An 'internationalist' CANNOT be 'anti colonial' - Page 14 - Politics | PoFo

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Potemkin wrote:That’s what they thought at the Congress of Vienna, @Rich. :lol:

History keeps getting repeated because the lessons of history are never digested Potemkin.

The idea that we are exceptional and better than all the rest is the problem.

When will chauvinistic nation-states ever get the message? Nothing exceptional about you at all. You are composed of human beings. And that is all. Whatever greatness you have achieved or not achieved is due to human beings.

The idea of ideal states and perfection, and master this or that is for fools Potemkin.

But the Power of Myth is very strong in human societies.

And once in a while you get to the stage of the Power of Myth has to face reality for once.

And that is when the pain of destruction and the agony of defeat finally break through the denial that all Myth believers cling to--in the lost hope that they are the exceptional group. The one that is better than all the rest.

Meanwhile, the humble pick up their humble things and move on to live another day. The Elite wind up becoming dust and ash. Along with their dreams of glory.

Though that Genghis Khan sure did leave behind a lot of his descendants didn't he? ;)
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

Why do you think you are important? Or rather, why do you think anybody other than yourself would think you are an important person?


Psychology Ingliz.

He is insecure.

Didn't you notice that I am important in my Nazi circles in rural America? Lol.

No, he is going to ignore me out of fear.

Fear is what drives trying to insult the ones he finds hard to do a decent rebuttal.

Soon he will do a lot of ignoring of many people. Once he finds out they are Chilean, or Brown, or Yellow, or this or that. He is a man without the ability to accept a valid point and do a counter in the most direct way.

Videos made by experts in a particular field that illuminate a question that is being discussed is an intelligent reply.

So are replies written in quotes taken from other sources. Both written, graphic, video, podcast, and article or source links are all valid ways of answering a question that is brought up as a topic of discussion.

Deflection and avoidance are the tactics of uneducated people. Which he is one of them.

No, Ingliz what he meant by his reply to me of 'I am an important person'? Is really about how he feels he is not an important person and as such he had to look for the ideology he does cling to in order to become an important person.

Pants then confronts him with his claim that the system is against white people. That there are no pro-white organizations that promote white race agendas in the USA. He ignores Skinhead groups, the KKK and a slew of fringe Nazi groups. Who knows how many inside rivalries those foolish groups have between themselves...ex Nazis leaving and then called race traitors and other garbage that is lurid and boring.

@Pants-of-dog then says the government and the police and elitist post secondary institutions are about white power. He does not agree. They are the enemy trying to eliminate the White Race through White Genocide. He said that in another post. The US Congress and US Senate want to kill off the White Race and that is their main mission in the USA. He said that.

Can he back it up with evidence?

The police also are not pro white race either. They have no systemic racial profiling of African Americans, Latinos and Asians and Native Americans or immigrant groups and poor white people in West Virginia Those Police and Criminal Justice people are trying to destroy the White Race as well.

The IHLs are not pro White Race either.

It is a conspiracy to kill off the white race.

Where is the evidence?

Where is the White Genocide?

Yet, he is not irrational.

All of us do not have reading comprehension above the 3rd grade level. Why= Because we fail to accept his theories on what the US government is doing to wipe out the entire White Race and accept that White Genocide is real and that the US government is actively seeking to extinguish the history, the power and the pride of the White Race in the USA and around the world.

Othwersise the Nazis in the USA would have won the Race War by now.

Why haven't they? Because the White Race is the Most Brainwashed White Race in the World. And they are going to work hard on getting the White people to not be brainwashed anymore with the idea of loving African race people and having kids with the lower races, or having kids with anyone not generically White...teach them what is right! Rally around that concept of generic White shit forever and ever AMEN.

What is funny is his ideas.. They are really interestingly comical.

But....he is serious. And we need to take him seriously.

The end.

