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Pants-of-dog wrote:There is no mention of justification if the October 7 attack.

The closest I have seen to that on this board is @wat0n and others using arguments to justify the IDF attacks that could just as easily be used to justify the Hamas attack.

Consequently, it is misrepresentation.

I quoted you a paragraph that is clearly justifying the massacre.

You do, too, but are too dishonest to say it outright choosing to chickenshit by claiming you were just "explaining" it. It is apparent even in this post, where you refuse to label the October 7th massacre as such.
wat0n wrote:I quoted you a paragraph that is clearly justifying the massacre.

You misread.

Which part supposedly did that?

You do, too, but are too dishonest to say it outright choosing to chickenshit by claiming you were just "explaining" it. It is apparent even in this post, where you refuse to label the October 7th massacre as such.

Lying about me is not an argument.

You ignore arguments and attack the person instead.

In fact, I bet you will do it again in your reply to this post.
Since the quoted post provides no justification of the October 7 attack, any claim that the post does is misrepresenting the post.

A massacre is defined as a brutal and arbitrary attack.

The October 7th attack fits the definition of a massacre.

The IDF bombing of Rafah fits the definition of a massacre.

The IDF bombing of northern Gaza fits the definition of a massacre.

The IDF targeted attacks on humanitarian workers and journalists do not fit the definition of a massacre, since they were deliberate attacks and not arbitrary, though they were brutal.
That's not even the definition of a massacre

an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
"the attack was described as a cold-blooded massacre"

The quoted post does justify the October 7 massacre. It even hints anyone would do it if they were Gazan ("I just wonder what these professional defenders of Israel would have had Jews do , if the shoe were on the other foot . Did not Jewish people offer up armed resistance , when they were confined to ghettos ? Under similar material conditions , how can Israel reasonably expect the Palestinian population of Gaza to behave any differently ?"), as if mere armed resistance was the same as what Hamas did on October 7th.
wat0n wrote:supporting rape

You are just as guilty.

UN experts say they have seen “credible allegations” that Palestinian women and girls have been subjected to sexual assaults, including rape, while in Israeli detention, and are calling for a full investigation.

ingliz wrote:You are just as guilty.

UN experts say they have seen “credible allegations” that Palestinian women and girls have been subjected to sexual assaults, including rape, while in Israeli detention, and are calling for a full investigation.


I recall those UN experts were denying Hamas' rapes too.

But regardless, any accusations of rape must be investigated and the perpetrators punished.

See? That's the difference. Rapists must be punished, not be defended by pro-rape people like yourself.
ingliz wrote:@wat0n

When I cited, complete with sources, one such sexual assault in another thread your response was why should we give a damn she was a terrorist.


No. My response was that it was not systematic and that she's not credible.

Even cases that are not systematic must be investigated and prosecuted. But her specific case, in fact, was thrown away by US courts as she was found to have lied.

So when will you stop being pro-rape?
Pants-of-dog wrote:@wat0n

You misread, and so you shoukd apologize to @Deutschmania and ask then what they really meant.

No, I did not misread. Just because you are too dishonest to admit you and your bros are pro-rape doesn't mean I did not understand.

Pants-of-dog wrote:And you should also clarify that you condemn the attacks by the IDF, since you seem to be justifying these massacres.

Any deliberate attacks targeting civilians are condemnable. I don't think the IDF is doing that, however.
It's interesting that you mention it, the Associated Press is being sued by survivors of October 7 precisely because of the alleged participation or at least previous knowledge of some of its freelance journalists, including one who took a selfie with Yahya Sinwar IIRC, in the massacre. ... s-lawsuit/

We're going to know, eventually, what's up with this.
The (unsubstantiated) accusation that reporters are in league with “terrorists” is exactly the justification used for deliberately targeting and killing the families of journalists.

And we now see the deliberate targeting of children being justified in this thread too.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@wat0n

You misread, and so you shoukd apologize to @Deutschmania and ask then what they really meant.

And you should also clarify that you condemn the attacks by the IDF, since you seem to be justifying these massacres.

In answer to the question of my view of the matter , which @wat0n neglected to ask , before defaming my comrades and I , is that all combatants , no matter which side , and who has just cause , must follow just conduct , per just war theory , and the rules of war . If such allegations , that Hamas militants committed mass sexual assault , were to be true , and there are some who are disputing such claims, due to lack of forensic evidence , then it was an unjustifiable war crime , in violation of both human rights and especially women's rights . And though I cannot personally speak from the standpoint of a Muslim , as unlike for example Comrade Izdihar Bailey , I am not one myself , it is my understanding that Islam doesn't condone such atrocious acts either . ,

And as Waton has continued to commit this ad hominem guilt by association fallacy , and is therefore being a bad faith actor , in accordance with the video at the very bottom , I shall henceforth as much as is expedient resolve to disengage from any further exchanges with them .

Deutschmania wrote:In answer to the question of my view of the matter , which @wat0n neglected to ask , before defaming my comrades and I , is that all combatants , no matter which side , and who has just cause , must follow just conduct , per just war theory , and the rules of war . If such allegations , that Hamas militants committed mass sexual assault , were to be true , and there are some who are disputing such claims, due to lack of forensic evidence , then it was an unjustifiable war crime , in violation of both human rights and especially women's rights . And though I cannot personally speak from the standpoint of a Muslim , as unlike for example Comrade Izdihar Bailey , I am not one myself , it is my understanding that Islam doesn't condone such atrocious acts either . ,

And as Waton has continued to commit this ad hominem guilt by association fallacy , and is therefore being a bad faith actor , in accordance with the video at the very bottom , I shall henceforth as much as is expedient resolve to disengage from any further exchanges with them .

Not just rape, mass killings and executions - filmed - also happened yet you and your pals also justify them.

You're not just pro-rape, in case you missed it.
wat0n wrote:It is indisputably true that mass rape was committed by Hamas on October 7th...

In your opinion, wat0n, should it be illegal to DENY that Hamas committed mass rapes and barbecued Jewish children on October 7?

How many years prison should mass-rape-baby-barbecue DENIERS receive?

What about people who distort the facts that Israel gives us? How many years of prison for them?

**Follow up question: What was happening on October 6?
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