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The Polish truckers dispute is interesting, because it show many ordinary Poles are waking up to the fact that they can't trust the Liberal and Cuckservative elites when it comes to Ukraine. Ordinary American and Europeans are paying for the Liberals war to annihilate Russia. @litwin has done an excellent job on the forum both in outlining what the Liberal plan for Russia is and for elucidating the principles and attitudes that lie behind the Liberal elites thinking.

But if America is successful, if Crimea is conquered by NATO and turned into a giant American military base, the price Europeans will pay will be enormous. Europe will have to pay rebuild Crimea and be under no illusions Crimea won't be Ukrainian. It will be Muslim. I wouldn't be surprised if the Liberal elite didn't even try and use it as a dumping ground for Palestinians.
Why do we still talk about Crimea ?

Crimea is 99% ethnic russians. Barely anyone speaks anything but russian on Crimea. Which is why they only barely voted to join Ukraine in 1991 in the first place, only just managing 50%, while IIRC all other regions managed over 70%. And thats why Crimea voted with over 90% to join Russia in 2014, the moment Ukraine faced a western coup d'etat and the new nazi regime decided that russian wouldnt be an official language of Ukraine anymore - despite 30% of ukrainians speaking the language as mother tongue.

Even the western agend Navalny, despite all the money he got from the west, openly says Crimea is russian. Even to him thats not an issue of dispute.

There is literally no chance for the west to ever get Crimea. Discussing this is a complete waste of time.
Rich wrote:The Polish truckers dispute is interesting, because it show many ordinary Poles are waking up to the fact that they can't trust the Liberal and Cuckservative elites when it comes to Ukraine. Ordinary American and Europeans are paying for the Liberals war to annihilate Russia. @litwin has done an excellent job on the forum both in outlining what the Liberal plan for Russia is and for elucidating the principles and attitudes that lie behind the Liberal elites thinking.

But if America is successful, if Crimea is conquered by NATO and turned into a giant American military base, the price Europeans will pay will be enormous. Europe will have to pay rebuild Crimea and be under no illusions Crimea won't be Ukrainian. It will be Muslim. I wouldn't be surprised if the Liberal elite didn't even try and use it as a dumping ground for Palestinians.

Okay, Napoleon. Take your pills.
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By litwin
Negotiator wrote: Why do we still talk about Crimea ?

Crimea is 99% ethnic russians. Barely anyone speaks anything but russian on Crimea. Which is why they only barely voted to join Ukraine in 1991 in the first place, only just managing 50%, while IIRC all other regions managed over 70%. And thats why Crimea voted with over 90% to join Russia in 2014, the moment Ukraine faced a western coup d'etat and the new nazi regime decided that russian wouldnt be an official language of Ukraine anymore - despite 30% of ukrainians speaking the language as mother tongue.

Even the western agend Navalny, despite all the money he got from the west, openly says Crimea is russian. Even to him thats not an issue of dispute.

There is literally no chance for the west to ever get Crimea. Discussing this is a complete waste of time.

how many states recognized Moscow occupation of Crimea , what UN said about it ?


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By litwin
Negotiator wrote:Why do we still talk about Crimea ?

Crimea is 99% ethnic russians. Barely anyone speaks anything but russian on Crimea. Which is why they only barely voted to join Ukraine in 1991 in the first place, only just managing 50%, while IIRC all other regions managed over 70%. And thats why Crimea voted with over 90% to join Russia in 2014, the moment Ukraine faced a western coup d'etat and the new nazi regime decided that russian wouldnt be an official language of Ukraine anymore - despite 30% of ukrainians speaking the language as mother tongue.

Even the western agend Navalny, despite all the money he got from the west, openly says Crimea is russian. Even to him thats not an issue of dispute.

There is literally no chance for the west to ever get Crimea. Discussing this is a complete waste of time.

you pulled off this number straight from your lousy ashl :lol: ?
Rugoz wrote:Okay, Napoleon. Take your pills.

The usual childish insults or perhaps I should say projection. You're the one who's been delusional on Ukraine. you were the one who was certain of Ukraine's total victory. :lol: Oh yes I remeber you're previous insults, calling me a cretin because I thought a massive Ukrainian victory unlikely. Because I based my analysis on ground taken rather than putting faith in the Western liberal experts or the Russian cheer leaders.

Oh look!

I raised this on this forum. I said Americans might start questioning why they were spending so much money to defend Ukraine's borders but not defending their own. This was before any Republican leader made this linkage, as far as I'm aware it was long before Tucker Carlson made this linkage. Does every idea I float, does every possibility I raise come to pass? No of course not. But my crazy notions do have a very uncomfortable habit of actually happening.
By Rugoz
Rich wrote:The usual childish insults or perhaps I should say projection.

It was a joke, Rich. You deserve it, or are you suggesting your posts aren't often very silly?

Rich wrote:you were the one who was certain of Ukraine's total victory.

"total victory"? What is that supposed to mean? The offensive did not fulfill expectations, but those were expectations for a reason. Nobody here was qualified to say that it would fail.

I was always of the opinion that the West can help Ukraine win this war. I underestimated the West's unwillingness to do so. Lots of time was wasted. That much I admit.
By Rancid
Rich wrote:The Polish truckers dispute is interesting, because it show many ordinary Poles are waking up to the fact that they can't trust the Liberal and Cuckservative elites when it comes to Ukraine. Ordinary American and Europeans are paying for the Liberals war to annihilate Russia. @litwin has done an excellent job on the forum both in outlining what the Liberal plan for Russia is and for elucidating the principles and attitudes that lie behind the Liberal elites thinking.

But if America is successful, if Crimea is conquered by NATO and turned into a giant American military base, the price Europeans will pay will be enormous. Europe will have to pay rebuild Crimea and be under no illusions Crimea won't be Ukrainian. It will be Muslim. I wouldn't be surprised if the Liberal elite didn't even try and use it as a dumping ground for Palestinians.

It's easy to make wild claims.
Rancid wrote:It's easy to make wild claims.

Its not just the Poles, the Slovakian and Hungarian truck drivers are also blockading the border. Bringing Ukraine into the EU would be massivly expensive and would inevitably hit the pockets of the EU farmers and other groups. Look I can quite believe that Russian meddling in Ukraine has had bad effects on Ukraine, but the main reason Ukraine is not in the EU is because the EU have not really wanted them and would only accept Ukraine's admission totally on their own terms.
Rancid wrote:It's easy to make wild claims.

Not really.

What's really easy is to make pithy statements that reinforce state propaganda.

The "wild claims" that Rich made regarding the West's endgame in Ukraine... are very well thought out. But thinking things out is not what propaganda encourages its viewers to do.
Russia is using hostages as human shields

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By litwin
Rancid wrote:It's easy to make wild claims.

this video shows putin´s imperialists, war-veterans (all of them invalids )CZAR POOTLER GAVE THEM PENSIONS - 78,34 United States Dollar . They say that they ARE homeless and MUSLIM EMIGRANTS GET THE FREE FLATS... As usual we see only top of the THE HORDE - iceberg :lol:
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By litwin
QatzelOk wrote:Not really.

What's really easy is to make pithy statements that reinforce state propaganda.

The "wild claims" that Rich made regarding the West's endgame in Ukraine... are very well thought out. But thinking things out is not what propaganda encourages its viewers to do.

putin´s pilot Alexey was raped and killed by Chechen muslims in occupied Donetsk, nothing special , and an ordinary day in Moscow ulus ....

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