Good morning folks. Hope you had a good rest. I did. ;)
Potemkin wrote:That’s what they thought at the Congress of Vienna, @Rich. :lol:

After World War I, a lot of people seemed to be very angry with the Germans. I've often though that what they were really angry with Germany for, was not spoiling the peace but spoiling the war. Take Britain in 1914, this supposed nation of shop keepers. Britain was still a deeply militarist society. The military was still extremely important in giving status, individual identity and in cohering national pride. In some ways Britain became more militarist during Victoria's reign with the introduction of the Victoria Cross and the rise in status of the ordinary soldier. A person from the most humble of back grounds could now become a war hero. I think I'm right in saying that Caesar in his war commentaries doesn't even mention the name of a soldier below the rank of centurion.

So I would accept that during World War I, a lot of people came to the conclusion that war was no longer fun anymore, where as I don't think that sentiment was very strong at the Congress of Vienna. In some ways much had changed from the glory days of the Spartans to the latter days of World War I. But in some ways warfare remained the same for the German Sturmtruppen. Bravery, toughness, discipline and training could still be rewarded. Boys could still be educated and molded from childhood to become warriors. The nation could be organised around the production development and equipping of these warriors.

By organising their societies around militarism, it was possible for the lesser Great Powers of Germany and Japan to overcome the advantages of the status Quo great powers of the US Britain and France to become super powers. Nuclear weapons put an end to that sort of great power militarism. Yes great powers still compete, but they can't compete in the same way as before. Hence the absurd narcissism of the Liberals Russian oil price cap. We want to destroy you, but at the same time we don't want off take Russian energy and other primary resources off the world market.
Rich wrote:After World War I, a lot of people seemed to be very angry with the Germans. I've often though that what they were really angry with Germany for, was not spoiling the peace but spoiling the war. Take Britain in 1914, this supposed nation of shop keepers. Britain was still a deeply militarist society. The military was still extremely important in giving status, individual identity and in cohering national pride. In some ways Britain became more militarist during Victoria's reign with the introduction of the Victoria Cross and the rise in status of the ordinary soldier. A person from the most humble of back grounds could now become a war hero. I think I'm right in saying that Caesar in his war commentaries doesn't even mention the name of a soldier below the rank of centurion.

So I would accept that during World War I, a lot of people came to the conclusion that war was no longer fun anymore, where as I don't think that sentiment was very strong at the Congress of Vienna. In some ways much had changed from the glory days of the Spartans to the latter days of World War I. But in some ways warfare remained the same for the German Sturmtruppen. Bravery, toughness, discipline and training could still be rewarded. Boys could still be educated and molded from childhood to become warriors. The nation could be organised around the production development and equipping of these warriors.

By organising their societies around militarism, it was possible for the lesser Great Powers of Germany and Japan to overcome the advantages of the status Quo great powers of the US Britain and France to become super powers. Nuclear weapons put an end to that sort of great power militarism. Yes great powers still compete, but they can't compete in the same way as before. Hence the absurd narcissism of the Liberals Russian oil price cap. We want to destroy you, but at the same time we don't want off take Russian energy and other primary resources off the world market.

You see this kind of phrasing you do I quite like. Lol.

But Japan and Germany did not become superpowers. Instead, Germany was divided into two parts until 1989, and Japan was occupied by military bases stationed in Japan by the USA and was basically severely limited in investing heavily in its own military.

Defused from superpower status Rich. Alemania y Japón. Denied status because they lost and were part of the Axis powers.

Tell me Rich do you believe in the White Genocide narrative there? Or do you think it is a reaction to the White Liberals who are the worst racists in the world but deny being the worst racists in the world? What is your spin on that?
Rich wrote:After World War I, a lot of people seemed to be very angry with the Germans. I've often though that what they were really angry with Germany for, was not spoiling the peace but spoiling the war. Take Britain in 1914, this supposed nation of shop keepers. Britain was still a deeply militarist society. The military was still extremely important in giving status, individual identity and in cohering national pride. In some ways Britain became more militarist during Victoria's reign with the introduction of the Victoria Cross and the rise in status of the ordinary soldier. A person from the most humble of back grounds could now become a war hero. I think I'm right in saying that Caesar in his war commentaries doesn't even mention the name of a soldier below the rank of centurion.

