reserves, local businessmen say.

“The central bank is taking no action, that which made people panic, thinking it is helpless and can do nothing to stop the weakness,” said a Damascus-based banker who requested anonymity.

Bankers and currency traders contacted in Damascus said the central bank has long turned a blind eye to official exchange dealers selling at market prices that were much higher than the daily benchmark set by the central bank. It stood on Wednesday at 438 pounds per dollar.

The central bank still provides dollars for the import of 40 essential goods at a preferential rate much lower than the market rate, but otherwise it is largely letting market forces operate, the banker said.

Despite widespread devastation caused by the conflict and Western sanctions, the currency has so far avoided a complete free fall, bankers say, citing remittances from Syrian expatriates to relatives and infusions of aid from the country’s main regional ally Iran.

Iran is believed to have deposited in recent years hundreds of millions of dollars into the country’s now depleted reserves that stood at $17 billion before the civil war, according to bankers familiar with the Syrian banking sector.

The crumbling of the currency has driven up inflation and aggravated hardship as many ordinary Syrians struggle to afford basics such as food and power.

Many Syrians now hoard the dollar as a hedge in a battered economy that was increasingly dollarized. ...
Syria have no future none is gonna invest to rebuild that shithole when Assad is still there
and the Sunnis did not forgot the recent and past atrocities by the regime they will have their revenge eventually
By Palmyrene
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Syria have no future none is gonna invest to rebuild that shithole when Assad is still there
and the Sunnis did not forgot the recent and past atrocities by the regime they will have their revenge eventually

Yeah no I'm going to start an anarchist revolution instead of just senseless vengence and violence. We're civilized, we're not like Assad.

And no one will invest in it whether Assad is their or not. We're on our own.
By skinster

Palmyrene wrote:I just came off from debating with a guy about Zoroastrianism. I'm not going to go into a huge debate about Assad now.

So you can't prove what you're claiming. Cool.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:and the Sunnis did not forgot the recent and past atrocities by the regime they will have their revenge eventually

Which Sunnis? The ones in the SAA? Or are you talking about the Islamists that Israel supports against the secular state?
@skinster Remember when people insisted it must be conspiracy nonsense and not another repeat of history to admit that the US government aided Islamic terrorists in Syria? Within this own thread, at least.

The Syrian government is the most civilized faction in Syria. It is not in the business of enslaving ethnic and religious minorities, conducting mass rape of women, cleansing villages, using chemical weapons against civilians, and replacing secular law with religious ones, as every rebel faction in Syria aimed to do, including the “moderate” head-choppers/child rapists.
By skinster
Bulaba Jones wrote:@skinster Remember when people insisted it must be conspiracy nonsense and not another repeat of history to admit that the US government aided Islamic terrorists in Syria? Within this own thread, at least.

I remember. I remember the accusations of chemical weapons being used by the Syrian government just a few miles away from weapons inspectors that were invited into the country too, and other ones that were clearly committed by the "moderate rebels" in their attempt to bring America officially into the war, even though America has been unofficially making war on Syria before the war officially began in 2011. Weird how the government was using those chemical weapons the U.S. had shipped over from Libya (along with mercenaries) right after Gaddafi's fall, when the Syrian government had given up its weapons as a U.S. demand years prior.

It's a wonder people in our lordless year of 2019 blame the Syrian government for the war upon the country that was made by....let's see: USA, UK, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Qatar, Germany...hmmm, can't remember all the countries exactly but I'm sure I'm missing some...
By skinster
Palmyrene has no argument since those claims have already been debunked.

Vanessa Beeley wrote:#KhanSheikhoun #Hama #SAA #Victory

Entering Khan Sheikhoun shortly after full liberation by the glorious Syrian Arab Army.

The areas we entered, the residential homes were relatively undamaged, contrary to Western media hyperbole and sensationalism. Instead we saw a town devoid of civilians. The sounds of ongoing battles for Tamanah and other areas could be heard close by, the boom of artillerty and gunfire.

Afterwards we were told, many civilians had joined the terrorists and left with them. Others had fled Khan Sheikhoun during the fist days of the terrorist occupation. Finally, many civilians had been held as hostages, imprisoned in the labyrinthine underground networks of tunnels and prison cells. These civilians were moved deeper into Idlib province as the SAA advanced towards liberation of Khan Sheikhoun.

Most soldiers were welcoming and celebrating this historic victory, some were simply exhausted, the strain of years of war etched in their sunburned faces.

The battles for Hama and now Idlib are hard and punishing. God bless these heroes in the #SAA who have fought international terrorism for 8 years and have reclaimed almost every inch of Syrian soil from the grasp of the globalist, neocon criminals in the West and among their terrorist-financing allies.

God bless the martyrs who have given their lives to return Syria to her people and to protect this rich, diverse, secular culture from the perversion of multiple extremist, sectarian gangs.

May the injured heal swiftly and may the victory celebrations continue. History in the making.
Which Sunnis? The ones in the SAA? Or are you talking about the Islamists that Israel supports against the secular state?

The ones who serve in SAA are just mercenaries

Yeah Im talking about the not so nice guys who are filled with vengeance and waiting for the day to chop off Assadists heads
By skinster
Zionist Nationalist wrote:The ones who serve in SAA are just mercenaries

Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word 'mercenary' before using it. :)

Yeah Im talking about the not so nice guys who are filled with vengeance and waiting for the day to chop off Assadists heads

Thanks for reminding me of your support for Islamists.

The Islamists in Syria lost a few decades ago and they've lost again. I don't think they'll have much more success in Syria aside from maybe some terrorist attacks. The Syrian Army have basically won the war, for the most part.
By Palmyrene
skinster wrote:You're back!

I am aware that that is a thing, yes. What does that have to do with anything I said?

As in, you can oppose American imperialism in Syria via proxy wars while also simulateously condemning Assad for his actions towards the Syrian population.

If anything, you should be supporting the small amount of rebels who are self-governing and fighting for self-determination. Look into Leila al-Shami's work for more info.

Palmyrene has no argument since those claims have already been debunked.

I'm not taking the bait. The evidence I have surrounds me. I don't need to justify myself neither to you nor anyone else. You clearly aren't going to change your mind but I won't either. Any argument between us will be pointless.
By anasawad
@Bulaba Jones
conducting mass rape of women,

It already did so in Lebanon, so I doubt they suddenly became civilized only a couple of decades later.
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