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FiveofSwords wrote:I dunno what to tell you. I don't care about skin color and never did. Most of you guys do seem to struggle with reading comprehension, though

Then you need to clearly define what being white means.

"We are the people who need to be paying black people reparations."

Are you saying black people are white?

They pay their taxes too.

Is everyone white in your world?

ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

"We are the people who need to be paying black people reparations."

Are you saying black people are white?

They pay their taxes too.

Is everyone white in your world?


It could be he is the new face of White Genocide. A rainbow coalition of Nazis who do not look white but are willing to die in the war to save the world from White Genocide...who are these race warriors?

Black guys who say, I am white too and an American and therefore I want a new Nazi America. Where skin color is not how Nazis define themselves. It is about taking down the ones keeping us from a white ehtnostate.

He might have this kind of reaction after being interviewed by some Asian journalists and being beaten up by a competing Nazi ragtag group.

They fragment themselves. Because they are not the average neo-Nazi. They are the new Neos....who defy Hitler and are willing to deport the competition out of the USA.

It is ridiculous shit. Entertaining. But ridiculous.

They live off of all this mobbish stuff.

Could be Enrique Tarrio is a trend. A Cuban who looks a bit dark but believes in White Power. The new Nazis. Inclusive rainbow coalition.

They sing....

We shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome, the bad image of our Nazi past,

We shall have something different, something of a change, and this time we will make it last....

Someday...we do believe that all the races who believe in National Socialism will come together and everyone will go to their own ethno state.....oh, let me sing it again.....
ingliz wrote:Why are you so surprised?

a) Race is a social construct.

b) I live in society.

It would be odd if I could not.

Note a social construct is a concept that exists not in objective reality but as a result of human interaction.

It exists because humans agree that it exists.

Your failure to see that perceived reality is not objective. That people participate in constructing and institutionalising their reality is your problem, not mine.


Well I don't know if this is progress or not. You seem to be admitting that somehow you can tell which people are white. But you don't think it is based on any sort of objective reality? Strange, then, that people tend to agree on which people are white. That would suggest that there is some observable physical traits that people notice and can identify as white...so it isn't simply made up.

Well it turns out that there is something thar corresponds strongly with being white. It is called dna. Dna is a highly complex molecule that basically determines what sort of life form you are and controls cell migration when you are in your mothers womb. Tuns out that people that srrm white also happen to have a lot of similarities in their dna.
FiveofSwords wrote:
Well I don't know if this is progress or not. You seem to be admitting that somehow you can tell which people are white. But you don't think it is based on any sort of objective reality? Strange, then, that people tend to agree on which people are white. That would suggest that there is some observable physical traits that people notice and can identify as white...so it isn't simply made up.

Well it turns out that there is something thar corresponds strongly with being white. It is called dna. Dna is a highly complex molecule that basically determines what sort of life form you are and controls cell migration when you are in your mothers womb. Tuns out that people that srrm white also happen to have a lot of similarities in their dna.

You are babbling.
I think due to recent methods even the idea of more homogeneous groups are being identified as admixed.

Europeans and European Americans were found to have mixed genetic lineages, commonly known as admixture. This contrasts previous large-scale human genetic studies that consider European-ancestry people as genetically homogenous populations.

This from a study done last year.
There is an emerging trend of studying admixed genetic populations.
FiveofSwords wrote:Well white people are people with dna that corresponds to historically European people. It is basically a range of dna.

Then it is not a biological or scientific grouping.

It is a cultural and historical grouping.

Then your whole line of arguments about clusters was irrelevant.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Then you need to clearly define what being white means.

Hang on, hang on. You really think you're going to get away with pulling a stunt like that. You have constantly attacked White people. You and others like you have relentless attacked the character of White people. Quite some time ago I asked you what your definition of whiteness was and you told me that I had to go and look at Neo Nazi web sites to find out how Whiteness is defined. In Britain there's often forms handed out with a "White British" category.

Look maybe I'm some kind of weirdo, maybe I'm strange and unusual, but I actually spend vanishingly little time on Neo Nazi web sites. I've tried to look them up once or twice, but I've spent no where near enough time on them to find out what their definition of Whiteness is. So how in God's name am i meant to know if I'm White or not?
There are several different ways of defining whiteness.

There is the academic and scientific way if looking at it.

And then there is the white nationalist way if defining it.

I can provide the former, while the latter seems to be a some variable definition depending on existing power dynamics.
Rich wrote:Hang on, hang on. You really think you're going to get away with pulling a stunt like that. You have constantly attacked White people. You and others like you have relentless attacked the character of White people.

Not true, @Pants-of-dog loves white people, especially the British.
FiveofSwords wrote:https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reparation

I know what reparations are.

But you don't seem to know who pays them.

I will tell you.

A government sets aside an amount from general taxation: they don't go around measuring skulls, thank you, @Rich

If we use your bullshit measure of 'whiteness', as blacks pay taxes, blacks are white now too.

ingliz wrote:A government sets aside an amount from general taxation: they don't go around measuring skulls, thank you, @Rich

If we use your bullshit measure of 'whiteness', as blacks pay taxes, blacks are white now too.

Go into a Doctors surgery in Britain, go into a hospital, there are numerous places in Britain today where you asked if you're White British. Not one of these institutions, not one as far as I'm aware are controlled by far right racists. The British National Party do not control a single Health Authority in Britain. The British National Party do not control the board of a single large corporation in Britain. They do not control a single major charity. These racial categorisations are your work, the work of the left. How do I know whether I'm White? What does this even mean?