So I would accept that during World War I, a lot of people came to the conclusion that war was no longer fun anymore, where as I don't think that sentiment was very strong at the Congress of Vienna. In some ways much had changed from the glory days of the Spartans to the latter days of World War I. But in some ways warfare remained the same for the German Sturmtruppen. Bravery, toughness, discipline and training could still be rewarded. Boys could still be educated and molded from childhood to become warriors. The nation could be organised around the production development and equipping of these warriors.

By organising their societies around militarism, it was possible for the lesser Great Powers of Germany and Japan to overcome the advantages of the status Quo great powers of the US Britain and France to become super powers. Nuclear weapons put an end to that sort of great power militarism. Yes great powers still compete, but they can't compete in the same way as before. Hence the absurd narcissism of the Liberals Russian oil price cap. We want to destroy you, but at the same time we don't want off take Russian energy and other primary resources off the world market.

At the start of WWI, most ordinary people were eager to fight. The few politicians who held out for peace and diplomacy were vilified - the French pacifist socialist politician Jaures was assassinated by a disgruntled French worker who thought that Jaures was trying to deprive him of his one chance of proving his manhood and achieving glory. Even the Second International came out in support of their respective national governments in 1914. When he was told this, Lenin at first refused to believe it, and when he learned it was true he had a mental breakdown. By 1918, the mood was very different of course. Now the ordinary people wanted revenge for their suffering, and the losing powers were convenient scapegoats. The public can be very fickle….
Tainari88 wrote:You see this kind of phrasing you do I quite like. Lol.

But Japan and Germany did not become superpowers. Instead, Germany was divided into two parts until 1989, and Japan was occupied by military bases stationed in Japan by the USA and was basically severely limited in investing heavily in its own military.

Defused from superpower status Rich. Alemania y Japón. Denied status because they lost and were part of the Axis powers.

Tell me Rich do you believe in the White Genocide narrative there? Or do you think it is a reaction to the White Liberals who are the worst racists in the world but deny being the worst racists in the world? What is your spin on that?

You can join @Rich in his anti-liberal crusade as you wish, but are you seriously telling me that white liberals are worse racists than outright Nazis, white supremacists and far-right conservatives?

Politics in Yankeeland must be really screwed up.
MadMonk wrote:You can join @Rich in his anti-liberal crusade as you wish, but are you seriously telling me that white liberals are worse racists than outright Nazis, white supremacists and far-right conservatives?

Politics in Yankeeland must be really screwed up.

Let me be very clear. The outright Nazis and the white supremacists and far-right conservatives are very racist. No doubt about it.

But the white liberals are incredibly two-faced lying pieces of shit in terms of being into equality. They use it like a device.

There is political diversity in every human ethnic group on planet Earth.

Who are the ones in charge of the dominant culture or theme? Mostly white liberals. They do not deal with class and economics as a way of bringing equality to bear on society. They do not do that because they do believe in class and as such class and race are interlinked in many nations. Including the USA.

So? Why say you are anti-racist when you are about economic retention of privileges? It is all hypocritical MadMonk. If you want to have an equality-centered society? You can't hold on to class categories and class privileges. They hold on to it because they do not really believe in equality...for all people and all ethnicities. They believe in racist devices. Which is to let us all be brothers and sisters in the military to fight the wars we engage in as liberals with investments in Boeing etc. And let us invest our profits in corporations that pull up stakes from Ohio, Michigan etc., and invest it in Mexico, China, etc. to make money. because we can pay the brown labor or Chinese labor LESS. How is that not racist and two-faced?

The Nazis are upfront about their racism. The liberals are manipulating. Put your damn money where your mouth is. We can see the lack of consistency in all that shit. Everyone can.

Sometimes you might run across a liberal that is consistent. But if they believe in capitalism fully? They wind up like Elizabeth Warren.

