US Presidential election 2024 thread. - Page 22 - Politics | PoFo

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Potemkin wrote:There’s a simple solution to that problem: stop buying their overpriced shit. Do people in America not know how capitalism works? :eh:

No, because the poor people that go to MCD are not educated, because conservative pieces of shit like Trump, Betsy Davos, and the Republican party actively work to make the education system as dysfunctional and underfunded as possible.

Next time our European pofoers ask "why are Americans so stupid?". I'll remind you that it's because of the Republican party. Many here don't seem to get it. Or they know, and are assholes and support it.
Trump, at the border yesterday meeting with the Texas national guard who DOES NOT PATROL THE BORDER doing political theater yet again. While Biden was talking to CBP who actually DO patrol/manage the border. Trump-tards are Trump-tars and will eat it up.

By the way the CBP union supports the border bill Trump got MAGA to tank for his own selfish political reasons. Trump is a piece of shit that doesn't care about anyone.

Anyone that supports Trump is basically selfish.
Last edited by Rancid on 01 Mar 2024 15:05, edited 1 time in total.

Ok so trade with China has fallen by around 10-15%. The big winners in this are Mexico, Vietnam, and to some degree, India (maybe others too I'm sure). Especially Mexico a winner. It's good to see more money going just a few hundred miles from me (I'm about 320 miles form the border) than thousands of miles away to an authoritarian regime. I think trade is China is fine, but it should be done with caution and the dollars should not concentrate as much as they have over there.

This drop in trade goes back to what Trump started, and Biden has continued (Biden only removed some tariffs on China, not all). At the same time, even if Clinton were president, this would have happened anyway. Just a bit slower and not as bombastic and divisive as Trump made it (because he's a shit politician).

Anyway, the economic future of Mexico is looking good. The question is, can they really lift their people up and reign in on their internal issues like the cartels? We shall see.

BTW, remember when Trump suggested the US military shoots missiles into Mexico with out their permission to try and take out cartels?

Again, Trump is the worst at foreign policy.

The worst this nation has ever seen. He does not deserve protection under the system he tried to subvert. I hope he dies.
There are many examples of Trump being incoherent. Here's just a recent one below. Actually, this one isn't as bad as it usually is for him (remember when he repeatedly said that Nikki Hailey was at the capitol on Jan 6th? There's all sorts of dumb shit at his speeches, just pay attention). For some reason, Trump keeps getting a pass for far far worse lapses than Biden. Doesn't make any sense.

What also doesn't make sense is how plainly obvious it is that Trump is unfit to be the leader of any nation. Yet, we have people that still support him. It is so in our faces, yet... somehow... some way, people still support him.... :?:

This is why it's only natural to call into question the intelligence of Trump supporters. If it's not a lack of intelligence, then it's some deep selfish point/issue where they are ready to throw everything away to meet one selfish fear/need/whatever. Throwing the baby out with the bath water out of short sighted selfishness.

I'm sorry, 0 votes for Trump is the only thing that should make sense here.

Scamp wrote:@Tainari88 are you a scorned woman? You should seriously look at taking anger management classes.

Stop being a deplorable redneck playing at an intellectual. You just run when you are challenged. It says volumes about if you have cojones or not. No tienes cojones is my verdict for you.

Rancid wrote:Trump, at the border yesterday meeting with the Texas national guard who DOES NOT PATROL THE BORDER doing political theater yet again. While Biden was talking to CBP who actually DO patrol/manage the border. Trump-tards are Trump-tars and will eat it up.

By the way the CBP union supports the border bill Trump got MAGA to tank for his own selfish political reasons. Trump is a piece of shit that doesn't care about anyone.

Anyone that supports Trump is basically selfish.

Come on Rancid. I knew that about the Republican party aeons ago.

I think I figured that out a long time ago.

In order for you to be a racist piece of shit and couch all your platitudes in small government, and private industry thrives, and traditional values, and so on and so forth?

If you examine every single action they take it is the opposite of generosity. It is all selfish shit. Everything.

They band together to cover their values. What are the values? SELFISHNESS. Rich people keeping their wealth at the expense of the less wealthy. Hatred of the poor because they believe they are wealthy as God commands it in the bad values of Max Weber and his book Capitalism and the Protestant Ethic. You read that book and you're reading the culture of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant mind in the USA. Where is the root culture of WASP people in the USA? England. The UK. Who are those people?

You work hard not to have fun and spend your money. You work hard to prove to God that you can be let into heaven. You must prove yourself worthy to a judgmental God, a male with a long beard judging you for value. You work, you are into self denial, no pleasure, no fun, the most morose fucking people on the face of the Earth. They hoard the wealth because it is their ticket to prove to a judgmental God that they are worthy. Poor people who are lazy and slovenly and repudiated do not get to heaven.

