Roe V. Wade to be Overturned - Page 65 - Politics | PoFo

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late wrote:I have trouble with the way you write.

I will say this, they are setting jurisprudence back over a century, and don't have a problem with writing fiction. The Federalist Society judges are lying political hacks that should never been appointed.


OK. So does everybody. well.. I guess I say I didn't do it and I leave the thread.
Mike12 wrote:
OK. So does everybody. well.. I guess I say I didn't do it and I leave the thread.

I have trouble understanding your writing. Apparently, you have trouble understanding mine, I wasn't trying to be aggressive or anything.
late wrote:I have trouble understanding your writing. Apparently, you have trouble understanding mine, I wasn't trying to be aggressive or anything.

We're in agreement that overturning Roe V. Wade is another piece of crap on the crap pile. They didn't even mention religious people?
Mike12 wrote:
We're in agreement that overturning Roe V. Wade is another piece of crap on the crap pile. They didn't even mention religious people?

Don't know what you mean by they, but the anti-abortion crowd is motivated by religion, by ending secular law, and by forcing their beliefs on everyone else..

That includes Alito, his leaked draft was pathetic.

You say you support abortion under certain circumstances, but those circumstances are about how you feel about women.

Really, the bottom line should be is you either support a woman’s right to choose to end an unwanted pregnancy, or you don’t.

All the rest about time limits is unnecessary. Only the woman concerned is involved and it’s only her reasons for terminating that should matter. The vast majority of abortions take place within the first few weeks , not because of the law, but because most terminated pregnancies happened by mistake and the woman concerned wants it done and dusted.

Sometimes it’s not that simple. The reasons for delay are many and varied and none of our business. It’s a very personal decision that no one else should be involved in.
Pants-of-dog wrote::|


Now we will begin to see states pass laws that seek to restrict pregnant people from going across state lines to get an abortion.

Texas already allows people to sue anyone for getting an abortion or helping someone to get an abortion. This can almost certainly be targeted at people trying to cross state lines.

Accuse others of the targeting you communist shitstains actually do...

"California Attorney General Rob Bonta today announced that California will restrict state-funded travel to Arizona, Indiana, Louisiana, and Utah as a result of anti-homosexual legislation recently enacted in each state.

In enacting AB 1887, the California Legislature made it clear that it is the policy of the State of California to avoid supporting or financing discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans. To that end, the law restricts state agencies, departments, boards, or commissions from authorizing state-funded travel to a state that — after June 26, 2015 — has enacted a law authorizing, or repealing existing protections against, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression." ... el-arizona
@snapdragon You say you support abortion under certain circumstances, but those circumstances are about how you feel about women.

No. It is about how I feel about children.

Really, the bottom line should be is you either support a woman’s right to choose to end an unwanted pregnancy, or you don’t.

For the past 50 years, under Roe V. Wade it was NOT about this. I support a woman's right to choose abortion before viability. Why is this hard for you to understand? You had whatever part of the past 50 years you have been alive to understand it, because it was the law. Still is in many places.

All the rest about time limits is unnecessary.

Not in my opinion. And not in the opinions of the majority of Americans.

Only the woman concerned is involved and it’s only her reasons for terminating that should matter.

I don't care what her reasons are. As long as she makes up her mind before viability.

The vast majority of abortions take place within the first few weeks , not because of the law, but because most terminated pregnancies happened by mistake and the woman concerned wants it done and dusted.

Thankfully true. But I would correct you and say, "where permitted by law".

ometimes it’s not that simple. The reasons for delay are many and varied and none of our business. It’s a very personal decision that no one else should be involved in.

I disagree and so do 2/3 of pro-choice Americans who oppose abortion in the third trimester.


Now we will begin to see states pass laws that seek to restrict pregnant people from going across state lines to get an abortion.

Texas already allows people to sue anyone for getting an abortion or helping someone to get an abortion. This can almost certainly be targeted at people trying to cross state lines.

It will be an interesting court case. It will, of course, be defeated in the SCOTUS because the constitution charges interstate commerce regulation to the federal government.

