A number of books have been banned in putinstan due to "LGBT propaganda" Murakami, Dostoevsky, Fry - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Moscow empire finally returned back to Nazi - Soviet times, There is a reason why Finnish verb "Ryssiä" (Muscovy ) , roughly meaning "to totally fail something".

Today, Moscow allies are HAMAS, IRAN, NK.

A number of books have been banned in putinstan due to "LGBT propaganda". Among them: Haruki Murakami, Stephen Fry, Denis Diderot, Paulo Coelho, Francoise Sagan, Stefan Zweig, Fyodor Dostoevsky

"old good Nazi - Soviet times":
late wrote:Barbarians, or in Russian: nekulturny...

whats interesting here, 2 out of 3 most popular Muscovite historical figure WERE THE PEDERASTS (older men who are into very young boys) . Even more, IVAN THE TERRIBLE (creator of Muscovite ulus- empire ) , LOVER Fyodor BOSMANOV is Muscovite N1 GAY - MEME (ICON ) today.

And you know what ? Muscovite IMPERIALISTS (IMPERIAL , SCHOOL, Moscow "church" books) ARE PERFECTLY OK WITH THIS :lol:

Fyodor of having a homosexual relationship with the Tsar.


couple of examples :

litwin wrote:
https://bnnbreaking.com/world/russia/sb ... aganda-law


Stephen King???

Wonder what he did that pissed off Putin.

He also lives in Maine, about 100 miles from me. He's got quite the rep here in Maine, he built a public Olympic pool, a gorgeous public library, and a bunch of other stuff. Definitely one of the good guys.
late wrote:Stephen King???

Wonder what he did that pissed off Putin.

He also lives in Maine, about 100 miles from me. He's got quite the rep here in Maine, he built a public Olympic pool, a gorgeous public library, and a bunch of other stuff. Definitely one of the good guys.

i am not much into his books, but he is a real gentleman who stands strong against Moscow imperialism ! of cos Moscow hordesmen, MAGA, WOKE- MARXISTS, So - called global south , Nazis, useful idiots, and all radicals, hate him (reading books secretly :lol: )


late wrote:Stephen King???

Wonder what he did that pissed off Putin.

He also lives in Maine, about 100 miles from me. He's got quite the rep here in Maine, he built a public Olympic pool, a gorgeous public library, and a bunch of other stuff. Definitely one of the good guys.

if i ´d move to US one day , I ´ll live to New England for sure 8)
Hey all it has been a while


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