Russia-Ukraine War 2022 - Page 519 - Politics | PoFo

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By Rich
One thing I don't get is all this talk about Spring offensives whether by Russia or Ukraine. I'd have thought that if there's one thing we've established is that Spring and Autumn are not the times to make offensives in Russia or Ukraine. I feel I was a bit slow to grasp just how dumb the start date for the special operation was. I guess I just assumed that Mr Putin would have a better grasp on the regional weather than me.

The weather in Ukraine is just that bit warmer on average than say around Moscow. This means that freezing ground conditions are less reliable in Ukraine, but if you want to make offensives outside of Summer then you have to go when the ground is frozen.
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By Beren
Rich wrote:One thing I don't get is all this talk about Spring offensives whether by Russia or Ukraine. I'd have thought that if there's one thing we've established is that Spring and Autumn are not the times to make offensives in Russia or Ukraine. I feel I was a bit slow to grasp just how dumb the start date for the special operation was. I guess I just assumed that Mr Putin would have a better grasp on the regional weather than me.

The weather in Ukraine is just that bit warmer on average than say around Moscow. This means that freezing ground conditions are less reliable in Ukraine, but if you want to make offensives outside of Summer then you have to go when the ground is frozen.

Maybe he's not that rational after all while being a big fan of numerology, especially number 2. According to Zhirinovsky the invasion should have begun on 22.02.2022.

Wikipedia wrote:In a speech on 27 December 2021, Zhirinovsky appeared to almost predict the day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine of 24 February 2022, stating: "At 4 a.m. on February 22, you will feel [our new policy]. I would like 2022 to be a peaceful year. But I love the truth, for 70 years I have been telling the truth. It will not be peaceful. It will be a year when Russia becomes great again."

ImageZhirinovsky receiving the Order of Alexander Nevsky
from Vladimir Putin in 2015

4 is also 2+2 or 2*2 or 2^2, by the way.
Rancid wrote:It was a 3 day operation..... :lol:

This was the problem. Putin thought it didn’t matter when he launched the invasion, since it would all be over within days.
Potemkin wrote:This was the problem. Putin thought it didn’t matter when he launched the invasion, since it would all be over within days.

Especially with some good luck and spiritual support.

Lunaf wrote:Moon phase for 24 February 2022 Thursday 12:00 UTC

Last Quarter 44% illuminated

Last Quarter is the lunar phase on 24 February 2022, Thursday. Seen from Earth, illuminated fraction of the Moon surface is 44% and getting smaller. The 22 days old Moon is in ♐ Sagittarius.

ImageLast Quarter phase

Unbelievable, isn't it?
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By Beren
So 24 February 2022 was Thursday, which is the 4th day of the week and was named after the Norse god of Thunder, Thor (in English). It's Þórsdagr in Old Norse terminology.

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By litwin
putin attacks Israel and Netanyahu government for Israel’s expanding support of Ukraine

Aww, that's gonna be fun seeing shapiro-solovyev on his knees, begging Israel for forgiveness; in 1-2 years

By Rich
:lol: Thank God! Thank God!

Finally the German government has managed to develop a sense of humour around the Nazis. Germany to send 88 Leopard I tanks to Ukraine. There's not a person in the German government, or I doubt in the Russian government that doesn't know the symbolism of the number 88.
By Rancid
Rumors are that NK is sending troops?

Stupid move on their part. THe rest of the world will see what a cut rate military they are. The only thing that gives them leverage is that they can level south korea with artillery.
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By Beren
Rich wrote::lol: Thank God! Thank God!

Finally the German government has managed to develop a sense of humour around the Nazis. Germany to send 88 Leopard I tanks to Ukraine. There's not a person in the German government, or I doubt in the Russian government that doesn't know the symbolism of the number 88.

I wonder if they know about that one:

Wikipedia wrote:In amateur radio, 88 is used as shorthand for "love and kisses" when signing a message or ending an exchange. It is used in spoken word (radiotelephony), Morse code (radiotelegraphy), and in various digital modes.

Ever since he saved the earth from Aliens, I have counted on the wisdom of Arnold Schwarzenegger to deconstruct the world's most complex problems and to offer punchy solutions to them, punctuated with his signature macho idiomatic expressions.

The Terminator (world-cop cartoon character) has frequently provided workable solutions to what often felt like unresolvable problems (like what to do when aliens take over control of air distribution on your planet).

Here are two inspirational videos by him, from different points in time.

In the first video, he is celebrating the NATO victory over tiny Iraq, and the killing of its CIA-installed president, Saddam Hussein by USA-funded protagonists.

In the second video, Arnie (the son of a Nazi) is attempting to demoralize Russians.

And here is a link to a book that talks about the kind of expertise that Hollywood actors have, and some of the reasons that their audience gives them so much weight:

Amusing Ourselves to Death

...The essential premise of the book, which Postman extends to the rest of his argument(s), is that "form excludes the content", that is, a particular medium can only sustain a particular level of ideas. Thus rational argument, integral to print typography, is militated against by the medium of television for this reason. Owing to this shortcoming, politics and religion are diluted, and "news of the day" becomes a packaged commodity. Television de-emphasizes the quality of information in favor of satisfying the far-reaching needs of entertainment, by which information is encumbered and to which it is subordinate. ...
QatzelOk wrote:In the second video, Arnie (the son of a Nazi) is attempting to demoralize Russians.

But no way he'd ever be successful in that while Russians fighting for the Rus'.

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