Has the Texas law been struck down as unconstitutional? Has the Missouri law been enacted yet?

Both of these allow a person to sue anyone who helps someone get an abortion, including out of state abortion providers.

Or just charge them with conspiracy to commit murder, since they made a plan to get an abortion. ... i-00018539
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Drlee

Has the Texas law been struck down as unconstitutional? Has the Missouri law been enacted yet?

Both of these allow a person to sue anyone who helps someone get an abortion, including out of state abortion providers.

Or just charge them with conspiracy to commit murder, since they made a plan to get an abortion. ... i-00018539


Is the court or legislature not working fast enough for you?

I don't particularly care for much of the horseshit that the Biden administration is doing today and I see them take their sweet old time also.

I guess your "penumbras, formed by emanations" will just have to f'n wait! Yes, I know - google it, genius.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Drlee

Has the Texas law been struck down as unconstitutional? Has the Missouri law been enacted yet?

Both of these allow a person to sue anyone who helps someone get an abortion, including out of state abortion providers.

Or just charge them with conspiracy to commit murder, since they made a plan to get an abortion. ... i-00018539

What you have said is patently untrue. People cannot sue out of state abortion providers. You just made that up.

Since the law was enacted and allowed to remain in force thousands of Texas women have traveled out of state for abortions.

You need to understand state law son. You cannot sue in one state for actions in another state. This is unconstitutional. The two most common states to which Texans go for abortion, Oklahoma and New Mexico, permit abortion and that is the law that applies.

And only the state can charge someone for conspiracy to commit murder and Texas law excludes abortion.

You demean yourself when you just make up shit. Try not to base your arguments on lies. You are a more accomplished debater than to need to do that.
Saeko wrote:This goes even further. If I understood this ruling correctly, then any right that is not explicitly enumerated in the constitution is kaput. This ruling could easily undo 200 years of progress in every facet of our lives. :eek:

Hi Saeko.

I want to say that personally, I dislike people who both see abortion as birth control and people who think abortion is evil (while seeing nothing wrong with a judicial system that turns a blind eye to torture, rape, and innocent people sentenced to death; war, etc). The first position is irresponsible and the second position is hypocritical. Ultimately, I do agree with the Court's initial ruling back in the 1970s that, essentially, it's still a woman's body and that person's choice, with possible exceptions like late term, etc. It is a woman's choice. It's curious that no one feigning up in arms about birth rates and religious psychobabble is upset about vasectomies and other procedures men can undergo to undo God's designs.

That said, no matter where we stand on the issue, the SC just set a dangerous precedent in the way it ruled on this. They effectively invalidated tradition and history after the creation of the Constitution, ironically in spite of the fact women have sought out abortions long before America was even a country, long before it was written.

The Supreme Court just provided a basis to undo interracial marriage and a litany of other freedoms we have the right to pursue if we wish on the argument given for striking down Roe v Wade. It goes beyond the issue of abortion. I'm honestly amazed at their stupidity.
Do you believe that a human life begins at conception?

If you do then the implication is that monozygotic twins should only get one vote to share in an election. I'm not sure what the latest the zygote can split is, but with conjoined twins I think its 3 or 4 weeks. The fact that many Conservatives oppose all terminations including the morning after pill proves the lie that anti abortionism is about the preservation of human lives. Christianity is a religion of hate. All humanity is seen as seen as evil and sinful, undeserving of life, undeserving of their place in this world. But Christianity has a special hatred for women. Christianity believes that women are especially sinful and evil. Adam's great fault was that he listened to his woman. Historically Christians often considered certain races to be more evil and sinful as well. The South African Apartheid state had plausible theological underpinnings as did Black-African slavery by Europeans. Plausible that is as long as you take the religion seriously as a source of truth.

Christianity, like Judaism, Islam and Mormonism is a form of abuse, and its proselytisers should be recognised for the predators that they are. Like most predators they dress up their predatory behaviour under the guise of love. I was forced to go to Church or Sunday School till the age of thirteen, so I know what I'm talking about. i know how Christians operate. I've also met enough Muslims and looked into it enough to have rough idea of the differences and similarities of Islam.