To be really into equality and anti racism fully? You got to stop propping up capitalist profit as the only way to set up human relationships. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

The ones who want to make lots of money and keep investing in these soulless capitalist industries and keep spouting about love for all races when they just want to fuck over every race for a percentage is the real problem MadMonk.

Can't be pro-capitalist and think class and division are not going to occur. There are nations in Africa with the leaders and elite living well and with tremendous wealth, and the middle classes and the poor are also African. You examine the mentality of the elite Africans. They think they are superior to the poor ones. Not about skin color or racial categories but because of economics.

So in societies where like in Bacon's Rebellion you have interests in conflict? You wind up with racism being used as a divide-and-conquer tool for an elite to stay on top.
And the development of race in the America’s clearly has its place in the economic development of those colonies and division of labor.
Just like how the sexes labor is divided to be men or womens work.

But many don’t make a class or economic analysis for how social formations develop out of material production.
Tainari88 wrote:Let me be very clear. The outright Nazis and the white supremacists and far-right conservatives are very racist. No doubt about it.

But the white liberals are incredibly two-faced lying pieces of shit in terms of being into equality. They use it like a device.

There is political diversity in every human ethnic group on planet Earth.

Who are the ones in charge of the dominant culture or theme? Mostly white liberals. They do not deal with class and economics as a way of bringing equality to bear on society. They do not do that because they do believe in class and as such class and race are interlinked in many nations. Including the USA.

So? Why say you are anti-racist when you are about economic retention of privileges? It is all hypocritical MadMonk. If you want to have an equality-centered society? You can't hold on to class categories and class privileges. They hold on to it because they do not really believe in equality...for all people and all ethnicities. They believe in racist devices. Which is to let us all be brothers and sisters in the military to fight the wars we engage in as liberals with investments in Boeing etc. And let us invest our profits in corporations that pull up stakes from Ohio, Michigan etc., and invest it in Mexico, China, etc. to make money. because we can pay the brown labor or Chinese labor LESS. How is that not racist and two-faced?

The Nazis are upfront about their racism. The liberals are manipulating. Put your damn money where your mouth is. We can see the lack of consistency in all that shit. Everyone can.

Sometimes you might run across a liberal that is consistent. But if they believe in capitalism fully? They wind up like Elizabeth Warren.

To be really into equality and anti racism fully? You got to stop propping up capitalist profit as the only way to set up human relationships. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

The ones who want to make lots of money and keep investing in these soulless capitalist industries and keep spouting about love for all races when they just want to fuck over every race for a percentage is the real problem MadMonk.

Can't be pro-capitalist and think class and division are not going to occur. There are nations in Africa with the leaders and elite living well and with tremendous wealth, and the middle classes and the poor are also African. You examine the mentality of the elite Africans. They think they are superior to the poor ones. Not about skin color or racial categories but because of economics.

So in societies where like in Bacon's Rebellion you have interests in conflict? You wind up with racism being used as a divide-and-conquer tool for an elite to stay on top.

You are wrong and foolish to think that the people whose ancestors are important to them are going to support capitalism. National socialists did not support capitalism. This is just something you were told and you believe it because it helps you argue that destroying white people is the way to solve poverty.

The people who sold you that lie just don't like white people. They don't give a damn about poverty. was very telling when Bernie sanders said 'white people don't know what it is like to be poor'. Do you believe there are no poor white people? Maybe you are insane enough to actually think that...but most 'normal' people are very aware that poor white people exist. Especially poor white people are aware that they exist. So why would Bernie say something so insane? Well, he knows his audience. People like yourself probably don't even notice how insane a comment that was.
FiveofSwords wrote:You are wrong and foolish to think that the people whose ancestors are important to them are going to support capitalism. National socialists did not support capitalism. This is just something you were told and you believe it because it helps you argue that destroying white people is the way to solve poverty.

The people who sold you that lie just don't like white people. They don't give a damn about poverty. was very telling when Bernie sanders said 'white people don't know what it is like to be poor'. Do you believe there are no poor white people? Maybe you are insane enough to actually think that...but most 'normal' people are very aware that poor white people exist. Especially poor white people are aware that they exist. So why would Bernie say something so insane? Well, he knows his audience. People like yourself probably don't even notice how insane a comment that was.

