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Rich wrote:I've been thinking about coming out as Trans-Trans. Trans-Trans are cis people who identify as Trans. So I'm a CIS White male, born a cis male who is attracted to women, but I feel like I was a Black Lesbian who transitioned into being a White heterosexual male. Unfortunately we are the most oppressed group, trans people rejecting us as not genuinely trans and refusing to accept our lived experience.

I had to go to the bathroom laughing so hard...black lesbian attracted to who? LOL. Rich.I can't stop laughing.
Rich wrote:I've been thinking about coming out as [...] a Black Lesbian who transitioned into being a White heterosexual male

Do as you please. It's your life. And, as long as you harm no one but yourself, however stupid I believe your choices are, it's none of my business how you choose to live it.

Tainari88 wrote:The free speech stuff had to be fought hard for in the USA. It was not something built into the constitution. They keep thinking or saying free speech. It is a lie indeed....

You have to recall that, in 1775, criticizing King George III or his policies... was strictly prohibited. It could destroy your career, or even get you imprisoned or killed.

Nowadays, several wars later, USA citizens are free to criticize all the British kings they want, and they will never be accused of being "anti-semitic" for this.

Freedom is defined by this post-Revolutionary-War reality in the USA. The freedom to criticize other people's kings (but not your own).

Really, this is not much of change from 1775.


Rich wrote:I've been thinking about coming out as Trans-Trans. Trans-Trans are cis people who identify as Trans. So I'm a CIS White male, born a cis male who is attracted to women, but I feel like I was a Black Lesbian who transitioned into being a White heterosexual male. Unfortunately we are the most oppressed group, trans people rejecting us as not genuinely trans and refusing to accept our lived experience.

Rich, just for posting this, I can probably get you into the 2SLBGT+ gang... as a "plus."
Godstud wrote:Yes, @QatzelOk I have also presented some Conservative LGBTQ people who are not find common ground with the LGBTQ community(which they say is anything but a community).

Yeah these idiots are called Log Cabin Republicans and they're hated by their own party. Pretty much everyone with a lick of sense, gay or straight, considers them absolute fucking morons.

Here's a black version of the Log Cabin Republicans.

Pretty much every minority who sides with the GOP is considered fucking stupid by the populace at large, and especially so behind closed doors by white, cishet Reublicans. They're rich, white, insulated gays (think Peter Thiel, with less money) who are happy to support people who demonize them because they have the Roy Cohn brain disease that makes them think money and power make them immune to being gay (and Jewish). It doesn't, they're just morons.

Except maybe Cubans, but that's a long story to get into right now because we only granted citizenship to the shittiest Cubans.
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 11 Nov 2023 04:04, edited 1 time in total.
Rich wrote:I've been thinking about coming out as Trans-Trans. Trans-Trans are cis people who identify as Trans. So I'm a CIS White male, born a cis male who is attracted to women, but I feel like I was a Black Lesbian who transitioned into being a White heterosexual male. Unfortunately we are the most oppressed group, trans people rejecting us as not genuinely trans and refusing to accept our lived experience.

Stick to your bit where you ramble on until you say Hitler was history's greatest victim of liberalism. It has a certain Gordon Libby style earnest admiration of the Nazi Third Reich with just the right amount of self-unawareness that makes it work.

This just reads like a Rob Schneider or Chris Breuer joke that they do for people 65+ years old at Trump rallies where Trump doesn't even show up. Like you know the words. Cis. Gender. Black. Male lesbian who fucks women. But you don't have the charisma to deliver them.

Or try this creative curveball: what if you didn't identify as a human being at all? What if you your gender was an Apache attack helicopter?
Ok tell me what successes the Log Cabin Republicans had before they were kicked out of GOP conventions. Tell me what I’m ignoring as a cultist ideologue.

They are idiots. And even worse, they’re losers who accomplished nothing. They’re gay Republicans who couldn’t even trip over the low hurdle of, “Being allowed to table at GOP events.”

That’s worse than failure or idiocy. That’s decades of work for less than nothing, and actually going backwards.