Exploitation is justified. The entire system hates the poor. Is that what Jesus wanted? No. But their distorted interpretation of Chrisitianity is the one held up as the true religion.

That Church of England was founded by King Henry VIII of England who wanted a divorce from the Pope from his first wife the Queen who was originally a very staunch Roman Catholic Spanish woman. Katherine. He could not divorce her through the RC religion so he dissolved that religion and made his own. The Church of England. And then what happened? Religious wars. Mary Queen of Scots, who was a Roman Catholic and Queen Elizabeth the I, the progeny of Ann and Henry the King. Lol. From the Church of England. It appealed to a lot of newly minted Protestants because the RC church would be forcing people to pay taxes and no one was getting ahead if you were not landed nobility. The Church at the time was founded about MONEY disputes.

That is the religion of the WASP people in the USA. It is about God loves you if you produce in terms of working yourself a lot for your benefit and you hoard it and then invest it and expand. You do not enjoy fun or spending. Or bling. Denial, morose, hoard the wealth, and God is judgmental and you have to buy your way into Heaven. No money, no hard work, God won't let you in.

A more materialistic and joyless fucking culture on the face of the Earth can't be found.


See Rancid? That is the issue with the Republican Party. Liberals. Too many rainbows, good times, let everyone do their thing, and spend the money, spread the wealth. Love the losers who are poor. Be two-faced, and let it all swing around. Let it all happen.

They do not believe in equality and innate human values. They never have. I mean their God has to have proof in $$$$$$$$ to allow them into Paradise? Do you think they believe in equality and so on? It is fire and brimstone, and get a bunch of money and then be miserable with the money forever.

:lol: :D
Rancid wrote:@Tainari88

Ok so trade with China has fallen by around 10-15%. The big winners in this are Mexico, Vietnam, and to some degree, India (maybe others too I'm sure). Especially Mexico a winner. It's good to see more money going just a few hundred miles from me (I'm about 320 miles form the border) than thousands of miles away to an authoritarian regime. I think trade is China is fine, but it should be done with caution and the dollars should not concentrate as much as they have over there.

This drop in trade goes back to what Trump started, and Biden has continued (Biden only removed some tariffs on China, not all). At the same time, even if Clinton were president, this would have happened anyway. Just a bit slower and not as bombastic and divisive as Trump made it (because he's a shit politician).

Anyway, the economic future of Mexico is looking good. The question is, can they really lift their people up and reign in on their internal issues like the cartels? We shall see.

BTW, remember when Trump suggested the US military shoots missiles into Mexico with out their permission to try and take out cartels?

Again, Trump is the worst at foreign policy.

The worst this nation has ever seen. He does not deserve protection under the system he tried to subvert. I hope he dies.

I am going to a foot massage at 11:00AM.

I will be back to address this post.
Rancid wrote:@Tainari88

Ok so trade with China has fallen by around 10-15%. The big winners in this are Mexico, Vietnam, and to some degree, India (maybe others too I'm sure). Especially Mexico a winner. It's good to see more money going just a few hundred miles from me (I'm about 320 miles form the border) than thousands of miles away to an authoritarian regime. I think trade is China is fine, but it should be done with caution and the dollars should not concentrate as much as they have over there.

This drop in trade goes back to what Trump started, and Biden has continued (Biden only removed some tariffs on China, not all). At the same time, even if Clinton were president, this would have happened anyway. Just a bit slower and not as bombastic and divisive as Trump made it (because he's a shit politician).

Anyway, the economic future of Mexico is looking good. The question is, can they really lift their people up and reign in on their internal issues like the cartels? We shall see.

BTW, remember when Trump suggested the US military shoots missiles into Mexico with out their permission to try and take out cartels?

Again, Trump is the worst at foreign policy.

The worst this nation has ever seen. He does not deserve protection under the system he tried to subvert. I hope he dies.

Well Rancid, you have to see international relations as something very much about fights for power, it is like a horse race track and all the jockeys are competing for the best position.

I am going to concentrate on answering the highlighted parts of your post Rancid.

The international capitalist class moved manufacturing to the PRC because at the time of the move they would save a ton on labor costs. If they could pay workers much less, and not worry about the EPA and safety regulations and pollution concerns for their factories then they could make wider margins for their shareholders. So collectively they moved the manufacturing base for the USA to the PRC.

In recent years the PRC has had increasing minimum wages and higher standards of living for the Chinese workforce. A robust middle class has emerged with an appetite for luxury items and products made in the USA and in the EU:

So what does this mean? It means that the Pentagon has to make money. It is one of the remaining industries that sets the USA apart. Military spending. Bush Jr. told Kirschner in Oliver Stone's documentary that a Marshall Plan for Latin America, or Africa or for Europe etc is basically dead in the water forever because the USA economy depends on having wars and selling arms for those wars. If they can weaken China and Russia they can retain their position.