So now the Nazis are not pro capitalists at all?

Didn't you read your own article posted that I highlighted? The Third Reich had to create a Third Way what is what the Third Reich means. Third Way. The first way is class struggle. Marxist material dialectic you fool. They had to get rid of class conflict because it would not build a society where you accept you will be poor forever and that only nationalist and race based bullshit is the important thing. But capitalist production is the important aspect.

You can't understand your own fucking ideology. Why?

You need to go back to the Nazi literature. They had to get rid of Unions and socialists and communists and all the orthodox Marxists because they included all workers from every race. And were internationalists with Marxism. And would threaten the entire Master Race theory. Capitalist bankers helped them. In fact Prescott Bush was deeply involved in their way of making money from financial capital.

Go back to your books and ask some real questions of your demographic Nazi people who are supposed to know Marxist theory inside and out. Because you don't.

Go hit your Hitler books. You aren't an expert on jack shit so far.

And stop quoting me. You bore the hell out of me with your one or two line shit answers that mean nothing.

Go get a real Nazi in here. Someone who knows what the Marxist stuff is about and not a fool.
Tainari88 wrote:So now the Nazis are not pro capitalists at all?

Didn't you read your own article posted that I highlighted? The Third Reich had to create a Third Way what is what the Third Reich means. Third Way. The first way is class struggle. Marxist material dialectic you fool. They had to get rid of class conflict because it would not build a society where you accept you will be poor forever and that only nationalist and race based bullshit is the important thing. But capitalist production is the important aspect.

You can't understand your own fucking ideology. Why?

You need to go back to the Nazi literature. They had to get rid of Unions and socialists and communists and all the orthodox Marxists because they included all workers from every race. And were internationalists with Marxism. And would threaten the entire Master Race theory. Capitalist bankers helped them. In fact Prescott Bush was deeply involved in their way of making money from financial capital.

Go back to your books and ask some real questions of your demographic Nazi people who are supposed to know Marxist theory inside and out. Because you don't.

Go hit your Hitler books. You aren't an expert on jack shit so far.

And stop quoting me. You bore the hell out of me with your one or two line shit answers that mean nothing.

Go get a real Nazi in here. Someone who knows what the Marxist stuff is about and not a fool.

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Wellsy wrote:And the development of race in the America’s clearly has its place in the economic development of those colonies and division of labor.
Just like how the sexes labor is divided to be men or womens work.

But many don’t make a class or economic analysis for how social formations develop out of material production.

Yes, that article you cited I just finished reading it.

That is precisely the issue. The caste thing that is linked to a very powerful interdependent economic system is the problem with the removal of that barrier.

Since that 1948 book is out of print Wellsy. I doubt I can get a copy eh in Mexico in Spanish.

It is interesting the bookstore with the most linguistic variety in this city with books in Spanish, English, Italian, French, German and Mayan is Libreria Gandhi and I doubt they will ever have that being reprinted at all.

Maybe at some used bookseller in NYC or London or something. Lol.
late wrote:Thanks for the laugh.

You notice how instead of getting some evidence his crutch is a one liner that says nothing.

He does not have to produce a thing.

The guy that created the term Third Reich actually committed suicide in 1925. ... hird-reich

Taken from the final part of the article from E. Britannica it reads this:

While Hitler did not explicitly mention the Third Reich in his political manifesto Mein Kampf, early Nazi leader Otto Strasser claimed that Hitler was aware of Moeller’s work, and the phrase Third Reich entered common use throughout Germany after Hitler became chancellor in 1933. Although Moeller had coined the name of one of the most feared and reviled regimes in human history, he did not live to see its creation. He committed suicide in 1925. In the introduction to Das Dritte Reich, Moeller warned:

The thought of a Third Empire might well be the most fatal of all the illusions to which they have ever yielded; it would be thoroughly German if they contented themselves with day-dreaming about it. Germany might perish of her Third Empire dream.

