US Presidential election 2024 thread. - Page 11 - Politics | PoFo

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wat0n wrote:
I can actually see the logic if you believe in accelerationism

Not at all what I meant.

Some Blacks don't feel Biden has done enough. It's an accurate, if unrealistic, expectation. Most of the extremism is on the Right these days. Can you say Insurrection?
late wrote:Not at all what I meant.

Some Blacks don't feel Biden has done enough. It's an accurate, if unrealistic, expectation. Most of the extremism is on the Right these days. Can you say Insurrection?

Honestly, many of those I've seen are white. And many are tankies.

I don't find it surprising they'd push for accelerationism.
wat0n wrote:
Honestly, many of those I've seen are white. And many are tankies.

I don't find it surprising they'd push for accelerationism.

America has very, very few communists. I had to google that, btw.

They would never vote for Biden, in any case...
wat0n wrote:Honestly, many of those I've seen are white. And many are tankies.

I don't find it surprising they'd push for accelerationism.

I would think that by and large such political purists , who abstain from voting in bourgeois liberal democratic elections , are more inclined to be either Left Communist , or with all due respect to comrades such as @Rancid , anarchist . Both the Communist Party USA , and even the Revolutionary Communist Party , of Bob Avakian , had advocated voting for Biden , in the 2020 Presidential Election . , , ,
Deutschmania wrote:I would think that by and large such political purists , who abstain from voting in bourgeois liberal democratic elections , are more inclined to be either Left Communist , or with all due respect to comrades such as @Rancid , anarchist . Both the Communist Party USA , and even the Revolutionary Communist Party , of Bob Avakian , had advocated voting for Biden , in the 2020 Presidential Election . , , ,

That was 2020, 2024 is a different game.

They are not many, but gosh they're obnoxious.
late wrote:One swallow does not a summer make..

Republican politicians cater to racists, and they've been doing it for most of my life.

Oh , I know this to be generally true. Although it might seem bitterly ironic that the one time party of Lincoln would wind up catering to white supremacy , I know that this pivot has occurred since the formation of the Lily White faction . Later on , in Indiana , the Republican party came to be dominated by the Ku Klux Klan . And since the end of World War II , literal Nazis from Europe wound up inserting themselves into Republican politics . , , ,
Deutschmania wrote:Although it might seem bitterly ironic that the one time party of Lincoln would wind up catering to white supremacy

Here are Abraham Lincoln's own words...
"I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
Yes, Lincoln did not care about racial equality. He only supported emancipation insofar as it helped him keep the country from splitting apart.

Racism is, and always has been, perfectly acceptable to US conservatives.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@wat0n

Glad that you now agree that the Black cops who beat Black people to death are committing systemic racism.

Are blacks who violently attack whites racist? This type crime happens everyday, and far more often than vice versa.
Scamp wrote:Are blacks who violently attack whites racist?


But this type of racism (portraying Blacks as violent criminals) is a good example of the racism that conservatives love to spread.

This is why no one was really surprised when Trump used dog whistle racism to win.
Pants-of-Dog wrote:Glad that you now agree that the Black cops who beat Black people to death are committing systemic racism.
No. That is objectively false. They are committing a crime and using excessive force. it has nothing to do with race.

America doesn't have ANY problems with systemic racism. There are no racist policies that people like you can actually point to, and all the claims about racism tend to go away once actual facts are presented. USA has a class problem.

People who have more money are going to get better lawyers and suffer less from the effects of the justice system, accordingly. Your foolish statement is just that, and you probably supported BLM, who turned out to be a bunch of criminals preying on your naivete.

Leave your racist rhetoric and try to critically think. The only ones displaying racism are the ones claiming that the system is racist so you can create a narrative of victimhood that most black people don't actually want.

Pants-of-Dog wrote:But this type of racism (portraying Blacks as violent criminals) is a good example of the racism that conservatives love to spread.
Facts are now racist, are they? Conservatives telling people facts are racist? Everyone knows Blacks are not violent criminals, any more than anyone else is, but statistically they do commit more crimes in proportion to their population.

Race and Ethnicity of Violent Crime
Offenders and Arrestees, 2018

You are caught in a narrative that won't allow you to critically think.

--- USA has a problem no matter who it elects: Trump or Biden. Neither is really a good leader(in the traditional sense).

Inflation is at it's highest and criticism of Biden is warranted.

Whether Republicans or Democrats get in power, nothing will change. The claims of fascism from the Democrat side are stupid. It's simply the polarizaton of American politics. You're with us, or against us mentality. :knife:
Last edited by Godstud on 22 Feb 2024 00:51, edited 1 time in total.
Rancid wrote:I wouldn't be so sure about that. Have you ever been told to go back to Africa?

Yeah sure in another context and not so bluntly with wording so?

I can welcome your Black Latina Minority ass here in Estonia lol :lol: Well I guess you won't come here since we don't do your work here, you will need to go to Germany I suppose. Time to learn German Rancid and praise the Re.... DEUTCHLAND.
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