No one talks about the risk for nuclear war and nuclear missiles.

Noam Chomsky is interviewed by a journalistic podcast from Spain called La Base in Spanish. Chomsky discusses what the US Pentagon gains by continually promoting war. Putin being the Right Wing Fascist psycho he is? Played right in to their hands. NATO is stronger than ever in Europe. Even if the Ukrainanians are paying the price of war and the Gazans with the Israeli attack. The USA Arms dealers are making loads of money and the justification for a continued mass investment in war machine stuff from the Pentagon continues.

The warmongering has to stop. It is highly dangerous.

Mexico is going to prosper a lot because Mexico is the nation with the most trade agreements signed in the world. Mexico does business with everybody. Regardless of their political or economic system. The reason the Narcs and the Cartels in Mexico are hard to dislodge and dismantle in Mexico is simple Rancid. The demand for illegal and illicit drugs in the USA is HUGE.

The USA has legal pharmaceutical drugs peddled on TV with ads for every type of drug known to humankind. Viagra for ED, Cialis for depression, Jardianz for diabetes, and other drugs for all kinds of common ailments. The list is endless. That shit is illegal in Europe because drugs should be a decision between a patient and their doctor. Not some ads from Big Pharma telling people ask for this drug from your doctor. What does that tell you? The USA is corrupted by drugs. Not only the legal prescription kind but the illicit and illegal kind like fentanyl pills.

It is a huge market and the Cartels control areas of Mexico that are rural, more isolated, and cities that are corrupted by bought off officials and mayors and so on that have been threatened with being killed if they went against the economic interests of the Cartels. Rarely do they discuss in the USA that the people who pay the ultimate price of drug addiction en masse in the USA besides the drug addicts and their mourning families, are the MEXICANS living in small towns in Mexico and in cities with entire neighborhoods controlled by these gangs. Because the profits are HUGE.

If you have a nation with a base salary in these rural areas of maybe $1 or $2 or $3 dollars an hour? How are you going to be able to keep the Cartels making millions and billions in pure, sheer profit a year from controlling a society full of poverty, fear and desperation.

You can try to prohibit the US Arms industry from selling automatic and military weapons to Mexico. But those people? Are the same people who control the economy of the Pentagon and warmonger all the time, they also control the NRA and the reason why the Gun Lobby is well funded and why so many politicians in both the Dem and Rep parties can't or refuse to pass gun control laws in most of the states and in Washington DC. The entire US economy according to Bush Jr is controlled by the Gun Lobby, people like the Koch Brothers, and a capitalist class that is about moving all labor to the Third World in order to continue to grow the profit margin of the Wall Street crowd and keep it humming along undisturbed.

You got the libertarian cryptocurrency bros, but those people just want to deregulate every government in an anarchistic orgy of lack of supervision. The criminal element then seeks out weak government where people who live there have zero real power over their own governments and are never held accountable (the local politicians because they get paid handsomely to look the other way.) Honduras comes to mind.

Puerto Rico does too. The crypto guys moved to San Juan in large numbers, Dorado, etc. Why? No taxes to be paid. The capitalist is looking for the best DEAL. The arms dealers are looking for staying in business. Neither of them are about placing society or humanity FIRST in priority. That is reality.

it is a very bad value system. If nothing is done about these warmongering, profitmongering freaks with no scruples or humane or humanist values? Nuclear war is a possibility Rancid. And once that thing happens? Humanity is going to have to accept that our time on Earth as a species is either near the clock of extinction or about to go out in a century.

It can be stopped. But to keep on believing in systems that are not humane or humanist centered, not cooperating with all nations, and seeing our commonalities and our fragility as human beings? Only hating and not caring about the quality of life of our neighbors like Mexico and all the rest of the nations that are not superpowers and not nuclear powers, and are just trying to mind our own business and not be in a sandwich of power? Is dangerous.

The US has to have a humane domestic policy that works on the issues of drug dependency and why so many Americans are addicted to marijuana, pills, bad diets based on fast food, long shelf life shit, and so on, and why vacations are almost a lost memory for the working class in the USA. Why both husband and wife have to work and the kids are left at home latchkey and neglected. Why rents are too high, and college is too expensive and why public schools are scared of versions of history that are about criticism of what goes wrong in the it all is about a blackout on information that does not favor them at all.

Have you thought about why no one knows jack shit about a lot of critical aspects of US domestic policies and foreign policies.

Chomsky stated something interesting. Here is the video. It is about the war in Ukraine and the Press or communications.