You tell me what any gay conservative has ever accomplished. Name one single thing.
So if they don't follow your ideology 100%, it's OK to lambaste them. Cool. I guess not everyone's a radical but that's what you need to be to be in your cult. What a hypocrite. :lol:

You were the first person to mention "Log cabin republicans", so it's a Strawman fallacy. Not all conservatives are Republican and American.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Ok tell me what successes the Log Cabin Republicans had before they were kicked out of GOP conventions. Tell me what I’m ignoring as a cultist ideologue.

They are idiots. And even worse, they’re losers who accomplished nothing. They’re gay Republicans who couldn’t even trip over the low hurdle of, “Being allowed to table at GOP events.”

That’s worse than failure or idiocy. That’s decades of work for less than nothing, and actually going backwards.

You tell me what any gay conservative has ever accomplished. Name one single thing.

They have triggered you.
How come I point out the existence of Conservative homosexuals, and you go nuts, @SpecialOlympian? You know it happens.

Meet the gay Republican who helped defeat every anti-LGBTQ bill in Wyoming
https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out ... l-n1245615

Please note, I have always been behind the freedom for consenting adults to love and have sex with other consenting adults, and thus been behind gay marriage it's inception in Canada(10 years before USA).
Godstud wrote:...Anyone who disagrees with you gets a derogatory label attached to them...

It might "feel good" to get a cheap dig at another poster with a semi-obscene ad hom meme. But ad-hom-attacks are a failed strategy for changing the course of an argument in a direction that you wish. As a cheap-insult user, one's entire brand is weakened by this, and one will seem less credible because less respectful.

The first time I got into a traffic-bitching-match in an intersection in Paris (where I was studying), I insulted the driver by accusing him of being lots of things (a potential assassin, manslaughter-friendly, a dangerous mediocrity)... but... and get this... I didn't use the respectful pronoun "vous" during my rant. I used "toi" instead...

After I finished, the *car driver* flared his nostrils at me, and said that in France, one should never call an adult that you don't know "toi" - that "vous" is required for this type of contact.

Not only did I "lose" the "debate" with this shitty driver, but he probably walked away thinking that he almost killed "some asshole on a bike with no education."

When one uses too many crude ad hom attacks too regularly, one becomes "some asshole on a bike with no education."

Detransitioner sues American Academy of Pediatrics, accuses it of pressuring gender change on youths
The AAP pushed a policy promoting 'gender-affirming' care for children in 2018

Twenty-year-old Isabelle Ayala is suing her doctors along with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for pushing and conducting "gender-affirming medicalization" on her as a child.

The lawsuit read, "Plaintiff Isabelle M. Ayala (f.k.a. Giovanni Ayala) is an unfortunate victim of a collection of actors who prioritized politics and ideology over children’s safety, health, and well-being."

The complaint followed that the AAP as well as seven doctors and 15 "John Does" were guilty of "civil conspiracy, fraud, medical malpractice, and other related causes of action in connection with their collective failure" to treat Ayala properly for her suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety.

At fourteen, Ayala was convinced by doctors to start testosterone and other hormone therapy to begin transitioning to a boy. Ayala later made an unsuccessful suicide attempt after six months of treatment, alleging that the transitioning care continued regardless.

https://www.foxnews.com/media/detransit ... ldren-teen

BREAKING: Female Detransitioner Sues American Academy Of Pediatrics Alleging Fraudulent ‘Affirmative Care’ Model
A first-of-its-kind lawsuit, showcasing the growing movement to expose the painful, life-altering impacts of gender ideology.

Jordan Campbell, Campell Miller Payne counsel for Isabelle, said:

“Isabelle, like too many other vulnerable young adolescents, was an unknowing victim of a fraudulent medical regime that stems from the ideologies of a radical minority. Sadly, the AAP has thrown its support behind them. Isabelle is seeking to hold them and her health care providers accountable for the role they collectively played in causing life-changing damage to her physical and mental health.”

https://www.iwf.org/2023/10/24/breaking ... are-model/
SpecialOlympian wrote:Stick to your bit where you ramble on until you say Hitler was history's greatest victim of liberalism.

