Body Hacking / Bio Hacking - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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If you go for a bike ride, on the weekend, you get the couple hours of Zone 2 in. More sessions would be better, but that would get you most of the way there. Recent research has even shown that it helps heal the brain from the damage of aging.

I do an arm day, and a leg day, roughly once a week. It takes time for me to recover, I only need one day after arms, but 2 to 4 days after legs.

Over the years I have gotten a ton of bands and straps. You need to figure out what works for you, and sometimes that can get tricky. I have a lot of trouble with my shoulders if I am not really careful.

I can start a thread about working out, if you want.
wat0n wrote:Watch it, it's in Amazon (and it's pretty good).

Oh, yeah! :up:
Skynet wrote:@wat0n

No the boys is not possible according pysics, but rather like the following clip:

You’re missing the point, @Skynet.
Rancid wrote:It's not hard to believe if anyone were to engage in this sort of experimentation and research, it would be China. That said, I'm sure there isn't any hard evidence to this, so it's all wild speculation. That said, odds are, in the near and mid term, such efforts will not be successful in anyway.

Anyway, it's clear that if any new global conflict is started, it will be started by China, so the world will just have to unite against them.

That said, I want to grow my dick a little bigger. hopefully I can do that.

This response made me laugh a lot Rancid. You want to hack your genes to make your what grow bigger a little bit? Hmm. Do you have ED at your age Rancid?

Bio hack. Stephen Hawking was a massive weakling physically. But mentally that man was a genius. He was supposed to croak way before he did. Yet, he lived on for years, with no ability to speak, walk, talk, or cook or care for his bodily needs. The man lived off the power of his mind.

If you need to hack something then try to hack your mind and to be the least ignorant person in the world, the kindest, the most thoughtful and the most curious to solve very human suffering and human problems that lower all of our quality of life.

But no--the powers that be want to hack us in order to create superior soldiers to do what exactly? Go to War?

How is that using the power of the human mind wisely?

Now, I can understand Rancid's desires. He wants to create the pinnacle of male desire for sexual the man with the greatest what?

Let me laugh some more. You sin verguenza! :lol:
I am now 40 and suffer for months because of disc prolapse... I wanted to use Anapolon but hormones are WW2 tech, we have now peptides who have fewer side effects... I try to organize BPC-157
I read in a facebook-group unconfirmed claim: Top-Agents have for years brain-impants for secret communication and hacking of electronic devices...

The french ethics comittee approved bionic soldiers:

published 7:50 AM EST, Wed December 9, 2020


The French armed forces now have permission to develop “augmented soldiers” following a report from a military ethics committee.

The report, released to the public on Tuesday, considers medical treatments, prosthetics and implants that improve “physical, cognitive, perceptive and psychological capacities,” and could allow for location tracking or connectivity with weapons systems and other soldiers.

French army gets ethical go-ahead for bionic soldiers
The French armed forces now have permission to develop “augmented soldiers” following a report from a military ethics committee.

The report, released to the public on Tuesday, considers medical treatments, prosthetics and implants that improve “physical, cognitive, perceptive and psychological capacities,” and could allow for location tracking or connectivity with weapons systems and other soldiers.

The military's integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS), field goggles that are being adapted to detect body temperatures amid the coronavirus pandemic.
US Army pushing to develop wearable sensors to detect coronavirus symptoms
Other possible interventions considered by the armed forces ethics committee include medical treatments to prevent pain, stress and fatigue, and substances that would improve mental resilience if a soldier were taken prisoner.

The committee said that France needs to maintain “operational superiority of its armed forces in a challenging strategic context” while respecting the rules governing the military, humanitarian law and the “fundamental values of our society.”

As a result, it has forbidden any modification that would affect a soldier’s ability to manage the use of force or affect their sense of “humanity.”

Further examples of banned modifications include cognitive implants that would affect the exercise of a soldier’s free will, or changes that would affect their reintegration into civilian life.

Armed forces minister Florence Parly said “invasive” augmentations such as implants are not currently part of military plans.

“But we have to be clear, not everyone has the same scruples as us and we have to prepare ourselves for such a future,” she said in a press release published Tuesday.

Parly did, however, leave the door open to future changes in policy.

The TALOS integrated exoskeleton prototype. The proposed Neural Engineering System Design brain implant could help the operator use their thoughts to directly communicate with the exoskeleton and other electronic systems
U.S. military spending millions to make cyborgs a reality
“It’s an opinion which isn’t set in stone and will be regularly reassessed in the light of future developments,” she said.

The defense ethics committee was created at the end of 2019 and consists of 18 people from a variety of fields. It is tasked with providing clarity on ethical questions raised by the potential military applications of scientific and technological innovations, according to the press release.

The release of the report follows an opinion column from John Ratcliffe, US Director of National Intelligence, in the Wall Street Journal, in which he raised concerns about China’s threat to the US and world democracy, as well as its plans for military technology.

“U.S. intelligence shows that China has even conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities,” Ratcliffe wrote.

“There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing’s pursuit of power.”

World War I, German prostheses, articulated legs, 1917.
The 'bionic men' of World War I
China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs slammed the op-ed and called on “some politicians on the US side” to “to stop producing and spreading political viruses and lies.”

In 2016, CNN reported that the US military was spending millions on an advanced implant that would allow a human brain to communicate directly with computers.

The Pentagon’s research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), hopes the implant will allow humans to interface directly with computers, which could benefit people with aural and visual disabilities, such as veterans injured in combat.n tracking or connectivity with weapons systems and other soldiers.

Other possible interventions considered by the armed forces ethics committee include medical treatments to prevent pain, stress and fatigue, and substances that would improve mental resilience if a soldier were taken prisoner.

The committee said that France needs to maintain “operational superiority of its armed forces in a challenging strategic context” while respecting the rules governing the military, humanitarian law and the “fundamental values of our society.”

As a result, it has forbidden any modification that would affect a soldier’s ability to manage the use of force or affect their sense of “humanity.”

Further examples of banned modifications include cognitive implants that would affect the exercise of a soldier’s free will, or changes that would affect their reintegration into civilian life.

Armed forces minister Florence Parly said “invasive” augmentations such as implants are not currently part of military plans.

“But we have to be clear, not everyone has the same scruples as us and we have to prepare ourselves for such a future,” she said in a press release published Tuesday.

Parly did, however, leave the door open to future changes in policy.

“It’s an opinion which isn’t set in stone and will be regularly reassessed in the light of future developments,” she said.

The defense ethics committee was created at the end of 2019 and consists of 18 people from a variety of fields. It is tasked with providing clarity on ethical questions raised by the potential military applications of scientific and technological innovations, according to the press release.

The release of the report follows an opinion column from John Ratcliffe, US Director of National Intelligence, in the Wall Street Journal, in which he raised concerns about China’s threat to the US and world democracy, as well as its plans for military technology.

“U.S. intelligence shows that China has even conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities,” Ratcliffe wrote.

“There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing’s pursuit of power.”

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs slammed the op-ed and called on “some politicians on the US side” to “to stop producing and spreading political viruses and lies.”

In 2016, CNN reported that the US military was spending millions on an advanced implant that would allow a human brain to communicate directly with computers.

The Pentagon’s research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), hopes the implant will allow humans to interface directly with computers, which could benefit people with aural and visual disabilities, such as veterans injured in combat. ... index.html

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