Is voting for Trump an act of treason? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Is a vote for Trump an act of treason?

Yes, electing a person who wants to destroy the democratic government and install himself as dictator is treason.
No, the fact that Trump will destroy democracy is his own crime, not his supporters.
No, Trump won't try again to overthrow democracy.
Yes, and they should all be put in prison for treason.
No votes
Yes, but they shouldn't be prosecuted.
Other, explain.
annatar1914 wrote:I guess that the point I was making is that people can survive almost anyone being in power. But not everyone agrees on the morality of political revolution. Because I think that it's not only an option but an obligation to resist evil by force, I don't have those moral qualms.

But not only morality is involved. So too is strategy.

Annatar of course the people can survive almost anyone being in power. That was the history of the monarchies of Spain, France, England, etc. Some king died and his son took over. Inherited power. The people suffering through the whims of some king salivating the land or wealth of his neighbor who was another monarch with a big ego. Who has to pay for all that naked greed and ambition? The people.

Republican forms of government abolished the inherited wealth nobility scene. Are we going back to those times? The world has witnessed not inherited wealth power groups. Got to eliminate the mechanisms keeping a real democracy from being implemented without the pressure from the oligarchs and the plutocrats whom have reared their ugly heads again in himan history. Knock them off the power seat. That is the solution. Not hoping some corrupt conman is going to be used by the Almighty as a lightning rod against some corrupt liberals who never respect the traditions of the hard working and traditional.
Tainari88 wrote:Annatar of course the people can survive almost anyone being in power. That was the history of the monarchies of Spain, France, England, etc. Some king died and his son took over. Inherited power. The people suffering through the whims of some king salivating the land or wealth of his neighbor who was another monarch with a big ego. Who has to pay for all that naked greed and ambition? The people.

Republican forms of government abolished the inherited wealth nobility scene. Are we going back to those times? The world has witnessed not inherited wealth power groups. Got to eliminate the mechanisms keeping a real democracy from being implemented without the pressure from the oligarchs and the plutocrats whom have reared their ugly heads again in himan history. Knock them off the power seat. That is the solution. Not hoping some corrupt conman is going to be used by the Almighty as a lightning rod against some corrupt liberals who never respect the traditions of the hard working and traditional.

@Tainari88 :

I think we basically agree on this. I'm a Republican of course and a Communist, albeit not really a Marxian one.

But.. That idea I have of strategy makes me wonder if these people can be the icebreaker of the revolution, as Stalin said
Voting for Trump is perfectly acceptable provided:

You are willing to teach your daughters how to tell if someone is really rich before they let someone fondle their pussies.

You think that soldiers who are captured are a disgrace.

You would consider shooting bleach to prevent illness.

You believe the Chief of Staff of the Army with four awards for valor should be hung for doing his job.


Voting for Trump is simply the act of a profoundly unintelligent person who is angry because they know they are not as smart as most everyone else.
Godstud wrote:Godwin's Law, strikes again!

Trump's not a Nazi.

In contrast to @Saeko 's assessment of Trump's underlying ideology , technically I don't regard Trump as being like a German National Socialist , but rather more so a Brazilian Integralist . This is why I feel that he and Bolsonaro got on so well. While I respect @Saeko , and commend her for her denunciation of the Trump administration , I rather doubt that Donald Trump despises his daughter Yael Kushner ( nee Ivanka Trump) , her husband Jarrod , and their children , all of whom would be Jewish. This is what I believe largely distinguishes the likes of him from the standard anti-Semitic neo-fascist. I think that , in terms of the politics of the Weimar Republic , such national conservatives would be closest to the German National People's Party.
Deutschmania wrote:I rather doubt that Donald Trump despises his daughter Yael Kushner ( nee Ivanka Trump) , her husband Jarrod , and their children , all of whom would be Jewish. This is what I believe largely distinguishes the likes of him from the standard anti-Semitic neo-fascist.

When you say anti Semtic do you mean anti Jewish? I know a lot of Liberals consider that Jewish life to be way more important than other semites. So they use the term anti Semitic to mean anti Jewish. Many stand in the proud tradition of Winston Churchill on this. Germans killing Jews was evil and needed to be punished, where as Italians killing Ethiopian Semites was not evil and Churchill went to great lengths to pressure Ethiopia into accepting that Jewish life was worth much more than other Semitic life and hence Italian Generals shouldn't be tried for "war crimes " or their occupation policies.
Rich wrote:When you say anti Semtic do you mean anti Jewish? I know a lot of Liberals consider that Jewish life to be way more important than other semites. So they use the term anti Semitic to mean anti Jewish. Many stand in the proud tradition of Winston Churchill on this. Germans killing Jews was evil and needed to be punished, where as Italians killing Ethiopian Semites was not evil and Churchill went to great lengths to pressure Ethiopia into accepting that Jewish life was worth much more than other Semitic life and hence Italian Generals shouldn't be tried for "war crimes " or their occupation policies.