So now, @late we have a lazy and scared Nazi who does not get his own political philosophy on PoFo and does not understand what the entire thing is about.

In order to take over power in Germany Hitler had to create a new order from both extremes and sort of take out their teeth in order to be able to do what the Nazi thing was about.

I can't believe you have to do the research for the Nazi because he is too lazy to work for this own political philosophy.

Shit how low can you go?

Prescott Bush got rich with the Nazis. Bush family descendants became presidents of the USA. Republican party has Nazi ties historically speaking. Yet he says or claims that the US government is trying to wipe out the White Race. Where can he back this up?

Prescott Bush grandfather to Dubya Nazi capitalist banking profits. The regime is not screams the Nazi that is too lazy to do some research.

Let him come up with a rebuttal. He won't. A total incompetent. :lol:

Prescott Bush's links to Thyssen and his financing of the Third Reich. ... ndworldwar
FiveofSwords wrote:I don't know what a white supremacist movement is but I have never heard of a nationalist movement that was also capitalist.

Your lack of knowledge is not an argument.

Simply looking up “white nationalist movements USA” gives us this: ... ted_States

All 33 seem to be capitalist.
FiveofSwords wrote:How are any of these capitalist?

@Pants-of-dog an entire academic book explaining in fine details and many more. An entire library of scholarly works detailing how nationalist movements are linked thoroughly to capitalist development.

The title is How is Nationalism related to Capitalism?

That others never studied it has to do with a severe lack of knowledge of their own political philosophy.

That someone else has to point out the obvious to them is really bad.

If you have a library card you join, jstor and you download dozens of books on that topic specifically linking with long bibliographies on how Nazis and capitalism are linked and how they depend on each other to survive.

What the Nazi leadership in redneck areas of the USA are teaching their minions is not sound. They need to go back to the drawing board.

Use the library card. Read and download the books for free. No excuses.

Ave Maria. Purísima.

Also lurkers and audience members out there. I want you to observe how the user @FiveofSwords avoids addressing everything that is evidence based like the plague. Why does he do this? FEAR.

Why fear someone without a gun or a bullet that is violent and it is about ideas on some anonymous screenname board? Because in his mind he has to avoid losing. No matter how bad it gets. In his mind if he can avoid addressing valid points he is winning.

He is not winning. He is getting his ass handed to him and unless he starts dealing with points like a man and not something else?

He has nothing to contribute.

Deal with the points.
Tainari88 wrote:@Pants-of-dog an entire academic book explaining in fine details and many more. An entire library of scholarly works detailing how nationalist movements are linked thoroughly to capitalist development.

The title is How is Nationalism related to Capitalism?

That others never studied it has to do with a severe lack of knowledge of their own political philosophy.

That someone else has to point out the obvious to them is really bad.

If you have a library card you join, jstor and you download dozens of books on that topic specifically linking with long bibliographies on how Nazis and capitalism are linked and how they depend on each other to survive.

What the Nazi leadership in redneck areas of the USA are teaching their minions is not sound. They need to go back to the drawing board.

Use the library card. Read and download the books for free. No excuses.

Ave Maria. Purísima.

Also lurkers and audience members out there. I want you to observe how the user @FiveofSwords avoids addressing everything that is evidence based like the plague. Why does he do this? FEAR.

Why fear someone without a gun or a bullet that is violent and it is about ideas on some anonymous screenname board? Because in his mind he has to avoid losing. No matter how bad it gets. In his mind if he can avoid addressing valid points he is winning.

He is not winning. He is getting his ass handed to him and unless he starts dealing with points like a man and not something else?

He has nothing to contribute.

Deal with the points.

I just glanced at the preview and it immediately and clearly states the complete opposite of what you are claiming...

This certainly is not some seminal work of great importance...because I never heard of it. But it does seem to state the same thing that all academics tend to agree on: nationalism and capitalism are opposed to each other.

Just read the dumb preview, if you have sufficient reading comprehension.
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