It is in Spanish. You have to speak another language to get access to certain information because the USA is into suppression of a lot of information. He challenges the hosts to do a google search to prove his point that the information is being buried by the tech owners and governments. it is a pact.
Rancid wrote:@Tainari88, should nations trade with all nations regardless of whatever activities those other nations engage in?

Rancid, what do you think? Hypocrisy is the name of the game for the USA, and many other nations.

That is why you have to be principled and consistent or you lose any real credibility.

It happens to a lot of world leaders. They are hypocritical in the extreme.

So what should happen?

One, has to set aside and separate a people of a nation from a rotten or incompetent government.

If you win over the people? The government has a lot less influence in negotiating with you.

It is basically win over the people, in order to weaken a government's stance on policy that you want to change.

If it is about genocide? You intervene militarily. The USA should have intervened in Rwanda for example. It did not according to documents from the state department because there weren't any gains monetarily or politically to the intervention. That is appalling. They only intervene when there is MONEY or a geopolitical stance to gain.

Why isolate Cuba and sanction Cuba over human rights violations supposedly and not do the same to Saudi Arabia and the Saudis holding domestic servants hostage and raping women who have their home nations passports confiscated and not pay them and have them as domestic slaves? Yet they do business with them all the time. The PRC is communist, so is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Why do they do business with certain Communist nations and others they do not? HYPOCRISY. MONEY. Military interests. It is not about human rights. It is about POWER.

If that is the case? The USA is not credible with allegations of human rights morality all over the world. It is seen and known as a hypocritical regime.

But, the solution is to always extend, aid, support, and help on a human basis with all human people from any nationality. Never starve people out, deny water, or deny medicines and aid to the people of that nation.

In the war of ideas? Actions speak louder than words. Put your money where your mouth is. If the aid means that nation has to give up its independence, become in debted and its government has to be a puppet regime of the USA's interests and government? The aid is not going to be worth it in the long run.

Luis Muñoz Rivera and Luis Muñoz Marín had that same issue with the USA in the 1930s and 1940s. Give up your independence and give up your best nationalists and fighters in exchange for lifting people out of poverty and jobs and eventually things will work out in the end. That was Muñoz. It turned out to be the wrong move.
Rancid wrote:No, because the poor people that go to MCD are not educated, because conservative pieces of shit like Trump, Betsy Davos, and the Republican party actively work to make the education system as dysfunctional and underfunded as possible. ...

Why isn't your mother teaching you to eat healthy foods? Because she's watching TV.

Why isn't your father teaching you to eat healthy foods? Because he's gone exploring in the car.

Just sit there and get your education from TV and other commercial media products, junior.

"If only someone had raised me... I wouldn't need to be on this treadmill ever day...."

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Trump win can be helpful and healing for both sides. It will remind Republicans that Anglo culture is still with America. IIt will remind Democrats that hating Trump is only harmful to themselves. Trump gets elected no matter how they hate Trump. They can let this obbsession go away.

Another Biden win can be worse scenario for America. Democracy sometimes leads to bad things.
Istanbuller wrote:Trump win can be helpful and healing for both sides. It will remind Republicans that Anglo culture is still with America. IIt will remind Democrats that hating Trump is only harmful to themselves. Trump gets elected no matter how they hate Trump. They can let this obbsession go away.

Another Biden win can be worse scenario for America. Democracy sometimes leads to bad things.

A Trump win will be disastrous for pretty much everyone except Trump and his family. That works for Trump.

Even the members of the cult will eventually come around to seeing that, if they have any education at all.

It used to be that I couldn't imagine there would be enough Americans stupid enough not to see that, but with everyday the Democrats let Biden show his age, (real voters care. Magachuds don't care how demented Trump is) I get more and more glad I'm up here.
Pewty wrote:A Trump win will be disastrous for pretty much everyone except Trump and his family. That works for Trump.

Even the members of the cult will eventually come around to seeing that, if they have any education at all.

It used to be that I couldn't imagine there would be enough Americans stupid enough not to see that, but with everyday the Democrats let Biden show his age, (real voters care. Magachuds don't care how demented Trump is) I get more and more glad I'm up here.

Trump won't disappear just because you guys hate or dislike him so much. You guys are obsessed with Trump. That also leads to tyranny rule as Democrats tried to decide who Republican Party's nominee will be.

Just let this obsession go away. You will be okay.

Also, how can be Trump presidency disastrous for America?
Pants-of-dog wrote:The weird thing about Sanders is that he would be some mild centrist in any developed country.

The United States already support free and universal healthcare, just indirectly and not in the United States. By underwriting Europe's defence, the US allows Europe to spend its money on health care, welfare and other things. Denmark just gave away all its artillery. :roll: That's how much of a joke the Danish armed forces are. We don't need artillery when big Daddy America will come in and protect us.
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