I never said any such thing. Weird that you would make such an interpretation. Hitler seems to have shown strong individual agency from the beginning of he first world war in joining the Bavarian army, when he was not legally entitled. Although even here we must not the Liberal distortion of history. We've been to told to see Austria as good relative to Germany. In the same way that Cultural Marxists tell us to see good Scotland vs Evil England although Scotland is a part of evil Britain vs good Ireland. The fact that Austria was occupying and oppressing ethnic Bavarian lands has been covered up.

The reason I'm emphasising what may seem to the Liberal a rather pedantic point about the ethnicity of some of Austria-Hungary's north western citizens in 1914, is to emphasise the complexities of ethnicity and identity, in resistance to the Liberals constant demand for moralistic simplicities. You @SpecialOlympian are PoFo's witch finder General. You are the very archetype of Salem Liberalism. I certainly don't intend my comments as a personal insult. When it comes to the Culture War, you have your finger on the pulse.

So the point is not whether Adolph Hitler personally was a victim, the point is the role the allies / the West played in his creation, including American bankers role in impoverishing Germany in the Great Depression.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Explain yourself.

Because the closest thing I can think of to a conservative gay success story is Ernst Rohm. The Machine Gun King of Germany.

It worked. For a while.

Ernst Rohm was actually aligned more so with the Strasserist faction of the NSDAP . So I wouldn't exactly consider him to have been a conservative. As a Marxist , I wouldn't consider him to have been a comrade , as his anti-capitalism would have had a different theoretical basis . But , if you want to cite as an example of a conservative right homosexual , he wouldn't have held views in line with either the national conservatives of the DNVP , or the liberal conservative DVP . Social conservative detractors could even be expected to denounce both he and Michael Kuhnen , as being part of the the same " degenerate radical left" , as that of "cultural Marxism" .
Systematic reviews of evidence conducted by public health authorities in Finland, Sweden, and England concluded that the risk/benefit ratio of youth gender transition ranges from unknown to unfavorable. As a result, there has been a shift from “gender-affirmative care,” which prioritizes access to medical interventions, to a more conservative approach that addresses psychiatric comorbidities and psychotherapeutically explores the developmental etiology of the trans identity.

The evidence base for gender-affirming interventions is sparce and of very low quality. While the evidence of benefits is highly uncertain, the harms to sexual and reproductive functions are certain, and many uncertainties about the long-term health effects exist. As a result, it is hard to ethically justify continuing to use hormones and surgeries as first-line “treatment” for gender dysphoric youth.

Clinicians are ethically bound to honestly represent the uncertainty of the current state of knowledge, rather than asserting that body modification is the best, safest, and most effective treatment. When a concerned family seeks our counsel, they are seeking our knowledge, not our political ideation and beliefs.

https://link.springer.com/article/10.10 ... 23-00358-x
QatzelOk wrote:It might "feel good" to get a cheap dig at another poster with a semi-obscene ad hom meme. But ad-hom-attacks are a failed strategy for changing the course of an argument in a direction that you wish. As a cheap-insult user, one's entire brand is weakened by this, and one will seem less credible because less respectful.

The first time I got into a traffic-bitching-match in an intersection in Paris (where I was studying), I insulted the driver by accusing him of being lots of things (a potential assassin, manslaughter-friendly, a dangerous mediocrity)... but... and get this... I didn't use the respectful pronoun "vous" during my rant. I used "toi" instead...

After I finished, the *car driver* flared his nostrils at me, and said that in France, one should never call an adult that you don't know "toi" - that "vous" is required for this type of contact.

Not only did I "lose" the "debate" with this shitty driver, but he probably walked away thinking that he almost killed "some asshole on a bike with no education."

When one uses too many crude ad hom attacks too regularly, one becomes "some asshole on a bike with no education."


I wish I would have witnessed the 'toi' insults. :lol: :lol:
SpecialOlympian wrote:Explain yourself.

Because the closest thing I can think of to a conservative gay success story is Ernst Rohm. The Machine Gun King of Germany.

It worked. For a while.

There are many gay conservatives, David Starkey in England strikes me as one of the more odious of his types. Perhaps not directly involved in politics but certainly a player in the culture of this country.

Whilst anti-gay feeling still lingers on the right, being gay is no longer an indicator of liberal or left wing values as a person.
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