The problem with the abortion rights movement is that its been way too timid, way too lacking in aggression. We need to assert the inalienable right of women to abortions. The great thing about inalienable rights, is that they entitle you to use unlimited force, including lethal force against anyone who seeks to limit the exercise of those rights.

I'm not a hypocrite in this I accept that if you believe the foetus has an inalienable right to life and abortion is murder then bombing abortion clinics would be a reasonable thing to do. In the same way if you believe in traditional Islam, if you are trying to follow the example of the Prophet, who was military leader and genocider, then flying planes into the twin towers was a reasonable thing to do.

Well I see our resident religious bigot has puked his usual irrational hate again.

The article to which I linked shows that conservatives are trying to make this illegal, that the Texas law can be used for that, and that there is no real constitutional reason why not.

Wishful thinking on your part that this is the end of removing rights is just that: wishful thinking.

The article to which I linked shows that conservatives are trying to make this illegal, that the Texas law can be used for that, and that there is no real constitutional reason why not.

Yes there is you fucking idiot. And I posted the constitutional reason why. So show your proof. You can't.

You know next to nothing about our constitution yet that does not deter you from talking trash.

Wishful thinking on your part that this is the end of removing rights is just that: wishful thinking.

There is not now, nor has there ever been in the US an unlimited right to an abortion. I posted and you, in your usual arrogant style ignored the proof. Then I posted what RBG, said about Roe and it DIRECTLY contradicts what you are saying.

Ginsburg’s other main problem with Roe was that it was based upon the right to privacy rather than the right to equal protection — she felt the latter would have left it more insulated from challenges.

She said: “Roe isn’t really about the woman’s choice, is it?” Ginsburg said in a 2013 event at the University of Chicago. “It’s about the doctor’s freedom to practice. … It wasn’t woman-centered, it was physician-centered.”

People like you are why we are going to continue to spiral into a fascist state. Rather than looking at the details and crafting a solution you want to just whine and engage in hyperbole.

When women take to the streets; when they refuse to shop at stores which support republican candidates, when they refuse to vacation in states that do not support establishing a real right to an abortion, I am going to ignore them. In fact I am going to oppose half ass bitching in the face of a real legal opportunity.

@Saeko 10 year old rape victim forced to carry rapist uncle's baby in Ohio. This is the evil that conservatives fight for, the disgusting savages.

Yes. But let's see what happened. She was over the allowed time for an abortion. So she traveled to an adjacent state and had her abortion. Suck it up buttercup. Why are you posting here rather than standing outside of some state congresspersons office raising hell? How much money did you send to democratic politicians this month to try to get them elected to change the law? You are aware that you can send money to other states if you are not in one of these fascist hell holes. But I just KNOW that you already do that. Right?

So tired of women wanting equality with men but not willing to do shit to get it.
Drlee wrote:….
you fucking idiot.

You know next to nothing …
….arrogant ….

People like you are why we are going to continue to spiral into a fascist state.
…. you want to just whine and engage in hyperbole.

…. half ass bitching….

….. Suck it up buttercup.

So tired of women wanting equality with men but not willing to do shit to get it.



Here is a Republican explaining why it should be illegal to go out of state for an abortion:

    “If you believe as I do that every person deserves dignity and respect and protection whether they’re born or unborn, then of course you want to protect your citizens, no matter where they are,” [Republican state Rep. Mary Elizabeth] Coleman told POLITICO. “If a Missouri resident is hurt, even in Illinois, by a product that they bought in Illinois, there is still jurisdiction for them to sue in a Missouri court because that’s home for them … and this is extending that same kind of thought to abortion jurisprudence.”

And a lawyer who has studied this exact question has this to say:

    “There’s no clear precedent saying that states can’t try to regulate out-of-state conduct if it has some effect in-state or if it [involves] one of their citizens,” said David Cohen, a professor of law at Drexel University’s Kline School of Law and co-author of a forthcoming paper in the Columbia Law Review on impending interstate conflicts in abortion law. “What these laws are doing is saying, ‘We have a different understanding of how America works, and that understanding is that if you live in this state, we control you everywhere you are.’”
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