Hypocrisy is present in a lot of human history. Especially with war and who wound up the victors in those conflicts Rich.
annatar1914 wrote:@Tainari88 :

I think we basically agree on this. I'm a Republican of course and a Communist, albeit not really a Marxian one.

But.. That idea I have of strategy makes me wonder if these people can be the icebreaker of the revolution, as Stalin said

Trump is not a Hitler by a long mile. He never has had to fight in any war and avoided miltiary service. He is not an ideologue in any real way. He is really a conman Annatar. He can be a disruptor but he proved that plotting to overthrow a government full of powerful liberals like Hitler did in the 1930s German political scene? No, Trump does not have the qualities of an ultra-organized fascist organization. He is the product of corrupt New York politics and fraudulent New York real estate. Fake Hitler universities and bilking people out of their money with false promises of profits? Hitler never went for that. Hitler was a real leader of his program and consistent in that way. Trump? No, he changes according to whatever wind blows him. He is not going to be a mastermind behind a truly effective coup d'estat.

What might happen is that the Republican party disintegrates and the Democrats do not fit the bill and in the shuffle you get some radical fascists and so on filling the vacuum. That might happen.
Dimetrodon wrote:Legally, no, voting Trump is not an act of Treason.

But doing that isn't really better than treason however in my view.

The USA is filled with a lot of people with differences of all sorts. Some want a theocracy. A bunch of ultra right people in states like Idaho and Wyoming and parts of Oregon, Washington, etc want a white Christian theocratic society where the state represents them. The USA needs to be a religious nation with white people in charge. That is their view of the USA.

They hate liberals with a passion. They want to remove books from the bookshelves that do not agree with their point of view. They were born and raised in the USA.

In my view, the US created these people. They do not study their own histories at all. They are ahistorical and for them, any myth and some racist rant is a legitimate form of republican government. That is their perspective. Is it treasonous? The USA is filled with people who were coerced here and did not come on boats of their own free will. Those are the ones accused of being fake Americans. Native Americans, African Americans, Latin Americans, and Asian Americans. Somehow the non-whites are not quite American enough for these assholes. That is reality.
Dimetrodon wrote:Yeah, it did. This country is a cesspool. Probably always will be.

The USA is a nation like many others with its own history. Unfortunately, history is one of the subjects that most US American citizens fail to study in depth. I would say since the USA was founded on immigration and leaving an old society where your identity was tied to your class, your religion and your fealty to a King or Queen that for them was no longer a valid form of rule? They became a nation dedicated to erasing the past and their own identities and recreating a new nation made up of myths and the ability to take over huge tracts of land that was there in order for them to prosper.

A nation more dedicated to erasing collective memories is harder to find in the world. The USA is one of those rare nations in the world sort of like Australia, where it was made to get rid of the lower classes of many other nations in Europe....that no longer had a future in the Old World. They did not really give recognized rights to mixed children they were a nation of erased memories. And made up shit mostly.

250 or 300 years ago is not that long ago in human history. 1723 is 300 years ago. The US as an independent nation was not even around then. It is a new nation with an erased memory. And it acts like one too. :lol:
Godstud wrote:Voting is not treasonous. Voting is Democratic.

I say you have a right to vote for the stupidest shit in the world. Just do not complain when your candidate makes your life hell. Lol.

I can't vote in Mexico. But if I could? The guy or woman I would vote for would be sending me a pension and giving me a great quality of life. If they can't do that why vote for empty promises and lies? A bunch of lying politicians is what most people are stuck with all over the world.
@Tainari88, like the people arguing for Universal Basic Income, you have to balance expectations with reality.
Godstud wrote:@Tainari88, like the people arguing for Universal Basic Income, you have to balance expectations with reality.

Godstud, the truth is that if there is a great will and a great dedication to making things better? It will happen.

The world is full of possibilities. I learned that a while ago. Just when you think any hope is gone? It is not. It comes shining through.

But, it requires action, planning, organization and execution. If you do not have that? Then it will not come to manifestation. There is enough for everyone in this world. But there are too many people who just do not care about others. The indifferent and the ones who do not know how to give are the big problem and big obstacle in this life.

Why think that if someone gets a roof, food and basics covered that means you lose out in life? That is dumb. There is enough for everyone. Got to be realistic and tell people who are exaggerated in their consumption habits, wants and need to be more important than the others in the world....they need to check their egos out of the way.

There is enough for everyone. Right now in Paraguay, under the ground there is enough pure and clean water for 8 billion people for the next 400 years. But if the world needs that water and does not give it to the ones without basics and wants to only have it for themselves and does not care enough to share it? The world is doomed.

That is the problem with humans. They think ignorantly that only their nation, their group, their bullshit is primary and that the rest of the world is some nebulous and unimportant mass. They lack imagination. :lol: ;)

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