I've repeatedly tried to get answers to these questions. You lefties go on and on and on about colour. You go on and on and on about Whiteness about Blackness and about colouredness. I've asked repeatedly are Japanese people White? Are Chinese people White? Are Korean people White? Under your racist schema. I've repeatedly asked if they're not White what colour are they?

I have no problem with recognising 'race' as a social construction; people have been constructing self-serving realities from the year dot.

if you're White British

In UK hospitals, that's a polite way of asking a suspected foreigner, 'How much are you willing to pay?'.

ingliz wrote:I have no problem with recognising 'race' as a social construction; people have been constructing self-serving realities from the year dot


Fiat money is a social construct.

I can still buy bread with it.
Race is a biological phenomena. No amount of pathetic fantasies by liberals and lefties will make it otherwise. In the same way that colour is a physical phennomena. Our definitions of colour may be socially defined, Red for example does not exist as a category in the physical universal before it is socially defined. This is different from say male and female, which do exist as categories in the biological world before humans put labels on them, even if not all humans fit neatly in to the male female binary and the assignment of a minority of individuals may have a certain level of arbitrariness.

Race is about sub species grouping. It is about sub species categoriation. It therefore by its nature allows a huge range in the amount of variation. From high levels of variation that start to threaten species unity to minor variations .Human racial variation, human sub species variation is less than in dogs. So what? If you are born of Inuit race you can kiss good bye to ever wining an Olympic Gold Medal in 100 or 200 metres sprint. This is a reality of race. It is caused by race. It is not caused by racism and doesn't require any human to engage in any sort of social construction around race.

Over the next few centuries racial variation might be eliminated, but for now and for our life times it remains a biological reality.
Rich wrote:Race is a biological phenomena.

The All of Us Research Program (2024) identified more than 1 billion genetic variants, including more than 275 million previously unreported genetic variants, more than 3.9 million of which had coding consequences.

1 billion +, 275 million unreported, genetic variants - 3.9 million separate races?

This latest analysis from the NIH database of the genomes of a quarter of a million humans reaffirms that race is a social construct that does not have a basis in genetics.

Rich wrote:Race is a biological phenomena. No amount of pathetic fantasies by liberals and lefties will make it otherwise. In the same way that colour is a physical phennomena. Our definitions of colour may be socially defined, Red for example does not exist as a category in the physical universal before it is socially defined. This is different from say male and female, which do exist as categories in the biological world before humans put labels on them, even if not all humans fit neatly in to the male female binary and the assignment of a minority of individuals may have a certain level of arbitrariness.

Race is about sub species grouping. It is about sub species categoriation. It therefore by its nature allows a huge range in the amount of variation. From high levels of variation that start to threaten species unity to minor variations .Human racial variation, human sub species variation is less than in dogs. So what? If you are born of Inuit race you can kiss good bye to ever wining an Olympic Gold Medal in 100 or 200 metres sprint. This is a reality of race. It is caused by race. It is not caused by racism and doesn't require any human to engage in any sort of social construction around race.

Over the next few centuries racial variation might be eliminated, but for now and for our life times it remains a biological reality.

There is genetic variability across human populations, especially if those populations have been geographically or genetically isolated from each other for long periods of time (eg, Eskimos, Pygmies, Jews). But these genetic variations are small compared even to other mammalian species, and all of these human populations can interbreed without difficulty. And no, humans are not a ring species. Not even close. We’ve been migrating and mixing with each other since our species emerged about 300,000 years ago; we’ll try to breed with anything which will lie still long enough, even Neanderthals or Denisovans were fair game. Lol.
Potemkin wrote:We’ve been migrating and mixing with each other since our species emerged about 300,000 years ago; we’ll try to breed with anything which will lie still long enough, even Neanderthals or Denisovans were fair game. Lol.

Bloody Neanderthals/Denisovans! Coming over here… spreading their… dna!

But where treading the same ground. Everyone acknowledges that there is so e genetic variation between populations that are isolated from one another. But it’s just not considered enough of a difference to be enough to biologically classify different groups as subspecies unlike how we had neanderthals and Denisovans.

It seems that where nucleotides are fixed, we have about 30,000 different ones to neanderthals while for modern homo sapiens they are largely the same and hence we call them fixed as they tend to be the same nucelotides.
So we look at those where there is often different types in the same location (polymorphic/variable).

And comparing the range of difference within the species yields only a very small different genetically compared even to the difference of other species like the great apes. We as a species have a particularly low global heterogeneity.

And within that heterogeneity what we mostly find is differences in phenotype and disease risk.

And even with those differences, they do not constitute race even when acknowledged. Guess what Ethiopians dominate long distance running sports. Acknowledging that doesn’t automatically ground a concept of race.
The view on genetics is based on our methods to thoroughly test genetics and notice the variation and nature of that variation and thus is still attempting to recreate an early 20th century Linnaeus taxonomy to the genetic level. Because it doesn’t track beyond a priori selection of phenotypical traits that can be a proxy for the old sense of race, no one can take it seriously. Just repetition as of these physiological (unspecified ones) are being denied.

In general, it appears that Kenyan and Ethiopian distance-running success is not based on a unique genetic or physiological characteristic. Rather, it appears to be the result of favorable somatotypical characteristics lending to exceptional biomechanical and metabolic economy/efficiency; chronic exposure to altitude in combination with moderate-volume, high-intensity training (live high + train high), and a strong psychological motivation to succeed athletically for the purpose of economic and social advancement.
Last edited by Wellsy on 14 Apr 2024 13:30, edited 1 time in total.
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