Brazil's Bolsonaro Wins Landslide Victory - Politics | PoFo

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The former army captain trounced Fernando Haddad, a leftist former Sao Paulo mayor whose Workers’ Party became synonymous with graft, winning 55 percent of the vote to Haddad’s 45 percent with almost all votes counted. His supporters thronged public places throughout the fifth-largest nation, celebrating with flags, music and fireworks.

A little-known lawmaker for almost three decades, Bolsonaro, 63, drew public attention with tough talk. He promised to suppress the nation’s lawlessness by meeting violence with violence, insulted minorities and women, waxed nostalgic for Brazil’s dictatorship and expressed doubts about the electoral process itself. His unforgiving politics places him among nationalists such as Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines and Donald Trump in America, who called him shortly after his victory was declared.

Imagine you live in a country where gangs of feral children hunt anyone they can with assault rifles in the worst areas, the economy has been bad for years, it has one of the world's highest murder rates and law abiding people are growing afraid to just walk down the street normally. Then there's some western-style liberals who live in fortified areas, say you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun and that white privilege and manspreading are the real problems in society. They support a candidate who is literally running from his jail cell after being convicted of corruption. It's like America in 2016 multiplied to the point of ridiculousness but it's all real. I am not at all surprised that Bolsonaro won this handily, if anything I remain vaguely confused how there can be people far enough up enough their own asses that he would only win by a 10% margin. For all the shouts about shame that leftists like to project they don't seem to feel a lot of shame themselves.
The title is factually inaccurate. In a second round voting between the two most popular candidates 57% is not a landslide, last few elections 51%,56%,60%,61% He didn;t win on the first round which would be landslidey.

Can we cut the hyperbole in everything?
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By Kevet
What i find interesting is that as far as I know. Bolivar was not a communist. It just seems like different political parties just co-opt his name to try and bring legitimacy to what they are doing.
Kevet wrote:What i find interesting is that as far as I know. Bolivar was not a communist. It just seems like different political parties just co-opt his name to try and bring legitimacy to what they are doing.

Correct 100%. In fact, the historical record shows that he didn't ever really express many views on government in general. He never expressed a clear philosophy on governance. His significance is really on the military leadership and revolution side of things, than actual governance.

This is precisely why it's so easy to co-opt is name for socialism/communism. It's also easy to do because he's dead and can't speak for himself anymore.
Rancid wrote:Correct 100%. In fact, the historical record shows that he didn't ever really express many views on government in general. He never expressed a clear philosophy on governance. His significance is really on the military leadership and revolution side of things, than actual governance.

This is precisely why it's so easy to co-opt is name for socialism/communism. It's also easy to do because he's dead and can't speak for himself anymore.

Some of his quotes are amazing, e.g.:

Wiki wrote:...V. sabe que yo he mandado 20 años y de ellos no he sacado más que pocos resultados ciertos. 1°. La América es ingobernable para nosotros. 2°. El que sirve una revolución ara en el mar. 3°. La única cosa que se puede hacer en América es emigrar. 4°. Este país caerá infaliblemente en manos de la multitud desenfrenada, para después pasar a tiranuelos casi imperceptibles, de todos colores y razas. 5°. Devorados por todos los crímenes y extinguidos por la ferocidad, los europeos no se dignarán conquistarnos. 6°. Sí fuera posible que una parte del mundo volviera al caos- primitivo, este sería el último período de la América.

wat0n wrote:
Totally :lol:

And he had a point too.

What is the background on those statements though? What did he see/hear/do that made him feel that way?

baaahh.. I guess I should try reading a book about him. I've listened a few podcasts and stuff, but they were more like brief histories on him.
"The three biggest fools in the world have been Jesus Christ, Don Quixote and... me." - Simón Bolívar.

Though I believe there's a possibility he may have actually said it in Spanish. ;)
Rancid wrote:What is the background on those statements though? What did he see/hear/do that made him feel that way?

baaahh.. I guess I should try reading a book about him. I've listened a few podcasts and stuff, but they were more like brief histories on him.

He had been a revolutionary for over 20 years, and the centralist mega Hispanic American republic he had built (or, more accurately, was attempting to build) - Gran Colombia - was tearing itself apart (several countries would come out of that). He was basically tired of the whole business and died a few months after writing that letter, of tuberculosis.
wat0n wrote:He had been a revolutionary for over 20 years, and the centralist mega Hispanic American republic he had built (or, more accurately, was attempting to build) - Gran Colombia - was tearing itself apart (several countries would come out of that). He was basically tired of the whole business and died a few months after writing that letter, of tuberculosis.

Ah ok.

Fun fact, the Dominican Republics initial plan was to join Gran Columbia after its revolution. However, Gran Colombia fell apart before the DR got its independence. Thus, they went it alone.

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